mirror of https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5 synced 2024-07-04 11:13:15 +00:00
Jeremy Ruston dac06537e5 Added command handling
The idea is that the same commands will work on the server or the
client, and that the client will be able to remotely run commands on
the server.

Also includes abstraction of the version number of TW5.
2012-05-02 11:02:47 +01:00

323 lines
8.9 KiB

title: $:/core/wiki.js
type: application/javascript
module-type: wikimethod
Extension methods for the $tw.Wiki object
Adds the following properties to the wiki object:
* `eventListeners` is an array of {filter: <string>, listener: fn}
* `changedTiddlers` is a hashmap describing changes to named tiddlers since wiki change events were
last dispatched. Each entry is a hashmap containing two fields:
modified: true/false
deleted: true/false
* `changeCount` is a hashmap by tiddler title containing a numerical index that starts at zero and is
incremented each time a tiddler is created changed or deleted
* `caches` is a hashmap by tiddler title containing a further hashmap of named cache objects. Caches
are automatically cleared when a tiddler is modified or deleted
* `macros` is a hashmap by macro name containing an object class inheriting from the Macro tree node
/*jslint node: true */
"use strict";
exports.getTiddlerText = function(title,defaultText) {
defaultText = typeof defaultText === "string" ? defaultText : null;
var t = this.getTiddler(title);
return t ? t.fields.text : defaultText;
exports.addEventListener = function(filter,listener) {
this.eventListeners = this.eventListeners || [];
filter: filter,
listener: listener
exports.removeEventListener = function(filter,listener) {
for(var c=this.eventListeners.length-1; c>=0; c--) {
var l = this.eventListeners[c];
if(l.filter === filter && l.listener === listener) {
Causes a tiddler to be marked as changed, incrementing the change count, and triggers event handlers.
This method should be called after the changes it describes have been made to the wiki.tiddlers[] array.
title: Title of tiddler
isDeleted: defaults to false (meaning the tiddler has been created or modified),
true if the tiddler has been created
exports.touchTiddler = function(title,isDeleted) {
// Record the touch in the list of changed tiddlers
this.changedTiddlers = this.changedTiddlers || {};
this.changedTiddlers[title] = this.changedTiddlers[title] || [];
this.changedTiddlers[title][isDeleted ? "deleted" : "modified"] = true;
// Increment the change count
this.changeCount = this.changeCount || {};
if(this.changeCount.hasOwnProperty(title)) {
} else {
this.changeCount[title] = 1;
// Trigger events
this.eventListeners = this.eventListeners || [];
if(!this.eventsTriggered) {
var me = this;
$tw.utils.nextTick(function() {
var changes = me.changedTiddlers;
me.changedTiddlers = {};
me.eventsTriggered = false;
for(var e=0; e<me.eventListeners.length; e++) {
var listener = me.eventListeners[e];
this.eventsTriggered = true;
exports.getChangeCount = function(title) {
this.changeCount = this.changeCount || {};
if(this.changeCount.hasOwnProperty(title)) {
return this.changeCount[title];
} else {
return 0;
exports.deleteTiddler = function(title) {
delete this.tiddlers[title];
exports.tiddlerExists = function(title) {
if(this.tiddlers[title]) {
return true;
} else if (this.shadows) {
return this.shadows.tiddlerExists(title);
exports.addTiddler = function(tiddler) {
// Check if we're passed a fields hashmap instead of a tiddler
if(!(tiddler instanceof $tw.Tiddler)) {
tiddler = new $tw.Tiddler(tiddler);
var title = tiddler.fields.title;
this.tiddlers[title] = tiddler;
Return a sorted array of tiddler titles, optionally filtered by a tag
exports.sortTiddlers = function(sortField,excludeTag) {
sortField = sortField || "title";
var tiddlers = [], t, titles = [];
for(t in this.tiddlers) {
tiddlers.sort(function(a,b) {
var aa = a.fields[sortField] || 0,
bb = b.fields[sortField] || 0;
if(aa < bb) {
return -1;
} else {
if(aa > bb) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
for(t=0; t<tiddlers.length; t++) {
if(!excludeTag || !tiddlers[t].hasTag(excludeTag)) {
return titles;
exports.forEachTiddler = function(/* [sortField,[excludeTag,]]callback */) {
var arg = 0,
