mirror of https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5 synced 2024-10-23 02:55:48 +00:00
2012-11-16 21:20:27 +00:00

501 lines
26 KiB
Executable File

//-- Translateable strings
// Strings in "double quotes" should be translated; strings in 'single quotes' should be left alone
txtUserName: "YourName"});
save: {text: "save", tooltip: "Save your changes to this TiddlyWiki"},
sync: {text: "sync", tooltip: "Synchronise changes with other TiddlyWiki files and servers", content: '<<sync>>'},
importTask: {text: "import", tooltip: "Import tiddlers and plugins from other TiddlyWiki files and servers", content: '<<importTiddlers>>'},
tweak: {text: "tweak", tooltip: "Tweak the appearance and behaviour of TiddlyWiki", content: '<<options>>'},
upgrade: {text: "upgrade", tooltip: "Upgrade TiddlyWiki core code", content: '<<upgrade>>'},
plugins: {text: "plugins", tooltip: "Manage installed plugins", content: '<<plugins>>'}
// Options that can be set in the options panel and/or cookies
txtUserName: "Username for signing your edits",
chkRegExpSearch: "Enable regular expressions for searches",
chkCaseSensitiveSearch: "Case-sensitive searching",
chkIncrementalSearch: "Incremental key-by-key searching",
chkAnimate: "Enable animations",
chkSaveBackups: "Keep backup file when saving changes",
chkAutoSave: "Automatically save changes",
chkGenerateAnRssFeed: "Generate an RSS feed when saving changes",
chkSaveEmptyTemplate: "Generate an empty template when saving changes",
chkOpenInNewWindow: "Open external links in a new window",
chkToggleLinks: "Clicking on links to open tiddlers causes them to close",
chkHttpReadOnly: "Hide editing features when viewed over HTTP",
chkForceMinorUpdate: "Don't update modifier username and date when editing tiddlers",
chkConfirmDelete: "Require confirmation before deleting tiddlers",
chkInsertTabs: "Use the tab key to insert tab characters instead of moving between fields",
txtBackupFolder: "Name of folder to use for backups",
txtMaxEditRows: "Maximum number of rows in edit boxes",
txtTheme: "Name of the theme to use",
txtFileSystemCharSet: "Default character set for saving changes (Firefox/Mozilla only)"});
customConfigError: "Problems were encountered loading plugins. See PluginManager for details",
pluginError: "Error: %0",
pluginDisabled: "Not executed because disabled via 'systemConfigDisable' tag",
pluginForced: "Executed because forced via 'systemConfigForce' tag",
pluginVersionError: "Not executed because this plugin needs a newer version of TiddlyWiki",
nothingSelected: "Nothing is selected. You must select one or more items first",
savedSnapshotError: "It appears that this TiddlyWiki has been incorrectly saved. Please see http://www.tiddlywiki.com/#Download for details",
subtitleUnknown: "(unknown)",
undefinedTiddlerToolTip: "The tiddler '%0' doesn't yet exist",
shadowedTiddlerToolTip: "The tiddler '%0' doesn't yet exist, but has a pre-defined shadow value",
tiddlerLinkTooltip: "%0 - %1, %2",
externalLinkTooltip: "External link to %0",
noTags: "There are no tagged tiddlers",
notFileUrlError: "You need to save this TiddlyWiki to a file before you can save changes",
cantSaveError: "It's not possible to save changes. Possible reasons include:\n- your browser doesn't support saving (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari and Opera all work if properly configured)\n- the pathname to your TiddlyWiki file contains illegal characters\n- the TiddlyWiki HTML file has been moved or renamed",
invalidFileError: "The original file '%0' does not appear to be a valid TiddlyWiki",
backupSaved: "Backup saved",
backupFailed: "Failed to save backup file",
rssSaved: "RSS feed saved",
rssFailed: "Failed to save RSS feed file",
emptySaved: "Empty template saved",
emptyFailed: "Failed to save empty template file",
mainSaved: "Main TiddlyWiki file saved",
mainFailed: "Failed to save main TiddlyWiki file. Your changes have not been saved",
macroError: "Error in macro <<%0>>",
macroErrorDetails: "Error while executing macro <<%0>>:\n%1",
missingMacro: "No such macro",
