mirror of https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5 synced 2024-10-05 02:10:45 +00:00
2023-06-22 15:04:55 +01:00

11807 lines
360 KiB

** LICENSE for the sqlite3 WebAssembly/JavaScript APIs.
** This bundle (typically released as sqlite3.js or sqlite3.mjs)
** is an amalgamation of JavaScript source code from two projects:
** 1) https://emscripten.org: the Emscripten "glue code" is covered by
** the terms of the MIT license and University of Illinois/NCSA
** Open Source License, as described at:
** https://emscripten.org/docs/introducing_emscripten/emscripten_license.html
** 2) https://sqlite.org: all code and documentation labeled as being
** from this source are released under the same terms as the sqlite3
** C library:
** 2022-10-16
** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of a
** legal notice, here is a blessing:
** * May you do good and not evil.
** * May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
** * May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
** This code was built from sqlite3 version...
** Using the Emscripten SDK version 3.1.30.
var sqlite3InitModule = (() => {
var _scriptDir = typeof document !== 'undefined' && document.currentScript ? document.currentScript.src : undefined;
return (
function(config) {
var sqlite3InitModule = config || {};
var Module = typeof sqlite3InitModule != 'undefined' ? sqlite3InitModule : {};
var readyPromiseResolve, readyPromiseReject;
Module['ready'] = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
readyPromiseResolve = resolve;
readyPromiseReject = reject;
const sqlite3InitModuleState = globalThis.sqlite3InitModuleState
|| Object.assign(Object.create(null),{
debugModule: ()=>{}
delete globalThis.sqlite3InitModuleState;
sqlite3InitModuleState.debugModule('globalThis.location =',globalThis.location);
Module['locateFile'] = function(path, prefix) {
'use strict';
let theFile;
const up = this.urlParams;
theFile = up.get(path);
}else if(this.sqlite3Dir){
theFile = this.sqlite3Dir + path;
}else if(this.scriptDir){
theFile = this.scriptDir + path;
theFile = prefix + path;
"locateFile(",arguments[0], ',', arguments[1],")",
'sqlite3InitModuleState.scriptDir =',this.scriptDir,
'up.entries() =',Array.from(up.entries()),
"result =", theFile
return theFile;
const xNameOfInstantiateWasm = false
? 'instantiateWasm'
: 'emscripten-bug-17951';
Module[xNameOfInstantiateWasm] = function callee(imports,onSuccess){
imports.env.foo = function(){};
const uri = Module.locateFile(
callee.uri, (
('undefined'===typeof scriptDirectory)
? "" : scriptDirectory)
"instantiateWasm() uri =", uri
const wfetch = ()=>fetch(uri, {credentials: 'same-origin'});
const loadWasm = WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming
? async ()=>{
return WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(wfetch(), imports)
.then((arg)=>onSuccess(arg.instance, arg.module));
: async ()=>{
return wfetch()
.then(response => response.arrayBuffer())
.then(bytes => WebAssembly.instantiate(bytes, imports))
.then((arg)=>onSuccess(arg.instance, arg.module));
return {};
Module[xNameOfInstantiateWasm].uri = 'sqlite3.wasm';
var moduleOverrides = Object.assign({}, Module);
var arguments_ = [];
var thisProgram = './this.program';
var quit_ = (status, toThrow) => {
throw toThrow;
var ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB = typeof window == 'object';
var ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER = typeof importScripts == 'function';
var ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE = typeof process == 'object' && typeof process.versions == 'object' && typeof process.versions.node == 'string';
var scriptDirectory = '';
function locateFile(path) {
if (Module['locateFile']) {
return Module['locateFile'](path, scriptDirectory);
return scriptDirectory + path;
var read_,
scriptDirectory = self.location.href;
} else if (typeof document != 'undefined' && document.currentScript) {
scriptDirectory = document.currentScript.src;
if (_scriptDir) {
scriptDirectory = _scriptDir;
if (scriptDirectory.indexOf('blob:') !== 0) {
scriptDirectory = scriptDirectory.substr(0, scriptDirectory.replace(/[?#].*/, "").lastIndexOf('/')+1);
} else {
scriptDirectory = '';
read_ = (url) => {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('GET', url, false);
return xhr.responseText;
readBinary = (url) => {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('GET', url, false);
xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
return new Uint8Array((xhr.response));
readAsync = (url, onload, onerror) => {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('GET', url, true);
xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
xhr.onload = () => {
if (xhr.status == 200 || (xhr.status == 0 && xhr.response)) {
xhr.onerror = onerror;
setWindowTitle = (title) => document.title = title;
} else
var out = Module['print'] || console.log.bind(console);
var err = Module['printErr'] || console.warn.bind(console);
Object.assign(Module, moduleOverrides);
moduleOverrides = null;
if (Module['arguments']) arguments_ = Module['arguments'];
if (Module['thisProgram']) thisProgram = Module['thisProgram'];
if (Module['quit']) quit_ = Module['quit'];
var STACK_ALIGN = 16;
function getNativeTypeSize(type) {
switch (type) {
case 'i1': case 'i8': case 'u8': return 1;
case 'i16': case 'u16': return 2;
case 'i32': case 'u32': return 4;
case 'i64': case 'u64': return 8;
case 'float': return 4;
case 'double': return 8;
default: {
if (type[type.length - 1] === '*') {
if (type[0] === 'i') {
const bits = Number(type.substr(1));
assert(bits % 8 === 0, 'getNativeTypeSize invalid bits ' + bits + ', type ' + type);
return bits / 8;
return 0;
var wasmBinary;
if (Module['wasmBinary']) wasmBinary = Module['wasmBinary'];
var noExitRuntime = Module['noExitRuntime'] || true;
if (typeof WebAssembly != 'object') {
abort('no native wasm support detected');
var wasmMemory;
var ABORT = false;
function assert(condition, text) {
if (!condition) {
var UTF8Decoder = typeof TextDecoder != 'undefined' ? new TextDecoder('utf8') : undefined;
function UTF8ArrayToString(heapOrArray, idx, maxBytesToRead) {
var endIdx = idx + maxBytesToRead;
var endPtr = idx;
while (heapOrArray[endPtr] && !(endPtr >= endIdx)) ++endPtr;
if (endPtr - idx > 16 && heapOrArray.buffer && UTF8Decoder) {
return UTF8Decoder.decode(heapOrArray.subarray(idx, endPtr));
var str = '';
while (idx < endPtr) {
var u0 = heapOrArray[idx++];
if (!(u0 & 0x80)) { str += String.fromCharCode(u0); continue; }
var u1 = heapOrArray[idx++] & 63;
if ((u0 & 0xE0) == 0xC0) { str += String.fromCharCode(((u0 & 31) << 6) | u1); continue; }
var u2 = heapOrArray[idx++] & 63;
if ((u0 & 0xF0) == 0xE0) {
u0 = ((u0 & 15) << 12) | (u1 << 6) | u2;
} else {
u0 = ((u0 & 7) << 18) | (u1 << 12) | (u2 << 6) | (heapOrArray[idx++] & 63);
if (u0 < 0x10000) {
str += String.fromCharCode(u0);
} else {
var ch = u0 - 0x10000;
str += String.fromCharCode(0xD800 | (ch >> 10), 0xDC00 | (ch & 0x3FF));
return str;
function UTF8ToString(ptr, maxBytesToRead) {
return ptr ? UTF8ArrayToString(HEAPU8, ptr, maxBytesToRead) : '';
function stringToUTF8Array(str, heap, outIdx, maxBytesToWrite) {
if (!(maxBytesToWrite > 0))
return 0;
var startIdx = outIdx;
var endIdx = outIdx + maxBytesToWrite - 1;
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
var u = str.charCodeAt(i);
if (u >= 0xD800 && u <= 0xDFFF) {
var u1 = str.charCodeAt(++i);
u = 0x10000 + ((u & 0x3FF) << 10) | (u1 & 0x3FF);
if (u <= 0x7F) {
if (outIdx >= endIdx) break;
heap[outIdx++] = u;
} else if (u <= 0x7FF) {
if (outIdx + 1 >= endIdx) break;
heap[outIdx++] = 0xC0 | (u >> 6);
heap[outIdx++] = 0x80 | (u & 63);
} else if (u <= 0xFFFF) {
if (outIdx + 2 >= endIdx) break;
heap[outIdx++] = 0xE0 | (u >> 12);
heap[outIdx++] = 0x80 | ((u >> 6) & 63);
heap[outIdx++] = 0x80 | (u & 63);
} else {
if (outIdx + 3 >= endIdx) break;
heap[outIdx++] = 0xF0 | (u >> 18);
heap[outIdx++] = 0x80 | ((u >> 12) & 63);
heap[outIdx++] = 0x80 | ((u >> 6) & 63);
heap[outIdx++] = 0x80 | (u & 63);
heap[outIdx] = 0;
return outIdx - startIdx;
function stringToUTF8(str, outPtr, maxBytesToWrite) {
return stringToUTF8Array(str, HEAPU8,outPtr, maxBytesToWrite);
function lengthBytesUTF8(str) {
var len = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
var c = str.charCodeAt(i);
if (c <= 0x7F) {
} else if (c <= 0x7FF) {
len += 2;
} else if (c >= 0xD800 && c <= 0xDFFF) {
len += 4; ++i;
} else {
len += 3;
return len;
var HEAP,
function updateMemoryViews() {
var b = wasmMemory.buffer;
Module['HEAP8'] = HEAP8 = new Int8Array(b);
Module['HEAP16'] = HEAP16 = new Int16Array(b);
Module['HEAP32'] = HEAP32 = new Int32Array(b);
Module['HEAPU8'] = HEAPU8 = new Uint8Array(b);
Module['HEAPU16'] = HEAPU16 = new Uint16Array(b);
Module['HEAPU32'] = HEAPU32 = new Uint32Array(b);
Module['HEAPF32'] = HEAPF32 = new Float32Array(b);
Module['HEAPF64'] = HEAPF64 = new Float64Array(b);
Module['HEAP64'] = HEAP64 = new BigInt64Array(b);
Module['HEAPU64'] = HEAPU64 = new BigUint64Array(b);
var STACK_SIZE = 524288;
var INITIAL_MEMORY = Module['INITIAL_MEMORY'] || 16777216;
if (Module['wasmMemory']) {
wasmMemory = Module['wasmMemory'];
} else
wasmMemory = new WebAssembly.Memory({
'initial': INITIAL_MEMORY / 65536,
'maximum': 2147483648 / 65536
INITIAL_MEMORY = wasmMemory.buffer.byteLength;
var wasmTable;
var __ATPRERUN__ = [];
var __ATINIT__ = [];
var __ATEXIT__ = [];
var __ATPOSTRUN__ = [];
var runtimeInitialized = false;
function keepRuntimeAlive() {
return noExitRuntime;
function preRun() {
if (Module['preRun']) {
if (typeof Module['preRun'] == 'function') Module['preRun'] = [Module['preRun']];
while (Module['preRun'].length) {
function initRuntime() {
runtimeInitialized = true;
if (!Module["noFSInit"] && !FS.init.initialized)
FS.ignorePermissions = false;
function postRun() {
if (Module['postRun']) {
if (typeof Module['postRun'] == 'function') Module['postRun'] = [Module['postRun']];
while (Module['postRun'].length) {
function addOnPreRun(cb) {
function addOnInit(cb) {
function addOnExit(cb) {
function addOnPostRun(cb) {
var runDependencies = 0;
var runDependencyWatcher = null;
var dependenciesFulfilled = null;
function getUniqueRunDependency(id) {
return id;
function addRunDependency(id) {
if (Module['monitorRunDependencies']) {
function removeRunDependency(id) {
if (Module['monitorRunDependencies']) {
if (runDependencies == 0) {
if (runDependencyWatcher !== null) {
runDependencyWatcher = null;
if (dependenciesFulfilled) {
var callback = dependenciesFulfilled;
dependenciesFulfilled = null;
function abort(what) {
if (Module['onAbort']) {
what = 'Aborted(' + what + ')';
ABORT = true;
what += '. Build with -sASSERTIONS for more info.';
var e = new WebAssembly.RuntimeError(what);
throw e;
var dataURIPrefix = 'data:application/octet-stream;base64,';
function isDataURI(filename) {
return filename.startsWith(dataURIPrefix);
function isFileURI(filename) {
return filename.startsWith('file://');
var wasmBinaryFile;
wasmBinaryFile = 'sqlite3.wasm';
if (!isDataURI(wasmBinaryFile)) {
wasmBinaryFile = locateFile(wasmBinaryFile);
function getBinary(file) {
try {
if (file == wasmBinaryFile && wasmBinary) {
return new Uint8Array(wasmBinary);
if (readBinary) {
return readBinary(file);
throw "both async and sync fetching of the wasm failed";
catch (err) {
function getBinaryPromise() {
if (typeof fetch == 'function'
) {
return fetch(wasmBinaryFile, { credentials: 'same-origin' }).then(function(response) {
if (!response['ok']) {
throw "failed to load wasm binary file at '" + wasmBinaryFile + "'";
return response['arrayBuffer']();
}).catch(function () {
return getBinary(wasmBinaryFile);
return Promise.resolve().then(function() { return getBinary(wasmBinaryFile); });
function createWasm() {
var info = {
'env': asmLibraryArg,
'wasi_snapshot_preview1': asmLibraryArg,
function receiveInstance(instance, module) {
var exports = instance.exports;
Module['asm'] = exports;
wasmTable = Module['asm']['__indirect_function_table'];
function receiveInstantiationResult(result) {
function instantiateArrayBuffer(receiver) {
return getBinaryPromise().then(function(binary) {
return WebAssembly.instantiate(binary, info);
}).then(function (instance) {
return instance;
}).then(receiver, function(reason) {
err('failed to asynchronously prepare wasm: ' + reason);
function instantiateAsync() {
if (!wasmBinary &&
typeof WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming == 'function' &&
!isDataURI(wasmBinaryFile) &&
typeof fetch == 'function') {
return fetch(wasmBinaryFile, { credentials: 'same-origin' }).then(function(response) {
var result = WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(response, info);
return result.then(
function(reason) {
err('wasm streaming compile failed: ' + reason);
err('falling back to ArrayBuffer instantiation');
return instantiateArrayBuffer(receiveInstantiationResult);
} else {
return instantiateArrayBuffer(receiveInstantiationResult);
if (Module['instantiateWasm']) {
try {
var exports = Module['instantiateWasm'](info, receiveInstance);
return exports;
} catch(e) {
err('Module.instantiateWasm callback failed with error: ' + e);
return {};
var tempDouble;
var tempI64;
var ASM_CONSTS = {
function ExitStatus(status) {
this.name = 'ExitStatus';
this.message = 'Program terminated with exit(' + status + ')';
this.status = status;
function callRuntimeCallbacks(callbacks) {
while (callbacks.length > 0) {
function getValue(ptr, type = 'i8') {
if (type.endsWith('*')) type = '*';
switch (type) {
case 'i1': return HEAP8[((ptr)>>0)];
case 'i8': return HEAP8[((ptr)>>0)];
case 'i16': return HEAP16[((ptr)>>1)];
case 'i32': return HEAP32[((ptr)>>2)];
case 'i64': return HEAP64[((ptr)>>3)];
case 'float': return HEAPF32[((ptr)>>2)];
case 'double': return HEAPF64[((ptr)>>3)];
case '*': return HEAPU32[((ptr)>>2)];
default: abort('invalid type for getValue: ' + type);
return null;
function setValue(ptr, value, type = 'i8') {
if (type.endsWith('*')) type = '*';
switch (type) {
case 'i1': HEAP8[((ptr)>>0)] = value; break;
case 'i8': HEAP8[((ptr)>>0)] = value; break;
case 'i16': HEAP16[((ptr)>>1)] = value; break;
case 'i32': HEAP32[((ptr)>>2)] = value; break;
case 'i64': (tempI64 = [value>>>0,(tempDouble=value,(+(Math.abs(tempDouble))) >= 1.0 ? (tempDouble > 0.0 ? ((Math.min((+(Math.floor((tempDouble)/4294967296.0))), 4294967295.0))|0)>>>0 : (~~((+(Math.ceil((tempDouble - +(((~~(tempDouble)))>>>0))/4294967296.0)))))>>>0) : 0)],HEAP32[((ptr)>>2)] = tempI64[0],HEAP32[(((ptr)+(4))>>2)] = tempI64[1]); break;
case 'float': HEAPF32[((ptr)>>2)] = value; break;
case 'double': HEAPF64[((ptr)>>3)] = value; break;
case '*': HEAPU32[((ptr)>>2)] = value; break;
default: abort('invalid type for setValue: ' + type);
var PATH = {isAbs:(path) => path.charAt(0) === '/',splitPath:(filename) => {
var splitPathRe = /^(\/?|)([\s\S]*?)((?:\.{1,2}|[^\/]+?|)(\.[^.\/]*|))(?:[\/]*)$/;
return splitPathRe.exec(filename).slice(1);
},normalizeArray:(parts, allowAboveRoot) => {
var up = 0;
for (var i = parts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var last = parts[i];
if (last === '.') {
parts.splice(i, 1);
} else if (last === '..') {
parts.splice(i, 1);
} else if (up) {
parts.splice(i, 1);
if (allowAboveRoot) {
for (; up; up--) {
return parts;
},normalize:(path) => {
var isAbsolute = PATH.isAbs(path),
trailingSlash = path.substr(-1) === '/';
path = PATH.normalizeArray(path.split('/').filter((p) => !!p), !isAbsolute).join('/');
if (!path && !isAbsolute) {
path = '.';
if (path && trailingSlash) {
path += '/';
return (isAbsolute ? '/' : '') + path;
},dirname:(path) => {
var result = PATH.splitPath(path),
root = result[0],
dir = result[1];
if (!root && !dir) {
return '.';
if (dir) {
dir = dir.substr(0, dir.length - 1);
return root + dir;
},basename:(path) => {
if (path === '/') return '/';
path = PATH.normalize(path);
path = path.replace(/\/$/, "");
var lastSlash = path.lastIndexOf('/');
if (lastSlash === -1) return path;
return path.substr(lastSlash+1);
},join:function() {
var paths = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
return PATH.normalize(paths.join('/'));
},join2:(l, r) => {
return PATH.normalize(l + '/' + r);
function getRandomDevice() {
if (typeof crypto == 'object' && typeof crypto['getRandomValues'] == 'function') {
var randomBuffer = new Uint8Array(1);
return () => { crypto.getRandomValues(randomBuffer); return randomBuffer[0]; };
} else
return () => abort("randomDevice");
var PATH_FS = {resolve:function() {
var resolvedPath = '',
resolvedAbsolute = false;
for (var i = arguments.length - 1; i >= -1 && !resolvedAbsolute; i--) {
var path = (i >= 0) ? arguments[i] : FS.cwd();
if (typeof path != 'string') {
throw new TypeError('Arguments to path.resolve must be strings');
} else if (!path) {
return '';
resolvedPath = path + '/' + resolvedPath;
resolvedAbsolute = PATH.isAbs(path);
resolvedPath = PATH.normalizeArray(resolvedPath.split('/').filter((p) => !!p), !resolvedAbsolute).join('/');
return ((resolvedAbsolute ? '/' : '') + resolvedPath) || '.';
},relative:(from, to) => {
from = PATH_FS.resolve(from).substr(1);
to = PATH_FS.resolve(to).substr(1);
function trim(arr) {
var start = 0;
for (; start < arr.length; start++) {
if (arr[start] !== '') break;
var end = arr.length - 1;
for (; end >= 0; end--) {
if (arr[end] !== '') break;
if (start > end) return [];
return arr.slice(start, end - start + 1);
var fromParts = trim(from.split('/'));
var toParts = trim(to.split('/'));
var length = Math.min(fromParts.length, toParts.length);
var samePartsLength = length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (fromParts[i] !== toParts[i]) {
samePartsLength = i;
var outputParts = [];
for (var i = samePartsLength; i < fromParts.length; i++) {
outputParts = outputParts.concat(toParts.slice(samePartsLength));
return outputParts.join('/');
function intArrayFromString(stringy, dontAddNull, length) {
var len = length > 0 ? length : lengthBytesUTF8(stringy)+1;
var u8array = new Array(len);
var numBytesWritten = stringToUTF8Array(stringy, u8array, 0, u8array.length);
if (dontAddNull) u8array.length = numBytesWritten;
return u8array;
var TTY = {ttys:[],init:function () {
},shutdown:function() {
},register:function(dev, ops) {
TTY.ttys[dev] = { input: [], output: [], ops: ops };
FS.registerDevice(dev, TTY.stream_ops);
},stream_ops:{open:function(stream) {
var tty = TTY.ttys[stream.node.rdev];
if (!tty) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(43);
stream.tty = tty;
stream.seekable = false;
},close:function(stream) {
},fsync:function(stream) {
},read:function(stream, buffer, offset, length, pos ) {
if (!stream.tty || !stream.tty.ops.get_char) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(60);
var bytesRead = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var result;
try {
result = stream.tty.ops.get_char(stream.tty);
} catch (e) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(29);
if (result === undefined && bytesRead === 0) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(6);
if (result === null || result === undefined) break;
buffer[offset+i] = result;
if (bytesRead) {
stream.node.timestamp = Date.now();
return bytesRead;
},write:function(stream, buffer, offset, length, pos) {
if (!stream.tty || !stream.tty.ops.put_char) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(60);
try {
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
stream.tty.ops.put_char(stream.tty, buffer[offset+i]);
} catch (e) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(29);
if (length) {
stream.node.timestamp = Date.now();
return i;
}},default_tty_ops:{get_char:function(tty) {
if (!tty.input.length) {
var result = null;
if (typeof window != 'undefined' &&
typeof window.prompt == 'function') {
result = window.prompt('Input: ');
if (result !== null) {
result += '\n';
} else if (typeof readline == 'function') {
result = readline();
if (result !== null) {
result += '\n';
if (!result) {
return null;
tty.input = intArrayFromString(result, true);
return tty.input.shift();
},put_char:function(tty, val) {
if (val === null || val === 10) {
out(UTF8ArrayToString(tty.output, 0));
tty.output = [];
} else {
if (val != 0) tty.output.push(val);
},fsync:function(tty) {
if (tty.output && tty.output.length > 0) {
out(UTF8ArrayToString(tty.output, 0));
tty.output = [];
}},default_tty1_ops:{put_char:function(tty, val) {
if (val === null || val === 10) {
err(UTF8ArrayToString(tty.output, 0));
tty.output = [];
} else {
if (val != 0) tty.output.push(val);
},fsync:function(tty) {
if (tty.output && tty.output.length > 0) {
err(UTF8ArrayToString(tty.output, 0));
tty.output = [];
function zeroMemory(address, size) {
HEAPU8.fill(0, address, address + size);
return address;
function alignMemory(size, alignment) {
return Math.ceil(size / alignment) * alignment;
function mmapAlloc(size) {
var MEMFS = {ops_table:null,mount:function(mount) {
return MEMFS.createNode(null, '/', 16384 | 511 , 0);
},createNode:function(parent, name, mode, dev) {
if (FS.isBlkdev(mode) || FS.isFIFO(mode)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
if (!MEMFS.ops_table) {
MEMFS.ops_table = {
dir: {
node: {
getattr: MEMFS.node_ops.getattr,
setattr: MEMFS.node_ops.setattr,
lookup: MEMFS.node_ops.lookup,
mknod: MEMFS.node_ops.mknod,
rename: MEMFS.node_ops.rename,
unlink: MEMFS.node_ops.unlink,
rmdir: MEMFS.node_ops.rmdir,
readdir: MEMFS.node_ops.readdir,
symlink: MEMFS.node_ops.symlink
stream: {
llseek: MEMFS.stream_ops.llseek
file: {
node: {
getattr: MEMFS.node_ops.getattr,
setattr: MEMFS.node_ops.setattr
stream: {
llseek: MEMFS.stream_ops.llseek,
read: MEMFS.stream_ops.read,
write: MEMFS.stream_ops.write,
allocate: MEMFS.stream_ops.allocate,
mmap: MEMFS.stream_ops.mmap,
msync: MEMFS.stream_ops.msync
link: {
node: {
getattr: MEMFS.node_ops.getattr,
setattr: MEMFS.node_ops.setattr,
readlink: MEMFS.node_ops.readlink
stream: {}
chrdev: {
node: {
getattr: MEMFS.node_ops.getattr,
setattr: MEMFS.node_ops.setattr
stream: FS.chrdev_stream_ops
var node = FS.createNode(parent, name, mode, dev);
if (FS.isDir(node.mode)) {
node.node_ops = MEMFS.ops_table.dir.node;
node.stream_ops = MEMFS.ops_table.dir.stream;
node.contents = {};
} else if (FS.isFile(node.mode)) {
node.node_ops = MEMFS.ops_table.file.node;
node.stream_ops = MEMFS.ops_table.file.stream;
node.usedBytes = 0;
node.contents = null;
} else if (FS.isLink(node.mode)) {
node.node_ops = MEMFS.ops_table.link.node;
node.stream_ops = MEMFS.ops_table.link.stream;
} else if (FS.isChrdev(node.mode)) {
node.node_ops = MEMFS.ops_table.chrdev.node;
node.stream_ops = MEMFS.ops_table.chrdev.stream;
node.timestamp = Date.now();
if (parent) {
parent.contents[name] = node;
parent.timestamp = node.timestamp;
return node;
},getFileDataAsTypedArray:function(node) {
if (!node.contents) return new Uint8Array(0);
if (node.contents.subarray) return node.contents.subarray(0, node.usedBytes);
return new Uint8Array(node.contents);
},expandFileStorage:function(node, newCapacity) {
var prevCapacity = node.contents ? node.contents.length : 0;
if (prevCapacity >= newCapacity) return;
var CAPACITY_DOUBLING_MAX = 1024 * 1024;
newCapacity = Math.max(newCapacity, (prevCapacity * (prevCapacity < CAPACITY_DOUBLING_MAX ? 2.0 : 1.125)) >>> 0);
if (prevCapacity != 0) newCapacity = Math.max(newCapacity, 256);
var oldContents = node.contents;
node.contents = new Uint8Array(newCapacity);
if (node.usedBytes > 0) node.contents.set(oldContents.subarray(0, node.usedBytes), 0);
},resizeFileStorage:function(node, newSize) {
if (node.usedBytes == newSize) return;
if (newSize == 0) {
node.contents = null;
node.usedBytes = 0;
} else {
var oldContents = node.contents;
node.contents = new Uint8Array(newSize);
if (oldContents) {
node.contents.set(oldContents.subarray(0, Math.min(newSize, node.usedBytes)));
node.usedBytes = newSize;
},node_ops:{getattr:function(node) {
var attr = {};
attr.dev = FS.isChrdev(node.mode) ? node.id : 1;
attr.ino = node.id;
attr.mode = node.mode;
attr.nlink = 1;
attr.uid = 0;
attr.gid = 0;
attr.rdev = node.rdev;
if (FS.isDir(node.mode)) {
attr.size = 4096;
} else if (FS.isFile(node.mode)) {
attr.size = node.usedBytes;
} else if (FS.isLink(node.mode)) {
attr.size = node.link.length;
} else {
attr.size = 0;
attr.atime = new Date(node.timestamp);
attr.mtime = new Date(node.timestamp);
attr.ctime = new Date(node.timestamp);
attr.blksize = 4096;
attr.blocks = Math.ceil(attr.size / attr.blksize);
return attr;
},setattr:function(node, attr) {
if (attr.mode !== undefined) {
node.mode = attr.mode;
if (attr.timestamp !== undefined) {
node.timestamp = attr.timestamp;
if (attr.size !== undefined) {
MEMFS.resizeFileStorage(node, attr.size);
},lookup:function(parent, name) {
throw FS.genericErrors[44];
},mknod:function(parent, name, mode, dev) {
return MEMFS.createNode(parent, name, mode, dev);
},rename:function(old_node, new_dir, new_name) {
if (FS.isDir(old_node.mode)) {
var new_node;
try {
new_node = FS.lookupNode(new_dir, new_name);
} catch (e) {
if (new_node) {
for (var i in new_node.contents) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(55);
delete old_node.parent.contents[old_node.name];
old_node.parent.timestamp = Date.now()
old_node.name = new_name;
new_dir.contents[new_name] = old_node;
new_dir.timestamp = old_node.parent.timestamp;
old_node.parent = new_dir;
},unlink:function(parent, name) {
delete parent.contents[name];
parent.timestamp = Date.now();
},rmdir:function(parent, name) {
var node = FS.lookupNode(parent, name);
for (var i in node.contents) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(55);
delete parent.contents[name];
parent.timestamp = Date.now();
},readdir:function(node) {
var entries = ['.', '..'];
for (var key in node.contents) {
if (!node.contents.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
return entries;
},symlink:function(parent, newname, oldpath) {
var node = MEMFS.createNode(parent, newname, 511 | 40960, 0);
node.link = oldpath;
return node;
},readlink:function(node) {
if (!FS.isLink(node.mode)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
return node.link;
}},stream_ops:{read:function(stream, buffer, offset, length, position) {
var contents = stream.node.contents;
if (position >= stream.node.usedBytes) return 0;
var size = Math.min(stream.node.usedBytes - position, length);
if (size > 8 && contents.subarray) {
buffer.set(contents.subarray(position, position + size), offset);
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) buffer[offset + i] = contents[position + i];
return size;
},write:function(stream, buffer, offset, length, position, canOwn) {
if (buffer.buffer === HEAP8.buffer) {
canOwn = false;
if (!length) return 0;
var node = stream.node;
node.timestamp = Date.now();
if (buffer.subarray && (!node.contents || node.contents.subarray)) {
if (canOwn) {
node.contents = buffer.subarray(offset, offset + length);
node.usedBytes = length;
return length;
} else if (node.usedBytes === 0 && position === 0) {
node.contents = buffer.slice(offset, offset + length);
node.usedBytes = length;
return length;
} else if (position + length <= node.usedBytes) {
node.contents.set(buffer.subarray(offset, offset + length), position);
return length;
MEMFS.expandFileStorage(node, position+length);
if (node.contents.subarray && buffer.subarray) {
node.contents.set(buffer.subarray(offset, offset + length), position);
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
node.contents[position + i] = buffer[offset + i];
node.usedBytes = Math.max(node.usedBytes, position + length);
return length;
},llseek:function(stream, offset, whence) {
var position = offset;
if (whence === 1) {
position += stream.position;
} else if (whence === 2) {
if (FS.isFile(stream.node.mode)) {
position += stream.node.usedBytes;
if (position < 0) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
return position;
},allocate:function(stream, offset, length) {
MEMFS.expandFileStorage(stream.node, offset + length);
stream.node.usedBytes = Math.max(stream.node.usedBytes, offset + length);
},mmap:function(stream, length, position, prot, flags) {
if (!FS.isFile(stream.node.mode)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(43);
var ptr;
var allocated;
var contents = stream.node.contents;
if (!(flags & 2) && contents.buffer === HEAP8.buffer) {
allocated = false;
ptr = contents.byteOffset;
} else {
if (position > 0 || position + length < contents.length) {
if (contents.subarray) {
contents = contents.subarray(position, position + length);
} else {
contents = Array.prototype.slice.call(contents, position, position + length);
allocated = true;
ptr = mmapAlloc(length);
if (!ptr) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(48);
HEAP8.set(contents, ptr);
return { ptr: ptr, allocated: allocated };
},msync:function(stream, buffer, offset, length, mmapFlags) {
MEMFS.stream_ops.write(stream, buffer, 0, length, offset, false);
return 0;
function asyncLoad(url, onload, onerror, noRunDep) {
var dep = !noRunDep ? getUniqueRunDependency('al ' + url) : '';
readAsync(url, (arrayBuffer) => {
assert(arrayBuffer, 'Loading data file "' + url + '" failed (no arrayBuffer).');
onload(new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer));
if (dep) removeRunDependency(dep);
}, (event) => {
if (onerror) {
} else {
throw 'Loading data file "' + url + '" failed.';
if (dep) addRunDependency(dep);
var FS = {root:null,mounts:[],devices:{},streams:[],nextInode:1,nameTable:null,currentPath:"/",initialized:false,ignorePermissions:true,ErrnoError:null,genericErrors:{},filesystems:null,syncFSRequests:0,lookupPath:(path, opts = {}) => {
path = PATH_FS.resolve(path);
if (!path) return { path: '', node: null };
var defaults = {
follow_mount: true,
recurse_count: 0
opts = Object.assign(defaults, opts)
if (opts.recurse_count > 8) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(32);
var parts = path.split('/').filter((p) => !!p);
var current = FS.root;
var current_path = '/';
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
var islast = (i === parts.length-1);
if (islast && opts.parent) {
current = FS.lookupNode(current, parts[i]);
current_path = PATH.join2(current_path, parts[i]);
if (FS.isMountpoint(current)) {
if (!islast || (islast && opts.follow_mount)) {
current = current.mounted.root;
if (!islast || opts.follow) {
var count = 0;
while (FS.isLink(current.mode)) {
var link = FS.readlink(current_path);
current_path = PATH_FS.resolve(PATH.dirname(current_path), link);
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(current_path, { recurse_count: opts.recurse_count + 1 });
current = lookup.node;
if (count++ > 40) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(32);
return { path: current_path, node: current };
},getPath:(node) => {
var path;
while (true) {
if (FS.isRoot(node)) {
var mount = node.mount.mountpoint;
