mirror of https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5 synced 2024-07-03 10:43:16 +00:00
Jeremy Ruston 623a3ec8f8 Rename "shadow" tiddlers to "system" tiddlers
What we have at the moment isn't really the same as TiddlyWiki
classic's shadow tiddlers, it's a much simpler system for excluding
tiddlers. We'll use the term "shadow" instead to refer to the way that
tiddlers in plugins behave, which is exactly like TiddlyWiki classic's
shadow tiddlers.
2013-03-15 22:00:19 +00:00

331 lines
13 KiB

title: $:/core/modules/filters.js
type: application/javascript
module-type: wikimethod
Adds tiddler filtering to the $tw.Wiki object.
/*jslint node: true, browser: true */
/*global $tw: false */
"use strict";
exports.filterTiddlers = function(filterString,currTiddlerTitle,tiddlerList) {
var fn = this.compileFilter(filterString);
return fn.call(this,tiddlerList || this.tiddlers,currTiddlerTitle);
Compiling a filter gives a JavaScript function that is invoked as `this.filter(source)`, where `source` is a hashmap of source tiddler titles (the values don't matter, so it is possible to use a store or a changes object). It returns an array of tiddler titles that satisfy the filter
exports.compileFilter = function(filterString) {
var filter = this.parseFilter(filterString),
output = [],
for(t=0; t<filter.length; t++) {
operation = filter[t];
operationInfo = this.filterFragments.operation.prefix[operation.prefix || ""];
type = "selector";
if(operation.prefix === "+") {
type = "filter";
for(p=0; p<operation.operators.length; p++) {
operator = operation.operators[p];
operatorInfo = this.operators[operator.operator];
if(!operatorInfo) { // Check for it being a field operator
operatorInfo = this.operators.field;
type = "filter";
try {
/*jslint evil: true */
fn = eval(output.join("\n"));
} catch(ex) {
throw "Error in filter expression: " + ex;
return fn;
exports.filterFragments = {
prologue: "(function(source,currTiddlerTitle) {\nvar results = [], subResults, subResultsTemp, title, r, t;",
epilogue: "return results;\n})",
operation: {
prefix: {
"": {
prologue: "subResults = [];",
epilogue: "$tw.utils.pushTop(results,subResults);"
"+": {
prologue: "subResults = results.slice(0);\nresults.splice(0,results.length);",
epilogue: "$tw.utils.pushTop(results,subResults);"
"-": {
prologue: "subResults = [];",
epilogue: "$tw.utils.removeArrayEntries(results,subResults);"
exports.operators = {
"title": { // Filter by title
selector: function(operator) {
return "$tw.utils.pushTop(subResults,\"" + $tw.utils.stringify(operator.operand) + "\");";
filter: function(operator) {
return "if(subResults.indexOf(\"" + $tw.utils.stringify(operator.operand) + "\") !== -1) {subResults = [\"" + $tw.utils.stringify(operator.operand) + "\"];} else {subResults = [];}";
"prefix": { // Filter by title prefix
selector: function(operator) {
var op = operator.prefix === "!" ? "!" : "=";
return "for(title in source) {if(title.substr(0," + operator.operand.length + ")" + op + "==\"" + $tw.utils.stringify(operator.operand) + "\") {$tw.utils.pushTop(subResults,title);}}";
filter: function(operator) {
var op = operator.prefix === "!" ? "=" : "!";
return "for(r=subResults.length-1; r>=0; r--) {if(title.substr(0," + operator.operand.length + ")" + op + "==\"" + $tw.utils.stringify(operator.operand) + "\") {subResults.splice(r,1);}}";
"is": { // Filter by status
selector: function(operator) {
var op = operator.prefix === "!" ? "!" : "";
switch(operator.operand) {
case "current":
if(operator.prefix === "!") {
return "for(title in source) {if(title !== currTiddlerTitle) {$tw.utils.pushTop(subResults,title);}}";
} else {
return "$tw.utils.pushTop(subResults,currTiddlerTitle);";
case "system":
return "for(title in source) {if(" + op + "this.getTiddler(title).isSystem()) {$tw.utils.pushTop(subResults,title);}}";
throw "Unknown operand for 'is' filter operator";
filter: function(operator) {
var op = operator.prefix === "!" ? "" : "!";
switch(operator.operand) {
case "current":
if(operator.prefix === "!") {