overwriteWarning: "A tiddler named '%0' already exists. Choose OK to overwrite it",
unsavedChangesWarning: "WARNING! There are unsaved changes in TiddlyWiki\n\nChoose OK to save\nChoose CANCEL to discard",
confirmExit: "--------------------------------\n\nThere are unsaved changes in TiddlyWiki. If you continue you will lose those changes\n\n--------------------------------",
saveInstructions: "SaveChanges",
unsupportedTWFormat: "Unsupported TiddlyWiki format '%0'",
tiddlerSaveError: "Error when saving tiddler '%0'",
tiddlerLoadError: "Error when loading tiddler '%0'",
wrongSaveFormat: "Cannot save with storage format '%0'. Using standard format for save.",
invalidFieldName: "Invalid field name %0",
fieldCannotBeChanged: "Field '%0' cannot be changed",
loadingMissingTiddler: "Attempting to retrieve the tiddler '%0' from the '%1' server at:\n\n'%2' in the workspace '%3'",
upgradeDone: "The upgrade to version %0 is now complete\n\nClick 'OK' to reload the newly upgraded TiddlyWiki",
invalidCookie: "Invalid cookie '%0'"});
text: "close",
tooltip: "close this message area"});
config.messages.backstage = {
open: {text: "backstage", tooltip: "Open the backstage area to perform authoring and editing tasks"},
close: {text: "close", tooltip: "Close the backstage area"},
prompt: "backstage: ",
decal: {
edit: {text: "edit", tooltip: "Edit the tiddler '%0'"}
config.messages.listView = {
tiddlerTooltip: "Click for the full text of this tiddler",
previewUnavailable: "(preview not available)"
config.messages.dates.months = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November","December"];
config.messages.dates.days = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"];
config.messages.dates.shortMonths = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"];
config.messages.dates.shortDays = ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"];
// suffixes for dates, eg "1st","2nd","3rd"..."30th","31st"
config.messages.dates.daySuffixes = ["st","nd","rd","th","th","th","th","th","th","th",
config.messages.dates.am = "am";
config.messages.dates.pm = "pm";
labelNoTags: "no tags",
labelTags: "tags: ",
openTag: "Open tag '%0'",
tooltip: "Show tiddlers tagged with '%0'",
openAllText: "Open all",
openAllTooltip: "Open all of these tiddlers",
popupNone: "No other tiddlers tagged with '%0'"});
defaultText: "The tiddler '%0' doesn't yet exist. Double-click to create it",
defaultModifier: "(missing)",
shadowModifier: "(built-in shadow tiddler)",
dateFormat: "DD MMM YYYY",
createdPrompt: "created"});
tagPrompt: "Type tags separated with spaces, [[use double square brackets]] if necessary, or add existing",
defaultText: "Type the text for '%0'"});
text: "tags",
tooltip: "Choose existing tags to add to this tiddler",
popupNone: "There are no tags defined",
tagTooltip: "Add the tag '%0'"});
{unit: 1024*1024*1024, template: "%0\u00a0GB"},
{unit: 1024*1024, template: "%0\u00a0MB"},
{unit: 1024, template: "%0\u00a0KB"},
{unit: 1, template: "%0\u00a0B"}
label: "search",
prompt: "Search this TiddlyWiki",
placeholder: "",
accessKey: "F",
successMsg: "%0 tiddlers found matching %1",
failureMsg: "No tiddlers found matching %0"});
label: "tagging: ",
labelNotTag: "not tagging",
tooltip: "List of tiddlers tagged with '%0'"});
dateFormat: "DD MMM YYYY"});
tooltip: "Show tiddlers tagged with '%0'",
noTags: "There are no tagged tiddlers"});
config.macros.list.all.prompt = "All tiddlers in alphabetical order";
config.macros.list.missing.prompt = "Tiddlers that have links to them but are not defined";
config.macros.list.orphans.prompt = "Tiddlers that are not linked to from any other tiddlers";
config.macros.list.shadowed.prompt = "Tiddlers shadowed with default contents";
config.macros.list.touched.prompt = "Tiddlers that have been modified locally";
label: "close all",
prompt: "Close all displayed tiddlers (except any that are being edited)"});
label: "permaview",
prompt: "Link to an URL that retrieves all the currently displayed tiddlers"});
label: "save changes",
prompt: "Save all tiddlers to create a new TiddlyWiki",