if (!path) return mount;
return mount[mount.length-1] !== '/' ? mount + '/' + path : mount + path;
path = path ? node.name + '/' + path : node.name;
node = node.parent;
},hashName:(parentid, name) => {
var hash = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < name.length; i++) {
hash = ((hash << 5) - hash + name.charCodeAt(i)) | 0;
return ((parentid + hash) >>> 0) % FS.nameTable.length;
},hashAddNode:(node) => {
var hash = FS.hashName(node.parent.id, node.name);
node.name_next = FS.nameTable[hash];
FS.nameTable[hash] = node;
},hashRemoveNode:(node) => {
var hash = FS.hashName(node.parent.id, node.name);
if (FS.nameTable[hash] === node) {
FS.nameTable[hash] = node.name_next;
} else {
var current = FS.nameTable[hash];
while (current) {
if (current.name_next === node) {
current.name_next = node.name_next;
current = current.name_next;
},lookupNode:(parent, name) => {
var errCode = FS.mayLookup(parent);
if (errCode) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(errCode, parent);
var hash = FS.hashName(parent.id, name);
for (var node = FS.nameTable[hash]; node; node = node.name_next) {
var nodeName = node.name;
if (node.parent.id === parent.id && nodeName === name) {
return node;
return FS.lookup(parent, name);
},createNode:(parent, name, mode, rdev) => {
var node = new FS.FSNode(parent, name, mode, rdev);
return node;
},destroyNode:(node) => {
},isRoot:(node) => {
return node === node.parent;
},isMountpoint:(node) => {
return !!node.mounted;
},isFile:(mode) => {
return (mode & 61440) === 32768;
},isDir:(mode) => {
return (mode & 61440) === 16384;
},isLink:(mode) => {
return (mode & 61440) === 40960;
},isChrdev:(mode) => {
return (mode & 61440) === 8192;
},isBlkdev:(mode) => {
return (mode & 61440) === 24576;
},isFIFO:(mode) => {
return (mode & 61440) === 4096;
},isSocket:(mode) => {
return (mode & 49152) === 49152;
},flagModes:{"r":0,"r+":2,"w":577,"w+":578,"a":1089,"a+":1090},modeStringToFlags:(str) => {
var flags = FS.flagModes[str];
if (typeof flags == 'undefined') {
throw new Error('Unknown file open mode: ' + str);
return flags;
},flagsToPermissionString:(flag) => {
var perms = ['r', 'w', 'rw'][flag & 3];
if ((flag & 512)) {
perms += 'w';
return perms;
},nodePermissions:(node, perms) => {
if (FS.ignorePermissions) {
return 0;
if (perms.includes('r') && !(node.mode & 292)) {
return 2;
} else if (perms.includes('w') && !(node.mode & 146)) {
return 2;
} else if (perms.includes('x') && !(node.mode & 73)) {
return 2;
return 0;
},mayLookup:(dir) => {
var errCode = FS.nodePermissions(dir, 'x');
if (errCode) return errCode;
if (!dir.node_ops.lookup) return 2;
return 0;
},mayCreate:(dir, name) => {
try {
var node = FS.lookupNode(dir, name);
return 20;
} catch (e) {
return FS.nodePermissions(dir, 'wx');
},mayDelete:(dir, name, isdir) => {
var node;
try {
node = FS.lookupNode(dir, name);
} catch (e) {
return e.errno;
var errCode = FS.nodePermissions(dir, 'wx');
if (errCode) {
return errCode;
if (isdir) {
if (!FS.isDir(node.mode)) {
return 54;
if (FS.isRoot(node) || FS.getPath(node) === FS.cwd()) {
return 10;
} else {
if (FS.isDir(node.mode)) {
return 31;
return 0;
},mayOpen:(node, flags) => {
if (!node) {
return 44;
if (FS.isLink(node.mode)) {
return 32;
} else if (FS.isDir(node.mode)) {
if (FS.flagsToPermissionString(flags) !== 'r' ||
(flags & 512)) {
return 31;
return FS.nodePermissions(node, FS.flagsToPermissionString(flags));
},MAX_OPEN_FDS:4096,nextfd:(fd_start = 0, fd_end = FS.MAX_OPEN_FDS) => {
for (var fd = fd_start; fd <= fd_end; fd++) {
if (!FS.streams[fd]) {
return fd;
throw new FS.ErrnoError(33);
},getStream:(fd) => FS.streams[fd],createStream:(stream, fd_start, fd_end) => {
if (!FS.FSStream) {
FS.FSStream = function() {
this.shared = { };
FS.FSStream.prototype = {};
Object.defineProperties(FS.FSStream.prototype, {
object: {
get: function() { return this.node; },
set: function(val) { this.node = val; }
isRead: {
get: function() { return (this.flags & 2097155) !== 1; }
isWrite: {
get: function() { return (this.flags & 2097155) !== 0; }
isAppend: {
get: function() { return (this.flags & 1024); }
flags: {
get: function() { return this.shared.flags; },
set: function(val) { this.shared.flags = val; },
position : {
get: function() { return this.shared.position; },
set: function(val) { this.shared.position = val; },
stream = Object.assign(new FS.FSStream(), stream);
var fd = FS.nextfd(fd_start, fd_end);
stream.fd = fd;
FS.streams[fd] = stream;
return stream;
},closeStream:(fd) => {
FS.streams[fd] = null;
},chrdev_stream_ops:{open:(stream) => {
var device = FS.getDevice(stream.node.rdev);
stream.stream_ops = device.stream_ops;
if (stream.stream_ops.open) {
},llseek:() => {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(70);
}},major:(dev) => ((dev) >> 8),minor:(dev) => ((dev) & 0xff),makedev:(ma, mi) => ((ma) << 8 | (mi)),registerDevice:(dev, ops) => {
FS.devices[dev] = { stream_ops: ops };
},getDevice:(dev) => FS.devices[dev],getMounts:(mount) => {
var mounts = [];
var check = [mount];
while (check.length) {
var m = check.pop();
check.push.apply(check, m.mounts);
return mounts;
},syncfs:(populate, callback) => {
if (typeof populate == 'function') {
callback = populate;
populate = false;
if (FS.syncFSRequests > 1) {
err('warning: ' + FS.syncFSRequests + ' FS.syncfs operations in flight at once, probably just doing extra work');
var mounts = FS.getMounts(FS.root.mount);
var completed = 0;
function doCallback(errCode) {
return callback(errCode);
function done(errCode) {
if (errCode) {
if (!done.errored) {
done.errored = true;
return doCallback(errCode);
if (++completed >= mounts.length) {
mounts.forEach((mount) => {
if (!mount.type.syncfs) {
return done(null);
mount.type.syncfs(mount, populate, done);
},mount:(type, opts, mountpoint) => {
var root = mountpoint === '/';
var pseudo = !mountpoint;
var node;
if (root && FS.root) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(10);
} else if (!root && !pseudo) {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(mountpoint, { follow_mount: false });
mountpoint = lookup.path;
node = lookup.node;
if (FS.isMountpoint(node)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(10);
if (!FS.isDir(node.mode)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(54);
var mount = {
type: type,
opts: opts,
mountpoint: mountpoint,
mounts: []
var mountRoot = type.mount(mount);
mountRoot.mount = mount;
mount.root = mountRoot;
if (root) {
FS.root = mountRoot;
} else if (node) {
node.mounted = mount;
if (node.mount) {
return mountRoot;
},unmount:(mountpoint) => {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(mountpoint, { follow_mount: false });
if (!FS.isMountpoint(lookup.node)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
var node = lookup.node;
var mount = node.mounted;
var mounts = FS.getMounts(mount);
Object.keys(FS.nameTable).forEach((hash) => {
var current = FS.nameTable[hash];
while (current) {
var next = current.name_next;
if (mounts.includes(current.mount)) {
current = next;
node.mounted = null;
var idx = node.mount.mounts.indexOf(mount);
node.mount.mounts.splice(idx, 1);
},lookup:(parent, name) => {
return parent.node_ops.lookup(parent, name);
},mknod:(path, mode, dev) => {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { parent: true });
var parent = lookup.node;
var name = PATH.basename(path);
if (!name || name === '.' || name === '..') {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
var errCode = FS.mayCreate(parent, name);
if (errCode) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(errCode);
if (!parent.node_ops.mknod) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
return parent.node_ops.mknod(parent, name, mode, dev);
},create:(path, mode) => {
mode = mode !== undefined ? mode : 438 ;
mode &= 4095;
mode |= 32768;
return FS.mknod(path, mode, 0);
},mkdir:(path, mode) => {
mode = mode !== undefined ? mode : 511 ;
mode &= 511 | 512;
mode |= 16384;
return FS.mknod(path, mode, 0);
},mkdirTree:(path, mode) => {
var dirs = path.split('/');
var d = '';
for (var i = 0; i < dirs.length; ++i) {
if (!dirs[i]) continue;
d += '/' + dirs[i];
try {
FS.mkdir(d, mode);
} catch(e) {
if (e.errno != 20) throw e;
},mkdev:(path, mode, dev) => {
if (typeof dev == 'undefined') {
dev = mode;
mode = 438 ;
mode |= 8192;
return FS.mknod(path, mode, dev);
},symlink:(oldpath, newpath) => {
if (!PATH_FS.resolve(oldpath)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(44);
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(newpath, { parent: true });
var parent = lookup.node;
if (!parent) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(44);
var newname = PATH.basename(newpath);
var errCode = FS.mayCreate(parent, newname);
if (errCode) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(errCode);
if (!parent.node_ops.symlink) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
return parent.node_ops.symlink(parent, newname, oldpath);
},rename:(old_path, new_path) => {
var old_dirname = PATH.dirname(old_path);
var new_dirname = PATH.dirname(new_path);
var old_name = PATH.basename(old_path);
var new_name = PATH.basename(new_path);
var lookup, old_dir, new_dir;
lookup = FS.lookupPath(old_path, { parent: true });
old_dir = lookup.node;
lookup = FS.lookupPath(new_path, { parent: true });
new_dir = lookup.node;
if (!old_dir || !new_dir) throw new FS.ErrnoError(44);
if (old_dir.mount !== new_dir.mount) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(75);
var old_node = FS.lookupNode(old_dir, old_name);
var relative = PATH_FS.relative(old_path, new_dirname);
if (relative.charAt(0) !== '.') {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
relative = PATH_FS.relative(new_path, old_dirname);
if (relative.charAt(0) !== '.') {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(55);
var new_node;
try {
new_node = FS.lookupNode(new_dir, new_name);
} catch (e) {
if (old_node === new_node) {
var isdir = FS.isDir(old_node.mode);
var errCode = FS.mayDelete(old_dir, old_name, isdir);
if (errCode) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(errCode);
errCode = new_node ?
FS.mayDelete(new_dir, new_name, isdir) :
FS.mayCreate(new_dir, new_name);
if (errCode) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(errCode);
if (!old_dir.node_ops.rename) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
if (FS.isMountpoint(old_node) || (new_node && FS.isMountpoint(new_node))) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(10);
if (new_dir !== old_dir) {
errCode = FS.nodePermissions(old_dir, 'w');
if (errCode) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(errCode);
try {
old_dir.node_ops.rename(old_node, new_dir, new_name);
} catch (e) {
throw e;
} finally {
},rmdir:(path) => {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { parent: true });
var parent = lookup.node;
var name = PATH.basename(path);
var node = FS.lookupNode(parent, name);
var errCode = FS.mayDelete(parent, name, true);
if (errCode) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(errCode);
if (!parent.node_ops.rmdir) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
if (FS.isMountpoint(node)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(10);
parent.node_ops.rmdir(parent, name);
},readdir:(path) => {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: true });
var node = lookup.node;
if (!node.node_ops.readdir) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(54);
return node.node_ops.readdir(node);
},unlink:(path) => {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { parent: true });
var parent = lookup.node;
if (!parent) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(44);
var name = PATH.basename(path);
var node = FS.lookupNode(parent, name);
var errCode = FS.mayDelete(parent, name, false);
if (errCode) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(errCode);
if (!parent.node_ops.unlink) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
if (FS.isMountpoint(node)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(10);
parent.node_ops.unlink(parent, name);
},readlink:(path) => {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path);
var link = lookup.node;
if (!link) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(44);
if (!link.node_ops.readlink) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
return PATH_FS.resolve(FS.getPath(link.parent), link.node_ops.readlink(link));
},stat:(path, dontFollow) => {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: !dontFollow });
var node = lookup.node;
if (!node) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(44);
if (!node.node_ops.getattr) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
return node.node_ops.getattr(node);
},lstat:(path) => {
return FS.stat(path, true);
},chmod:(path, mode, dontFollow) => {
var node;
if (typeof path == 'string') {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: !dontFollow });
node = lookup.node;
} else {
node = path;
if (!node.node_ops.setattr) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
node.node_ops.setattr(node, {
mode: (mode & 4095) | (node.mode & ~4095),
timestamp: Date.now()
},lchmod:(path, mode) => {
FS.chmod(path, mode, true);
},fchmod:(fd, mode) => {
var stream = FS.getStream(fd);
if (!stream) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
FS.chmod(stream.node, mode);
},chown:(path, uid, gid, dontFollow) => {
var node;
if (typeof path == 'string') {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: !dontFollow });
node = lookup.node;
} else {
node = path;
if (!node.node_ops.setattr) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
node.node_ops.setattr(node, {
timestamp: Date.now()
},lchown:(path, uid, gid) => {
FS.chown(path, uid, gid, true);
},fchown:(fd, uid, gid) => {
var stream = FS.getStream(fd);
if (!stream) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
FS.chown(stream.node, uid, gid);
},truncate:(path, len) => {
if (len < 0) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
var node;
if (typeof path == 'string') {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: true });
node = lookup.node;
} else {
node = path;
if (!node.node_ops.setattr) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
if (FS.isDir(node.mode)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(31);
if (!FS.isFile(node.mode)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
var errCode = FS.nodePermissions(node, 'w');
if (errCode) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(errCode);
node.node_ops.setattr(node, {
size: len,
timestamp: Date.now()
},ftruncate:(fd, len) => {
var stream = FS.getStream(fd);
if (!stream) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
if ((stream.flags & 2097155) === 0) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
FS.truncate(stream.node, len);
},utime:(path, atime, mtime) => {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: true });
var node = lookup.node;
node.node_ops.setattr(node, {
timestamp: Math.max(atime, mtime)
},open:(path, flags, mode) => {
if (path === "") {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(44);
flags = typeof flags == 'string' ? FS.modeStringToFlags(flags) : flags;
mode = typeof mode == 'undefined' ? 438 : mode;
if ((flags & 64)) {
mode = (mode & 4095) | 32768;
} else {
mode = 0;
var node;
if (typeof path == 'object') {
node = path;
} else {
path = PATH.normalize(path);
try {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, {
follow: !(flags & 131072)
node = lookup.node;
} catch (e) {
var created = false;
if ((flags & 64)) {
if (node) {
if ((flags & 128)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(20);
} else {
node = FS.mknod(path, mode, 0);
created = true;
if (!node) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(44);
if (FS.isChrdev(node.mode)) {
flags &= ~512;
if ((flags & 65536) && !FS.isDir(node.mode)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(54);
if (!created) {
var errCode = FS.mayOpen(node, flags);
if (errCode) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(errCode);
if ((flags & 512) && !created) {
FS.truncate(node, 0);
flags &= ~(128 | 512 | 131072);
var stream = FS.createStream({
node: node,
path: FS.getPath(node),
flags: flags,
seekable: true,
position: 0,
stream_ops: node.stream_ops,
ungotten: [],
error: false
if (stream.stream_ops.open) {
if (Module['logReadFiles'] && !(flags & 1)) {
if (!FS.readFiles) FS.readFiles = {};
if (!(path in FS.readFiles)) {
FS.readFiles[path] = 1;
return stream;
},close:(stream) => {
if (FS.isClosed(stream)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
if (stream.getdents) stream.getdents = null;
try {
if (stream.stream_ops.close) {
} catch (e) {
throw e;
} finally {
stream.fd = null;
},isClosed:(stream) => {
return stream.fd === null;
},llseek:(stream, offset, whence) => {
if (FS.isClosed(stream)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
if (!stream.seekable || !stream.stream_ops.llseek) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(70);
if (whence != 0 && whence != 1 && whence != 2) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
stream.position = stream.stream_ops.llseek(stream, offset, whence);
stream.ungotten = [];
return stream.position;
},read:(stream, buffer, offset, length, position) => {
if (length < 0 || position < 0) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
if (FS.isClosed(stream)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
if ((stream.flags & 2097155) === 1) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
if (FS.isDir(stream.node.mode)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(31);
if (!stream.stream_ops.read) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
var seeking = typeof position != 'undefined';
if (!seeking) {
position = stream.position;
} else if (!stream.seekable) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(70);
var bytesRead = stream.stream_ops.read(stream, buffer, offset, length, position);
if (!seeking) stream.position += bytesRead;
return bytesRead;
},write:(stream, buffer, offset, length, position, canOwn) => {
if (length < 0 || position < 0) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
if (FS.isClosed(stream)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
if ((stream.flags & 2097155) === 0) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
if (FS.isDir(stream.node.mode)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(31);
if (!stream.stream_ops.write) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
if (stream.seekable && stream.flags & 1024) {
FS.llseek(stream, 0, 2);
var seeking = typeof position != 'undefined';
if (!seeking) {
position = stream.position;
} else if (!stream.seekable) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(70);
var bytesWritten = stream.stream_ops.write(stream, buffer, offset, length, position, canOwn);
if (!seeking) stream.position += bytesWritten;
return bytesWritten;
},allocate:(stream, offset, length) => {
if (FS.isClosed(stream)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
if (offset < 0 || length <= 0) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
if ((stream.flags & 2097155) === 0) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
if (!FS.isFile(stream.node.mode) && !FS.isDir(stream.node.mode)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(43);
if (!stream.stream_ops.allocate) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(138);
stream.stream_ops.allocate(stream, offset, length);
},mmap:(stream, length, position, prot, flags) => {
if ((prot & 2) !== 0
&& (flags & 2) === 0
&& (stream.flags & 2097155) !== 2) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(2);
if ((stream.flags & 2097155) === 1) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(2);
if (!stream.stream_ops.mmap) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(43);
return stream.stream_ops.mmap(stream, length, position, prot, flags);
},msync:(stream, buffer, offset, length, mmapFlags) => {
if (!stream.stream_ops.msync) {
return 0;
return stream.stream_ops.msync(stream, buffer, offset, length, mmapFlags);
},munmap:(stream) => 0,ioctl:(stream, cmd, arg) => {
if (!stream.stream_ops.ioctl) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(59);
return stream.stream_ops.ioctl(stream, cmd, arg);
},readFile:(path, opts = {}) => {
opts.flags = opts.flags || 0;
opts.encoding = opts.encoding || 'binary';
if (opts.encoding !== 'utf8' && opts.encoding !== 'binary') {
throw new Error('Invalid encoding type "' + opts.encoding + '"');
var ret;
var stream = FS.open(path, opts.flags);
var stat = FS.stat(path);
var length = stat.size;
var buf = new Uint8Array(length);
FS.read(stream, buf, 0, length, 0);
if (opts.encoding === 'utf8') {
ret = UTF8ArrayToString(buf, 0);
} else if (opts.encoding === 'binary') {
ret = buf;
return ret;
},writeFile:(path, data, opts = {}) => {
opts.flags = opts.flags || 577;
var stream = FS.open(path, opts.flags, opts.mode);
if (typeof data == 'string') {
var buf = new Uint8Array(lengthBytesUTF8(data)+1);
var actualNumBytes = stringToUTF8Array(data, buf, 0, buf.length);
FS.write(stream, buf, 0, actualNumBytes, undefined, opts.canOwn);
} else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(data)) {
FS.write(stream, data, 0, data.byteLength, undefined, opts.canOwn);
} else {
throw new Error('Unsupported data type');
},cwd:() => FS.currentPath,chdir:(path) => {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: true });
if (lookup.node === null) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(44);
if (!FS.isDir(lookup.node.mode)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(54);
var errCode = FS.nodePermissions(lookup.node, 'x');
if (errCode) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(errCode);
FS.currentPath = lookup.path;
},createDefaultDirectories:() => {
},createDefaultDevices:() => {
FS.registerDevice(FS.makedev(1, 3), {
read: () => 0,
write: (stream, buffer, offset, length, pos) => length,
FS.mkdev('/dev/null', FS.makedev(1, 3));
TTY.register(FS.makedev(5, 0), TTY.default_tty_ops);
TTY.register(FS.makedev(6, 0), TTY.default_tty1_ops);
FS.mkdev('/dev/tty', FS.makedev(5, 0));
FS.mkdev('/dev/tty1', FS.makedev(6, 0));
var random_device = getRandomDevice();
FS.createDevice('/dev', 'random', random_device);
FS.createDevice('/dev', 'urandom', random_device);
},createSpecialDirectories:() => {
var proc_self = FS.mkdir('/proc/self');
mount: () => {
var node = FS.createNode(proc_self, 'fd', 16384 | 511 , 73);
node.node_ops = {
lookup: (parent, name) => {
var fd = +name;
var stream = FS.getStream(fd);
if (!stream) throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
var ret = {
parent: null,
mount: { mountpoint: 'fake' },
node_ops: { readlink: () => stream.path },
ret.parent = ret;
return ret;
return node;
}, {}, '/proc/self/fd');
},createStandardStreams:() => {
if (Module['stdin']) {
FS.createDevice('/dev', 'stdin', Module['stdin']);
} else {
FS.symlink('/dev/tty', '/dev/stdin');
if (Module['stdout']) {
FS.createDevice('/dev', 'stdout', null, Module['stdout']);
} else {
FS.symlink('/dev/tty', '/dev/stdout');
if (Module['stderr']) {
FS.createDevice('/dev', 'stderr', null, Module['stderr']);
} else {
FS.symlink('/dev/tty1', '/dev/stderr');
var stdin = FS.open('/dev/stdin', 0);
var stdout = FS.open('/dev/stdout', 1);
var stderr = FS.open('/dev/stderr', 1);
},ensureErrnoError:() => {
if (FS.ErrnoError) return;
FS.ErrnoError = function ErrnoError(errno, node) {
this.node = node;
this.setErrno = function(errno) {
this.errno = errno;
this.message = 'FS error';
FS.ErrnoError.prototype = new Error();
FS.ErrnoError.prototype.constructor = FS.ErrnoError;
[44].forEach((code) => {
FS.genericErrors[code] = new FS.ErrnoError(code);
FS.genericErrors[code].stack = '<generic error, no stack>';
},staticInit:() => {
FS.nameTable = new Array(4096);
FS.mount(MEMFS, {}, '/');
FS.filesystems = {
},init:(input, output, error) => {
FS.init.initialized = true;
Module['stdin'] = input || Module['stdin'];
Module['stdout'] = output || Module['stdout'];
Module['stderr'] = error || Module['stderr'];
},quit:() => {
FS.init.initialized = false;
for (var i = 0; i < FS.streams.length; i++) {
var stream = FS.streams[i];
if (!stream) {
},getMode:(canRead, canWrite) => {
var mode = 0;
if (canRead) mode |= 292 | 73;
if (canWrite) mode |= 146;
return mode;
},findObject:(path, dontResolveLastLink) => {
var ret = FS.analyzePath(path, dontResolveLastLink);
if (!ret.exists) {
return null;
return ret.object;
},analyzePath:(path, dontResolveLastLink) => {
try {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: !dontResolveLastLink });
path = lookup.path;
} catch (e) {
var ret = {
isRoot: false, exists: false, error: 0, name: null, path: null, object: null,
parentExists: false, parentPath: null, parentObject: null
try {
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { parent: true });
ret.parentExists = true;
ret.parentPath = lookup.path;
ret.parentObject = lookup.node;
ret.name = PATH.basename(path);
lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: !dontResolveLastLink });
ret.exists = true;
ret.path = lookup.path;
ret.object = lookup.node;
ret.name = lookup.node.name;
ret.isRoot = lookup.path === '/';
} catch (e) {
ret.error = e.errno;
return ret;
},createPath:(parent, path, canRead, canWrite) => {
parent = typeof parent == 'string' ? parent : FS.getPath(parent);
var parts = path.split('/').reverse();
while (parts.length) {
var part = parts.pop();
if (!part) continue;
var current = PATH.join2(parent, part);
try {
} catch (e) {
parent = current;
return current;
},createFile:(parent, name, properties, canRead, canWrite) => {
var path = PATH.join2(typeof parent == 'string' ? parent : FS.getPath(parent), name);
var mode = FS.getMode(canRead, canWrite);
return FS.create(path, mode);
},createDataFile:(parent, name, data, canRead, canWrite, canOwn) => {
var path = name;
if (parent) {
parent = typeof parent == 'string' ? parent : FS.getPath(parent);
path = name ? PATH.join2(parent, name) : parent;
var mode = FS.getMode(canRead, canWrite);
var node = FS.create(path, mode);
if (data) {
if (typeof data == 'string') {
var arr = new Array(data.length);
for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; ++i) arr[i] = data.charCodeAt(i);
data = arr;
FS.chmod(node, mode | 146);
var stream = FS.open(node, 577);
FS.write(stream, data, 0, data.length, 0, canOwn);
FS.chmod(node, mode);
return node;
},createDevice:(parent, name, input, output) => {
var path = PATH.join2(typeof parent == 'string' ? parent : FS.getPath(parent), name);
var mode = FS.getMode(!!input, !!output);
if (!FS.createDevice.major) FS.createDevice.major = 64;
var dev = FS.makedev(FS.createDevice.major++, 0);
FS.registerDevice(dev, {
open: (stream) => {
stream.seekable = false;
close: (stream) => {
if (output && output.buffer && output.buffer.length) {
read: (stream, buffer, offset, length, pos ) => {
var bytesRead = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var result;
try {
result = input();
} catch (e) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(29);
if (result === undefined && bytesRead === 0) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(6);
if (result === null || result === undefined) break;
buffer[offset+i] = result;
if (bytesRead) {
stream.node.timestamp = Date.now();
return bytesRead;
write: (stream, buffer, offset, length, pos) => {
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
try {
} catch (e) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(29);
if (length) {
stream.node.timestamp = Date.now();
return i;
return FS.mkdev(path, mode, dev);
},forceLoadFile:(obj) => {
if (obj.isDevice || obj.isFolder || obj.link || obj.contents) return true;
if (typeof XMLHttpRequest != 'undefined') {
throw new Error("Lazy loading should have been performed (contents set) in createLazyFile, but it was not. Lazy loading only works in web workers. Use --embed-file or --preload-file in emcc on the main thread.");
} else if (read_) {
try {
obj.contents = intArrayFromString(read_(obj.url), true);
obj.usedBytes = obj.contents.length;
} catch (e) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(29);
} else {
throw new Error('Cannot load without read() or XMLHttpRequest.');
},createLazyFile:(parent, name, url, canRead, canWrite) => {
function LazyUint8Array() {
this.lengthKnown = false;
this.chunks = [];
LazyUint8Array.prototype.get = function LazyUint8Array_get(idx) {
if (idx > this.length-1 || idx < 0) {
return undefined;
var chunkOffset = idx % this.chunkSize;
var chunkNum = (idx / this.chunkSize)|0;
return this.getter(chunkNum)[chunkOffset];
LazyUint8Array.prototype.setDataGetter = function LazyUint8Array_setDataGetter(getter) {
this.getter = getter;
LazyUint8Array.prototype.cacheLength = function LazyUint8Array_cacheLength() {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('HEAD', url, false);
if (!(xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300 || xhr.status === 304)) throw new Error("Couldn't load " + url + ". Status: " + xhr.status);
var datalength = Number(xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-length"));
var header;
var hasByteServing = (header = xhr.getResponseHeader("Accept-Ranges")) && header === "bytes";
var usesGzip = (header = xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Encoding")) && header === "gzip";
var chunkSize = 1024*1024;
if (!hasByteServing) chunkSize = datalength;
var doXHR = (from, to) => {
if (from > to) throw new Error("invalid range (" + from + ", " + to + ") or no bytes requested!");
if (to > datalength-1) throw new Error("only " + datalength + " bytes available! programmer error!");
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('GET', url, false);
if (datalength !== chunkSize) xhr.setRequestHeader("Range", "bytes=" + from + "-" + to);
xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
if (xhr.overrideMimeType) {
xhr.overrideMimeType('text/plain; charset=x-user-defined');
if (!(xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300 || xhr.status === 304)) throw new Error("Couldn't load " + url + ". Status: " + xhr.status);
if (xhr.response !== undefined) {
return new Uint8Array((xhr.response || []));
return intArrayFromString(xhr.responseText || '', true);
var lazyArray = this;
lazyArray.setDataGetter((chunkNum) => {
var start = chunkNum * chunkSize;
var end = (chunkNum+1) * chunkSize - 1;
end = Math.min(end, datalength-1);
if (typeof lazyArray.chunks[chunkNum] == 'undefined') {
lazyArray.chunks[chunkNum] = doXHR(start, end);
if (typeof lazyArray.chunks[chunkNum] == 'undefined') throw new Error('doXHR failed!');
return lazyArray.chunks[chunkNum];
if (usesGzip || !datalength) {
chunkSize = datalength = 1;
datalength = this.getter(0).length;
chunkSize = datalength;
out("LazyFiles on gzip forces download of the whole file when length is accessed");
