mirror of https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5 synced 2024-10-05 10:20:45 +00:00
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title: $:/core/modules/syncer.js
type: application/javascript
module-type: global
The syncer transfers content to and from data sources using syncadaptor modules.
/*jslint node: true, browser: true */
/*global $tw: false */
"use strict";
Instantiate the syncer with the following options:
wiki: wiki to be synced
function Syncer(options) {
var self = this;
this.wiki = options.wiki;
// Find a working syncadaptor
this.syncadaptor = undefined;
$tw.modules.forEachModuleOfType("syncadaptor",function(title,module) {
if(!self.syncadaptor && module.adaptorClass) {
self.syncadaptor = new module.adaptorClass(self);
// Only do anything if we've got a syncadaptor
if(this.syncadaptor) {
Error handling
Syncer.prototype.showError = function(error) {
alert("Syncer error: " + error);
$tw.utils.log("Syncer error: " + error);
Message logging
Syncer.prototype.log = function(/* arguments */) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,0);
args[0] = "Syncer: " + args[0];
// Temporarily disable logging to help the wood vs. trees situation; we need better filtering of log messages
Syncer.prototype.titleIsLoggedIn = "$:/status/IsLoggedIn";
Syncer.prototype.titleUserName = "$:/status/UserName";
Syncer.prototype.taskTimerInterval = 1 * 1000; // Interval for sync timer
Syncer.prototype.throttleInterval = 1 * 1000; // Defer saving tiddlers if they've changed in the last 1s...
Syncer.prototype.fallbackInterval = 10 * 1000; // Unless the task is older than 10s
Syncer.prototype.pollTimerInterval = 60 * 1000; // Interval for polling for changes from the adaptor
Initialise the syncer
Syncer.prototype.init = function() {
var self = this;
// Hashmap by title of {revision:,changeCount:,adaptorInfo:}
this.tiddlerInfo = {};
// Record information for known tiddlers
this.wiki.forEachTiddler(function(title,tiddler) {
if(tiddler.fields["revision"]) {
self.tiddlerInfo[title] = {
revision: tiddler.fields["revision"],
adaptorInfo: self.syncadaptor.getTiddlerInfo(tiddler),
changeCount: self.wiki.getChangeCount(title)
// Tasks are {type: "load"/"save"/"delete", title:, queueTime:, lastModificationTime:}
this.taskQueue = {}; // Hashmap of tasks to be performed
this.taskInProgress = {}; // Hash of tasks in progress
this.taskTimerId = null; // Timer for task dispatch
this.pollTimerId = null; // Timer for polling server
// Listen out for changes to tiddlers
this.wiki.addEventListener("change",function(changes) {
// Listen out for lazyLoad events
this.wiki.addEventListener("lazyLoad",function(title) {
// Listen out for login/logout/refresh events in the browser
if($tw.browser) {
document.addEventListener("tw-login",function(event) {
document.addEventListener("tw-logout",function(event) {
document.addEventListener("tw-server-refresh",function(event) {
// Get the login status
this.getStatus(function (err,isLoggedIn) {
if(isLoggedIn) {
// Do a sync from the server
Save an incoming tiddler in the store, and updates the associated tiddlerInfo
Syncer.prototype.storeTiddler = function(tiddlerFields) {
// Save the tiddler
var tiddler = new $tw.Tiddler(this.wiki.getTiddler(tiddlerFields.title),tiddlerFields);
// Save the tiddler revision and changeCount details
this.tiddlerInfo[tiddlerFields.title] = {
revision: tiddlerFields.revision,
adaptorInfo: this.syncadaptor.getTiddlerInfo(tiddler),
changeCount: this.wiki.getChangeCount(tiddlerFields.title)
Syncer.prototype.getStatus = function(callback) {
var self = this;
// Check if the adaptor supports getStatus()
if(this.syncadaptor.getStatus) {
// Mark us as not logged in
this.wiki.addTiddler({title: this.titleIsLoggedIn,text: "no"});
// Get login status
this.syncadaptor.getStatus(function(err,isLoggedIn,username) {
if(err) {
// Set the various status tiddlers
self.wiki.addTiddler({title: self.titleIsLoggedIn,text: isLoggedIn ? "yes" : "no"});
if(isLoggedIn) {