accessKey: "S"});
label: "new tiddler",
prompt: "Create a new tiddler",
title: "New Tiddler",
accessKey: "N"});
label: "new journal",
prompt: "Create a new tiddler from the current date and time",
accessKey: "J"});
wizardTitle: "Tweak advanced options",
step1Title: "These options are saved in cookies in your browser",
step1Html: "<input type='hidden' name='markList'></input><br><input type='checkbox' checked='false' name='chkUnknown'>Show unknown options</input>",
unknownDescription: "//(unknown)//",
listViewTemplate: {
columns: [
{name: 'Option', field: 'option', title: "Option", type: 'String'},
{name: 'Description', field: 'description', title: "Description", type: 'WikiText'},
{name: 'Name', field: 'name', title: "Name", type: 'String'}
rowClasses: [
{className: 'lowlight', field: 'lowlight'}
wizardTitle: "Manage plugins",
step1Title: "Currently loaded plugins",
step1Html: "<input type='hidden' name='markList'></input>", // DO NOT TRANSLATE
skippedText: "(This plugin has not been executed because it was added since startup)",
noPluginText: "There are no plugins installed",
confirmDeleteText: "Are you sure you want to delete these plugins:\n\n%0",
removeLabel: "remove systemConfig tag",
removePrompt: "Remove systemConfig tag",
deleteLabel: "delete",
deletePrompt: "Delete these tiddlers forever",
listViewTemplate: {
columns: [
{name: 'Selected', field: 'Selected', rowName: 'title', type: 'Selector'},
{name: 'Tiddler', field: 'tiddler', title: "Tiddler", type: 'Tiddler'},
{name: 'Description', field: 'Description', title: "Description", type: 'String'},
{name: 'Version', field: 'Version', title: "Version", type: 'String'},
{name: 'Size', field: 'size', tiddlerLink: 'size', title: "Size", type: 'Size'},
{name: 'Forced', field: 'forced', title: "Forced", tag: 'systemConfigForce', type: 'TagCheckbox'},
{name: 'Disabled', field: 'disabled', title: "Disabled", tag: 'systemConfigDisable', type: 'TagCheckbox'},
{name: 'Executed', field: 'executed', title: "Loaded", type: 'Boolean', trueText: "Yes", falseText: "No"},
{name: 'Startup Time', field: 'startupTime', title: "Startup Time", type: 'String'},
{name: 'Error', field: 'error', title: "Status", type: 'Boolean', trueText: "Error", falseText: "OK"},
{name: 'Log', field: 'log', title: "Log", type: 'StringList'}
rowClasses: [
{className: 'error', field: 'error'},
{className: 'warning', field: 'warning'}
listViewTemplateReadOnly: {
columns: [
{name: 'Tiddler', field: 'tiddler', title: "Tiddler", type: 'Tiddler'},
{name: 'Description', field: 'Description', title: "Description", type: 'String'},
{name: 'Version', field: 'Version', title: "Version", type: 'String'},
{name: 'Size', field: 'size', tiddlerLink: 'size', title: "Size", type: 'Size'},
{name: 'Executed', field: 'executed', title: "Loaded", type: 'Boolean', trueText: "Yes", falseText: "No"},
{name: 'Startup Time', field: 'startupTime', title: "Startup Time", type: 'String'},
{name: 'Error', field: 'error', title: "Status", type: 'Boolean', trueText: "Error", falseText: "OK"},
{name: 'Log', field: 'log', title: "Log", type: 'StringList'}
rowClasses: [
{className: 'error', field: 'error'},
{className: 'warning', field: 'warning'}
moreLabel: "more",
morePrompt: "Show additional commands",
lessLabel: "less",
lessPrompt: "Hide additional commands",
separator: "|"
label: "refresh",
prompt: "Redraw the entire TiddlyWiki display"
readOnlyWarning: "You cannot import into a read-only TiddlyWiki file. Try opening it from a file:// URL",
wizardTitle: "Import tiddlers from another file or server",
step1Title: "Step 1: Locate the server or TiddlyWiki file",
step1Html: "Specify the type of the server: <select name='selTypes'><option value=''>Choose...</option></select><br>Enter the URL or pathname here: <input type='text' size=50 name='txtPath'><br>...or browse for a file: <input type='file' size=50 name='txtBrowse'><br><hr>...or select a pre-defined feed: <select name='selFeeds'><option value=''>Choose...</option></select>",
openLabel: "open",
openPrompt: "Open the connection to this file or server",