this._length = datalength;
this._chunkSize = chunkSize;
this.lengthKnown = true;
if (typeof XMLHttpRequest != 'undefined') {
if (!ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER) throw 'Cannot do synchronous binary XHRs outside webworkers in modern browsers. Use --embed-file or --preload-file in emcc';
var lazyArray = new LazyUint8Array();
Object.defineProperties(lazyArray, {
length: {
get: function() {
if (!this.lengthKnown) {
return this._length;
chunkSize: {
get: function() {
if (!this.lengthKnown) {
return this._chunkSize;
var properties = { isDevice: false, contents: lazyArray };
} else {
var properties = { isDevice: false, url: url };
var node = FS.createFile(parent, name, properties, canRead, canWrite);
if (properties.contents) {
node.contents = properties.contents;
} else if (properties.url) {
node.contents = null;
node.url = properties.url;
Object.defineProperties(node, {
usedBytes: {
get: function() { return this.contents.length; }
var stream_ops = {};
var keys = Object.keys(node.stream_ops);
keys.forEach((key) => {
var fn = node.stream_ops[key];
stream_ops[key] = function forceLoadLazyFile() {
return fn.apply(null, arguments);
function writeChunks(stream, buffer, offset, length, position) {
var contents = stream.node.contents;
if (position >= contents.length)
return 0;
var size = Math.min(contents.length - position, length);
if (contents.slice) {
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
buffer[offset + i] = contents[position + i];
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
buffer[offset + i] = contents.get(position + i);
return size;
stream_ops.read = (stream, buffer, offset, length, position) => {
return writeChunks(stream, buffer, offset, length, position)
stream_ops.mmap = (stream, length, position, prot, flags) => {
var ptr = mmapAlloc(length);
if (!ptr) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(48);
writeChunks(stream, HEAP8, ptr, length, position);
return { ptr: ptr, allocated: true };
node.stream_ops = stream_ops;
return node;
},createPreloadedFile:(parent, name, url, canRead, canWrite, onload, onerror, dontCreateFile, canOwn, preFinish) => {
var fullname = name ? PATH_FS.resolve(PATH.join2(parent, name)) : parent;
var dep = getUniqueRunDependency('cp ' + fullname);
function processData(byteArray) {
function finish(byteArray) {
if (preFinish) preFinish();
if (!dontCreateFile) {
FS.createDataFile(parent, name, byteArray, canRead, canWrite, canOwn);
if (onload) onload();
if (Browser.handledByPreloadPlugin(byteArray, fullname, finish, () => {
if (onerror) onerror();
})) {
if (typeof url == 'string') {
asyncLoad(url, (byteArray) => processData(byteArray), onerror);
} else {
},indexedDB:() => {
return window.indexedDB || window.mozIndexedDB || window.webkitIndexedDB || window.msIndexedDB;
},DB_NAME:() => {
return 'EM_FS_' + window.location.pathname;
},DB_VERSION:20,DB_STORE_NAME:"FILE_DATA",saveFilesToDB:(paths, onload, onerror) => {
onload = onload || (() => {});
onerror = onerror || (() => {});
var indexedDB = FS.indexedDB();
try {
var openRequest = indexedDB.open(FS.DB_NAME(), FS.DB_VERSION);
} catch (e) {
return onerror(e);
openRequest.onupgradeneeded = () => {
out('creating db');
var db = openRequest.result;
openRequest.onsuccess = () => {
var db = openRequest.result;
var transaction = db.transaction([FS.DB_STORE_NAME], 'readwrite');
var files = transaction.objectStore(FS.DB_STORE_NAME);
var ok = 0, fail = 0, total = paths.length;
function finish() {
if (fail == 0) onload(); else onerror();
paths.forEach((path) => {
var putRequest = files.put(FS.analyzePath(path).object.contents, path);
putRequest.onsuccess = () => { ok++; if (ok + fail == total) finish() };
putRequest.onerror = () => { fail++; if (ok + fail == total) finish() };
transaction.onerror = onerror;
openRequest.onerror = onerror;
},loadFilesFromDB:(paths, onload, onerror) => {
onload = onload || (() => {});
onerror = onerror || (() => {});
var indexedDB = FS.indexedDB();
try {
var openRequest = indexedDB.open(FS.DB_NAME(), FS.DB_VERSION);
} catch (e) {
return onerror(e);
openRequest.onupgradeneeded = onerror;
openRequest.onsuccess = () => {
var db = openRequest.result;
try {
var transaction = db.transaction([FS.DB_STORE_NAME], 'readonly');
} catch(e) {
var files = transaction.objectStore(FS.DB_STORE_NAME);
var ok = 0, fail = 0, total = paths.length;
function finish() {
if (fail == 0) onload(); else onerror();
paths.forEach((path) => {
var getRequest = files.get(path);
getRequest.onsuccess = () => {
if (FS.analyzePath(path).exists) {
FS.createDataFile(PATH.dirname(path), PATH.basename(path), getRequest.result, true, true, true);
if (ok + fail == total) finish();
getRequest.onerror = () => { fail++; if (ok + fail == total) finish() };
transaction.onerror = onerror;
openRequest.onerror = onerror;
var SYSCALLS = {DEFAULT_POLLMASK:5,calculateAt:function(dirfd, path, allowEmpty) {
if (PATH.isAbs(path)) {
return path;
var dir;
if (dirfd === -100) {
dir = FS.cwd();
} else {
var dirstream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(dirfd);
dir = dirstream.path;
if (path.length == 0) {
if (!allowEmpty) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(44);;
return dir;
return PATH.join2(dir, path);
},doStat:function(func, path, buf) {
try {
var stat = func(path);
} catch (e) {
if (e && e.node && PATH.normalize(path) !== PATH.normalize(FS.getPath(e.node))) {
return -54;
throw e;
HEAP32[((buf)>>2)] = stat.dev;
HEAP32[(((buf)+(8))>>2)] = stat.ino;
HEAP32[(((buf)+(12))>>2)] = stat.mode;
HEAPU32[(((buf)+(16))>>2)] = stat.nlink;
HEAP32[(((buf)+(20))>>2)] = stat.uid;
HEAP32[(((buf)+(24))>>2)] = stat.gid;
HEAP32[(((buf)+(28))>>2)] = stat.rdev;
(tempI64 = [stat.size>>>0,(tempDouble=stat.size,(+(Math.abs(tempDouble))) >= 1.0 ? (tempDouble > 0.0 ? ((Math.min((+(Math.floor((tempDouble)/4294967296.0))), 4294967295.0))|0)>>>0 : (~~((+(Math.ceil((tempDouble - +(((~~(tempDouble)))>>>0))/4294967296.0)))))>>>0) : 0)],HEAP32[(((buf)+(40))>>2)] = tempI64[0],HEAP32[(((buf)+(44))>>2)] = tempI64[1]);
HEAP32[(((buf)+(48))>>2)] = 4096;
HEAP32[(((buf)+(52))>>2)] = stat.blocks;
var atime = stat.atime.getTime();
var mtime = stat.mtime.getTime();
var ctime = stat.ctime.getTime();
(tempI64 = [Math.floor(atime / 1000)>>>0,(tempDouble=Math.floor(atime / 1000),(+(Math.abs(tempDouble))) >= 1.0 ? (tempDouble > 0.0 ? ((Math.min((+(Math.floor((tempDouble)/4294967296.0))), 4294967295.0))|0)>>>0 : (~~((+(Math.ceil((tempDouble - +(((~~(tempDouble)))>>>0))/4294967296.0)))))>>>0) : 0)],HEAP32[(((buf)+(56))>>2)] = tempI64[0],HEAP32[(((buf)+(60))>>2)] = tempI64[1]);
HEAPU32[(((buf)+(64))>>2)] = (atime % 1000) * 1000;
(tempI64 = [Math.floor(mtime / 1000)>>>0,(tempDouble=Math.floor(mtime / 1000),(+(Math.abs(tempDouble))) >= 1.0 ? (tempDouble > 0.0 ? ((Math.min((+(Math.floor((tempDouble)/4294967296.0))), 4294967295.0))|0)>>>0 : (~~((+(Math.ceil((tempDouble - +(((~~(tempDouble)))>>>0))/4294967296.0)))))>>>0) : 0)],HEAP32[(((buf)+(72))>>2)] = tempI64[0],HEAP32[(((buf)+(76))>>2)] = tempI64[1]);
HEAPU32[(((buf)+(80))>>2)] = (mtime % 1000) * 1000;
(tempI64 = [Math.floor(ctime / 1000)>>>0,(tempDouble=Math.floor(ctime / 1000),(+(Math.abs(tempDouble))) >= 1.0 ? (tempDouble > 0.0 ? ((Math.min((+(Math.floor((tempDouble)/4294967296.0))), 4294967295.0))|0)>>>0 : (~~((+(Math.ceil((tempDouble - +(((~~(tempDouble)))>>>0))/4294967296.0)))))>>>0) : 0)],HEAP32[(((buf)+(88))>>2)] = tempI64[0],HEAP32[(((buf)+(92))>>2)] = tempI64[1]);
HEAPU32[(((buf)+(96))>>2)] = (ctime % 1000) * 1000;
(tempI64 = [stat.ino>>>0,(tempDouble=stat.ino,(+(Math.abs(tempDouble))) >= 1.0 ? (tempDouble > 0.0 ? ((Math.min((+(Math.floor((tempDouble)/4294967296.0))), 4294967295.0))|0)>>>0 : (~~((+(Math.ceil((tempDouble - +(((~~(tempDouble)))>>>0))/4294967296.0)))))>>>0) : 0)],HEAP32[(((buf)+(104))>>2)] = tempI64[0],HEAP32[(((buf)+(108))>>2)] = tempI64[1]);
return 0;
},doMsync:function(addr, stream, len, flags, offset) {
if (!FS.isFile(stream.node.mode)) {
throw new FS.ErrnoError(43);
if (flags & 2) {
return 0;
var buffer = HEAPU8.slice(addr, addr + len);
FS.msync(stream, buffer, offset, len, flags);
},varargs:undefined,get:function() {
SYSCALLS.varargs += 4;
var ret = HEAP32[(((SYSCALLS.varargs)-(4))>>2)];
return ret;
},getStr:function(ptr) {
var ret = UTF8ToString(ptr);
return ret;
},getStreamFromFD:function(fd) {
var stream = FS.getStream(fd);
if (!stream) throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
return stream;
function ___syscall_chmod(path, mode) {
try {
path = SYSCALLS.getStr(path);
FS.chmod(path, mode);
return 0;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS == 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) throw e;
return -e.errno;
function ___syscall_faccessat(dirfd, path, amode, flags) {
try {
path = SYSCALLS.getStr(path);
path = SYSCALLS.calculateAt(dirfd, path);
if (amode & ~7) {
return -28;
var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: true });
var node = lookup.node;
if (!node) {
return -44;
var perms = '';
if (amode & 4) perms += 'r';
if (amode & 2) perms += 'w';
if (amode & 1) perms += 'x';
if (perms && FS.nodePermissions(node, perms)) {
return -2;
return 0;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS == 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) throw e;
return -e.errno;
function ___syscall_fchmod(fd, mode) {
try {
FS.fchmod(fd, mode);
return 0;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS == 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) throw e;
return -e.errno;
function ___syscall_fchown32(fd, owner, group) {
try {
FS.fchown(fd, owner, group);
return 0;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS == 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) throw e;
return -e.errno;
function setErrNo(value) {
HEAP32[((___errno_location())>>2)] = value;
return value;
function ___syscall_fcntl64(fd, cmd, varargs) {
SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs;
try {
var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd);
switch (cmd) {
case 0: {
var arg = SYSCALLS.get();
if (arg < 0) {
return -28;
var newStream;
newStream = FS.createStream(stream, arg);
return newStream.fd;
case 1:
case 2:
return 0;
case 3:
return stream.flags;
case 4: {
var arg = SYSCALLS.get();
stream.flags |= arg;
return 0;
case 5:
var arg = SYSCALLS.get();
var offset = 0;
HEAP16[(((arg)+(offset))>>1)] = 2;
return 0;
case 6:
case 7:
return 0;
case 16:
case 8:
return -28;
case 9:
return -1;
default: {
return -28;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS == 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) throw e;
return -e.errno;
function ___syscall_fstat64(fd, buf) {
try {
var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd);
return SYSCALLS.doStat(FS.stat, stream.path, buf);
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS == 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) throw e;
return -e.errno;
var MAX_INT53 = 9007199254740992;
var MIN_INT53 = -9007199254740992;
function bigintToI53Checked(num) {
return (num < MIN_INT53 || num > MAX_INT53) ? NaN : Number(num);
function ___syscall_ftruncate64(fd, length) {
try {
length = bigintToI53Checked(length); if (isNaN(length)) return -61;
FS.ftruncate(fd, length);
return 0;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS == 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) throw e;
return -e.errno;
function ___syscall_getcwd(buf, size) {
try {
if (size === 0) return -28;
var cwd = FS.cwd();
var cwdLengthInBytes = lengthBytesUTF8(cwd) + 1;
if (size < cwdLengthInBytes) return -68;
stringToUTF8(cwd, buf, size);
return cwdLengthInBytes;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS == 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) throw e;
return -e.errno;
function ___syscall_ioctl(fd, op, varargs) {
SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs;
try {
var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd);
switch (op) {
case 21509:
case 21505: {
if (!stream.tty) return -59;
return 0;
case 21510:
case 21511:
case 21512:
case 21506:
case 21507:
case 21508: {
if (!stream.tty) return -59;
return 0;
case 21519: {
if (!stream.tty) return -59;
var argp = SYSCALLS.get();
HEAP32[((argp)>>2)] = 0;
return 0;
case 21520: {
if (!stream.tty) return -59;
return -28;
case 21531: {
var argp = SYSCALLS.get();
return FS.ioctl(stream, op, argp);
case 21523: {
if (!stream.tty) return -59;
return 0;
case 21524: {
if (!stream.tty) return -59;
return 0;
default: return -28;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS == 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) throw e;
return -e.errno;
function ___syscall_lstat64(path, buf) {
try {
path = SYSCALLS.getStr(path);
return SYSCALLS.doStat(FS.lstat, path, buf);
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS == 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) throw e;
return -e.errno;
function ___syscall_mkdirat(dirfd, path, mode) {
try {
path = SYSCALLS.getStr(path);
path = SYSCALLS.calculateAt(dirfd, path);
path = PATH.normalize(path);
if (path[path.length-1] === '/') path = path.substr(0, path.length-1);
FS.mkdir(path, mode, 0);
return 0;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS == 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) throw e;
return -e.errno;
function ___syscall_newfstatat(dirfd, path, buf, flags) {
try {
path = SYSCALLS.getStr(path);
var nofollow = flags & 256;
var allowEmpty = flags & 4096;
flags = flags & (~6400);
path = SYSCALLS.calculateAt(dirfd, path, allowEmpty);
return SYSCALLS.doStat(nofollow ? FS.lstat : FS.stat, path, buf);
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS == 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) throw e;
return -e.errno;
function ___syscall_openat(dirfd, path, flags, varargs) {
SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs;
try {
path = SYSCALLS.getStr(path);
path = SYSCALLS.calculateAt(dirfd, path);
var mode = varargs ? SYSCALLS.get() : 0;
return FS.open(path, flags, mode).fd;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS == 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) throw e;
return -e.errno;
function ___syscall_readlinkat(dirfd, path, buf, bufsize) {
try {
path = SYSCALLS.getStr(path);
path = SYSCALLS.calculateAt(dirfd, path);
if (bufsize <= 0) return -28;
var ret = FS.readlink(path);
var len = Math.min(bufsize, lengthBytesUTF8(ret));
var endChar = HEAP8[buf+len];
stringToUTF8(ret, buf, bufsize+1);
HEAP8[buf+len] = endChar;
return len;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS == 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) throw e;
return -e.errno;
function ___syscall_rmdir(path) {
try {
path = SYSCALLS.getStr(path);
return 0;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS == 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) throw e;
return -e.errno;
function ___syscall_stat64(path, buf) {
try {
path = SYSCALLS.getStr(path);
return SYSCALLS.doStat(FS.stat, path, buf);
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS == 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) throw e;
return -e.errno;
function ___syscall_unlinkat(dirfd, path, flags) {
try {
path = SYSCALLS.getStr(path);
path = SYSCALLS.calculateAt(dirfd, path);
if (flags === 0) {
} else if (flags === 512) {
} else {
abort('Invalid flags passed to unlinkat');
return 0;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS == 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) throw e;
return -e.errno;
function readI53FromI64(ptr) {
return HEAPU32[ptr>>2] + HEAP32[ptr+4>>2] * 4294967296;
function ___syscall_utimensat(dirfd, path, times, flags) {
try {
path = SYSCALLS.getStr(path);
path = SYSCALLS.calculateAt(dirfd, path, true);
if (!times) {
var atime = Date.now();
var mtime = atime;
} else {
var seconds = readI53FromI64(times);
var nanoseconds = HEAP32[(((times)+(8))>>2)];
atime = (seconds*1000) + (nanoseconds/(1000*1000));
times += 16;
seconds = readI53FromI64(times);
nanoseconds = HEAP32[(((times)+(8))>>2)];
mtime = (seconds*1000) + (nanoseconds/(1000*1000));
FS.utime(path, atime, mtime);
return 0;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS == 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) throw e;
return -e.errno;
var nowIsMonotonic = true;;
function __emscripten_get_now_is_monotonic() {
return nowIsMonotonic;
function __isLeapYear(year) {
return year%4 === 0 && (year%100 !== 0 || year%400 === 0);
var __MONTH_DAYS_LEAP_CUMULATIVE = [0,31,60,91,121,152,182,213,244,274,305,335];
var __MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR_CUMULATIVE = [0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334];
function __yday_from_date(date) {
var isLeapYear = __isLeapYear(date.getFullYear());
var yday = monthDaysCumulative[date.getMonth()] + date.getDate() - 1;
return yday;
function __localtime_js(time, tmPtr) {
var date = new Date(readI53FromI64(time)*1000);
HEAP32[((tmPtr)>>2)] = date.getSeconds();
HEAP32[(((tmPtr)+(4))>>2)] = date.getMinutes();
HEAP32[(((tmPtr)+(8))>>2)] = date.getHours();
HEAP32[(((tmPtr)+(12))>>2)] = date.getDate();
HEAP32[(((tmPtr)+(16))>>2)] = date.getMonth();
HEAP32[(((tmPtr)+(20))>>2)] = date.getFullYear()-1900;
HEAP32[(((tmPtr)+(24))>>2)] = date.getDay();
var yday = __yday_from_date(date)|0;
HEAP32[(((tmPtr)+(28))>>2)] = yday;
HEAP32[(((tmPtr)+(36))>>2)] = -(date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60);
var start = new Date(date.getFullYear(), 0, 1);
var summerOffset = new Date(date.getFullYear(), 6, 1).getTimezoneOffset();
var winterOffset = start.getTimezoneOffset();
var dst = (summerOffset != winterOffset && date.getTimezoneOffset() == Math.min(winterOffset, summerOffset))|0;
HEAP32[(((tmPtr)+(32))>>2)] = dst;
function allocateUTF8(str) {
var size = lengthBytesUTF8(str) + 1;
var ret = _malloc(size);
if (ret) stringToUTF8Array(str, HEAP8, ret, size);
return ret;
function __tzset_js(timezone, daylight, tzname) {
var currentYear = new Date().getFullYear();
var winter = new Date(currentYear, 0, 1);
var summer = new Date(currentYear, 6, 1);
var winterOffset = winter.getTimezoneOffset();
var summerOffset = summer.getTimezoneOffset();
var stdTimezoneOffset = Math.max(winterOffset, summerOffset);
HEAPU32[((timezone)>>2)] = stdTimezoneOffset * 60;
HEAP32[((daylight)>>2)] = Number(winterOffset != summerOffset);
function extractZone(date) {
var match = date.toTimeString().match(/\(([A-Za-z ]+)\)$/);
return match ? match[1] : "GMT";
var winterName = extractZone(winter);
var summerName = extractZone(summer);
var winterNamePtr = allocateUTF8(winterName);
var summerNamePtr = allocateUTF8(summerName);
if (summerOffset < winterOffset) {
HEAPU32[((tzname)>>2)] = winterNamePtr;
HEAPU32[(((tzname)+(4))>>2)] = summerNamePtr;
} else {
HEAPU32[((tzname)>>2)] = summerNamePtr;
HEAPU32[(((tzname)+(4))>>2)] = winterNamePtr;
function _emscripten_date_now() {
return Date.now();
var _emscripten_get_now;_emscripten_get_now = () => performance.now();
function getHeapMax() {
return 2147483648;
function emscripten_realloc_buffer(size) {
var b = wasmMemory.buffer;
try {
wasmMemory.grow((size - b.byteLength + 65535) >>> 16);
return 1 ;
} catch(e) {
function _emscripten_resize_heap(requestedSize) {
var oldSize = HEAPU8.length;
requestedSize = requestedSize >>> 0;
var maxHeapSize = getHeapMax();
if (requestedSize > maxHeapSize) {
return false;
let alignUp = (x, multiple) => x + (multiple - x % multiple) % multiple;
for (var cutDown = 1; cutDown <= 4; cutDown *= 2) {
var overGrownHeapSize = oldSize * (1 + 0.2 / cutDown);
overGrownHeapSize = Math.min(overGrownHeapSize, requestedSize + 100663296 );
var newSize = Math.min(maxHeapSize, alignUp(Math.max(requestedSize, overGrownHeapSize), 65536));
var replacement = emscripten_realloc_buffer(newSize);
if (replacement) {
return true;
return false;
var ENV = {};
function getExecutableName() {
return thisProgram || './this.program';
function getEnvStrings() {
if (!getEnvStrings.strings) {
var lang = ((typeof navigator == 'object' && navigator.languages && navigator.languages[0]) || 'C').replace('-', '_') + '.UTF-8';
var env = {
'USER': 'web_user',
'LOGNAME': 'web_user',
'PATH': '/',
'PWD': '/',
'HOME': '/home/web_user',
'LANG': lang,
'_': getExecutableName()
for (var x in ENV) {
if (ENV[x] === undefined) delete env[x];
else env[x] = ENV[x];
var strings = [];
for (var x in env) {
strings.push(x + '=' + env[x]);
getEnvStrings.strings = strings;
return getEnvStrings.strings;
function writeAsciiToMemory(str, buffer, dontAddNull) {
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
HEAP8[((buffer++)>>0)] = str.charCodeAt(i);
if (!dontAddNull) HEAP8[((buffer)>>0)] = 0;
function _environ_get(__environ, environ_buf) {
var bufSize = 0;
getEnvStrings().forEach(function(string, i) {
var ptr = environ_buf + bufSize;
HEAPU32[(((__environ)+(i*4))>>2)] = ptr;
writeAsciiToMemory(string, ptr);
bufSize += string.length + 1;
return 0;
function _environ_sizes_get(penviron_count, penviron_buf_size) {
var strings = getEnvStrings();
HEAPU32[((penviron_count)>>2)] = strings.length;
var bufSize = 0;
strings.forEach(function(string) {
bufSize += string.length + 1;
HEAPU32[((penviron_buf_size)>>2)] = bufSize;
return 0;
function _fd_close(fd) {
try {
var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd);
return 0;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS == 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) throw e;
return e.errno;
function _fd_fdstat_get(fd, pbuf) {
try {
var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd);
var type = stream.tty ? 2 :
FS.isDir(stream.mode) ? 3 :
FS.isLink(stream.mode) ? 7 :
HEAP8[((pbuf)>>0)] = type;
return 0;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS == 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) throw e;
return e.errno;
function doReadv(stream, iov, iovcnt, offset) {
var ret = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < iovcnt; i++) {
var ptr = HEAPU32[((iov)>>2)];
var len = HEAPU32[(((iov)+(4))>>2)];
iov += 8;
var curr = FS.read(stream, HEAP8,ptr, len, offset);
if (curr < 0) return -1;
ret += curr;
if (curr < len) break;
if (typeof offset !== 'undefined') {
offset += curr;
return ret;
function _fd_read(fd, iov, iovcnt, pnum) {
try {
var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd);
var num = doReadv(stream, iov, iovcnt);
HEAPU32[((pnum)>>2)] = num;
return 0;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS == 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) throw e;
return e.errno;
function _fd_seek(fd, offset, whence, newOffset) {
try {
offset = bigintToI53Checked(offset); if (isNaN(offset)) return 61;
var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd);
FS.llseek(stream, offset, whence);
(tempI64 = [stream.position>>>0,(tempDouble=stream.position,(+(Math.abs(tempDouble))) >= 1.0 ? (tempDouble > 0.0 ? ((Math.min((+(Math.floor((tempDouble)/4294967296.0))), 4294967295.0))|0)>>>0 : (~~((+(Math.ceil((tempDouble - +(((~~(tempDouble)))>>>0))/4294967296.0)))))>>>0) : 0)],HEAP32[((newOffset)>>2)] = tempI64[0],HEAP32[(((newOffset)+(4))>>2)] = tempI64[1]);
if (stream.getdents && offset === 0 && whence === 0) stream.getdents = null;
return 0;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS == 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) throw e;
return e.errno;
function _fd_sync(fd) {
try {
var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd);
if (stream.stream_ops && stream.stream_ops.fsync) {
return stream.stream_ops.fsync(stream);
return 0;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS == 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) throw e;
return e.errno;
function doWritev(stream, iov, iovcnt, offset) {
var ret = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < iovcnt; i++) {
var ptr = HEAPU32[((iov)>>2)];
var len = HEAPU32[(((iov)+(4))>>2)];
iov += 8;
var curr = FS.write(stream, HEAP8,ptr, len, offset);
if (curr < 0) return -1;
ret += curr;
if (typeof offset !== 'undefined') {
offset += curr;
return ret;
function _fd_write(fd, iov, iovcnt, pnum) {
try {
var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd);
var num = doWritev(stream, iov, iovcnt);
HEAPU32[((pnum)>>2)] = num;
return 0;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof FS == 'undefined' || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError)) throw e;
return e.errno;
var FSNode = function(parent, name, mode, rdev) {
if (!parent) {
parent = this;
this.parent = parent;
this.mount = parent.mount;
this.mounted = null;
this.id = FS.nextInode++;
this.name = name;
this.mode = mode;
this.node_ops = {};
this.stream_ops = {};
this.rdev = rdev;
var readMode = 292 | 73;
var writeMode = 146;
Object.defineProperties(FSNode.prototype, {
read: {
get: function() {
return (this.mode & readMode) === readMode;
set: function(val) {
val ? this.mode |= readMode : this.mode &= ~readMode;
write: {
get: function() {
return (this.mode & writeMode) === writeMode;
set: function(val) {
val ? this.mode |= writeMode : this.mode &= ~writeMode;
isFolder: {
get: function() {
return FS.isDir(this.mode);
isDevice: {
get: function() {
return FS.isChrdev(this.mode);
FS.FSNode = FSNode;
var ASSERTIONS = false;
var asmLibraryArg = {
"__syscall_chmod": ___syscall_chmod,
"__syscall_faccessat": ___syscall_faccessat,
"__syscall_fchmod": ___syscall_fchmod,
"__syscall_fchown32": ___syscall_fchown32,
"__syscall_fcntl64": ___syscall_fcntl64,
"__syscall_fstat64": ___syscall_fstat64,
"__syscall_ftruncate64": ___syscall_ftruncate64,
"__syscall_getcwd": ___syscall_getcwd,
"__syscall_ioctl": ___syscall_ioctl,
"__syscall_lstat64": ___syscall_lstat64,
"__syscall_mkdirat": ___syscall_mkdirat,
"__syscall_newfstatat": ___syscall_newfstatat,
"__syscall_openat": ___syscall_openat,
"__syscall_readlinkat": ___syscall_readlinkat,
"__syscall_rmdir": ___syscall_rmdir,
"__syscall_stat64": ___syscall_stat64,
"__syscall_unlinkat": ___syscall_unlinkat,
"__syscall_utimensat": ___syscall_utimensat,
"_emscripten_get_now_is_monotonic": __emscripten_get_now_is_monotonic,
"_localtime_js": __localtime_js,
"_tzset_js": __tzset_js,
"emscripten_date_now": _emscripten_date_now,
"emscripten_get_now": _emscripten_get_now,
"emscripten_resize_heap": _emscripten_resize_heap,
"environ_get": _environ_get,
"environ_sizes_get": _environ_sizes_get,
"fd_close": _fd_close,
"fd_fdstat_get": _fd_fdstat_get,
"fd_read": _fd_read,
"fd_seek": _fd_seek,
"fd_sync": _fd_sync,
"fd_write": _fd_write,
"memory": wasmMemory
var asm = createWasm();
var ___wasm_call_ctors = Module["___wasm_call_ctors"] = function() {
return (___wasm_call_ctors = Module["___wasm_call_ctors"] = Module["asm"]["__wasm_call_ctors"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_status64 = Module["_sqlite3_status64"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_status64 = Module["_sqlite3_status64"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_status64"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_status = Module["_sqlite3_status"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_status = Module["_sqlite3_status"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_status"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_db_status = Module["_sqlite3_db_status"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_db_status = Module["_sqlite3_db_status"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_db_status"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_msize = Module["_sqlite3_msize"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_msize = Module["_sqlite3_msize"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_msize"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_vfs_find = Module["_sqlite3_vfs_find"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_vfs_find = Module["_sqlite3_vfs_find"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_vfs_find"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_initialize = Module["_sqlite3_initialize"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_initialize = Module["_sqlite3_initialize"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_initialize"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_malloc = Module["_sqlite3_malloc"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_malloc = Module["_sqlite3_malloc"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_malloc"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_free = Module["_sqlite3_free"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_free = Module["_sqlite3_free"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_free"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_vfs_register = Module["_sqlite3_vfs_register"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_vfs_register = Module["_sqlite3_vfs_register"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_vfs_register"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_vfs_unregister = Module["_sqlite3_vfs_unregister"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_vfs_unregister = Module["_sqlite3_vfs_unregister"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_vfs_unregister"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_malloc64 = Module["_sqlite3_malloc64"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_malloc64 = Module["_sqlite3_malloc64"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_malloc64"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_realloc = Module["_sqlite3_realloc"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_realloc = Module["_sqlite3_realloc"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_realloc"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_realloc64 = Module["_sqlite3_realloc64"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_realloc64 = Module["_sqlite3_realloc64"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_realloc64"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_value_text = Module["_sqlite3_value_text"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_value_text = Module["_sqlite3_value_text"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_value_text"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_randomness = Module["_sqlite3_randomness"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_randomness = Module["_sqlite3_randomness"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_randomness"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_stricmp = Module["_sqlite3_stricmp"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_stricmp = Module["_sqlite3_stricmp"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_stricmp"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_strnicmp = Module["_sqlite3_strnicmp"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_strnicmp = Module["_sqlite3_strnicmp"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_strnicmp"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_uri_parameter = Module["_sqlite3_uri_parameter"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_uri_parameter = Module["_sqlite3_uri_parameter"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_uri_parameter"]).apply(null, arguments);