return "for(r=subResults.length-1; r>=0; r--) {if(subResults[r] === currTiddlerTitle) {subResults.splice(r,1);}}";
} else {
return "r = subResults.indexOf(currTiddlerTitle);\nif(r !== -1) {subResults = [currTiddlerTitle];} else {subResults = [];}";
case "system":
return "for(r=subResults.length-1; r>=0; r--) {if(" + op + "this.getTiddler(subResults[r]).isSystem()) {subResults.splice(r,1);}}";
throw "Unknown operand for 'is' filter operator";
"tag": { // Filter by tag
selector: function(operator) {
var op = operator.prefix === "!" ? "!" : "";
return "for(title in source) {if(" + op + "this.getTiddler(title).hasTag(\"" + $tw.utils.stringify(operator.operand) + "\")) {$tw.utils.pushTop(subResults,title);}}";
filter: function(operator) {
var op = operator.prefix === "!" ? "" : "!";
return "for(r=subResults.length-1; r>=0; r--) {if(" + op + "this.getTiddler(subResults[r]).hasTag(\"" + $tw.utils.stringify(operator.operand) + "\")) {subResults.splice(r,1);}}";
"tags": { // Return all tags used on selected tiddlers
selector: function(operator) {
return "for(title in source) {r = this.getTiddler(title); if(r && r.fields.tags) {$tw.utils.pushTop(subResults,r.fields.tags);}}";
filter: function(operator) {
return "subResultsTemp = subResults;\nsubResults = [];for(t=subResultsTemp.length-1; t>=0; t--) {r = this.getTiddler(subResultsTemp[t]); if(r && r.fields.tags) {$tw.utils.pushTop(subResults,r.fields.tags);}}";
"tagging": { // Return all tiddlers tagged with any of the selected tags
selector: function(operator) {
return "for(title in source) {$tw.utils.pushTop(subResults,this.getTiddlersWithTag(title));}";
filter: function(operator) {
return "subResultsTemp = subResults;\nsubResults = [];for(t=subResultsTemp.length-1; t>=0; t--) {$tw.utils.pushTop(subResults,this.getTiddlersWithTag(subResultsTemp[t]));}";
"has": { // Filter by presence of a particular field
selector: function(operator) {
var op = operator.prefix === "!" ? "=" : "!";
return "for(title in source) {if(this.getTiddler(title).fields[\"" + $tw.utils.stringify(operator.operand) + "\"] " + op + "== undefined) {$tw.utils.pushTop(subResults,title);}}";
filter: function(operator) {
var op = operator.prefix === "!" ? "!" : "=";
return "for(r=subResults.length-1; r>=0; r--) {if(this.getTiddler(subResults[r]).fields[\"" + $tw.utils.stringify(operator.operand) + "\"] " + op + "== undefined) {subResults.splice(r,1);}}";
"sort": { // Sort selected tiddlers
selector: function(operator) {
throw "Cannot use sort operator at the start of a filter operation";
filter: function(operator) {
var desc = operator.prefix === "!" ? "true" : "false";
return "this.sortTiddlers(subResults,\"" + $tw.utils.stringify(operator.operand) + "\"," + desc + ");";
}, // Case insensitive sort of selected tiddlers
"sort-case-sensitive": {
selector: function(operator) {
throw "Cannot use sort operator at the start of a filter operation";
filter: function(operator) {
var desc = operator.prefix === "!" ? "true" : "false";
return "this.sortTiddlers(subResults,\"" + $tw.utils.stringify(operator.operand) + "\"," + desc + ",true);";
"limit": { // Limit number of members of selection
selector: function(operator) {
throw "Cannot use limit operator at the start of a filter operation";
filter: function(operator) {
var limit = parseInt(operator.operand,10),
base = operator.prefix === "!" ? 0 : limit;
return "if(subResults.length > " + limit + ") {subResults.splice(" + base + ",subResults.length-" + limit + ");}";
"list": { // Select all tiddlers that are listed (or not listed) in the specified tiddler
selector: function(operator) {
if(operator.prefix === "!") {
return "var list = this.getTiddlerList(\"" + $tw.utils.stringify(operator.operand) + "\");" +
"for(title in source) {if(list.indexOf(title) === -1) {$tw.utils.pushTop(subResults,title);}}";
} else {
return "$tw.utils.pushTop(subResults,this.getTiddlerList(\"" + $tw.utils.stringify(operator.operand) + "\"));";
filter: function(operator) {
var op = operator.prefix === "!" ? "!==" : "===";