statusOpenHost: "Opening the host",
statusGetWorkspaceList: "Getting the list of available workspaces",
step2Title: "Step 2: Choose the workspace",
step2Html: "Enter a workspace name: <input type='text' size=50 name='txtWorkspace'><br>...or select a workspace: <select name='selWorkspace'><option value=''>Choose...</option></select>",
cancelLabel: "cancel",
cancelPrompt: "Cancel this import",
statusOpenWorkspace: "Opening the workspace",
statusGetTiddlerList: "Getting the list of available tiddlers",
errorGettingTiddlerList: "Error getting list of tiddlers, click Cancel to try again",
errorGettingTiddlerListHttp404: "Error retrieving tiddlers from url, please ensure the url exists. Click Cancel to try again.",
errorGettingTiddlerListHttp: "Error retrieving tiddlers from url, please ensure this url exists and is <a href='http://enable-cors.org/'>CORS</a> enabled",
errorGettingTiddlerListFile: "Error retrieving tiddlers from local file, please make sure the file is in the same directory as your TiddlyWiki. Click Cancel to try again.",
step3Title: "Step 3: Choose the tiddlers to import",
step3Html: "<input type='hidden' name='markList'></input><br><input type='checkbox' checked='true' name='chkSync'>Keep these tiddlers linked to this server so that you can synchronise subsequent changes</input><br><input type='checkbox' name='chkSave'>Save the details of this server in a 'systemServer' tiddler called:</input> <input type='text' size=25 name='txtSaveTiddler'>",
importLabel: "import",
importPrompt: "Import these tiddlers",
confirmOverwriteText: "Are you sure you want to overwrite these tiddlers:\n\n%0",
step4Title: "Step 4: Importing %0 tiddler(s)",
step4Html: "<input type='hidden' name='markReport'></input>", // DO NOT TRANSLATE
doneLabel: "done",
donePrompt: "Close this wizard",
statusDoingImport: "Importing tiddlers",
statusDoneImport: "All tiddlers imported",
systemServerNamePattern: "%2 on %1",
systemServerNamePatternNoWorkspace: "%1",
confirmOverwriteSaveTiddler: "The tiddler '%0' already exists. Click 'OK' to overwrite it with the details of this server, or 'Cancel' to leave it unchanged",
serverSaveTemplate: "|''Type:''|%0|\n|''URL:''|%1|\n|''Workspace:''|%2|\n\nThis tiddler was automatically created to record the details of this server",
serverSaveModifier: "(System)",
listViewTemplate: {
columns: [
{name: 'Selected', field: 'Selected', rowName: 'title', type: 'Selector'},
{name: 'Tiddler', field: 'tiddler', title: "Tiddler", type: 'Tiddler'},
{name: 'Size', field: 'size', tiddlerLink: 'size', title: "Size", type: 'Size'},
{name: 'Tags', field: 'tags', title: "Tags", type: 'Tags'}
rowClasses: [
wizardTitle: "Upgrade TiddlyWiki core code",
step1Title: "Update or repair this TiddlyWiki to the latest release",
step1Html: "You are about to upgrade to the latest release of the TiddlyWiki core code (from <a href='%0' class='externalLink' target='_blank'>%1</a>). Your content will be preserved across the upgrade.<br><br>Note that core upgrades have been known to interfere with older plugins. If you run into problems with the upgraded file, see <a href='http://www.tiddlywiki.org/wiki/CoreUpgrades' class='externalLink' target='_blank'>http://www.tiddlywiki.org/wiki/CoreUpgrades</a>",
errorCantUpgrade: "Unable to upgrade this TiddlyWiki. You can only perform upgrades on TiddlyWiki files stored locally",
errorNotSaved: "You must save changes before you can perform an upgrade",
step2Title: "Confirm the upgrade details",
step2Html_downgrade: "You are about to downgrade to TiddlyWiki version %0 from %1.<br><br>Downgrading to an earlier version of the core code is not recommended",
step2Html_restore: "This TiddlyWiki appears to be already using the latest version of the core code (%0).<br><br>You can continue to upgrade anyway to ensure that the core code hasn't been corrupted or damaged",
step2Html_upgrade: "You are about to upgrade to TiddlyWiki version %0 from %1",
upgradeLabel: "upgrade",
upgradePrompt: "Prepare for the upgrade process",
statusPreparingBackup: "Preparing backup",