var ___errno_location = Module["___errno_location"] = function() {
return (___errno_location = Module["___errno_location"] = Module["asm"]["__errno_location"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_uri_boolean = Module["_sqlite3_uri_boolean"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_uri_boolean = Module["_sqlite3_uri_boolean"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_uri_boolean"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_serialize = Module["_sqlite3_serialize"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_serialize = Module["_sqlite3_serialize"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_serialize"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_prepare_v2 = Module["_sqlite3_prepare_v2"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_prepare_v2 = Module["_sqlite3_prepare_v2"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_prepare_v2"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_step = Module["_sqlite3_step"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_step = Module["_sqlite3_step"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_step"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_column_int64 = Module["_sqlite3_column_int64"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_column_int64 = Module["_sqlite3_column_int64"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_column_int64"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_column_int = Module["_sqlite3_column_int"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_column_int = Module["_sqlite3_column_int"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_column_int"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_finalize = Module["_sqlite3_finalize"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_finalize = Module["_sqlite3_finalize"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_finalize"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_file_control = Module["_sqlite3_file_control"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_file_control = Module["_sqlite3_file_control"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_file_control"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_reset = Module["_sqlite3_reset"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_reset = Module["_sqlite3_reset"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_reset"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_deserialize = Module["_sqlite3_deserialize"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_deserialize = Module["_sqlite3_deserialize"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_deserialize"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_clear_bindings = Module["_sqlite3_clear_bindings"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_clear_bindings = Module["_sqlite3_clear_bindings"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_clear_bindings"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_value_blob = Module["_sqlite3_value_blob"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_value_blob = Module["_sqlite3_value_blob"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_value_blob"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_value_bytes = Module["_sqlite3_value_bytes"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_value_bytes = Module["_sqlite3_value_bytes"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_value_bytes"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_value_double = Module["_sqlite3_value_double"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_value_double = Module["_sqlite3_value_double"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_value_double"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_value_int = Module["_sqlite3_value_int"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_value_int = Module["_sqlite3_value_int"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_value_int"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_value_int64 = Module["_sqlite3_value_int64"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_value_int64 = Module["_sqlite3_value_int64"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_value_int64"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_value_subtype = Module["_sqlite3_value_subtype"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_value_subtype = Module["_sqlite3_value_subtype"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_value_subtype"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_value_pointer = Module["_sqlite3_value_pointer"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_value_pointer = Module["_sqlite3_value_pointer"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_value_pointer"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_value_type = Module["_sqlite3_value_type"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_value_type = Module["_sqlite3_value_type"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_value_type"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_value_nochange = Module["_sqlite3_value_nochange"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_value_nochange = Module["_sqlite3_value_nochange"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_value_nochange"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_value_frombind = Module["_sqlite3_value_frombind"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_value_frombind = Module["_sqlite3_value_frombind"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_value_frombind"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_value_dup = Module["_sqlite3_value_dup"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_value_dup = Module["_sqlite3_value_dup"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_value_dup"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_value_free = Module["_sqlite3_value_free"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_value_free = Module["_sqlite3_value_free"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_value_free"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_result_blob = Module["_sqlite3_result_blob"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_result_blob = Module["_sqlite3_result_blob"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_result_blob"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_result_error_nomem = Module["_sqlite3_result_error_nomem"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_result_error_nomem = Module["_sqlite3_result_error_nomem"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_result_error_nomem"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_result_error_toobig = Module["_sqlite3_result_error_toobig"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_result_error_toobig = Module["_sqlite3_result_error_toobig"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_result_error_toobig"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_result_double = Module["_sqlite3_result_double"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_result_double = Module["_sqlite3_result_double"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_result_double"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_result_error = Module["_sqlite3_result_error"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_result_error = Module["_sqlite3_result_error"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_result_error"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_result_int = Module["_sqlite3_result_int"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_result_int = Module["_sqlite3_result_int"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_result_int"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_result_int64 = Module["_sqlite3_result_int64"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_result_int64 = Module["_sqlite3_result_int64"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_result_int64"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_result_null = Module["_sqlite3_result_null"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_result_null = Module["_sqlite3_result_null"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_result_null"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_result_pointer = Module["_sqlite3_result_pointer"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_result_pointer = Module["_sqlite3_result_pointer"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_result_pointer"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_result_subtype = Module["_sqlite3_result_subtype"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_result_subtype = Module["_sqlite3_result_subtype"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_result_subtype"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_result_text = Module["_sqlite3_result_text"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_result_text = Module["_sqlite3_result_text"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_result_text"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_result_zeroblob = Module["_sqlite3_result_zeroblob"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_result_zeroblob = Module["_sqlite3_result_zeroblob"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_result_zeroblob"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_result_zeroblob64 = Module["_sqlite3_result_zeroblob64"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_result_zeroblob64 = Module["_sqlite3_result_zeroblob64"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_result_zeroblob64"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_result_error_code = Module["_sqlite3_result_error_code"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_result_error_code = Module["_sqlite3_result_error_code"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_result_error_code"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_user_data = Module["_sqlite3_user_data"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_user_data = Module["_sqlite3_user_data"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_user_data"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_context_db_handle = Module["_sqlite3_context_db_handle"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_context_db_handle = Module["_sqlite3_context_db_handle"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_context_db_handle"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_vtab_nochange = Module["_sqlite3_vtab_nochange"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_vtab_nochange = Module["_sqlite3_vtab_nochange"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_vtab_nochange"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_vtab_in_first = Module["_sqlite3_vtab_in_first"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_vtab_in_first = Module["_sqlite3_vtab_in_first"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_vtab_in_first"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_vtab_in_next = Module["_sqlite3_vtab_in_next"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_vtab_in_next = Module["_sqlite3_vtab_in_next"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_vtab_in_next"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_aggregate_context = Module["_sqlite3_aggregate_context"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_aggregate_context = Module["_sqlite3_aggregate_context"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_aggregate_context"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_get_auxdata = Module["_sqlite3_get_auxdata"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_get_auxdata = Module["_sqlite3_get_auxdata"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_get_auxdata"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_set_auxdata = Module["_sqlite3_set_auxdata"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_set_auxdata = Module["_sqlite3_set_auxdata"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_set_auxdata"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_column_count = Module["_sqlite3_column_count"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_column_count = Module["_sqlite3_column_count"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_column_count"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_data_count = Module["_sqlite3_data_count"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_data_count = Module["_sqlite3_data_count"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_data_count"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_column_blob = Module["_sqlite3_column_blob"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_column_blob = Module["_sqlite3_column_blob"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_column_blob"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_column_bytes = Module["_sqlite3_column_bytes"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_column_bytes = Module["_sqlite3_column_bytes"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_column_bytes"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_column_double = Module["_sqlite3_column_double"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_column_double = Module["_sqlite3_column_double"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_column_double"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_column_text = Module["_sqlite3_column_text"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_column_text = Module["_sqlite3_column_text"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_column_text"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_column_value = Module["_sqlite3_column_value"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_column_value = Module["_sqlite3_column_value"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_column_value"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_column_type = Module["_sqlite3_column_type"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_column_type = Module["_sqlite3_column_type"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_column_type"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_column_name = Module["_sqlite3_column_name"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_column_name = Module["_sqlite3_column_name"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_column_name"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_bind_blob = Module["_sqlite3_bind_blob"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_bind_blob = Module["_sqlite3_bind_blob"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_bind_blob"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_bind_double = Module["_sqlite3_bind_double"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_bind_double = Module["_sqlite3_bind_double"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_bind_double"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_bind_int = Module["_sqlite3_bind_int"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_bind_int = Module["_sqlite3_bind_int"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_bind_int"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_bind_int64 = Module["_sqlite3_bind_int64"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_bind_int64 = Module["_sqlite3_bind_int64"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_bind_int64"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_bind_null = Module["_sqlite3_bind_null"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_bind_null = Module["_sqlite3_bind_null"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_bind_null"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_bind_pointer = Module["_sqlite3_bind_pointer"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_bind_pointer = Module["_sqlite3_bind_pointer"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_bind_pointer"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_bind_text = Module["_sqlite3_bind_text"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_bind_text = Module["_sqlite3_bind_text"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_bind_text"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_bind_parameter_count = Module["_sqlite3_bind_parameter_count"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_bind_parameter_count = Module["_sqlite3_bind_parameter_count"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_bind_parameter_count"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_bind_parameter_index = Module["_sqlite3_bind_parameter_index"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_bind_parameter_index = Module["_sqlite3_bind_parameter_index"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_bind_parameter_index"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_db_handle = Module["_sqlite3_db_handle"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_db_handle = Module["_sqlite3_db_handle"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_db_handle"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_stmt_readonly = Module["_sqlite3_stmt_readonly"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_stmt_readonly = Module["_sqlite3_stmt_readonly"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_stmt_readonly"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_stmt_isexplain = Module["_sqlite3_stmt_isexplain"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_stmt_isexplain = Module["_sqlite3_stmt_isexplain"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_stmt_isexplain"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_stmt_status = Module["_sqlite3_stmt_status"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_stmt_status = Module["_sqlite3_stmt_status"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_stmt_status"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_sql = Module["_sqlite3_sql"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_sql = Module["_sqlite3_sql"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_sql"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_expanded_sql = Module["_sqlite3_expanded_sql"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_expanded_sql = Module["_sqlite3_expanded_sql"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_expanded_sql"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_preupdate_old = Module["_sqlite3_preupdate_old"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_preupdate_old = Module["_sqlite3_preupdate_old"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_preupdate_old"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_preupdate_count = Module["_sqlite3_preupdate_count"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_preupdate_count = Module["_sqlite3_preupdate_count"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_preupdate_count"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_preupdate_depth = Module["_sqlite3_preupdate_depth"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_preupdate_depth = Module["_sqlite3_preupdate_depth"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_preupdate_depth"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_preupdate_blobwrite = Module["_sqlite3_preupdate_blobwrite"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_preupdate_blobwrite = Module["_sqlite3_preupdate_blobwrite"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_preupdate_blobwrite"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_preupdate_new = Module["_sqlite3_preupdate_new"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_preupdate_new = Module["_sqlite3_preupdate_new"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_preupdate_new"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_value_numeric_type = Module["_sqlite3_value_numeric_type"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_value_numeric_type = Module["_sqlite3_value_numeric_type"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_value_numeric_type"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_errmsg = Module["_sqlite3_errmsg"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_errmsg = Module["_sqlite3_errmsg"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_errmsg"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_set_authorizer = Module["_sqlite3_set_authorizer"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_set_authorizer = Module["_sqlite3_set_authorizer"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_set_authorizer"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_strglob = Module["_sqlite3_strglob"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_strglob = Module["_sqlite3_strglob"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_strglob"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_strlike = Module["_sqlite3_strlike"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_strlike = Module["_sqlite3_strlike"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_strlike"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_exec = Module["_sqlite3_exec"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_exec = Module["_sqlite3_exec"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_exec"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_auto_extension = Module["_sqlite3_auto_extension"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_auto_extension = Module["_sqlite3_auto_extension"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_auto_extension"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_cancel_auto_extension = Module["_sqlite3_cancel_auto_extension"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_cancel_auto_extension = Module["_sqlite3_cancel_auto_extension"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_cancel_auto_extension"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_reset_auto_extension = Module["_sqlite3_reset_auto_extension"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_reset_auto_extension = Module["_sqlite3_reset_auto_extension"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_reset_auto_extension"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_prepare_v3 = Module["_sqlite3_prepare_v3"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_prepare_v3 = Module["_sqlite3_prepare_v3"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_prepare_v3"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_create_module = Module["_sqlite3_create_module"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_create_module = Module["_sqlite3_create_module"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_create_module"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_create_module_v2 = Module["_sqlite3_create_module_v2"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_create_module_v2 = Module["_sqlite3_create_module_v2"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_create_module_v2"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_drop_modules = Module["_sqlite3_drop_modules"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_drop_modules = Module["_sqlite3_drop_modules"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_drop_modules"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_declare_vtab = Module["_sqlite3_declare_vtab"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_declare_vtab = Module["_sqlite3_declare_vtab"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_declare_vtab"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_vtab_on_conflict = Module["_sqlite3_vtab_on_conflict"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_vtab_on_conflict = Module["_sqlite3_vtab_on_conflict"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_vtab_on_conflict"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_vtab_collation = Module["_sqlite3_vtab_collation"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_vtab_collation = Module["_sqlite3_vtab_collation"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_vtab_collation"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_vtab_in = Module["_sqlite3_vtab_in"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_vtab_in = Module["_sqlite3_vtab_in"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_vtab_in"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_vtab_rhs_value = Module["_sqlite3_vtab_rhs_value"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_vtab_rhs_value = Module["_sqlite3_vtab_rhs_value"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_vtab_rhs_value"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_vtab_distinct = Module["_sqlite3_vtab_distinct"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_vtab_distinct = Module["_sqlite3_vtab_distinct"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_vtab_distinct"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_keyword_name = Module["_sqlite3_keyword_name"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_keyword_name = Module["_sqlite3_keyword_name"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_keyword_name"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_keyword_count = Module["_sqlite3_keyword_count"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_keyword_count = Module["_sqlite3_keyword_count"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_keyword_count"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_keyword_check = Module["_sqlite3_keyword_check"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_keyword_check = Module["_sqlite3_keyword_check"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_keyword_check"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_complete = Module["_sqlite3_complete"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_complete = Module["_sqlite3_complete"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_complete"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_libversion = Module["_sqlite3_libversion"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_libversion = Module["_sqlite3_libversion"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_libversion"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_libversion_number = Module["_sqlite3_libversion_number"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_libversion_number = Module["_sqlite3_libversion_number"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_libversion_number"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_shutdown = Module["_sqlite3_shutdown"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_shutdown = Module["_sqlite3_shutdown"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_shutdown"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_last_insert_rowid = Module["_sqlite3_last_insert_rowid"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_last_insert_rowid = Module["_sqlite3_last_insert_rowid"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_last_insert_rowid"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_set_last_insert_rowid = Module["_sqlite3_set_last_insert_rowid"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_set_last_insert_rowid = Module["_sqlite3_set_last_insert_rowid"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_set_last_insert_rowid"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_changes64 = Module["_sqlite3_changes64"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_changes64 = Module["_sqlite3_changes64"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_changes64"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_changes = Module["_sqlite3_changes"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_changes = Module["_sqlite3_changes"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_changes"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_total_changes64 = Module["_sqlite3_total_changes64"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_total_changes64 = Module["_sqlite3_total_changes64"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_total_changes64"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_total_changes = Module["_sqlite3_total_changes"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_total_changes = Module["_sqlite3_total_changes"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_total_changes"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_txn_state = Module["_sqlite3_txn_state"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_txn_state = Module["_sqlite3_txn_state"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_txn_state"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_close_v2 = Module["_sqlite3_close_v2"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_close_v2 = Module["_sqlite3_close_v2"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_close_v2"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_busy_handler = Module["_sqlite3_busy_handler"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_busy_handler = Module["_sqlite3_busy_handler"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_busy_handler"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_progress_handler = Module["_sqlite3_progress_handler"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_progress_handler = Module["_sqlite3_progress_handler"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_progress_handler"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_busy_timeout = Module["_sqlite3_busy_timeout"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_busy_timeout = Module["_sqlite3_busy_timeout"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_busy_timeout"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_create_function = Module["_sqlite3_create_function"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_create_function = Module["_sqlite3_create_function"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_create_function"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_create_function_v2 = Module["_sqlite3_create_function_v2"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_create_function_v2 = Module["_sqlite3_create_function_v2"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_create_function_v2"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_create_window_function = Module["_sqlite3_create_window_function"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_create_window_function = Module["_sqlite3_create_window_function"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_create_window_function"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_overload_function = Module["_sqlite3_overload_function"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_overload_function = Module["_sqlite3_overload_function"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_overload_function"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_trace_v2 = Module["_sqlite3_trace_v2"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_trace_v2 = Module["_sqlite3_trace_v2"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_trace_v2"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_commit_hook = Module["_sqlite3_commit_hook"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_commit_hook = Module["_sqlite3_commit_hook"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_commit_hook"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_update_hook = Module["_sqlite3_update_hook"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_update_hook = Module["_sqlite3_update_hook"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_update_hook"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_rollback_hook = Module["_sqlite3_rollback_hook"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_rollback_hook = Module["_sqlite3_rollback_hook"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_rollback_hook"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_preupdate_hook = Module["_sqlite3_preupdate_hook"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_preupdate_hook = Module["_sqlite3_preupdate_hook"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_preupdate_hook"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_error_offset = Module["_sqlite3_error_offset"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_error_offset = Module["_sqlite3_error_offset"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_error_offset"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_errcode = Module["_sqlite3_errcode"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_errcode = Module["_sqlite3_errcode"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_errcode"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_extended_errcode = Module["_sqlite3_extended_errcode"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_extended_errcode = Module["_sqlite3_extended_errcode"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_extended_errcode"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_errstr = Module["_sqlite3_errstr"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_errstr = Module["_sqlite3_errstr"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_errstr"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_limit = Module["_sqlite3_limit"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_limit = Module["_sqlite3_limit"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_limit"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_open = Module["_sqlite3_open"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_open = Module["_sqlite3_open"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_open"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_open_v2 = Module["_sqlite3_open_v2"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_open_v2 = Module["_sqlite3_open_v2"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_open_v2"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_create_collation = Module["_sqlite3_create_collation"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_create_collation = Module["_sqlite3_create_collation"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_create_collation"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_create_collation_v2 = Module["_sqlite3_create_collation_v2"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_create_collation_v2 = Module["_sqlite3_create_collation_v2"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_create_collation_v2"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_collation_needed = Module["_sqlite3_collation_needed"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_collation_needed = Module["_sqlite3_collation_needed"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_collation_needed"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_table_column_metadata = Module["_sqlite3_table_column_metadata"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_table_column_metadata = Module["_sqlite3_table_column_metadata"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_table_column_metadata"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_extended_result_codes = Module["_sqlite3_extended_result_codes"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_extended_result_codes = Module["_sqlite3_extended_result_codes"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_extended_result_codes"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_uri_key = Module["_sqlite3_uri_key"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_uri_key = Module["_sqlite3_uri_key"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_uri_key"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_uri_int64 = Module["_sqlite3_uri_int64"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_uri_int64 = Module["_sqlite3_uri_int64"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_uri_int64"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_db_name = Module["_sqlite3_db_name"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_db_name = Module["_sqlite3_db_name"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_db_name"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_db_filename = Module["_sqlite3_db_filename"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_db_filename = Module["_sqlite3_db_filename"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_db_filename"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_compileoption_used = Module["_sqlite3_compileoption_used"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_compileoption_used = Module["_sqlite3_compileoption_used"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_compileoption_used"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_compileoption_get = Module["_sqlite3_compileoption_get"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_compileoption_get = Module["_sqlite3_compileoption_get"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_compileoption_get"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3session_diff = Module["_sqlite3session_diff"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3session_diff = Module["_sqlite3session_diff"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3session_diff"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3session_attach = Module["_sqlite3session_attach"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3session_attach = Module["_sqlite3session_attach"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3session_attach"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3session_create = Module["_sqlite3session_create"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3session_create = Module["_sqlite3session_create"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3session_create"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3session_delete = Module["_sqlite3session_delete"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3session_delete = Module["_sqlite3session_delete"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3session_delete"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3session_table_filter = Module["_sqlite3session_table_filter"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3session_table_filter = Module["_sqlite3session_table_filter"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3session_table_filter"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3session_changeset = Module["_sqlite3session_changeset"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3session_changeset = Module["_sqlite3session_changeset"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3session_changeset"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3session_changeset_strm = Module["_sqlite3session_changeset_strm"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3session_changeset_strm = Module["_sqlite3session_changeset_strm"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3session_changeset_strm"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3session_patchset_strm = Module["_sqlite3session_patchset_strm"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3session_patchset_strm = Module["_sqlite3session_patchset_strm"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3session_patchset_strm"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3session_patchset = Module["_sqlite3session_patchset"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3session_patchset = Module["_sqlite3session_patchset"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3session_patchset"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3session_enable = Module["_sqlite3session_enable"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3session_enable = Module["_sqlite3session_enable"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3session_enable"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3session_indirect = Module["_sqlite3session_indirect"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3session_indirect = Module["_sqlite3session_indirect"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3session_indirect"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3session_isempty = Module["_sqlite3session_isempty"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3session_isempty = Module["_sqlite3session_isempty"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3session_isempty"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3session_memory_used = Module["_sqlite3session_memory_used"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3session_memory_used = Module["_sqlite3session_memory_used"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3session_memory_used"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3session_object_config = Module["_sqlite3session_object_config"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3session_object_config = Module["_sqlite3session_object_config"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3session_object_config"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3session_changeset_size = Module["_sqlite3session_changeset_size"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3session_changeset_size = Module["_sqlite3session_changeset_size"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3session_changeset_size"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3changeset_start = Module["_sqlite3changeset_start"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3changeset_start = Module["_sqlite3changeset_start"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3changeset_start"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3changeset_start_v2 = Module["_sqlite3changeset_start_v2"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3changeset_start_v2 = Module["_sqlite3changeset_start_v2"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3changeset_start_v2"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3changeset_start_strm = Module["_sqlite3changeset_start_strm"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3changeset_start_strm = Module["_sqlite3changeset_start_strm"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3changeset_start_strm"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3changeset_start_v2_strm = Module["_sqlite3changeset_start_v2_strm"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3changeset_start_v2_strm = Module["_sqlite3changeset_start_v2_strm"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3changeset_start_v2_strm"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3changeset_next = Module["_sqlite3changeset_next"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3changeset_next = Module["_sqlite3changeset_next"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3changeset_next"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3changeset_op = Module["_sqlite3changeset_op"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3changeset_op = Module["_sqlite3changeset_op"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3changeset_op"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3changeset_pk = Module["_sqlite3changeset_pk"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3changeset_pk = Module["_sqlite3changeset_pk"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3changeset_pk"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3changeset_old = Module["_sqlite3changeset_old"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3changeset_old = Module["_sqlite3changeset_old"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3changeset_old"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3changeset_new = Module["_sqlite3changeset_new"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3changeset_new = Module["_sqlite3changeset_new"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3changeset_new"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3changeset_conflict = Module["_sqlite3changeset_conflict"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3changeset_conflict = Module["_sqlite3changeset_conflict"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3changeset_conflict"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3changeset_fk_conflicts = Module["_sqlite3changeset_fk_conflicts"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3changeset_fk_conflicts = Module["_sqlite3changeset_fk_conflicts"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3changeset_fk_conflicts"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3changeset_finalize = Module["_sqlite3changeset_finalize"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3changeset_finalize = Module["_sqlite3changeset_finalize"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3changeset_finalize"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3changeset_invert = Module["_sqlite3changeset_invert"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3changeset_invert = Module["_sqlite3changeset_invert"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3changeset_invert"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3changeset_invert_strm = Module["_sqlite3changeset_invert_strm"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3changeset_invert_strm = Module["_sqlite3changeset_invert_strm"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3changeset_invert_strm"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3changeset_apply_v2 = Module["_sqlite3changeset_apply_v2"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3changeset_apply_v2 = Module["_sqlite3changeset_apply_v2"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3changeset_apply_v2"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3changeset_apply = Module["_sqlite3changeset_apply"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3changeset_apply = Module["_sqlite3changeset_apply"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3changeset_apply"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3changeset_apply_v2_strm = Module["_sqlite3changeset_apply_v2_strm"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3changeset_apply_v2_strm = Module["_sqlite3changeset_apply_v2_strm"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3changeset_apply_v2_strm"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3changeset_apply_strm = Module["_sqlite3changeset_apply_strm"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3changeset_apply_strm = Module["_sqlite3changeset_apply_strm"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3changeset_apply_strm"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3changegroup_new = Module["_sqlite3changegroup_new"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3changegroup_new = Module["_sqlite3changegroup_new"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3changegroup_new"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3changegroup_add = Module["_sqlite3changegroup_add"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3changegroup_add = Module["_sqlite3changegroup_add"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3changegroup_add"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3changegroup_output = Module["_sqlite3changegroup_output"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3changegroup_output = Module["_sqlite3changegroup_output"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3changegroup_output"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3changegroup_add_strm = Module["_sqlite3changegroup_add_strm"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3changegroup_add_strm = Module["_sqlite3changegroup_add_strm"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3changegroup_add_strm"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3changegroup_output_strm = Module["_sqlite3changegroup_output_strm"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3changegroup_output_strm = Module["_sqlite3changegroup_output_strm"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3changegroup_output_strm"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3changegroup_delete = Module["_sqlite3changegroup_delete"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3changegroup_delete = Module["_sqlite3changegroup_delete"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3changegroup_delete"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3changeset_concat = Module["_sqlite3changeset_concat"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3changeset_concat = Module["_sqlite3changeset_concat"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3changeset_concat"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3changeset_concat_strm = Module["_sqlite3changeset_concat_strm"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3changeset_concat_strm = Module["_sqlite3changeset_concat_strm"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3changeset_concat_strm"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3session_config = Module["_sqlite3session_config"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3session_config = Module["_sqlite3session_config"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3session_config"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_sourceid = Module["_sqlite3_sourceid"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_sourceid = Module["_sqlite3_sourceid"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_sourceid"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_wasm_pstack_ptr = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_pstack_ptr"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_wasm_pstack_ptr = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_pstack_ptr"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_wasm_pstack_ptr"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_wasm_pstack_restore = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_pstack_restore"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_wasm_pstack_restore = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_pstack_restore"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_wasm_pstack_restore"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_wasm_pstack_alloc = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_pstack_alloc"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_wasm_pstack_alloc = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_pstack_alloc"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_wasm_pstack_alloc"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_wasm_pstack_remaining = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_pstack_remaining"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_wasm_pstack_remaining = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_pstack_remaining"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_wasm_pstack_remaining"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_wasm_pstack_quota = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_pstack_quota"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_wasm_pstack_quota = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_pstack_quota"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_wasm_pstack_quota"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_wasm_db_error = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_db_error"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_wasm_db_error = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_db_error"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_wasm_db_error"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_wasm_test_struct = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_test_struct"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_wasm_test_struct = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_test_struct"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_wasm_test_struct"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_wasm_enum_json = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_enum_json"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_wasm_enum_json = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_enum_json"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_wasm_enum_json"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_wasm_vfs_unlink = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_vfs_unlink"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_wasm_vfs_unlink = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_vfs_unlink"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_wasm_vfs_unlink"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_wasm_db_vfs = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_db_vfs"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_wasm_db_vfs = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_db_vfs"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_wasm_db_vfs"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_wasm_db_reset = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_db_reset"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_wasm_db_reset = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_db_reset"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_wasm_db_reset"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_wasm_db_export_chunked = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_db_export_chunked"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_wasm_db_export_chunked = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_db_export_chunked"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_wasm_db_export_chunked"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_wasm_db_serialize = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_db_serialize"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_wasm_db_serialize = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_db_serialize"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_wasm_db_serialize"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_wasm_vfs_create_file = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_vfs_create_file"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_wasm_vfs_create_file = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_vfs_create_file"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_wasm_vfs_create_file"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_wasm_kvvfsMakeKeyOnPstack = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_kvvfsMakeKeyOnPstack"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_wasm_kvvfsMakeKeyOnPstack = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_kvvfsMakeKeyOnPstack"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_wasm_kvvfsMakeKeyOnPstack"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_wasm_kvvfs_methods = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_kvvfs_methods"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_wasm_kvvfs_methods = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_kvvfs_methods"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_wasm_kvvfs_methods"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_wasm_vtab_config = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_vtab_config"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_wasm_vtab_config = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_vtab_config"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_wasm_vtab_config"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_wasm_db_config_ip = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_db_config_ip"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_wasm_db_config_ip = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_db_config_ip"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_wasm_db_config_ip"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_wasm_db_config_pii = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_db_config_pii"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_wasm_db_config_pii = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_db_config_pii"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_wasm_db_config_pii"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_wasm_db_config_s = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_db_config_s"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_wasm_db_config_s = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_db_config_s"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_wasm_db_config_s"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_wasm_config_i = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_config_i"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_wasm_config_i = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_config_i"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_wasm_config_i"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_wasm_config_ii = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_config_ii"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_wasm_config_ii = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_config_ii"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_wasm_config_ii"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_wasm_config_j = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_config_j"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_wasm_config_j = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_config_j"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_wasm_config_j"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_wasm_init_wasmfs = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_init_wasmfs"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_wasm_init_wasmfs = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_init_wasmfs"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_wasm_init_wasmfs"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_wasm_test_intptr = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_test_intptr"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_wasm_test_intptr = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_test_intptr"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_wasm_test_intptr"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_wasm_test_voidptr = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_test_voidptr"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_wasm_test_voidptr = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_test_voidptr"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_wasm_test_voidptr"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_wasm_test_int64_max = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_test_int64_max"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_wasm_test_int64_max = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_test_int64_max"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_wasm_test_int64_max"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_wasm_test_int64_min = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_test_int64_min"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_wasm_test_int64_min = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_test_int64_min"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_wasm_test_int64_min"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_wasm_test_int64_times2 = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_test_int64_times2"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_wasm_test_int64_times2 = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_test_int64_times2"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_wasm_test_int64_times2"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_wasm_test_int64_minmax = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_test_int64_minmax"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_wasm_test_int64_minmax = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_test_int64_minmax"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_wasm_test_int64_minmax"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_wasm_test_int64ptr = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_test_int64ptr"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_wasm_test_int64ptr = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_test_int64ptr"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_wasm_test_int64ptr"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_wasm_test_stack_overflow = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_test_stack_overflow"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_wasm_test_stack_overflow = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_test_stack_overflow"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_wasm_test_stack_overflow"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _sqlite3_wasm_test_str_hello = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_test_str_hello"] = function() {
return (_sqlite3_wasm_test_str_hello = Module["_sqlite3_wasm_test_str_hello"] = Module["asm"]["sqlite3_wasm_test_str_hello"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _malloc = Module["_malloc"] = function() {
return (_malloc = Module["_malloc"] = Module["asm"]["malloc"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _free = Module["_free"] = function() {
