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created: 20140418142957325
modified: 20210912115121622
tags: Features
title: DateFormat
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
The default representation of dates is a compact string such as `20211002153802059`. For example, the `created` and `modified` fields are stored like this.
The display format for this string can be controlled with a template. For example, transcluding the `modified` field automatically applies a template to display the date as `Sat Oct 02 2021 17:40:50 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)`. A few widgets and filter operators allow you to manually specify a template, for example the ViewWidget:
`<$view field=modified format=date template=“DDth mmm YYYY 0hh:0mm:0ss” />`
The date string is processed with the following substitutions:
|!Token |!Substituted Value |
|`ddddd` |<<.from-version "5.2.0">> Day of year (1 to 365, or 366 for leap years) |
|`0ddddd` |<<.from-version "5.2.0">> Zero padded day of year (001 to 365, or 366 for leap years) |
|`DDD` |Day of week in full (eg, "Monday") |
|`ddd` |Short day of week (eg, "Mon") |
|`dddd` |<<.from-version "5.2.0">> Weekday number from 1 through 7, beginning with Monday and ending with Sunday |
|`DD` |Day of month |
|`0DD` |Adds a leading zero |
|`DDth` |Adds a suffix |
|`WW` |ISO-8601 week number of year |
|`0WW` |Adds a leading zero |
|`MMM` |Month in full (eg, "July") |
|`mmm` |Short month (eg, "Jul") |
|`MM` |Month number |
|`0MM` |Adds leading zero |
|`YYYY` |Full year |
|`YY` |Two digit year |
|`wYYYY` |Full year with respect to week number |
|`aYYYY` |<<.from-version "5.1.23">> Full year but negative dates are displayed as positive |
|`wYY` |Two digit year with respect to week number |
|`{era:BCE||CE}` |<<.from-version "5.1.23">> Displays a different string for years that are negative, zero or positive (see below) |
|`hh` |Hours |
|`0hh` |Adds a leading zero |
|`hh12` |Hours in 12 hour clock |
|`0hh12` |Hours in 12 hour clock with leading zero |
|`mm` |Minutes |
|`0mm` |Minutes with leading zero |
|`ss` |Seconds |
|`0ss` |Seconds with leading zero |
|`XXX` |Milliseconds |
|`0XXX` |Milliseconds with leading zero |
|`am` or `pm` |Lower case AM/PM indicator |
|`AM` or `PM` |Upper case AM/PM indicator |
|`TZD` |Timezone offset |
|`\x` |Used to escape a character that would otherwise have special meaning |
|`[UTC]`|Time-shift the represented date to UTC. Must be at very start of format string|
Note that other text is passed through unchanged, allowing commas, colons or other separators to be used.
The `{era:BCE||CE}` notation can specify different strings for years that are negative, zero or positive. For example `{era:BC|Z|AD}` would display `BC` for negative years, `AD` for positive years, and `Z` for year zero.
! Examples
|!Template |!Output |
|`DDth MMM YYYY` |16th February 2011 |
|`DDth MMM \M\M\M YYYY` |16th February MMM 2011 |
|`DDth mmm YYYY 0hh:0mm:0ss` |16th Feb 2011 11:38:42 |