statusSavingBackup: "Saving backup file",
errorSavingBackup: "There was a problem saving the backup file",
statusLoadingCore: "Loading core code",
errorLoadingCore: "Error loading the core code",
errorCoreFormat: "Error with the new core code",
statusSavingCore: "Saving the new core code",
statusReloadingCore: "Reloading the new core code",
startLabel: "start",
startPrompt: "Start the upgrade process",
cancelLabel: "cancel",
cancelPrompt: "Cancel the upgrade process",
step3Title: "Upgrade cancelled",
step3Html: "You have cancelled the upgrade process"
listViewTemplate: {
columns: [
{name: 'Selected', field: 'selected', rowName: 'title', type: 'Selector'},
{name: 'Tiddler', field: 'tiddler', title: "Tiddler", type: 'Tiddler'},
{name: 'Server Type', field: 'serverType', title: "Server type", type: 'String'},
{name: 'Server Host', field: 'serverHost', title: "Server host", type: 'String'},
{name: 'Server Workspace', field: 'serverWorkspace', title: "Server workspace", type: 'String'},
{name: 'Status', field: 'status', title: "Synchronisation status", type: 'String'},
{name: 'Server URL', field: 'serverUrl', title: "Server URL", text: "View", type: 'Link'}
rowClasses: [
buttons: [
{caption: "Sync these tiddlers", name: 'sync'}
wizardTitle: "Synchronize with external servers and files",
step1Title: "Choose the tiddlers you want to synchronize",
step1Html: "<input type='hidden' name='markList'></input>", // DO NOT TRANSLATE
syncLabel: "sync",
syncPrompt: "Sync these tiddlers",
hasChanged: "Changed while unplugged",
hasNotChanged: "Unchanged while unplugged",
syncStatusList: {
none: {text: "...", display:'none', className:'notChanged'},
changedServer: {text: "Changed on server", display:null, className:'changedServer'},
changedLocally: {text: "Changed while unplugged", display:null, className:'changedLocally'},
changedBoth: {text: "Changed while unplugged and on server", display:null, className:'changedBoth'},
notFound: {text: "Not found on server", display:null, className:'notFound'},
putToServer: {text: "Saved update on server", display:null, className:'putToServer'},
gotFromServer: {text: "Retrieved update from server", display:null, className:'gotFromServer'}
text: "close",
tooltip: "Close this tiddler"});
text: "close others",
tooltip: "Close all other tiddlers"});
text: "edit",
tooltip: "Edit this tiddler",
readOnlyText: "view",
readOnlyTooltip: "View the source of this tiddler"});
text: "done",
tooltip: "Save changes to this tiddler"});
text: "cancel",
tooltip: "Undo changes to this tiddler",
warning: "Are you sure you want to abandon your changes to '%0'?",
readOnlyText: "done",
readOnlyTooltip: "View this tiddler normally"});
text: "delete",
tooltip: "Delete this tiddler",
warning: "Are you sure you want to delete '%0'?"});
text: "permalink",
tooltip: "Permalink for this tiddler"});
text: "references",
tooltip: "Show tiddlers that link to this one",
popupNone: "No references"});
text: "jump",
tooltip: "Jump to another open tiddler"});
text: "syncing",
tooltip: "Control synchronisation of this tiddler with a server or external file",
currentlySyncing: "<div>Currently syncing via <span class='popupHighlight'>'%0'</span> to:</"+"div><div>host: <span class='popupHighlight'>%1</span></"+"div><div>workspace: <span class='popupHighlight'>%2</span></"+"div>", // Note escaping of closing <div> tag
notCurrentlySyncing: "Not currently syncing",
captionUnSync: "Stop synchronising this tiddler",
chooseServer: "Synchronise this tiddler with another server:",
currServerMarker: "\u25cf ",
notCurrServerMarker: " "});
text: "fields",
tooltip: "Show the extended fields of this tiddler",
emptyText: "There are no extended fields for this tiddler",
listViewTemplate: {
columns: [
{name: 'Field', field: 'field', title: "Field", type: 'String'},
{name: 'Value', field: 'value', title: "Value", type: 'String'}
rowClasses: [
buttons: [
DefaultTiddlers: "[[GettingStarted]]",
MainMenu: "[[GettingStarted]]",
SiteTitle: "My TiddlyWiki",
SiteSubtitle: "a reusable non-linear personal web notebook",
SiteUrl: "",