return (_free = Module["_free"] = Module["asm"]["free"]).apply(null, arguments);
var _realloc = Module["_realloc"] = function() {
return (_realloc = Module["_realloc"] = Module["asm"]["realloc"]).apply(null, arguments);
var stackSave = Module["stackSave"] = function() {
return (stackSave = Module["stackSave"] = Module["asm"]["stackSave"]).apply(null, arguments);
var stackRestore = Module["stackRestore"] = function() {
return (stackRestore = Module["stackRestore"] = Module["asm"]["stackRestore"]).apply(null, arguments);
var stackAlloc = Module["stackAlloc"] = function() {
return (stackAlloc = Module["stackAlloc"] = Module["asm"]["stackAlloc"]).apply(null, arguments);
Module["wasmMemory"] = wasmMemory;
var calledRun;
dependenciesFulfilled = function runCaller() {
if (!calledRun) run();
if (!calledRun) dependenciesFulfilled = runCaller;
function run(args) {
args = args || arguments_;
if (runDependencies > 0) {
if (runDependencies > 0) {
function doRun() {
if (calledRun) return;
calledRun = true;
Module['calledRun'] = true;
if (ABORT) return;
if (Module['onRuntimeInitialized']) Module['onRuntimeInitialized']();
if (Module['setStatus']) {
setTimeout(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1);
}, 1);
} else
if (Module['preInit']) {
if (typeof Module['preInit'] == 'function') Module['preInit'] = [Module['preInit']];
while (Module['preInit'].length > 0) {
if(!Module.postRun) Module.postRun = [];
'use strict';
'use strict';
globalThis.sqlite3ApiBootstrap = function sqlite3ApiBootstrap(
apiConfig = (globalThis.sqlite3ApiConfig || sqlite3ApiBootstrap.defaultConfig)
console.warn("sqlite3ApiBootstrap() called multiple times.",
"Config and external initializers are ignored on calls after the first.");
return sqlite3ApiBootstrap.sqlite3;
const config = Object.assign(Object.create(null),{
exports: undefined,
memory: undefined,
bigIntEnabled: (()=>{
if('undefined'!==typeof Module){
return !!Module.HEAPU64;
return !!globalThis.BigInt64Array;
debug: console.debug.bind(console),
warn: console.warn.bind(console),
error: console.error.bind(console),
log: console.log.bind(console),
wasmfsOpfsDir: '/opfs',
useStdAlloc: false
}, apiConfig || {});
Object.assign(config, {
allocExportName: config.useStdAlloc ? 'malloc' : 'sqlite3_malloc',
deallocExportName: config.useStdAlloc ? 'free' : 'sqlite3_free',
reallocExportName: config.useStdAlloc ? 'realloc' : 'sqlite3_realloc'
}, config);
'exports', 'memory', 'wasmfsOpfsDir'
if('function' === typeof config[k]){
config[k] = config[k]();
config.wasmOpfsDir =
const capi = Object.create(null);
const wasm = Object.create(null);
const __rcStr = (rc)=>{
return (capi.sqlite3_js_rc_str && capi.sqlite3_js_rc_str(rc))
|| ("Unknown result code #"+rc);
const __isInt = (n)=>'number'===typeof n && n===(n | 0);
class SQLite3Error extends Error {
let rc;
rc = args[0];
const rcStr = __rcStr(rc);
if('object'===typeof args[1]){
args[0] = rcStr+':';
super(args.join(' '));
if(2===args.length && 'object'===typeof args[1]){
super(args.join(' '));
this.resultCode = rc || capi.SQLITE_ERROR;
this.name = 'SQLite3Error';
SQLite3Error.toss = (...args)=>{
throw new SQLite3Error(...args);
const toss3 = SQLite3Error.toss;
if(config.wasmfsOpfsDir && !/^\/[^/]+$/.test(config.wasmfsOpfsDir)){
toss3("config.wasmfsOpfsDir must be falsy or in the form '/dir-name'.");
const isInt32 = (n)=>{
return ('bigint'!==typeof n )
&& !!(n===(n|0) && n<=2147483647 && n>=-2147483648);
const bigIntFits64 = function f(b){
f._max = BigInt("0x7fffffffffffffff");
f._min = ~f._max;
return b >= f._min && b <= f._max;
const bigIntFits32 = (b)=>(b >= (-0x7fffffffn - 1n) && b <= 0x7fffffffn);
const bigIntFitsDouble = function f(b){
f._min = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER;
f._max = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
return b >= f._min && b <= f._max;
const isTypedArray = (v)=>{
return (v && v.constructor && isInt32(v.constructor.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT)) ? v : false;
const __SAB = ('undefined'===typeof SharedArrayBuffer)
? function(){} : SharedArrayBuffer;
const isSharedTypedArray = (aTypedArray)=>(aTypedArray.buffer instanceof __SAB);
const typedArrayPart = (aTypedArray, begin, end)=>{
return isSharedTypedArray(aTypedArray)
? aTypedArray.slice(begin, end)
: aTypedArray.subarray(begin, end);
const isBindableTypedArray = (v)=>{
return v && (v instanceof Uint8Array
|| v instanceof Int8Array
|| v instanceof ArrayBuffer);
const isSQLableTypedArray = (v)=>{
return v && (v instanceof Uint8Array
|| v instanceof Int8Array
|| v instanceof ArrayBuffer);
const affirmBindableTypedArray = (v)=>{
return isBindableTypedArray(v)
|| toss3("Value is not of a supported TypedArray type.");
const utf8Decoder = new TextDecoder('utf-8');
const typedArrayToString = function(typedArray, begin, end){
return utf8Decoder.decode(typedArrayPart(typedArray, begin,end));
const flexibleString = function(v){
return typedArrayToString(
(v instanceof ArrayBuffer) ? new Uint8Array(v) : v
else if(Array.isArray(v)) return v.join("");
else if(wasm.isPtr(v)) v = wasm.cstrToJs(v);
return v;
class WasmAllocError extends Error {
if(2===args.length && 'object'===typeof args[1]){
}else if(args.length){
super(args.join(' '));
super("Allocation failed.");
this.resultCode = capi.SQLITE_NOMEM;
this.name = 'WasmAllocError';
WasmAllocError.toss = (...args)=>{
throw new WasmAllocError(...args);
Object.assign(capi, {
sqlite3_bind_blob: undefined,
sqlite3_bind_text: undefined,
sqlite3_create_function_v2: (
pDb, funcName, nArg, eTextRep, pApp,
xFunc, xStep, xFinal, xDestroy
sqlite3_create_function: (
pDb, funcName, nArg, eTextRep, pApp,
xFunc, xStep, xFinal
sqlite3_create_window_function: (
pDb, funcName, nArg, eTextRep, pApp,
xStep, xFinal, xValue, xInverse, xDestroy
sqlite3_prepare_v3: (dbPtr, sql, sqlByteLen, prepFlags,
stmtPtrPtr, strPtrPtr)=>{},
sqlite3_prepare_v2: (dbPtr, sql, sqlByteLen,
sqlite3_exec: (pDb, sql, callback, pVoid, pErrMsg)=>{},
sqlite3_randomness: (n, outPtr)=>{},
const util = {
affirmBindableTypedArray, flexibleString,
bigIntFits32, bigIntFits64, bigIntFitsDouble,
isInt32, isSQLableTypedArray, isTypedArray,
isUIThread: ()=>(globalThis.window===globalThis && !!globalThis.document),
toss: function(...args){throw new Error(args.join(' '))},
Object.assign(wasm, {
ptrSizeof: config.wasmPtrSizeof || 4,
ptrIR: config.wasmPtrIR || "i32",
bigIntEnabled: !!config.bigIntEnabled,
exports: config.exports
|| toss3("Missing API config.exports (WASM module exports)."),
memory: config.memory || config.exports['memory']
|| toss3("API config object requires a WebAssembly.Memory object",
"in either config.exports.memory (exported)",
"or config.memory (imported)."),
alloc: undefined,
realloc: undefined,
dealloc: undefined
wasm.allocFromTypedArray = function(srcTypedArray){
if(srcTypedArray instanceof ArrayBuffer){
srcTypedArray = new Uint8Array(srcTypedArray);
const pRet = wasm.alloc(srcTypedArray.byteLength || 1);
srcTypedArray.byteLength ? srcTypedArray : [0], pRet
return pRet;
const keyAlloc = config.allocExportName,
keyDealloc = config.deallocExportName,
keyRealloc = config.reallocExportName;
for(const key of [keyAlloc, keyDealloc, keyRealloc]){
const f = wasm.exports[key];
if(!(f instanceof Function)) toss3("Missing required exports[",key,"] function.");
wasm.alloc = function f(n){
return f.impl(n) || WasmAllocError.toss("Failed to allocate",n," bytes.");
wasm.alloc.impl = wasm.exports[keyAlloc];
wasm.realloc = function f(m,n){
const m2 = f.impl(m,n);
return n ? (m2 || WasmAllocError.toss("Failed to reallocate",n," bytes.")) : 0;
wasm.realloc.impl = wasm.exports[keyRealloc];
wasm.dealloc = wasm.exports[keyDealloc];
wasm.compileOptionUsed = function f(optName){
if(f._result) return f._result;
else if(!f._opt){
f._rx = /^([^=]+)=(.+)/;
f._rxInt = /^-?\d+$/;
f._opt = function(opt, rv){
const m = f._rx.exec(opt);
rv[0] = (m ? m[1] : opt);
rv[1] = m ? (f._rxInt.test(m[2]) ? +m[2] : m[2]) : true;
const rc = {}, ov = [0,0];
let i = 0, k;
while((k = capi.sqlite3_compileoption_get(i++))){
rc[ov[0]] = ov[1];
return f._result = rc;
}else if(Array.isArray(optName)){
const rc = {};
rc[v] = capi.sqlite3_compileoption_used(v);
return rc;
}else if('object' === typeof optName){
Object.keys(optName).forEach((k)=> {
optName[k] = capi.sqlite3_compileoption_used(k);
return optName;
return (
'string'===typeof optName
) ? !!capi.sqlite3_compileoption_used(optName) : false;
wasm.pstack = Object.assign(Object.create(null),{
restore: wasm.exports.sqlite3_wasm_pstack_restore,
alloc: function(n){
if('string'===typeof n && !(n = wasm.sizeofIR(n))){
WasmAllocError.toss("Invalid value for pstack.alloc(",arguments[0],")");
return wasm.exports.sqlite3_wasm_pstack_alloc(n)
|| WasmAllocError.toss("Could not allocate",n,
"bytes from the pstack.");
allocChunks: function(n,sz){
if('string'===typeof sz && !(sz = wasm.sizeofIR(sz))){
WasmAllocError.toss("Invalid size value for allocChunks(",arguments[1],")");
const mem = wasm.pstack.alloc(n * sz);
const rc = [];
let i = 0, offset = 0;
for(; i < n; ++i, offset += sz) rc.push(mem + offset);
return rc;
allocPtr: (n=1,safePtrSize=true)=>{
return 1===n
? wasm.pstack.alloc(safePtrSize ? 8 : wasm.ptrSizeof)
: wasm.pstack.allocChunks(n, safePtrSize ? 8 : wasm.ptrSizeof);
Object.defineProperties(wasm.pstack, {
pointer: {
configurable: false, iterable: true, writeable: false,
get: wasm.exports.sqlite3_wasm_pstack_ptr
quota: {
configurable: false, iterable: true, writeable: false,
get: wasm.exports.sqlite3_wasm_pstack_quota
remaining: {
configurable: false, iterable: true, writeable: false,
get: wasm.exports.sqlite3_wasm_pstack_remaining
capi.sqlite3_randomness = (...args)=>{
if(1===args.length && util.isTypedArray(args[0])
&& 1===args[0].BYTES_PER_ELEMENT){
const ta = args[0];
return ta;
const stack = wasm.pstack.pointer;
try {
let n = ta.byteLength, offset = 0;
const r = wasm.exports.sqlite3_randomness;
const heap = wasm.heap8u();
const nAlloc = n < 512 ? n : 512;
const ptr = wasm.pstack.alloc(nAlloc);
const j = (n>nAlloc ? nAlloc : n);
r(j, ptr);
ta.set(typedArrayPart(heap, ptr, ptr+j), offset);
n -= j;
offset += j;
} while(n > 0);
console.error("Highly unexpected (and ignored!) "+
"exception in sqlite3_randomness():",e);
return ta;
let __wasmfsOpfsDir = undefined;
capi.sqlite3_wasmfs_opfs_dir = function(){
if(undefined !== __wasmfsOpfsDir) return __wasmfsOpfsDir;
const pdir = config.wasmfsOpfsDir;
console.error("sqlite3_wasmfs_opfs_dir() can no longer work due "+
"to incompatible WASMFS changes. It will be removed.");
|| !globalThis.FileSystemHandle
|| !globalThis.FileSystemDirectoryHandle
|| !globalThis.FileSystemFileHandle){
return __wasmfsOpfsDir = "";
if(pdir && 0===wasm.xCallWrapped(
'sqlite3_wasm_init_wasmfs', 'i32', ['string'], pdir
return __wasmfsOpfsDir = pdir;
return __wasmfsOpfsDir = "";
return __wasmfsOpfsDir = "";
capi.sqlite3_wasmfs_filename_is_persistent = function(name){
const p = capi.sqlite3_wasmfs_opfs_dir();
return (p && name) ? name.startsWith(p+'/') : false;
if(false && 0===wasm.exports.sqlite3_vfs_find(0)){
capi.sqlite3_js_db_uses_vfs = function(pDb,vfsName,dbName=0){
const pK = capi.sqlite3_vfs_find(vfsName);
if(!pK) return false;
else if(!pDb){
return pK===capi.sqlite3_vfs_find(0) ? pK : false;
return pK===capi.sqlite3_js_db_vfs(pDb,dbName) ? pK : false;
return false;
capi.sqlite3_js_vfs_list = function(){
const rc = [];
let pVfs = capi.sqlite3_vfs_find(0);
const oVfs = new capi.sqlite3_vfs(pVfs);
pVfs = oVfs.$pNext;
return rc;
capi.sqlite3_js_db_export = function(pDb, schema=0){
pDb = wasm.xWrap.testConvertArg('sqlite3*', pDb);
if(!pDb) toss3('Invalid sqlite3* argument.');
if(!wasm.bigIntEnabled) toss3('BigInt64 support is not enabled.');
const scope = wasm.scopedAllocPush();
let pOut;
const pSize = wasm.scopedAlloc(8 + wasm.ptrSizeof);
const ppOut = pSize + 8;
const zSchema = schema
? (wasm.isPtr(schema) ? schema : wasm.scopedAllocCString(''+schema))
: 0;
let rc = wasm.exports.sqlite3_wasm_db_serialize(
pDb, zSchema, ppOut, pSize, 0
toss3("Database serialization failed with code",
pOut = wasm.peekPtr(ppOut);
const nOut = wasm.peek(pSize, 'i64');
rc = nOut
? wasm.heap8u().slice(pOut, pOut + Number(nOut))
: new Uint8Array();
return rc;
if(pOut) wasm.exports.sqlite3_free(pOut);
capi.sqlite3_js_db_vfs =
(dbPointer, dbName=0)=>wasm.sqlite3_wasm_db_vfs(dbPointer, dbName);
capi.sqlite3_js_aggregate_context = (pCtx, n)=>{
return capi.sqlite3_aggregate_context(pCtx, n)
|| (n ? WasmAllocError.toss("Cannot allocate",n,
"bytes for sqlite3_aggregate_context()")
: 0);
capi.sqlite3_js_vfs_create_file = function(vfs, filename, data, dataLen){
let pData;
pData = data;
}else if(data instanceof ArrayBuffer){
data = new Uint8Array(data);
if(data instanceof Uint8Array){
pData = wasm.allocFromTypedArray(data);
if(arguments.length<4 || !util.isInt32(dataLen) || dataLen<0){
dataLen = data.byteLength;
SQLite3Error.toss("Invalid 3rd argument type for sqlite3_js_vfs_create_file().");
pData = 0;
if(!util.isInt32(dataLen) || dataLen<0){
SQLite3Error.toss("Invalid 4th argument for sqlite3_js_vfs_create_file().");
const rc = wasm.sqlite3_wasm_vfs_create_file(vfs, filename, pData, dataLen);
if(rc) SQLite3Error.toss("Creation of file failed with sqlite3 result code",
if( util.isUIThread() ){
const __kvvfsInfo = function(which){
const rc = Object.create(null);
rc.prefix = 'kvvfs-'+which;
rc.stores = [];
if('session'===which || ""===which) rc.stores.push(globalThis.sessionStorage);
if('local'===which || ""===which) rc.stores.push(globalThis.localStorage);
return rc;
capi.sqlite3_js_kvvfs_clear = function(which=""){
let rc = 0;
const kvinfo = __kvvfsInfo(which);
const toRm = [] ;
let i;
for( i = 0; i < s.length; ++i ){
const k = s.key(i);
if(k.startsWith(kvinfo.prefix)) toRm.push(k);
rc += toRm.length;
return rc;
capi.sqlite3_js_kvvfs_size = function(which=""){
let sz = 0;
const kvinfo = __kvvfsInfo(which);
let i;
for(i = 0; i < s.length; ++i){
const k = s.key(i);
sz += k.length;
sz += s.getItem(k).length;
return sz * 2 ;
capi.sqlite3_db_config = function(pDb, op, ...args){
this.s = wasm.xWrap('sqlite3_wasm_db_config_s','int',
['sqlite3*', 'int', 'string:static']
this.pii = wasm.xWrap('sqlite3_wasm_db_config_pii', 'int',
['sqlite3*', 'int', '*','int', 'int']);
this.ip = wasm.xWrap('sqlite3_wasm_db_config_ip','int',
['sqlite3*', 'int', 'int','*']);
return this.ip(pDb, op, args[0], args[1] || 0);
return this.pii(pDb, op, args[0], args[1], args[2]);
return this.s(pDb, op, args[0]);
return capi.SQLITE_MISUSE;
capi.sqlite3_value_to_js = function(pVal,throwIfCannotConvert=true){
let arg;
const valType = capi.sqlite3_value_type(pVal);
arg = capi.sqlite3_value_int64(pVal);
if(util.bigIntFitsDouble(arg)) arg = Number(arg);
else arg = capi.sqlite3_value_double(pVal);
case capi.SQLITE_FLOAT:
arg = capi.sqlite3_value_double(pVal);
case capi.SQLITE_TEXT:
arg = capi.sqlite3_value_text(pVal);
case capi.SQLITE_BLOB:{
const n = capi.sqlite3_value_bytes(pVal);
const pBlob = capi.sqlite3_value_blob(pVal);
if(n && !pBlob) sqlite3.WasmAllocError.toss(
"Cannot allocate memory for blob argument of",n,"byte(s)"
arg = n ? wasm.heap8u().slice(pBlob, pBlob + Number(n)) : null;
case capi.SQLITE_NULL:
arg = null; break;
"Unhandled sqlite3_value_type():",valType);
arg = undefined;
return arg;
capi.sqlite3_values_to_js = function(argc,pArgv,throwIfCannotConvert=true){
let i;
const tgt = [];
for(i = 0; i < argc; ++i){
wasm.peekPtr(pArgv + (wasm.ptrSizeof * i))
return tgt;
capi.sqlite3_result_error_js = function(pCtx,e){
if(e instanceof WasmAllocError){
capi.sqlite3_result_error(pCtx, ''+e, -1);
capi.sqlite3_result_js = function(pCtx,val){
if(val instanceof Error){
capi.sqlite3_result_error_js(pCtx, val);
switch(typeof val) {
case 'undefined':
case 'boolean':
capi.sqlite3_result_int(pCtx, val ? 1 : 0);
case 'bigint':
capi.sqlite3_result_int(pCtx, Number(val));
}else if(util.bigIntFitsDouble(val)){
capi.sqlite3_result_double(pCtx, Number(val));
}else if(wasm.bigIntEnabled){
if(util.bigIntFits64(val)) capi.sqlite3_result_int64(pCtx, val);
else toss3("BigInt value",val.toString(),"is too BigInt for int64.");
toss3("BigInt value",val.toString(),"is too BigInt.");
case 'number': {
let f;
f = capi.sqlite3_result_int;
}else if(wasm.bigIntEnabled
&& Number.isInteger(val)
&& util.bigIntFits64(BigInt(val))){
f = capi.sqlite3_result_int64;
f = capi.sqlite3_result_double;
f(pCtx, val);
case 'string': {
const [p, n] = wasm.allocCString(val,true);
capi.sqlite3_result_text(pCtx, p, n, capi.SQLITE_WASM_DEALLOC);
case 'object':
if(null===val) {
}else if(util.isBindableTypedArray(val)){
const pBlob = wasm.allocFromTypedArray(val);
pCtx, pBlob, val.byteLength,
toss3("Don't not how to handle this UDF result value:",(typeof val), val);
capi.sqlite3_result_error_js(pCtx, e);
capi.sqlite3_column_js = function(pStmt, iCol, throwIfCannotConvert=true){
const v = capi.sqlite3_column_value(pStmt, iCol);
return (0===v) ? undefined : capi.sqlite3_value_to_js(v, throwIfCannotConvert);
const __newOldValue = function(pObj, iCol, impl){
impl = capi[impl];
if(!this.ptr) this.ptr = wasm.allocPtr();
else wasm.pokePtr(this.ptr, 0);
const rc = impl(pObj, iCol, this.ptr);
if(rc) return SQLite3Error.toss(rc,arguments[2]+"() failed with code "+rc);
const pv = wasm.peekPtr(this.ptr);
return pv ? capi.sqlite3_value_to_js( pv, true ) : undefined;
capi.sqlite3_preupdate_new_js =
(pDb, iCol)=>__newOldValue(pDb, iCol, 'sqlite3_preupdate_new');
capi.sqlite3_preupdate_old_js =
(pDb, iCol)=>__newOldValue(pDb, iCol, 'sqlite3_preupdate_old');
capi.sqlite3changeset_new_js =
(pChangesetIter, iCol) => __newOldValue(pChangesetIter, iCol,
capi.sqlite3changeset_old_js =
(pChangesetIter, iCol)=>__newOldValue(pChangesetIter, iCol,
const sqlite3 = {
WasmAllocError: WasmAllocError,
SQLite3Error: SQLite3Error,
version: Object.create(null),
client: undefined,
asyncPostInit: async function(){
let lip = sqlite3ApiBootstrap.initializersAsync;
delete sqlite3ApiBootstrap.initializersAsync;
if(!lip || !lip.length) return Promise.resolve(sqlite3);
lip = lip.map((f)=>{
const p = (f instanceof Promise) ? f : f(sqlite3);
return p.catch((e)=>{
console.error("an async sqlite3 initializer failed:",e);
throw e;
const postInit = ()=>{
delete sqlite3.util;
delete sqlite3.StructBinder;
return sqlite3;
let p = lip.shift();
while(lip.length) p = p.then(lip.shift());
return p.then(postInit);
return Promise.all(lip).then(postInit);
scriptInfo: undefined
console.error("sqlite3 bootstrap initializer threw:",e);
throw e;
delete sqlite3ApiBootstrap.initializers;
sqlite3ApiBootstrap.sqlite3 = sqlite3;
return sqlite3;
globalThis.sqlite3ApiBootstrap.initializers = [];
globalThis.sqlite3ApiBootstrap.initializersAsync = [];
globalThis.sqlite3ApiBootstrap.defaultConfig = Object.create(null);
globalThis.sqlite3ApiBootstrap.sqlite3 = undefined;
globalThis.WhWasmUtilInstaller = function(target){
'use strict';
target.bigIntEnabled = !!self['BigInt64Array'];
const toss = (...args)=>{throw new Error(args.join(' '))};
Object.defineProperty(target, 'exports', {
enumerable: true, configurable: true,
get: ()=>(target.instance && target.instance.exports)
const ptrIR = target.pointerIR || 'i32';
const ptrSizeof = target.ptrSizeof =
('i32'===ptrIR ? 4
: ('i64'===ptrIR
? 8 : toss("Unhandled ptrSizeof:",ptrIR)));
const cache = Object.create(null);
cache.heapSize = 0;
cache.memory = null;
cache.freeFuncIndexes = [];
cache.scopedAlloc = [];
cache.utf8Decoder = new TextDecoder();
cache.utf8Encoder = new TextEncoder('utf-8');
target.sizeofIR = (n)=>{
case 'i8': return 1;
case 'i16': return 2;
case 'i32': case 'f32': case 'float': return 4;
case 'i64': case 'f64': case 'double': return 8;
case '*': return ptrSizeof;
return (''+n).endsWith('*') ? ptrSizeof : undefined;
const heapWrappers = function(){
cache.memory = (target.memory instanceof WebAssembly.Memory)
? target.memory : target.exports.memory;
}else if(cache.heapSize === cache.memory.buffer.byteLength){
return cache;
const b = cache.memory.buffer;
cache.HEAP8 = new Int8Array(b); cache.HEAP8U = new Uint8Array(b);
cache.HEAP16 = new Int16Array(b); cache.HEAP16U = new Uint16Array(b);
cache.HEAP32 = new Int32Array(b); cache.HEAP32U = new Uint32Array(b);
cache.HEAP64 = new BigInt64Array(b); cache.HEAP64U = new BigUint64Array(b);
cache.HEAP32F = new Float32Array(b); cache.HEAP64F = new Float64Array(b);
cache.heapSize = b.byteLength;
return cache;
target.heap8 = ()=>heapWrappers().HEAP8;
target.heap8u = ()=>heapWrappers().HEAP8U;
target.heap16 = ()=>heapWrappers().HEAP16;
target.heap16u = ()=>heapWrappers().HEAP16U;
target.heap32 = ()=>heapWrappers().HEAP32;
target.heap32u = ()=>heapWrappers().HEAP32U;
target.heapForSize = function(n,unsigned = true){
let ctor;
const c = (cache.memory && cache.heapSize === cache.memory.buffer.byteLength)
? cache : heapWrappers();
case Int8Array: return c.HEAP8; case Uint8Array: return c.HEAP8U;
case Int16Array: return c.HEAP16; case Uint16Array: return c.HEAP16U;
case Int32Array: return c.HEAP32; case Uint32Array: return c.HEAP32U;
case 8: return unsigned ? c.HEAP8U : c.HEAP8;
case 16: return unsigned ? c.HEAP16U : c.HEAP16;
case 32: return unsigned ? c.HEAP32U : c.HEAP32;
case 64:
if(c.HEAP64) return unsigned ? c.HEAP64U : c.HEAP64;
if(n===self['BigUint64Array']) return c.HEAP64U;
else if(n===self['BigInt64Array']) return c.HEAP64;
toss("Invalid heapForSize() size: expecting 8, 16, 32,",
"or (if BigInt is enabled) 64.");
target.functionTable = function(){
return target.exports.__indirect_function_table;
target.functionEntry = function(fptr){
const ft = target.functionTable();
return fptr < ft.length ? ft.get(fptr) : undefined;
target.jsFuncToWasm = function f(func, sig){
f._ = {
sigTypes: Object.assign(Object.create(null),{
i: 'i32', p: 'i32', P: 'i32', s: 'i32',
j: 'i64', f: 'f32', d: 'f64'
typeCodes: Object.assign(Object.create(null),{
f64: 0x7c, f32: 0x7d, i64: 0x7e, i32: 0x7f
uleb128Encode: function(tgt, method, n){
if(n<128) tgt[method](n);
else tgt[method]( (n % 128) | 128, n>>7);
rxJSig: /^(\w)\((\w*)\)$/,
sigParams: function(sig){
const m = f._.rxJSig.exec(sig);
return m ? m[2] : sig.substr(1);
letterType: (x)=>f._.sigTypes[x] || toss("Invalid signature letter:",x),
pushSigType: (dest, letter)=>dest.push(f._.typeCodes[f._.letterType(letter)])
if('string'===typeof func){
const x = sig;
sig = func;
func = x;
const sigParams = f._.sigParams(sig);
const wasmCode = [0x01, 0x60];
f._.uleb128Encode(wasmCode, 'push', sigParams.length);
for(const x of sigParams) f._.pushSigType(wasmCode, x);
if('v'===sig[0]) wasmCode.push(0);
f._.pushSigType(wasmCode, sig[0]);
f._.uleb128Encode(wasmCode, 'unshift', wasmCode.length);
0x00, 0x61, 0x73, 0x6d,
0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x02, 0x07,
0x01, 0x01, 0x65, 0x01, 0x66, 0x00, 0x00,
0x07, 0x05,
0x01, 0x01, 0x66, 0x00, 0x00
return (new WebAssembly.Instance(
new WebAssembly.Module(new Uint8Array(wasmCode)), {
e: { f: func }
const __installFunction = function f(func, sig, scoped){
if(scoped && !cache.scopedAlloc.length){
toss("No scopedAllocPush() scope is active.");
if('string'===typeof func){
const x = sig;
sig = func;
func = x;
if('string'!==typeof sig || !(func instanceof Function)){
toss("Invalid arguments: expecting (function,signature) "+
"or (signature,function).");
const ft = target.functionTable();
const oldLen = ft.length;
let ptr;
ptr = cache.freeFuncIndexes.pop();
ptr = null;
ptr = oldLen;
ft.set(ptr, func);
return ptr;
if(!(e instanceof TypeError)){
if(ptr===oldLen) cache.freeFuncIndexes.push(oldLen);
throw e;
try {
const fptr = target.jsFuncToWasm(func, sig);
ft.set(ptr, fptr);
if(ptr===oldLen) cache.freeFuncIndexes.push(oldLen);
throw e;
return ptr;
target.installFunction = (func, sig)=>__installFunction(func, sig, false);
target.scopedInstallFunction = (func, sig)=>__installFunction(func, sig, true);
target.uninstallFunction = function(ptr){
if(!ptr && 0!==ptr) return undefined;
const fi = cache.freeFuncIndexes;
const ft = target.functionTable();
const rc = ft.get(ptr);
ft.set(ptr, null);
return rc;
target.peek = function f(ptr, type='i8'){
if(type.endsWith('*')) type = ptrIR;
const c = (cache.memory && cache.heapSize === cache.memory.buffer.byteLength)
? cache : heapWrappers();
const list = Array.isArray(ptr) ? [] : undefined;
let rc;
if(list) ptr = arguments[0].shift();
case 'i1':
case 'i8': rc = c.HEAP8[ptr>>0]; break;
case 'i16': rc = c.HEAP16[ptr>>1]; break;
case 'i32': rc = c.HEAP32[ptr>>2]; break;
case 'float': case 'f32': rc = c.HEAP32F[ptr>>2]; break;
case 'double': case 'f64': rc = Number(c.HEAP64F[ptr>>3]); break;
case 'i64':
rc = BigInt(c.HEAP64[ptr>>3]);
toss('Invalid type for peek():',type);
if(list) list.push(rc);
}while(list && arguments[0].length);
return list || rc;
target.poke = function(ptr, value, type='i8'){
if (type.endsWith('*')) type = ptrIR;
const c = (cache.memory && cache.heapSize === cache.memory.buffer.byteLength)
? cache : heapWrappers();
for(const p of (Array.isArray(ptr) ? ptr : [ptr])){
switch (type) {
case 'i1':
case 'i8': c.HEAP8[p>>0] = value; continue;
case 'i16': c.HEAP16[p>>1] = value; continue;
case 'i32': c.HEAP32[p>>2] = value; continue;
case 'float': case 'f32': c.HEAP32F[p>>2] = value; continue;
case 'double': case 'f64': c.HEAP64F[p>>3] = value; continue;
case 'i64':
c.HEAP64[p>>3] = BigInt(value);
toss('Invalid type for poke(): ' + type);
return this;
target.peekPtr = (...ptr)=>target.peek( (1===ptr.length ? ptr[0] : ptr), ptrIR );
target.pokePtr = (ptr, value=0)=>target.poke(ptr, value, ptrIR);
target.peek8 = (...ptr)=>target.peek( (1===ptr.length ? ptr[0] : ptr), 'i8' );
target.poke8 = (ptr, value)=>target.poke(ptr, value, 'i8');
target.peek16 = (...ptr)=>target.peek( (1===ptr.length ? ptr[0] : ptr), 'i16' );
target.poke16 = (ptr, value)=>target.poke(ptr, value, 'i16');
target.peek32 = (...ptr)=>target.peek( (1===ptr.length ? ptr[0] : ptr), 'i32' );
target.poke32 = (ptr, value)=>target.poke(ptr, value, 'i32');
target.peek64 = (...ptr)=>target.peek( (1===ptr.length ? ptr[0] : ptr), 'i64' );
target.poke64 = (ptr, value)=>target.poke(ptr, value, 'i64');
target.peek32f = (...ptr)=>target.peek( (1===ptr.length ? ptr[0] : ptr), 'f32' );
target.poke32f = (ptr, value)=>target.poke(ptr, value, 'f32');
target.peek64f = (...ptr)=>target.peek( (1===ptr.length ? ptr[0] : ptr), 'f64' );
target.poke64f = (ptr, value)=>target.poke(ptr, value, 'f64');
target.getMemValue = target.peek;
target.getPtrValue = target.peekPtr;
target.setMemValue = target.poke;
target.setPtrValue = target.pokePtr;
target.isPtr32 = (ptr)=>('number'===typeof ptr && (ptr===(ptr|0)) && ptr>=0);
target.isPtr = target.isPtr32;
target.cstrlen = function(ptr){
if(!ptr || !target.isPtr(ptr)) return null;
const h = heapWrappers().HEAP8U;
let pos = ptr;
for( ; h[pos] !== 0; ++pos ){}
return pos - ptr;
const __SAB = ('undefined'===typeof SharedArrayBuffer)
? function(){} : SharedArrayBuffer;
const __utf8Decode = function(arrayBuffer, begin, end){
return cache.utf8Decoder.decode(
(arrayBuffer.buffer instanceof __SAB)
? arrayBuffer.slice(begin, end)
: arrayBuffer.subarray(begin, end)
target.cstrToJs = function(ptr){
const n = target.cstrlen(ptr);
return n ? __utf8Decode(heapWrappers().HEAP8U, ptr, ptr+n) : (null===n ? n : "");
target.jstrlen = function(str){
if('string'!==typeof str) return null;
const n = str.length;
let len = 0;
for(let i = 0; i < n; ++i){
let u = str.charCodeAt(i);
if(u>=0xd800 && u<=0xdfff){
u = 0x10000 + ((u & 0x3FF) << 10) | (str.charCodeAt(++i) & 0x3FF);
if(u<=0x7f) ++len;
else if(u<=0x7ff) len += 2;
else if(u<=0xffff) len += 3;
else len += 4;
return len;
target.jstrcpy = function(jstr, tgt, offset = 0, maxBytes = -1, addNul = true){
if(!tgt || (!(tgt instanceof Int8Array) && !(tgt instanceof Uint8Array))){
toss("jstrcpy() target must be an Int8Array or Uint8Array.");
if(maxBytes<0) maxBytes = tgt.length - offset;
if(!(maxBytes>0) || !(offset>=0)) return 0;
let i = 0, max = jstr.length;
const begin = offset, end = offset + maxBytes - (addNul ? 1 : 0);
for(; i < max && offset < end; ++i){
let u = jstr.charCodeAt(i);
if(u>=0xd800 && u<=0xdfff){
u = 0x10000 + ((u & 0x3FF) << 10) | (jstr.charCodeAt(++i) & 0x3FF);
if(offset >= end) break;
tgt[offset++] = u;
}else if(u<=0x7ff){
if(offset + 1 >= end) break;
tgt[offset++] = 0xC0 | (u >> 6);
tgt[offset++] = 0x80 | (u & 0x3f);
}else if(u<=0xffff){
if(offset + 2 >= end) break;
tgt[offset++] = 0xe0 | (u >> 12);
tgt[offset++] = 0x80 | ((u >> 6) & 0x3f);
tgt[offset++] = 0x80 | (u & 0x3f);
if(offset + 3 >= end) break;
tgt[offset++] = 0xf0 | (u >> 18);
tgt[offset++] = 0x80 | ((u >> 12) & 0x3f);
tgt[offset++] = 0x80 | ((u >> 6) & 0x3f);
tgt[offset++] = 0x80 | (u & 0x3f);
if(addNul) tgt[offset++] = 0;
return offset - begin;
target.cstrncpy = function(tgtPtr, srcPtr, n){
if(!tgtPtr || !srcPtr) toss("cstrncpy() does not accept NULL strings.");
if(n<0) n = target.cstrlen(strPtr)+1;
else if(!(n>0)) return 0;
const heap = target.heap8u();
let i = 0, ch;
for(; i < n && (ch = heap[srcPtr+i]); ++i){
heap[tgtPtr+i] = ch;
if(i<n) heap[tgtPtr + i++] = 0;
return i;
target.jstrToUintArray = (str, addNul=false)=>{
return cache.utf8Encoder.encode(addNul ? (str+"\0") : str);
const __affirmAlloc = (obj,funcName)=>{
if(!(obj.alloc instanceof Function) ||
!(obj.dealloc instanceof Function)){
toss("Object is missing alloc() and/or dealloc() function(s)",
"required by",funcName+"().");
const __allocCStr = function(jstr, returnWithLength, allocator, funcName){
__affirmAlloc(target, funcName);
if('string'!==typeof jstr) return null;
const n = target.jstrlen(jstr),
ptr = allocator(n+1);
target.jstrcpy(jstr, target.heap8u(), ptr, n+1, true);
return returnWithLength ? [ptr, n] : ptr;
const u = cache.utf8Encoder.encode(jstr),
ptr = allocator(u.length+1),
heap = heapWrappers().HEAP8U;
heap.set(u, ptr);
heap[ptr + u.length] = 0;
return returnWithLength ? [ptr, u.length] : ptr;
target.allocCString =
(jstr, returnWithLength=false)=>__allocCStr(jstr, returnWithLength,
target.alloc, 'allocCString()');
target.scopedAllocPush = function(){
__affirmAlloc(target, 'scopedAllocPush');
const a = [];
return a;
target.scopedAllocPop = function(state){
__affirmAlloc(target, 'scopedAllocPop');
const n = arguments.length
? cache.scopedAlloc.indexOf(state)
: cache.scopedAlloc.length-1;
if(n<0) toss("Invalid state object for scopedAllocPop().");
if(0===arguments.length) state = cache.scopedAlloc[n];
for(let p; (p = state.pop()); ){
else target.dealloc(p);
target.scopedAlloc = function(n){
toss("No scopedAllocPush() scope is active.");
const p = target.alloc(n);
return p;
Object.defineProperty(target.scopedAlloc, 'level', {
configurable: false, enumerable: false,
get: ()=>cache.scopedAlloc.length,
set: ()=>toss("The 'active' property is read-only.")