self.wiki.addTiddler({title: self.titleUserName,text: username});
} else {
// Invoke the callback
if(callback) {
} else {
Synchronise from the server by reading the skinny tiddler list and queuing up loads for any tiddlers that we don't already have up to date
Syncer.prototype.syncFromServer = function() {
if(this.syncadaptor.getSkinnyTiddlers) {
this.log("Retrieving skinny tiddler list");
var self = this;
if(this.pollTimerId) {
this.pollTimerId = null;
this.syncadaptor.getSkinnyTiddlers(function(err,tiddlers) {
// Trigger another sync
self.pollTimerId = setTimeout(function() {
self.pollTimerId = null;
// Check for errors
if(err) {
self.log("Error retrieving skinny tiddler list:",err);
// Process each incoming tiddler
for(var t=0; t<tiddlers.length; t++) {
// Get the incoming tiddler fields, and the existing tiddler
var tiddlerFields = tiddlers[t],
incomingRevision = tiddlerFields.revision + "",
tiddler = self.wiki.getTiddler(tiddlerFields.title),
tiddlerInfo = self.tiddlerInfo[tiddlerFields.title],
currRevision = tiddlerInfo ? tiddlerInfo.revision : null;
// Ignore the incoming tiddler if it's the same as the revision we've already got
if(currRevision !== incomingRevision) {
// Do a full load if we've already got a fat version of the tiddler
if(tiddler && tiddler.fields.text !== undefined) {
// Do a full load of this tiddler
type: "load",
title: tiddlerFields.title
} else {
// Load the skinny version of the tiddler
Synchronise a set of changes to the server
Syncer.prototype.syncToServer = function(changes) {
var self = this,
now = new Date();
$tw.utils.each(changes,function(change,title,object) {
// Ignore the change if it is a shadow tiddler
if((change.deleted && $tw.utils.hop(self.tiddlerInfo,title)) || (!change.deleted && self.wiki.tiddlerExists(title))) {
// Queue a task to sync this tiddler
type: change.deleted ? "delete" : "save",
title: title
Lazily load a skinny tiddler if we can
Syncer.prototype.handleLazyLoadEvent = function(title) {
// Queue up a sync task to load this tiddler
type: "load",
title: title
Dispay a password prompt and allow the user to login
Syncer.prototype.handleLoginEvent = function() {
var self = this;
this.getStatus(function(err,isLoggedIn,username) {
if(!isLoggedIn) {
serviceName: "Login to TiddlySpace",
callback: function(data) {
self.login(data.username,data.password,function(err,isLoggedIn) {
return true; // Get rid of the password prompt
Attempt to login to TiddlyWeb.
username: username
password: password
callback: invoked with arguments (err,isLoggedIn)
Syncer.prototype.login = function(username,password,callback) {
this.log("Attempting to login as",username);
var self = this;
if(this.syncadaptor.login) {
this.syncadaptor.login(username,password,function(err) {
if(err) {
return callback(err);
self.getStatus(function(err,isLoggedIn,username) {
if(callback) {
} else {
Attempt to log out of TiddlyWeb
Syncer.prototype.handleLogoutEvent = function() {
this.log("Attempting to logout");
var self = this;
if(this.syncadaptor.logout) {
this.syncadaptor.logout(function(err) {
if(err) {
} else {
Immediately refresh from the server
Syncer.prototype.handleRefreshEvent = function() {
Queue up a sync task. If there is already a pending task for the tiddler, just update the last modification time
Syncer.prototype.enqueueSyncTask = function(task) {
var self = this,
now = new Date();
// Set the timestamps on this task
task.queueTime = now;
task.lastModificationTime = now;
// Fill in some tiddlerInfo if the tiddler is one we haven't seen before
if(!$tw.utils.hop(this.tiddlerInfo,task.title)) {
this.tiddlerInfo[task.title] = {
revision: null,
adaptorInfo: {},
changeCount: -1
// Bail if this is a save and the tiddler is already at the changeCount that the server has
if(task.type === "save" && this.wiki.getChangeCount(task.title) <= this.tiddlerInfo[task.title].changeCount) {
// Check if this tiddler is already in the queue
if($tw.utils.hop(this.taskQueue,task.title)) {
this.log("Re-queueing up sync task with type:",task.type,"title:",task.title);