sortField = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[arg++] : null,
excludeTag = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[arg++] : null,
callback = arguments[arg++],
titles = this.sortTiddlers(sortField,excludeTag),
t, tiddler;
for(t=0; t<titles.length; t++) {
tiddler = this.tiddlers[titles[t]];
if(tiddler) {
exports.getMissingTitles = function() {
return []; // Todo
exports.getOrphanTitles = function() {
return []; // Todo
exports.getShadowTitles = function() {
return this.shadows ? this.shadows.sortTiddlers() : [];
// Return the named cache object for a tiddler. If the cache doesn't exist then the initializer function is invoked to create it
exports.getCacheForTiddler = function(title,cacheName,initializer) {
this.caches = this.caches || {};
var caches = this.caches[title];
if(caches && caches[cacheName]) {
return caches[cacheName];
} else {
if(!caches) {
caches = {};
this.caches[title] = caches;
caches[cacheName] = initializer();
return caches[cacheName];
// Clear all caches associated with a particular tiddler
exports.clearCache = function(title) {
this.caches = this.caches || {};
if(this.caches.hasOwnProperty(title)) {
delete this.caches[title];
exports.initParsers = function(moduleType) {
// Install the parser modules
moduleType = moduleType || "parser";
$tw.wiki.parsers = {};
var modules = $tw.plugins.moduleTypes[moduleType],
if(modules) {
for(n=0; n<modules.length; n++) {
m = modules[n];
// Add the parsers defined by the module
for(f in m) {
$tw.wiki.parsers[f] = new m[f]({wiki: this}); // Store an instance of the parser
// Install the wikitext rules
modules = $tw.plugins.moduleTypes["wikitextrule"];
var wikitextparser = this.parsers["text/x-tiddlywiki"];
if(modules && wikitextparser) {
for(n=0; n<modules.length; n++) {
m = modules[n];
// Add the rules defined by the module - currently a hack as we overwrite them
Parse a block of text of a specified MIME type
Options are:
defaultType: Default MIME type to use if the specified one is unknown
exports.parseText = function(type,text,options) {
options = options || {};
var parser = this.parsers[type];
if(!parser) {
parser = this.parsers[options.defaultType || "text/x-tiddlywiki"];
if(parser) {
return parser.parse(type,text);
} else {
return null;
exports.parseTiddler = function(title) {
var me = this,
tiddler = this.getTiddler(title);
return tiddler ? this.getCacheForTiddler(title,"parseTree",function() {
return me.parseText(tiddler.fields.type,tiddler.fields.text);
}) : null;
Parse text in a specified format and render it into another format
outputType: content type for the output
textType: content type of the input text
text: input text
options: see below
Options are:
defaultType: Default MIME type to use if the specified one is unknown
exports.renderText = function(outputType,textType,text,options) {
var renderer = this.parseText(type,text,options);
return renderer.render(outputType);
Install macro plugins into this wiki
moduleType: Plugin type to install (defaults to "macro")
It's useful to remember what the `new` keyword does. It:
# Creates a new object. It's type is a plain `object`
# Sets the new objects internal, inaccessible, `[[prototype]]` property to the
constructor function's external, accessible, `prototype` object
# Executes the constructor function, passing the new object as `this`
exports.initMacros = function(moduleType) {
moduleType = moduleType || "macro";
$tw.wiki.macros = {};
var MacroClass = require("./treenodes/macro.js").Macro,
modules = $tw.plugins.moduleTypes[moduleType],
subclassMacro = function(module) {
// Make a copy of the Macro() constructor function
var MacroMaker = function Macro() {
// Set the prototype to a new instance of the prototype of the Macro class
MacroMaker.prototype = new MacroClass();
// Add the prototype methods for this instance of the macro
for(var f in module) {
MacroMaker.prototype[f] = module[f];
// Make a more convenient reference to the macro info
return MacroMaker;
if(modules) {
for(n=0; n<modules.length; n++) {
m = modules[n];
$tw.wiki.macros[m.info.name] = subclassMacro(m);
Install editor plugins for the edit macro
exports.initEditors = function(moduleType) {
moduleType = moduleType || "editor";
var editMacro = this.macros.edit;
if(editMacro) {
editMacro.editors = {};