target.scopedAllocCString =
(jstr, returnWithLength=false)=>__allocCStr(jstr, returnWithLength,
target.scopedAlloc, 'scopedAllocCString()');
const __allocMainArgv = function(isScoped, list){
const pList = target[
isScoped ? 'scopedAlloc' : 'alloc'
]((list.length + 1) * target.ptrSizeof);
let i = 0;
target.pokePtr(pList + (target.ptrSizeof * i++),
isScoped ? 'scopedAllocCString' : 'allocCString'
target.pokePtr(pList + (target.ptrSizeof * i), 0);
return pList;
target.scopedAllocMainArgv = (list)=>__allocMainArgv(true, list);
target.allocMainArgv = (list)=>__allocMainArgv(false, list);
target.cArgvToJs = (argc, pArgv)=>{
const list = [];
for(let i = 0; i < argc; ++i){
const arg = target.peekPtr(pArgv + (target.ptrSizeof * i));
list.push( arg ? target.cstrToJs(arg) : null );
return list;
target.scopedAllocCall = function(func){
try{ return func() } finally{ target.scopedAllocPop() }
const __allocPtr = function(howMany, safePtrSize, method){
__affirmAlloc(target, method);
const pIr = safePtrSize ? 'i64' : ptrIR;
let m = target[method](howMany * (safePtrSize ? 8 : ptrSizeof));
target.poke(m, 0, pIr)
return m;
const a = [m];
for(let i = 1; i < howMany; ++i){
m += (safePtrSize ? 8 : ptrSizeof);
a[i] = m;
target.poke(m, 0, pIr);
return a;
target.allocPtr =
(howMany=1, safePtrSize=true)=>__allocPtr(howMany, safePtrSize, 'alloc');
target.scopedAllocPtr =
(howMany=1, safePtrSize=true)=>__allocPtr(howMany, safePtrSize, 'scopedAlloc');
target.xGet = function(name){
return target.exports[name] || toss("Cannot find exported symbol:",name);
const __argcMismatch =
(f,n)=>toss(f+"() requires",n,"argument(s).");
target.xCall = function(fname, ...args){
const f = target.xGet(fname);
if(!(f instanceof Function)) toss("Exported symbol",fname,"is not a function.");
if(f.length!==args.length) __argcMismatch(fname,f.length)
return (2===arguments.length && Array.isArray(arguments[1]))
? f.apply(null, arguments[1])
: f.apply(null, args);
cache.xWrap = Object.create(null);
cache.xWrap.convert = Object.create(null);
cache.xWrap.convert.arg = new Map;
cache.xWrap.convert.result = new Map;
const xArg = cache.xWrap.convert.arg, xResult = cache.xWrap.convert.result;
xArg.set('i64', (i)=>BigInt(i));
const __xArgPtr = 'i32' === ptrIR
? ((i)=>(i | 0)) : ((i)=>(BigInt(i) | BigInt(0)));
xArg.set('i32', __xArgPtr )
.set('i16', (i)=>((i | 0) & 0xFFFF))
.set('i8', (i)=>((i | 0) & 0xFF))
.set('f32', (i)=>Number(i).valueOf())
.set('float', xArg.get('f32'))
.set('f64', xArg.get('f32'))
.set('double', xArg.get('f64'))
.set('int', xArg.get('i32'))
.set('null', (i)=>i)
.set(null, xArg.get('null'))
.set('**', __xArgPtr)
.set('*', __xArgPtr);
xResult.set('*', __xArgPtr)
.set('pointer', __xArgPtr)
.set('number', (v)=>Number(v))
.set('void', (v)=>undefined)
.set('null', (v)=>v)
.set(null, xResult.get('null'));
const copyToResult = ['i8', 'i16', 'i32', 'int',
'f32', 'float', 'f64', 'double'];
if(target.bigIntEnabled) copyToResult.push('i64');
const adaptPtr = xArg.get(ptrIR);
for(const t of copyToResult){
xArg.set(t+'*', adaptPtr);
xResult.set(t+'*', adaptPtr);
xResult.set(t, (xArg.get(t) || toss("Missing arg converter:",t)));
const __xArgString = function(v){
if('string'===typeof v) return target.scopedAllocCString(v);
return v ? __xArgPtr(v) : null;
xArg.set('string', __xArgString)
.set('utf8', __xArgString)
.set('pointer', __xArgString);
xResult.set('string', (i)=>target.cstrToJs(i))
.set('utf8', xResult.get('string'))
.set('string:dealloc', (i)=>{
try { return i ? target.cstrToJs(i) : null }
finally{ target.dealloc(i) }
.set('utf8:dealloc', xResult.get('string:dealloc'))
.set('json', (i)=>JSON.parse(target.cstrToJs(i)))
.set('json:dealloc', (i)=>{
try{ return i ? JSON.parse(target.cstrToJs(i)) : null }
finally{ target.dealloc(i) }
const AbstractArgAdapter = class {
this.name = opt.name || 'unnamed adapter';
toss("AbstractArgAdapter must be subclassed.");
xArg.FuncPtrAdapter = class FuncPtrAdapter extends AbstractArgAdapter {
constructor(opt) {
console.warn('xArg.FuncPtrAdapter is an internal-only API',
'and is not intended to be invoked from',
'client-level code. Invoked with:',opt);
this.signature = opt.signature;
if(opt.contextKey instanceof Function){
this.contextKey = opt.contextKey;
if(!opt.bindScope) opt.bindScope = 'context';
this.bindScope = opt.bindScope
|| toss("FuncPtrAdapter options requires a bindScope (explicit or implied).");
toss("Invalid options.bindScope ("+opt.bindMod+") for FuncPtrAdapter. "+
"Expecting one of: ("+FuncPtrAdapter.bindScopes.join(', ')+')');
this.isTransient = 'transient'===this.bindScope;
this.isContext = 'context'===this.bindScope;
this.isPermanent = 'permanent'===this.bindScope;
this.singleton = ('singleton'===this.bindScope) ? [] : undefined;
this.callProxy = (opt.callProxy instanceof Function)
? opt.callProxy : undefined;
static warnOnUse = false;
static debugFuncInstall = false;
static debugOut = console.debug.bind(console);
static bindScopes = [
'transient', 'context', 'singleton', 'permanent'
return this;
const cm = (this.__cmap || (this.__cmap = new Map));
let rc = cm.get(key);
if(undefined===rc) cm.set(key, (rc = []));
return rc;
let pair = this.singleton;
if(!pair && this.isContext){
pair = this.contextMap(this.contextKey(argv,argIndex));
if(pair && pair[0]===v) return pair[1];
if(v instanceof Function){
if(this.callProxy) v = this.callProxy(v);
const fp = __installFunction(v, this.signature, this.isTransient);
FuncPtrAdapter.debugOut("FuncPtrAdapter installed", this,
this.contextKey(argv,argIndex), '@'+fp, v);
FuncPtrAdapter.debugOut("FuncPtrAdapter uninstalling", this,
this.contextKey(argv,argIndex), '@'+pair[1], v);
pair[0] = v;
pair[1] = fp;
return fp;
}else if(target.isPtr(v) || null===v || undefined===v){
if(pair && pair[1] && pair[1]!==v){
FuncPtrAdapter.debugOut("FuncPtrAdapter uninstalling", this,
this.contextKey(argv,argIndex), '@'+pair[1], v);
pair[0] = pair[1] = (v | 0);
return v || 0;
throw new TypeError("Invalid FuncPtrAdapter argument type. "+
"Expecting a function pointer or a "+
(this.name ? this.name+' ' : '')+
"function matching signature "+
const __xArgAdapterCheck =
(t)=>xArg.get(t) || toss("Argument adapter not found:",t);
const __xResultAdapterCheck =
(t)=>xResult.get(t) || toss("Result adapter not found:",t);
cache.xWrap.convertArg = (t,...args)=>__xArgAdapterCheck(t)(...args);
cache.xWrap.convertArgNoCheck = (t,...args)=>xArg.get(t)(...args);
cache.xWrap.convertResult =
(t,v)=>(null===t ? v : (t ? __xResultAdapterCheck(t)(v) : undefined));
cache.xWrap.convertResultNoCheck =
(t,v)=>(null===t ? v : (t ? xResult.get(t)(v) : undefined));
target.xWrap = function(fArg, resultType, ...argTypes){
if(3===arguments.length && Array.isArray(arguments[2])){
argTypes = arguments[2];
fArg = target.functionEntry(fArg)
|| toss("Function pointer not found in WASM function table.");
const fIsFunc = (fArg instanceof Function);
const xf = fIsFunc ? fArg : target.xGet(fArg);
if(fIsFunc) fArg = xf.name || 'unnamed function';
if(argTypes.length!==xf.length) __argcMismatch(fArg, xf.length);
if((null===resultType) && 0===xf.length){
return xf;
if(undefined!==resultType && null!==resultType) __xResultAdapterCheck(resultType);
for(const t of argTypes){
if(t instanceof AbstractArgAdapter) xArg.set(t, (...args)=>t.convertArg(...args));
else __xArgAdapterCheck(t);
const cxw = cache.xWrap;
return (...args)=>(args.length
? __argcMismatch(fArg, xf.length)
: cxw.convertResult(resultType, xf.call(null)));
return function(...args){
if(args.length!==xf.length) __argcMismatch(fArg, xf.length);
const scope = target.scopedAllocPush();
for(const i in args) args[i] = cxw.convertArgNoCheck(
argTypes[i], args[i], args, i
return cxw.convertResultNoCheck(resultType, xf.apply(null,args));
const __xAdapter = function(func, argc, typeName, adapter, modeName, xcvPart){
if('string'===typeof typeName){
if(1===argc) return xcvPart.get(typeName);
else if(2===argc){
delete xcvPart.get(typeName);
return func;
}else if(!(adapter instanceof Function)){
toss(modeName,"requires a function argument.");
xcvPart.set(typeName, adapter);
return func;
toss("Invalid arguments to",modeName);
target.xWrap.resultAdapter = function f(typeName, adapter){
return __xAdapter(f, arguments.length, typeName, adapter,
'resultAdapter()', xResult);
target.xWrap.argAdapter = function f(typeName, adapter){
return __xAdapter(f, arguments.length, typeName, adapter,
'argAdapter()', xArg);
target.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter = xArg.FuncPtrAdapter;
target.xCallWrapped = function(fArg, resultType, argTypes, ...args){
if(Array.isArray(arguments[3])) args = arguments[3];
return target.xWrap(fArg, resultType, argTypes||[]).apply(null, args||[]);
target.xWrap.testConvertArg = cache.xWrap.convertArg;
target.xWrap.testConvertResult = cache.xWrap.convertResult;
return target;
globalThis.WhWasmUtilInstaller.yawl = function(config){
const wfetch = ()=>fetch(config.uri, {credentials: 'same-origin'});
const wui = this;
const finalThen = function(arg){
const toss = (...args)=>{throw new Error(args.join(' '))};
const tgt = config.wasmUtilTarget;
tgt.module = arg.module;
tgt.instance = arg.instance;
tgt.memory = (config.imports && config.imports.env
&& config.imports.env.memory)
|| toss("Missing 'memory' object!");
if(!tgt.alloc && arg.instance.exports.malloc){
const exports = arg.instance.exports;
tgt.alloc = function(n){
return exports.malloc(n) || toss("Allocation of",n,"bytes failed.");
tgt.dealloc = function(m){exports.free(m)};
if(config.onload) config.onload(arg,config);
return arg ;
const loadWasm = WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming
? function loadWasmStreaming(){
return WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(wfetch(), config.imports||{})
: function loadWasmOldSchool(){
return wfetch()
.then(response => response.arrayBuffer())
.then(bytes => WebAssembly.instantiate(bytes, config.imports||{}))
return loadWasm;
'use strict';
globalThis.Jaccwabyt = function StructBinderFactory(config){
const toss = (...args)=>{throw new Error(args.join(' '))};
if(!(config.heap instanceof WebAssembly.Memory)
&& !(config.heap instanceof Function)){
toss("config.heap must be WebAssembly.Memory instance or a function.");
(config[k] instanceof Function) ||
toss("Config option '"+k+"' must be a function.");
const SBF = StructBinderFactory;
const heap = (config.heap instanceof Function)
? config.heap : (()=>new Uint8Array(config.heap.buffer)),
alloc = config.alloc,
dealloc = config.dealloc,
log = config.log || console.log.bind(console),
memberPrefix = (config.memberPrefix || ""),
memberSuffix = (config.memberSuffix || ""),
bigIntEnabled = (undefined===config.bigIntEnabled
? !!self['BigInt64Array'] : !!config.bigIntEnabled),
BigInt = self['BigInt'],
BigInt64Array = self['BigInt64Array'],
ptrSizeof = config.ptrSizeof || 4,
ptrIR = config.ptrIR || 'i32'
SBF.__makeDebugFlags = function(deriveFrom=null){
if(deriveFrom && deriveFrom.__flags) deriveFrom = deriveFrom.__flags;
const f = function f(flags){
return f.__flags;
delete f.__flags.getter; delete f.__flags.setter;
delete f.__flags.alloc; delete f.__flags.dealloc;
f.__flags.getter = 0!==(0x01 & flags);
f.__flags.setter = 0!==(0x02 & flags);
f.__flags.alloc = 0!==(0x04 & flags);
f.__flags.dealloc = 0!==(0x08 & flags);
return f._flags;
Object.defineProperty(f,'__flags', {
iterable: false, writable: false,
value: Object.create(deriveFrom)
if(!deriveFrom) f(0);
return f;
SBF.debugFlags = SBF.__makeDebugFlags();
const isLittleEndian = (function() {
const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(2);
new DataView(buffer).setInt16(0, 256, true );
return new Int16Array(buffer)[0] === 256;
const isFuncSig = (s)=>'('===s[1];
const isPtrSig = (s)=>'p'===s || 'P'===s;
const isAutoPtrSig = (s)=>'P'===s ;
const sigLetter = (s)=>isFuncSig(s) ? 'p' : s[0];
const sigIR = function(s){
case 'c': case 'C': return 'i8';
case 'i': return 'i32';
case 'p': case 'P': case 's': return ptrIR;
case 'j': return 'i64';
case 'f': return 'float';
case 'd': return 'double';
toss("Unhandled signature IR:",s);
const affirmBigIntArray = BigInt64Array
? ()=>true : ()=>toss('BigInt64Array is not available.');
const sigDVGetter = function(s){
switch(sigLetter(s)) {
case 'p': case 'P': case 's': {
case 4: return 'getInt32';
case 8: return affirmBigIntArray() && 'getBigInt64';
case 'i': return 'getInt32';
case 'c': return 'getInt8';
case 'C': return 'getUint8';
case 'j': return affirmBigIntArray() && 'getBigInt64';
case 'f': return 'getFloat32';
case 'd': return 'getFloat64';
toss("Unhandled DataView getter for signature:",s);
const sigDVSetter = function(s){
case 'p': case 'P': case 's': {
case 4: return 'setInt32';
case 8: return affirmBigIntArray() && 'setBigInt64';
case 'i': return 'setInt32';
case 'c': return 'setInt8';
case 'C': return 'setUint8';
case 'j': return affirmBigIntArray() && 'setBigInt64';
case 'f': return 'setFloat32';
case 'd': return 'setFloat64';
toss("Unhandled DataView setter for signature:",s);
const sigDVSetWrapper = function(s){
switch(sigLetter(s)) {
case 'i': case 'f': case 'c': case 'C': case 'd': return Number;
case 'j': return affirmBigIntArray() && BigInt;
case 'p': case 'P': case 's':
case 4: return Number;
case 8: return affirmBigIntArray() && BigInt;
toss("Unhandled DataView set wrapper for signature:",s);
const sPropName = (s,k)=>s+'::'+k;
const __propThrowOnSet = function(structName,propName){
return ()=>toss(sPropName(structName,propName),"is read-only.");
const __instancePointerMap = new WeakMap();
const xPtrPropName = '(pointer-is-external)';
const __freeStruct = function(ctor, obj, m){
if(!m) m = __instancePointerMap.get(obj);
if(m) {
let x;
while((x = obj.ondispose.shift())){
if(x instanceof Function) x.call(obj);
else if(x instanceof StructType) x.dispose();
else if('number' === typeof x) dealloc(x);
console.warn("ondispose() for",ctor.structName,'@',
m,'threw. NOT propagating it.',e);
}else if(obj.ondispose instanceof Function){
console.warn("ondispose() for",ctor.structName,'@',
m,'threw. NOT propagating it.',e);
delete obj.ondispose;
ctor.structInfo.sizeof,"bytes @"+m);
if(!obj[xPtrPropName]) dealloc(m);
const rop = (v)=>{return {configurable: false, writable: false,
iterable: false, value: v}};
const __allocStruct = function(ctor, obj, m){
let fill = !m;
if(m) Object.defineProperty(obj, xPtrPropName, rop(m));
m = alloc(ctor.structInfo.sizeof);
if(!m) toss("Allocation of",ctor.structName,"structure failed.");
try {
ctor.structInfo.sizeof,"bytes @"+m);
if(fill) heap().fill(0, m, m + ctor.structInfo.sizeof);
__instancePointerMap.set(obj, m);
__freeStruct(ctor, obj, m);
throw e;
const __memoryDump = function(){
const p = this.pointer;
return p
? new Uint8Array(heap().slice(p, p+this.structInfo.sizeof))
: null;
const __memberKey = (k)=>memberPrefix + k + memberSuffix;
const __memberKeyProp = rop(__memberKey);
const __lookupMember = function(structInfo, memberName, tossIfNotFound=true){
let m = structInfo.members[memberName];
if(!m && (memberPrefix || memberSuffix)){
for(const v of Object.values(structInfo.members)){
if(v.key===memberName){ m = v; break; }
if(!m && tossIfNotFound){
toss(sPropName(structInfo.name,memberName),'is not a mapped struct member.');
return m;
const __memberSignature = function f(obj,memberName,emscriptenFormat=false){
if(!f._) f._ = (x)=>x.replace(/[^vipPsjrdcC]/g,"").replace(/[pPscC]/g,'i');
const m = __lookupMember(obj.structInfo, memberName, true);
return emscriptenFormat ? f._(m.signature) : m.signature;
const __ptrPropDescriptor = {
configurable: false, enumerable: false,
get: function(){return __instancePointerMap.get(this)},
set: ()=>toss("Cannot assign the 'pointer' property of a struct.")
const __structMemberKeys = rop(function(){
const a = [];
for(const k of Object.keys(this.structInfo.members)){
return a;
const __utf8Decoder = new TextDecoder('utf-8');
const __utf8Encoder = new TextEncoder();
const __SAB = ('undefined'===typeof SharedArrayBuffer)
? function(){} : SharedArrayBuffer;
const __utf8Decode = function(arrayBuffer, begin, end){
return __utf8Decoder.decode(
(arrayBuffer.buffer instanceof __SAB)
? arrayBuffer.slice(begin, end)
: arrayBuffer.subarray(begin, end)
const __memberIsString = function(obj,memberName, tossIfNotFound=false){
const m = __lookupMember(obj.structInfo, memberName, tossIfNotFound);
return (m && 1===m.signature.length && 's'===m.signature[0]) ? m : false;
const __affirmCStringSignature = function(member){
if('s'===member.signature) return;
toss("Invalid member type signature for C-string value:",
const __memberToJsString = function f(obj,memberName){
const m = __lookupMember(obj.structInfo, memberName, true);
const addr = obj[m.key];
if(!addr) return null;
let pos = addr;
const mem = heap();
for( ; mem[pos]!==0; ++pos ) {
return (addr===pos) ? "" : __utf8Decode(mem, addr, pos);
const __addOnDispose = function(obj, ...v){
obj.ondispose = [obj.ondispose];
obj.ondispose = [];
const __allocCString = function(str){
const u = __utf8Encoder.encode(str);
const mem = alloc(u.length+1);
if(!mem) toss("Allocation error while duplicating string:",str);
const h = heap();
h.set(u, mem);
h[mem + u.length] = 0;
return mem;
const __setMemberCString = function(obj, memberName, str){
const m = __lookupMember(obj.structInfo, memberName, true);
const mem = __allocCString(str);
obj[m.key] = mem;
__addOnDispose(obj, mem);
return obj;
const StructType = function ctor(structName, structInfo){
toss("Do not call the StructType constructor",
"from client-level code.");
structName: rop(structName),
structInfo: rop(structInfo)
StructType.prototype = Object.create(null, {
dispose: rop(function(){__freeStruct(this.constructor, this)}),
lookupMember: rop(function(memberName, tossIfNotFound=true){
return __lookupMember(this.structInfo, memberName, tossIfNotFound);
memberToJsString: rop(function(memberName){
return __memberToJsString(this, memberName);
memberIsString: rop(function(memberName, tossIfNotFound=true){
return __memberIsString(this, memberName, tossIfNotFound);
memberKey: __memberKeyProp,
memberKeys: __structMemberKeys,
memberSignature: rop(function(memberName, emscriptenFormat=false){
return __memberSignature(this, memberName, emscriptenFormat);
memoryDump: rop(__memoryDump),
pointer: __ptrPropDescriptor,
setMemberCString: rop(function(memberName, str){
return __setMemberCString(this, memberName, str);
addOnDispose: function(...v){
return this;
Object.defineProperties(StructType, {
allocCString: rop(__allocCString),
isA: rop((v)=>v instanceof StructType),
hasExternalPointer: rop((v)=>(v instanceof StructType) && !!v[xPtrPropName]),
memberKey: __memberKeyProp
const isNumericValue = (v)=>Number.isFinite(v) || (v instanceof (BigInt || Number));
const makeMemberWrapper = function f(ctor,name, descr){
f._ = {getters: {}, setters: {}, sw:{}};
const a = ['i','c','C','p','P','s','f','d','v()'];
if(bigIntEnabled) a.push('j');
f._.getters[v] = sigDVGetter(v) ;
f._.setters[v] = sigDVSetter(v) ;
f._.sw[v] = sigDVSetWrapper(v) ;
const rxSig1 = /^[ipPsjfdcC]$/,
rxSig2 = /^[vipPsjfdcC]\([ipPsjfdcC]*\)$/;
f.sigCheck = function(obj, name, key,sig){
if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)){
toss(obj.structName,'already has a property named',key+'.');
rxSig1.test(sig) || rxSig2.test(sig)
|| toss("Malformed signature for",
const key = ctor.memberKey(name);
f.sigCheck(ctor.prototype, name, key, descr.signature);
descr.key = key;
descr.name = name;
const sigGlyph = sigLetter(descr.signature);
const xPropName = sPropName(ctor.prototype.structName,key);
const dbg = ctor.prototype.debugFlags.__flags;
const prop = Object.create(null);
prop.configurable = false;
prop.enumerable = false;
prop.get = function(){
log("debug.getter:",f._.getters[sigGlyph],"for", sigIR(sigGlyph),
xPropName,'@', this.pointer,'+',descr.offset,'sz',descr.sizeof);
let rc = (
new DataView(heap().buffer, this.pointer + descr.offset, descr.sizeof)
)[f._.getters[sigGlyph]](0, isLittleEndian);
if(dbg.getter) log("debug.getter:",xPropName,"result =",rc);
return rc;
prop.set = __propThrowOnSet(ctor.prototype.structName,key);
prop.set = function(v){
log("debug.setter:",f._.setters[sigGlyph],"for", sigIR(sigGlyph),
xPropName,'@', this.pointer,'+',descr.offset,'sz',descr.sizeof, v);
toss("Cannot set struct property on disposed instance.");
if(null===v) v = 0;
else while(!isNumericValue(v)){
if(isAutoPtrSig(descr.signature) && (v instanceof StructType)){
v = v.pointer || 0;
if(dbg.setter) log("debug.setter:",xPropName,"resolved to",v);
toss("Invalid value for pointer-type",xPropName+'.');
new DataView(heap().buffer, this.pointer + descr.offset, descr.sizeof)
)[f._.setters[sigGlyph]](0, f._.sw[sigGlyph](v), isLittleEndian);
Object.defineProperty(ctor.prototype, key, prop);
const StructBinder = function StructBinder(structName, structInfo){
structInfo = structName;
structName = structInfo.name;
}else if(!structInfo.name){
structInfo.name = structName;
if(!structName) toss("Struct name is required.");
let lastMember = false;
const m = structInfo.members[k];
if(!m.sizeof) toss(structName,"member",k,"is missing sizeof.");
else if(m.sizeof===1){
(m.signature === 'c' || m.signature === 'C') ||
toss("Unexpected sizeof==1 member",
"with signature",m.signature);
console.warn("Invalid struct member description =",m,"from",structInfo);
toss(structName,"member",k,"sizeof is not aligned. sizeof="+m.sizeof);
console.warn("Invalid struct member description =",m,"from",structInfo);
toss(structName,"member",k,"offset is not aligned. offset="+m.offset);
if(!lastMember || lastMember.offset < m.offset) lastMember = m;
if(!lastMember) toss("No member property descriptions found.");
else if(structInfo.sizeof < lastMember.offset+lastMember.sizeof){
toss("Invalid struct config:",structName,
"max member offset ("+lastMember.offset+") ",
"extends past end of struct (sizeof="+structInfo.sizeof+").");
const debugFlags = rop(SBF.__makeDebugFlags(StructBinder.debugFlags));
const StructCtor = function StructCtor(externalMemory){
if(!(this instanceof StructCtor)){
toss("The",structName,"constructor may only be called via 'new'.");
}else if(arguments.length){
if(externalMemory!==(externalMemory|0) || externalMemory<=0){
toss("Invalid pointer value for",structName,"constructor.");
__allocStruct(StructCtor, this, externalMemory);
__allocStruct(StructCtor, this);
debugFlags: debugFlags,
isA: rop((v)=>v instanceof StructCtor),
memberKey: __memberKeyProp,
memberKeys: __structMemberKeys,
methodInfoForKey: rop(function(mKey){
structInfo: rop(structInfo),
structName: rop(structName)
StructCtor.prototype = new StructType(structName, structInfo, rop);
debugFlags: debugFlags,
constructor: rop(StructCtor)
(name)=>makeMemberWrapper(StructCtor, name, structInfo.members[name])
return StructCtor;
StructBinder.StructType = StructType;
StructBinder.config = config;
StructBinder.allocCString = __allocCString;
StructBinder.debugFlags = SBF.__makeDebugFlags(SBF.debugFlags);
return StructBinder;
'use strict';
const toss = (...args)=>{throw new Error(args.join(' '))};
const toss3 = sqlite3.SQLite3Error.toss;
const capi = sqlite3.capi, wasm = sqlite3.wasm, util = sqlite3.util;
delete globalThis.WhWasmUtilInstaller;
const dealloc = wasm.exports[sqlite3.config.deallocExportName];
const nFunc = wasm.functionTable().length;
let i;
for(i = 0; i < nFunc; ++i){
const e = wasm.functionEntry(i);
if(dealloc === e){
if(dealloc !== wasm.functionEntry(capi.SQLITE_WASM_DEALLOC)){
toss("Internal error: cannot find function pointer for SQLITE_WASM_DEALLOC.");
wasm.bindingSignatures = [
["sqlite3_aggregate_context","void*", "sqlite3_context*", "int"],
["sqlite3_bind_double","int", "sqlite3_stmt*", "int", "f64"],
["sqlite3_bind_int","int", "sqlite3_stmt*", "int", "int"],
["sqlite3_bind_null",undefined, "sqlite3_stmt*", "int"],
["sqlite3_bind_parameter_count", "int", "sqlite3_stmt*"],
["sqlite3_bind_parameter_index","int", "sqlite3_stmt*", "string"],
["sqlite3_bind_pointer", "int",
"sqlite3_stmt*", "int", "*", "string:static", "*"],
["sqlite3_busy_handler","int", [
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({
signature: 'i(pi)',
contextKey: (argv,argIndex)=>argv[0]
["sqlite3_busy_timeout","int", "sqlite3*", "int"],
