TiddlyWiki5/editions/tw5.com/tiddlers/filters/syntax/Shortcut Filter Run Prefixe...

29 lines
1.3 KiB

created: 20230305131705188
modified: 20230710074438655
tags: [[Filter Run Prefix]]
title: Shortcut Filter Run Prefix
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
Shortcut prefixes are commonly used by advanced users because they are fast to type but they are harder to read by less experienced users. That's why [[named prefixes|Named Filter Run Prefix]] have been created, which are more verbose. Shortcut and named filter run prefixes are interchangeable as shown in the table below.
<$railroad text="""
\start none
\end none
[[run|"Filter Run"]]
If a run has:
* no prefix, its output titles are [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the filter's output
* the prefix `+`, it receives the filter output so far as its input; its output then <<.em "replaces">> all filter output so far and forms the input for the next run
* the prefix `-`, output titles are <<.em removed>> from the filter's output (if such tiddlers exist)
* the prefix `~`, if the filter output so far is an empty list then the output titles of the run are [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the filter's output. If the filter output so far is not an empty list then the run is ignored. <<.from-version "5.1.18">>
* the prefix `=`, output titles are appended to the filter's output without de-duplication. <<.from-version "5.1.20">>
{{Interchangeable Filter Run Prefixes}}