SideBarOptions: '<<search>><<closeAll>><<permaview>><<newTiddler>><<newJournal "DD MMM YYYY" "journal">><<saveChanges>><<slider chkSliderOptionsPanel OptionsPanel "options \u00bb" "Change TiddlyWiki advanced options">>',
SideBarTabs: '<<tabs txtMainTab "Timeline" "Timeline" TabTimeline "All" "All tiddlers" TabAll "Tags" "All tags" TabTags "More" "More lists" TabMore>>',
TabMore: '<<tabs txtMoreTab "Missing" "Missing tiddlers" TabMoreMissing "Orphans" "Orphaned tiddlers" TabMoreOrphans "Shadowed" "Shadowed tiddlers" TabMoreShadowed>>'
AdvancedOptions: "This shadow tiddler provides access to several advanced options",
ColorPalette: "These values in this shadow tiddler determine the colour scheme of the ~TiddlyWiki user interface",
DefaultTiddlers: "The tiddlers listed in this shadow tiddler will be automatically displayed when ~TiddlyWiki starts up",
EditTemplate: "The HTML template in this shadow tiddler determines how tiddlers look while they are being edited",
GettingStarted: "This shadow tiddler provides basic usage instructions",
ImportTiddlers: "This shadow tiddler provides access to importing tiddlers",
MainMenu: "This shadow tiddler is used as the contents of the main menu in the left-hand column of the screen",
MarkupPreHead: "This tiddler is inserted at the top of the <head> section of the TiddlyWiki HTML file",
MarkupPostHead: "This tiddler is inserted at the bottom of the <head> section of the TiddlyWiki HTML file",
MarkupPreBody: "This tiddler is inserted at the top of the <body> section of the TiddlyWiki HTML file",
MarkupPostBody: "This tiddler is inserted at the end of the <body> section of the TiddlyWiki HTML file immediately after the script block",
OptionsPanel: "This shadow tiddler is used as the contents of the options panel slider in the right-hand sidebar",
PageTemplate: "The HTML template in this shadow tiddler determines the overall ~TiddlyWiki layout",
PluginManager: "This shadow tiddler provides access to the plugin manager",
SideBarOptions: "This shadow tiddler is used as the contents of the option panel in the right-hand sidebar",
SideBarTabs: "This shadow tiddler is used as the contents of the tabs panel in the right-hand sidebar",
SiteSubtitle: "This shadow tiddler is used as the second part of the page title",
SiteTitle: "This shadow tiddler is used as the first part of the page title",
SiteUrl: "This shadow tiddler should be set to the full target URL for publication",
StyleSheetColors: "This shadow tiddler contains CSS definitions related to the color of page elements. ''DO NOT EDIT THIS TIDDLER'', instead make your changes in the StyleSheet shadow tiddler",
StyleSheet: "This tiddler can contain custom CSS definitions",
StyleSheetLayout: "This shadow tiddler contains CSS definitions related to the layout of page elements. ''DO NOT EDIT THIS TIDDLER'', instead make your changes in the StyleSheet shadow tiddler",
StyleSheetLocale: "This shadow tiddler contains CSS definitions related to the translation locale",
StyleSheetPrint: "This shadow tiddler contains CSS definitions for printing",
SystemSettings: "This tiddler is used to store configuration options for this TiddlyWiki document",
TabAll: "This shadow tiddler contains the contents of the 'All' tab in the right-hand sidebar",
TabMore: "This shadow tiddler contains the contents of the 'More' tab in the right-hand sidebar",
TabMoreMissing: "This shadow tiddler contains the contents of the 'Missing' tab in the right-hand sidebar",
TabMoreOrphans: "This shadow tiddler contains the contents of the 'Orphans' tab in the right-hand sidebar",
TabMoreShadowed: "This shadow tiddler contains the contents of the 'Shadowed' tab in the right-hand sidebar",
TabTags: "This shadow tiddler contains the contents of the 'Tags' tab in the right-hand sidebar",
TabTimeline: "This shadow tiddler contains the contents of the 'Timeline' tab in the right-hand sidebar",
ToolbarCommands: "This shadow tiddler determines which commands are shown in tiddler toolbars",
ViewTemplate: "The HTML template in this shadow tiddler determines how tiddlers look"