return "var list = this.getTiddlerList(\"" + $tw.utils.stringify(operator.operand) + "\");" +
"for(r=subResults.length-1; r>=0; r--) {if(list.indexOf(title) " + op + " -1) {subResults.splice(r,1);}}";
"searchVia": { // Search for the string in the operand tiddler
selector: function(operator) {
var op = operator.prefix === "!" ? "true" : "false";
return "var term = this.getTiddler(\"" + $tw.utils.stringify(operator.operand) + "\").fields.text;" +
"$tw.utils.pushTop(subResults,this.search(term,{titles: source, invert: " + op + ", exclude: [\"" + $tw.utils.stringify(operator.operand) + "\"]}));";
filter: function(operator) {
var op = operator.prefix === "!" ? "true" : "false";
return "var term = this.getTiddler(\"" + $tw.utils.stringify(operator.operand) + "\").fields.text;" +
"subResults = this.search(term,{titles: subResults, invert: " + op + ", exclude: [\"" + $tw.utils.stringify(operator.operand) + "\"]});";
"field": { // Special handler for field comparisons
selector: function(operator) {
var op = operator.prefix === "!" ? "!" : "=";
return "for(title in source) {if(this.getTiddler(title).fields[\"" + $tw.utils.stringify(operator.operator) + "\"] " + op + "== \"" + operator.operand + "\") {$tw.utils.pushTop(subResults,title);}}";
filter: function(operator) {
var op = operator.prefix === "!" ? "=" : "!";
return "for(r=subResults.length-1; r>=0; r--) {if(this.getTiddler(subResults[r]).fields[\"" + $tw.utils.stringify(operator.operator) + "\"] " + op + "== \"" + operator.operand + "\") {subResults.splice(r,1);}}";
Parses an operation within a filter string
results: Array of array of operator nodes into which results should be inserted
filterString: filter string
p: start position within the string
Returns the new start position, after the parsed operation
function parseFilterOperation(operators,filterString,p) {
var operator, operand, bracketPos;
// Skip the starting square bracket
if(filterString.charAt(p++) !== "[") {
throw "Missing [ in filter expression";
// Process each operator in turn
do {
operator = {};
// Check for an operator prefix
if(filterString.charAt(p) === "!") {
operator.prefix = filterString.charAt(p++);
// Get the operator name
bracketPos = filterString.indexOf("[",p);
if(bracketPos === -1) {
throw "Missing [ in filter expression";
operator.operator = filterString.substring(p,bracketPos);
if(operator.operator === "") {
operator.operator = "title";
p = bracketPos + 1;
// Get the operand
bracketPos = filterString.indexOf("]",p);
if(bracketPos === -1) {
throw "Missing ] in filter expression";
operator.operand = filterString.substring(p,bracketPos);
p = bracketPos + 1;
// Push this operator
} while(filterString.charAt(p) !== "]");
// Skip the ending square bracket
if(filterString.charAt(p++) !== "]") {
throw "Missing ] in filter expression";
// Return the parsing position
return p;
Parse a filter string
exports.parseFilter = function(filterString) {
filterString = filterString || "";
var results = [], // Array of arrays of operator nodes {operator:,operand:}
p = 0, // Current position in the filter string
var whitespaceRegExp = /(\s+)/mg,
operandRegExp = /((?:\+|\-)?)(?:(\[)|("(?:[^"])*")|('(?:[^'])*')|([^\s\[\]]+))/mg;
while(p < filterString.length) {
// Skip any whitespace
whitespaceRegExp.lastIndex = p;
match = whitespaceRegExp.exec(filterString);
if(match && match.index === p) {
p = p + match[0].length;
// Match the start of the operation
if(p < filterString.length) {
operandRegExp.lastIndex = p;
match = operandRegExp.exec(filterString);
if(!match || match.index !== p) {
throw "Syntax error in filter expression";
var operation = {
prefix: "",
operators: []
if(match[1]) {
operation.prefix = match[1];
if(match[2]) { // Opening square bracket
p = parseFilterOperation(operation.operators,filterString,p);
} else {
p = match.index + match[0].length;
if(match[3] || match[4] || match[5]) { // Double quoted string, single quoted string or unquoted title
{operator: "title", operand: match[3] || match[4] || match[5]}
return results;