var existingTask = this.taskQueue[task.title];
// If so, just update the last modification time
existingTask.lastModificationTime = task.lastModificationTime;
// If the new task is a save then we upgrade the existing task to a save. Thus a pending load is turned into a save if the tiddler changes locally in the meantime. But a pending save is not modified to become a load
if(task.type === "save" || task.type === "delete") {
existingTask.type = task.type;
} else {
this.log("Queuing up sync task with type:",task.type,"title:",task.title);
// If it is not in the queue, insert it
this.taskQueue[task.title] = task;
// Process the queue
$tw.utils.nextTick(function() {self.processTaskQueue.call(self);});
Return the number of tasks in progress
Syncer.prototype.numTasksInProgress = function() {
return $tw.utils.count(this.taskInProgress);
Return the number of tasks in the queue
Syncer.prototype.numTasksInQueue = function() {
return $tw.utils.count(this.taskQueue);
Trigger a timeout if one isn't already outstanding
Syncer.prototype.triggerTimeout = function() {
var self = this;
if(!this.taskTimerId) {
this.taskTimerId = setTimeout(function() {
self.taskTimerId = null;
Process the task queue, performing the next task if appropriate
Syncer.prototype.processTaskQueue = function() {
var self = this;
// Only process a task if we're not already performing a task. If we are already performing a task then we'll dispatch the next one when it completes
if(this.numTasksInProgress() === 0) {
// Choose the next task to perform
var task = this.chooseNextTask();
// Perform the task if we had one
if(task) {
// Remove the task from the queue and add it to the in progress list
delete this.taskQueue[task.title];
this.taskInProgress[task.title] = task;
// Dispatch the task
this.dispatchTask(task,function(err) {
// Mark that this task is no longer in progress
delete self.taskInProgress[task.title];
// Process the next task
} else {
// Make sure we've set a time if there wasn't a task to perform, but we've still got tasks in the queue
if(this.numTasksInQueue() > 0) {
Choose the next applicable task
Syncer.prototype.chooseNextTask = function() {
var self = this,
candidateTask = null,
now = new Date();
// Select the best candidate task
$tw.utils.each(this.taskQueue,function(task,title) {
// Exclude the task if there's one of the same name in progress
if($tw.utils.hop(self.taskInProgress,title)) {
// Exclude the task if it is a save and the tiddler has been modified recently, but not hit the fallback time
if(task.type === "save" && (now - task.lastModificationTime) < self.throttleInterval &&
(now - task.queueTime) < self.fallbackInterval) {
// Exclude the task if it is newer than the current best candidate
if(candidateTask && candidateTask.queueTime < task.queueTime) {
// Now this is our best candidate
candidateTask = task;
return candidateTask;
Dispatch a task and invoke the callback
Syncer.prototype.dispatchTask = function(task,callback) {
var self = this;
if(task.type === "save") {
var changeCount = this.wiki.getChangeCount(task.title),
tiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(task.title);
this.log("Dispatching 'save' task:",task.title);
this.syncadaptor.saveTiddler(tiddler,function(err,adaptorInfo,revision) {
if(err) {
return callback(err);
// Adjust the info stored about this tiddler
self.tiddlerInfo[task.title] = {
changeCount: changeCount,
adaptorInfo: adaptorInfo,
revision: revision
// Invoke the callback
} else if(task.type === "load") {
// Load the tiddler
this.log("Dispatching 'load' task:",task.title);
this.syncadaptor.loadTiddler(task.title,function(err,tiddlerFields) {
if(err) {
return callback(err);
// Store the tiddler
// Invoke the callback
} else if(task.type === "delete") {
// Delete the tiddler
this.log("Dispatching 'delete' task:",task.title);
this.syncadaptor.deleteTiddler(task.title,function(err) {
if(err) {
return callback(err);
// Invoke the callback
exports.Syncer = Syncer;