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synced 2025-03-03 02:10:01 +00:00
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created: 20130204165019000
creator: tobibeer
modified: 20140415164150742
modifier: andrewstern
tags: Formatting
title: HTML Entities
type: text/x-tiddlywiki
Use HTML entities to enter characters that can't easily be typed on an ordinary keyboard. They take the form of an ampersand ({{{&}}}), an identifying string, and a terminating semi-colon ({{{;}}}), e.g. {{{&}}}.
The value of Tiddlers™ cannot even be expressed in £, € or $.
''Displays as:''
The value of Tiddlers™ cannot even be expressed in £, € or $.
!"""Entity References"""
Comprehensive lists of html entities can be found at...
* [[w3schools.com|http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_entities.asp]]
* [[htmlhelp.com|http://www.htmlhelp.com/reference/html40/entities]]
!"""Examples Of Common And Eseful Entities"""
|>|>|>|>|>|>| !HTML Entities |
|   | | no-break space | | ' | ' | single quote, apostrophe |
| – | – | en dash |~| " | " | quotation mark |
| — | — | em dash |~| ′ | ′ | prime; minutes; feet |
| … | … | horizontal ellipsis |~| ″ | ″ | double prime; seconds; inches |
| © | © | Copyright symbol |~| ‘ | ‘ | left single quote |
| ® | ® | Registered symbol |~| ’ | ’ | right single quote |
| ™ | ™ | Trademark symbol |~| “ | “ | left double quote |
| † | † | dagger |~| ” | ” | right double quote |
| ‡ | ‡ | double dagger |~| « | « | left angle quote |
| ¶ | ¶ | paragraph sign |~| » | » | right angle quote |
| § | § | section sign |~| × | × | multiplication symbol |
| ↑ | ↑ | up arrow |~| ↓ | ↓ | down arrow |
| ← | ← | left arrow |~| → | → | right arrow |
| ⇐ | ⇐ | double left arrow |~| ⇒ | ⇒ | double right arrow |
| ↔ | ↔ | left right arrow |~| ⇔ | ⇔ | double left right arrow |
!"""Accented Characters"""
The table below shows how accented characters can be built up by subsituting the underscore (_) into the corresponding character:
|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>| !Accented Characters |
| grave accent | &_grave; | À | à | È | è | Ì | ì | Ò | ò | Ù | ù | | | | | | |
| acute accent | &_acute; | Á | á | É | é | Í | í | Ó | ó | Ú | ú | | | Ý | ý | | |
| circumflex accent | &_circ; | Â | â | Ê | ê | Î | î | Ô | ô | Û | û | | | | | | |
| umlaut mark | &_uml; | Ä | ä | Ë | ë | Ï | ï | Ö | ö | Ü | ü | | | Ÿ | ÿ | | |
| tilde | &_tilde; | Ã | ã | | | | | Õ | õ | | | Ñ | ñ | | | | |
| ring | &_ring; | Å | å | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| slash | &_slash; | | | | | | | Ø | ø | | | | | | | | |
| cedilla | &_cedil; | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Ç | ç |