["sqlite3_changes", "int", "sqlite3*"],
["sqlite3_clear_bindings","int", "sqlite3_stmt*"],
["sqlite3_collation_needed", "int", "sqlite3*", "*", "*"],
["sqlite3_column_blob","*", "sqlite3_stmt*", "int"],
["sqlite3_column_bytes","int", "sqlite3_stmt*", "int"],
["sqlite3_column_count", "int", "sqlite3_stmt*"],
["sqlite3_column_double","f64", "sqlite3_stmt*", "int"],
["sqlite3_column_int","int", "sqlite3_stmt*", "int"],
["sqlite3_column_name","string", "sqlite3_stmt*", "int"],
["sqlite3_column_text","string", "sqlite3_stmt*", "int"],
["sqlite3_column_type","int", "sqlite3_stmt*", "int"],
["sqlite3_column_value","sqlite3_value*", "sqlite3_stmt*", "int"],
["sqlite3_commit_hook", "void*", [
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({
name: 'sqlite3_commit_hook',
signature: 'i(p)',
contextKey: (argv)=>argv[0]
["sqlite3_compileoption_get", "string", "int"],
["sqlite3_compileoption_used", "int", "string"],
["sqlite3_complete", "int", "string:flexible"],
["sqlite3_context_db_handle", "sqlite3*", "sqlite3_context*"],
["sqlite3_data_count", "int", "sqlite3_stmt*"],
["sqlite3_db_filename", "string", "sqlite3*", "string"],
["sqlite3_db_handle", "sqlite3*", "sqlite3_stmt*"],
["sqlite3_db_name", "string", "sqlite3*", "int"],
["sqlite3_db_status", "int", "sqlite3*", "int", "*", "*", "int"],
["sqlite3_errcode", "int", "sqlite3*"],
["sqlite3_errmsg", "string", "sqlite3*"],
["sqlite3_error_offset", "int", "sqlite3*"],
["sqlite3_errstr", "string", "int"],
["sqlite3_exec", "int", [
"sqlite3*", "string:flexible",
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({
signature: 'i(pipp)',
bindScope: 'transient',
callProxy: (callback)=>{
let aNames;
return (pVoid, nCols, pColVals, pColNames)=>{
try {
const aVals = wasm.cArgvToJs(nCols, pColVals);
if(!aNames) aNames = wasm.cArgvToJs(nCols, pColNames);
return callback(aVals, aNames) | 0;
return e.resultCode || capi.SQLITE_ERROR;
"*", "**"
["sqlite3_expanded_sql", "string", "sqlite3_stmt*"],
["sqlite3_extended_errcode", "int", "sqlite3*"],
["sqlite3_extended_result_codes", "int", "sqlite3*", "int"],
["sqlite3_file_control", "int", "sqlite3*", "string", "int", "*"],
["sqlite3_finalize", "int", "sqlite3_stmt*"],
["sqlite3_free", undefined,"*"],
["sqlite3_get_auxdata", "*", "sqlite3_context*", "int"],
["sqlite3_initialize", undefined],
["sqlite3_keyword_count", "int"],
["sqlite3_keyword_name", "int", ["int", "**", "*"]],
["sqlite3_keyword_check", "int", ["string", "int"]],
["sqlite3_libversion", "string"],
["sqlite3_libversion_number", "int"],
["sqlite3_limit", "int", ["sqlite3*", "int", "int"]],
["sqlite3_malloc", "*","int"],
["sqlite3_open", "int", "string", "*"],
["sqlite3_open_v2", "int", "string", "*", "int", "string"],
["sqlite3_progress_handler", undefined, [
"sqlite3*", "int", new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({
name: 'xProgressHandler',
signature: 'i(p)',
bindScope: 'context',
contextKey: (argv,argIndex)=>argv[0]
}), "*"
["sqlite3_realloc", "*","*","int"],
["sqlite3_reset", "int", "sqlite3_stmt*"],
["sqlite3_result_blob", undefined, "sqlite3_context*", "*", "int", "*"],
["sqlite3_result_double", undefined, "sqlite3_context*", "f64"],
["sqlite3_result_error", undefined, "sqlite3_context*", "string", "int"],
["sqlite3_result_error_code", undefined, "sqlite3_context*", "int"],
["sqlite3_result_error_nomem", undefined, "sqlite3_context*"],
["sqlite3_result_error_toobig", undefined, "sqlite3_context*"],
["sqlite3_result_int", undefined, "sqlite3_context*", "int"],
["sqlite3_result_null", undefined, "sqlite3_context*"],
["sqlite3_result_pointer", undefined,
"sqlite3_context*", "*", "string:static", "*"],
["sqlite3_result_subtype", undefined, "sqlite3_value*", "int"],
["sqlite3_result_text", undefined, "sqlite3_context*", "string", "int", "*"],
["sqlite3_result_zeroblob", undefined, "sqlite3_context*", "int"],
["sqlite3_rollback_hook", "void*", [
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({
name: 'sqlite3_rollback_hook',
signature: 'v(p)',
contextKey: (argv)=>argv[0]
["sqlite3_set_authorizer", "int", [
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({
name: "sqlite3_set_authorizer::xAuth",
signature: "i(pi"+"ssss)",
contextKey: (argv, argIndex)=>argv[0],
callProxy: (callback)=>{
return (pV, iCode, s0, s1, s2, s3)=>{
s0 = s0 && wasm.cstrToJs(s0); s1 = s1 && wasm.cstrToJs(s1);
s2 = s2 && wasm.cstrToJs(s2); s3 = s3 && wasm.cstrToJs(s3);
return callback(pV, iCode, s0, s1, s2, s3) || 0;
return e.resultCode || capi.SQLITE_ERROR;
["sqlite3_set_auxdata", undefined, [
"sqlite3_context*", "int", "*",
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({
name: 'xDestroyAuxData',
signature: 'v(*)',
contextKey: (argv, argIndex)=>argv[0]
["sqlite3_shutdown", undefined],
["sqlite3_sourceid", "string"],
["sqlite3_sql", "string", "sqlite3_stmt*"],
["sqlite3_status", "int", "int", "*", "*", "int"],
["sqlite3_step", "int", "sqlite3_stmt*"],
["sqlite3_stmt_isexplain", "int", ["sqlite3_stmt*"]],
["sqlite3_stmt_readonly", "int", ["sqlite3_stmt*"]],
["sqlite3_stmt_status", "int", "sqlite3_stmt*", "int", "int"],
["sqlite3_strglob", "int", "string","string"],
["sqlite3_stricmp", "int", "string", "string"],
["sqlite3_strlike", "int", "string", "string","int"],
["sqlite3_strnicmp", "int", "string", "string", "int"],
["sqlite3_table_column_metadata", "int",
"sqlite3*", "string", "string", "string",
"**", "**", "*", "*", "*"],
["sqlite3_total_changes", "int", "sqlite3*"],
["sqlite3_trace_v2", "int", [
"sqlite3*", "int",
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({
name: 'sqlite3_trace_v2::callback',
signature: 'i(ippp)',
contextKey: (argv,argIndex)=>argv[0]
["sqlite3_txn_state", "int", ["sqlite3*","string"]],
["sqlite3_uri_boolean", "int", "sqlite3_filename", "string", "int"],
["sqlite3_uri_key", "string", "sqlite3_filename", "int"],
["sqlite3_uri_parameter", "string", "sqlite3_filename", "string"],
["sqlite3_user_data","void*", "sqlite3_context*"],
["sqlite3_value_blob", "*", "sqlite3_value*"],
["sqlite3_value_bytes","int", "sqlite3_value*"],
["sqlite3_value_double","f64", "sqlite3_value*"],
["sqlite3_value_dup", "sqlite3_value*", "sqlite3_value*"],
["sqlite3_value_free", undefined, "sqlite3_value*"],
["sqlite3_value_frombind", "int", "sqlite3_value*"],
["sqlite3_value_int","int", "sqlite3_value*"],
["sqlite3_value_nochange", "int", "sqlite3_value*"],
["sqlite3_value_numeric_type", "int", "sqlite3_value*"],
["sqlite3_value_pointer", "*", "sqlite3_value*", "string:static"],
["sqlite3_value_subtype", "int", "sqlite3_value*"],
["sqlite3_value_text", "string", "sqlite3_value*"],
["sqlite3_value_type", "int", "sqlite3_value*"],
["sqlite3_vfs_find", "*", "string"],
["sqlite3_vfs_register", "int", "sqlite3_vfs*", "int"],
["sqlite3_vfs_unregister", "int", "sqlite3_vfs*"]
if(false && wasm.compileOptionUsed('SQLITE_ENABLE_NORMALIZE')){
wasm.bindingSignatures.push(["sqlite3_normalized_sql", "string", "sqlite3_stmt*"]);
if(wasm.exports.sqlite3_activate_see instanceof Function){
["sqlite3_key", "int", "sqlite3*", "string", "int"],
["sqlite3_rekey", "int", "sqlite3*", "string", "int"],
["sqlite3_rekey_v2", "int", "sqlite3*", "string", "*", "int"],
["sqlite3_activate_see", undefined, "string"]
wasm.bindingSignatures.int64 = [
["sqlite3_bind_int64","int", ["sqlite3_stmt*", "int", "i64"]],
["sqlite3_changes64","i64", ["sqlite3*"]],
["sqlite3_column_int64","i64", ["sqlite3_stmt*", "int"]],
["sqlite3_create_module", "int",
["sqlite3_create_module_v2", "int",
["sqlite3_declare_vtab", "int", ["sqlite3*", "string:flexible"]],
["sqlite3_deserialize", "int", "sqlite3*", "string", "*", "i64", "i64", "int"]
["sqlite3_drop_modules", "int", ["sqlite3*", "**"]],
["sqlite3_last_insert_rowid", "i64", ["sqlite3*"]],
["sqlite3_malloc64", "*","i64"],
["sqlite3_msize", "i64", "*"],
["sqlite3_overload_function", "int", ["sqlite3*","string","int"]],
["sqlite3_preupdate_blobwrite", "int", "sqlite3*"],
["sqlite3_preupdate_count", "int", "sqlite3*"],
["sqlite3_preupdate_depth", "int", "sqlite3*"],
["sqlite3_preupdate_hook", "*", [
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({
name: 'sqlite3_preupdate_hook',
signature: "v(ppippjj)",
contextKey: (argv)=>argv[0],
callProxy: (callback)=>{
return (p,db,op,zDb,zTbl,iKey1,iKey2)=>{
callback(p, db, op, wasm.cstrToJs(zDb), wasm.cstrToJs(zTbl),
iKey1, iKey2);
["sqlite3_preupdate_new", "int", ["sqlite3*", "int", "**"]],
["sqlite3_preupdate_old", "int", ["sqlite3*", "int", "**"]],
["sqlite3_realloc64", "*","*", "i64"],
["sqlite3_result_int64", undefined, "*", "i64"],
["sqlite3_result_zeroblob64", "int", "*", "i64"],
["sqlite3_serialize","*", "sqlite3*", "string", "*", "int"],
["sqlite3_set_last_insert_rowid", undefined, ["sqlite3*", "i64"]],
["sqlite3_status64", "int", "int", "*", "*", "int"],
["sqlite3_total_changes64", "i64", ["sqlite3*"]],
["sqlite3_update_hook", "*", [
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({
name: 'sqlite3_update_hook',
signature: "v(iippj)",
contextKey: (argv)=>argv[0],
callProxy: (callback)=>{
return (p,op,z0,z1,rowid)=>{
callback(p, op, wasm.cstrToJs(z0), wasm.cstrToJs(z1), rowid);
["sqlite3_uri_int64", "i64", ["sqlite3_filename", "string", "i64"]],
["sqlite3_value_int64","i64", "sqlite3_value*"],
["sqlite3_vtab_distinct","int", "sqlite3_index_info*"],
["sqlite3_vtab_in","int", "sqlite3_index_info*", "int", "int"],
["sqlite3_vtab_in_first", "int", "sqlite3_value*", "**"],
["sqlite3_vtab_in_next", "int", "sqlite3_value*", "**"],
["sqlite3_vtab_nochange","int", "sqlite3_context*"],
["sqlite3_vtab_on_conflict","int", "sqlite3*"],
["sqlite3_vtab_rhs_value","int", "sqlite3_index_info*", "int", "**"]
if(wasm.bigIntEnabled && !!wasm.exports.sqlite3changegroup_add){
const __ipsProxy = {
signature: 'i(ps)',
return (p,s)=>{
try{return callback(p, wasm.cstrToJs(s)) | 0}
catch(e){return e.resultCode || capi.SQLITE_ERROR}
['sqlite3changegroup_add', 'int', ['sqlite3_changegroup*', 'int', 'void*']],
['sqlite3changegroup_add_strm', 'int', [
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({
name: 'xInput', signature: 'i(ppp)', bindScope: 'transient'
['sqlite3changegroup_delete', undefined, ['sqlite3_changegroup*']],
['sqlite3changegroup_new', 'int', ['**']],
['sqlite3changegroup_output', 'int', ['sqlite3_changegroup*', 'int*', '**']],
['sqlite3changegroup_output_strm', 'int', [
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({
name: 'xOutput', signature: 'i(ppi)', bindScope: 'transient'
['sqlite3changeset_apply', 'int', [
'sqlite3*', 'int', 'void*',
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({
name: 'xFilter', bindScope: 'transient', ...__ipsProxy
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({
name: 'xConflict', signature: 'i(pip)', bindScope: 'transient'
['sqlite3changeset_apply_strm', 'int', [
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({
name: 'xInput', signature: 'i(ppp)', bindScope: 'transient'
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({
name: 'xFilter', bindScope: 'transient', ...__ipsProxy
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({
name: 'xConflict', signature: 'i(pip)', bindScope: 'transient'
['sqlite3changeset_apply_v2', 'int', [
'sqlite3*', 'int', 'void*',
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({
name: 'xFilter', bindScope: 'transient', ...__ipsProxy
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({
name: 'xConflict', signature: 'i(pip)', bindScope: 'transient'
'void*', '**', 'int*', 'int'
['sqlite3changeset_apply_v2_strm', 'int', [
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({
name: 'xInput', signature: 'i(ppp)', bindScope: 'transient'
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({
name: 'xFilter', bindScope: 'transient', ...__ipsProxy
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({
name: 'xConflict', signature: 'i(pip)', bindScope: 'transient'
'void*', '**', 'int*', 'int'
['sqlite3changeset_concat', 'int', ['int','void*', 'int', 'void*', 'int*', '**']],
['sqlite3changeset_concat_strm', 'int', [
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({
name: 'xInputA', signature: 'i(ppp)', bindScope: 'transient'
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({
name: 'xInputB', signature: 'i(ppp)', bindScope: 'transient'
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({
name: 'xOutput', signature: 'i(ppi)', bindScope: 'transient'
['sqlite3changeset_conflict', 'int', ['sqlite3_changeset_iter*', 'int', '**']],
['sqlite3changeset_finalize', 'int', ['sqlite3_changeset_iter*']],
['sqlite3changeset_fk_conflicts', 'int', ['sqlite3_changeset_iter*', 'int*']],
['sqlite3changeset_invert', 'int', ['int', 'void*', 'int*', '**']],
['sqlite3changeset_invert_strm', 'int', [
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({
name: 'xInput', signature: 'i(ppp)', bindScope: 'transient'
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({
name: 'xOutput', signature: 'i(ppi)', bindScope: 'transient'
['sqlite3changeset_new', 'int', ['sqlite3_changeset_iter*', 'int', '**']],
['sqlite3changeset_next', 'int', ['sqlite3_changeset_iter*']],
['sqlite3changeset_old', 'int', ['sqlite3_changeset_iter*', 'int', '**']],
['sqlite3changeset_op', 'int', [
'sqlite3_changeset_iter*', '**', 'int*', 'int*','int*'
['sqlite3changeset_pk', 'int', ['sqlite3_changeset_iter*', '**', 'int*']],
['sqlite3changeset_start', 'int', ['**', 'int', '*']],
['sqlite3changeset_start_strm', 'int', [
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({
name: 'xInput', signature: 'i(ppp)', bindScope: 'transient'
['sqlite3changeset_start_v2', 'int', ['**', 'int', '*', 'int']],
['sqlite3changeset_start_v2_strm', 'int', [
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({
name: 'xInput', signature: 'i(ppp)', bindScope: 'transient'
'void*', 'int'
['sqlite3session_attach', 'int', ['sqlite3_session*', 'string']],
['sqlite3session_changeset', 'int', ['sqlite3_session*', 'int*', '**']],
['sqlite3session_changeset_size', 'i64', ['sqlite3_session*']],
['sqlite3session_changeset_strm', 'int', [
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({
name: 'xOutput', signature: 'i(ppp)', bindScope: 'transient'
['sqlite3session_config', 'int', ['int', 'void*']],
['sqlite3session_create', 'int', ['sqlite3*', 'string', '**']],
['sqlite3session_diff', 'int', ['sqlite3_session*', 'string', 'string', '**']],
['sqlite3session_enable', 'int', ['sqlite3_session*', 'int']],
['sqlite3session_indirect', 'int', ['sqlite3_session*', 'int']],
['sqlite3session_isempty', 'int', ['sqlite3_session*']],
['sqlite3session_memory_used', 'i64', ['sqlite3_session*']],
['sqlite3session_object_config', 'int', ['sqlite3_session*', 'int', 'void*']],
['sqlite3session_patchset', 'int', ['sqlite3_session*', '*', '**']],
['sqlite3session_patchset_strm', 'int', [
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({
name: 'xOutput', signature: 'i(ppp)', bindScope: 'transient'
['sqlite3session_table_filter', undefined, [
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({
name: 'xFilter', ...__ipsProxy,
contextKey: (argv,argIndex)=>argv[0]
wasm.bindingSignatures.wasm = [
["sqlite3_wasm_db_reset", "int", "sqlite3*"],
["sqlite3_wasm_db_vfs", "sqlite3_vfs*", "sqlite3*","string"],
["sqlite3_wasm_vfs_create_file", "int",
"sqlite3_vfs*","string","*", "int"],
["sqlite3_wasm_vfs_unlink", "int", "sqlite3_vfs*","string"]
sqlite3.StructBinder = globalThis.Jaccwabyt({
heap: 0 ? wasm.memory : wasm.heap8u,
alloc: wasm.alloc,
dealloc: wasm.dealloc,
bigIntEnabled: wasm.bigIntEnabled,
memberPrefix: '$'
delete globalThis.Jaccwabyt;
const __xString = wasm.xWrap.argAdapter('string');
'string:flexible', (v)=>__xString(util.flexibleString(v))
if(wasm.isPtr(v)) return v;
v = ''+v;
let rc = this[v];
return rc || (this[v] = wasm.allocCString(v));
const __xArgPtr = wasm.xWrap.argAdapter('*');
const nilType = function(){};
wasm.xWrap.argAdapter('sqlite3_filename', __xArgPtr)
('sqlite3_context*', __xArgPtr)
('sqlite3_value*', __xArgPtr)
('void*', __xArgPtr)
('sqlite3_changegroup*', __xArgPtr)
('sqlite3_changeset_iter*', __xArgPtr)
('sqlite3_session*', __xArgPtr)
('sqlite3_stmt*', (v)=>
__xArgPtr((v instanceof (sqlite3?.oo1?.Stmt || nilType))
? v.pointer : v))
('sqlite3*', (v)=>
__xArgPtr((v instanceof (sqlite3?.oo1?.DB || nilType))
? v.pointer : v))
('sqlite3_index_info*', (v)=>
__xArgPtr((v instanceof (capi.sqlite3_index_info || nilType))
? v.pointer : v))
('sqlite3_module*', (v)=>
__xArgPtr((v instanceof (capi.sqlite3_module || nilType))
? v.pointer : v))
('sqlite3_vfs*', (v)=>{
if('string'===typeof v){
return capi.sqlite3_vfs_find(v)
|| sqlite3.SQLite3Error.toss(
"Unknown sqlite3_vfs name:", v
return __xArgPtr((v instanceof (capi.sqlite3_vfs || nilType))
? v.pointer : v);
const __xRcPtr = wasm.xWrap.resultAdapter('*');
wasm.xWrap.resultAdapter('sqlite3*', __xRcPtr)
('sqlite3_context*', __xRcPtr)
('sqlite3_stmt*', __xRcPtr)
('sqlite3_value*', __xRcPtr)
('sqlite3_vfs*', __xRcPtr)
('void*', __xRcPtr);
for(const e of wasm.bindingSignatures){
capi[e[0]] = wasm.xWrap.apply(null, e);
for(const e of wasm.bindingSignatures.wasm){
wasm[e[0]] = wasm.xWrap.apply(null, e);
const fI64Disabled = function(fname){
return ()=>toss(fname+"() is unavailable due to lack",
"of BigInt support in this build.");
for(const e of wasm.bindingSignatures.int64){
capi[e[0]] = wasm.bigIntEnabled
? wasm.xWrap.apply(null, e)
: fI64Disabled(e[0]);
delete wasm.bindingSignatures;
const __db_err = wasm.xWrap(
'sqlite3_wasm_db_error', 'int', 'sqlite3*', 'int', 'string'
util.sqlite3_wasm_db_error = function(pDb, resultCode, message){
if(resultCode instanceof sqlite3.WasmAllocError){
resultCode = capi.SQLITE_NOMEM;
message = 0 ;
}else if(resultCode instanceof Error){
message = message || ''+resultCode;
resultCode = (resultCode.resultCode || capi.SQLITE_ERROR);
return pDb ? __db_err(pDb, resultCode, message) : resultCode;
util.sqlite3_wasm_db_error = function(pDb,errCode,msg){
console.warn("sqlite3_wasm_db_error() is not exported.",arguments);
return errCode;
const cJson = wasm.xCall('sqlite3_wasm_enum_json');
toss("Maintenance required: increase sqlite3_wasm_enum_json()'s",
"static buffer size!");
wasm.ctype = JSON.parse(wasm.cstrToJs(cJson));
const defineGroups = ['access', 'authorizer',
'blobFinalizers', 'changeset',
'config', 'dataTypes',
'dbConfig', 'dbStatus',
'encodings', 'fcntl', 'flock', 'ioCap',
'limits', 'openFlags',
'prepareFlags', 'resultCodes',
'stmtStatus', 'syncFlags',
'trace', 'txnState', 'udfFlags',
'version' ];
defineGroups.push('serialize', 'session', 'vtab');
for(const t of defineGroups){
for(const e of Object.entries(wasm.ctype[t])){
capi[e[0]] = e[1];
toss("Internal error: cannot resolve exported function",
const __rcMap = Object.create(null);
for(const t of ['resultCodes']){
for(const e of Object.entries(wasm.ctype[t])){
__rcMap[e[1]] = e[0];
capi.sqlite3_js_rc_str = (rc)=>__rcMap[rc];
const notThese = Object.assign(Object.create(null),{
WasmTestStruct: true,
sqlite3_kvvfs_methods: !util.isUIThread(),
sqlite3_index_info: !wasm.bigIntEnabled,
sqlite3_index_constraint: !wasm.bigIntEnabled,
sqlite3_index_orderby: !wasm.bigIntEnabled,
sqlite3_index_constraint_usage: !wasm.bigIntEnabled
for(const s of wasm.ctype.structs){
capi[s.name] = sqlite3.StructBinder(s);
for(const k of ['sqlite3_index_constraint',
capi.sqlite3_index_info[k] = capi[k];
delete capi[k];
capi.sqlite3_vtab_config = wasm.xWrap(
'sqlite3*', 'int', 'int']
const __dbArgcMismatch = (pDb,f,n)=>{
return sqlite3.util.sqlite3_wasm_db_error(pDb, capi.SQLITE_MISUSE,
f+"() requires "+n+" argument"+
const __errEncoding = (pDb)=>{
return util.sqlite3_wasm_db_error(
pDb, capi.SQLITE_FORMAT, "SQLITE_UTF8 is the only supported encoding."
const __argPDb = (pDb)=>wasm.xWrap.argAdapter('sqlite3*')(pDb);
const __argStr = (str)=>wasm.isPtr(str) ? wasm.cstrToJs(str) : str;
const __dbCleanupMap = function(
pDb, mode
pDb = __argPDb(pDb);
let m = this.dbMap.get(pDb);
return m;
}else if(!m && mode>0){
this.dbMap.set(pDb, (m = Object.create(null)));
return m;
dbMap: new Map
__dbCleanupMap.addCollation = function(pDb, name){
const m = __dbCleanupMap(pDb, 1);
if(!m.collation) m.collation = new Set;
__dbCleanupMap._addUDF = function(pDb, name, arity, map){
name = __argStr(name).toLowerCase();
let u = map.get(name);
if(!u) map.set(name, (u = new Set));
u.add((arity<0) ? -1 : arity);
__dbCleanupMap.addFunction = function(pDb, name, arity){
const m = __dbCleanupMap(pDb, 1);
if(!m.udf) m.udf = new Map;
this._addUDF(pDb, name, arity, m.udf);
__dbCleanupMap.addWindowFunc = function(pDb, name, arity){
const m = __dbCleanupMap(pDb, 1);
if(!m.wudf) m.wudf = new Map;
this._addUDF(pDb, name, arity, m.wudf);
__dbCleanupMap.cleanup = function(pDb){
pDb = __argPDb(pDb);
const closeArgs = [pDb];
for(const name of [
]) {
const x = wasm.exports[name];
closeArgs.length = x.length
try{ capi[name](...closeArgs) }
console.warn("close-time call of",name+"(",closeArgs,") threw:",e);
const m = __dbCleanupMap(pDb, 0);
if(!m) return;
for(const name of m.collation){
pDb, name, capi.SQLITE_UTF8, 0, 0, 0
delete m.collation;
let i;
for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i){
const fmap = i ? m.wudf : m.udf;
if(!fmap) continue;
const func = i
? capi.sqlite3_create_window_function
: capi.sqlite3_create_function_v2;
for(const e of fmap){
const name = e[0], arities = e[1];
const fargs = [pDb, name, 0, capi.SQLITE_UTF8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
if(i) fargs.push(0);
for(const arity of arities){
try{ fargs[2] = arity; func.apply(null, fargs); }
delete m.udf;
delete m.wudf;
const __sqlite3CloseV2 = wasm.xWrap("sqlite3_close_v2", "int", "sqlite3*");
capi.sqlite3_close_v2 = function(pDb){
if(1!==arguments.length) return __dbArgcMismatch(pDb, 'sqlite3_close_v2', 1);
try{__dbCleanupMap.cleanup(pDb)} catch(e){}
return __sqlite3CloseV2(pDb);
const __sqlite3SessionDelete = wasm.xWrap(
'sqlite3session_delete', undefined, ['sqlite3_session*']
capi.sqlite3session_delete = function(pSession){
return __dbArgcMismatch(pDb, 'sqlite3session_delete', 1);
else if(pSession){
capi.sqlite3session_table_filter(pSession, 0, 0);
const contextKey = (argv,argIndex)=>{
return 'argv['+argIndex+']:'+argv[0]+
const __sqlite3CreateCollationV2 = wasm.xWrap(
'sqlite3_create_collation_v2', 'int', [
'sqlite3*', 'string', 'int', '*',
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({
name: 'xCompare', signature: 'i(pipip)', contextKey
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({
name: 'xDestroy', signature: 'v(p)', contextKey
capi.sqlite3_create_collation_v2 = function(pDb,zName,eTextRep,pArg,xCompare,xDestroy){
if(6!==arguments.length) return __dbArgcMismatch(pDb, 'sqlite3_create_collation_v2', 6);
else if( 0 === (eTextRep & 0xf) ){
eTextRep |= capi.SQLITE_UTF8;
}else if( capi.SQLITE_UTF8 !== (eTextRep & 0xf) ){
return __errEncoding(pDb);
const rc = __sqlite3CreateCollationV2(pDb, zName, eTextRep, pArg, xCompare, xDestroy);
if(0===rc && xCompare instanceof Function){
__dbCleanupMap.addCollation(pDb, zName);
return rc;
return util.sqlite3_wasm_db_error(pDb, e);
capi.sqlite3_create_collation = (pDb,zName,eTextRep,pArg,xCompare)=>{
return (5===arguments.length)
? capi.sqlite3_create_collation_v2(pDb,zName,eTextRep,pArg,xCompare,0)
: __dbArgcMismatch(pDb, 'sqlite3_create_collation', 5);
const contextKey = function(argv,argIndex){
return (
+':'+(argv[2] < 0 ? -1 : argv[2])
const __cfProxy = Object.assign(Object.create(null), {
xInverseAndStep: {
signature:'v(pip)', contextKey,
callProxy: (callback)=>{
return (pCtx, argc, pArgv)=>{
try{ callback(pCtx, ...capi.sqlite3_values_to_js(argc, pArgv)) }
catch(e){ capi.sqlite3_result_error_js(pCtx, e) }
xFinalAndValue: {
signature:'v(p)', contextKey,
callProxy: (callback)=>{
return (pCtx)=>{
try{ capi.sqlite3_result_js(pCtx, callback(pCtx)) }
catch(e){ capi.sqlite3_result_error_js(pCtx, e) }
xFunc: {
signature:'v(pip)', contextKey,
callProxy: (callback)=>{
return (pCtx, argc, pArgv)=>{
callback(pCtx, ...capi.sqlite3_values_to_js(argc, pArgv))
capi.sqlite3_result_error_js(pCtx, e);
xDestroy: {
signature:'v(p)', contextKey,
callProxy: (callback)=>{
return (pVoid)=>{
try{ callback(pVoid) }
catch(e){ console.error("UDF xDestroy method threw:",e) }
const __sqlite3CreateFunction = wasm.xWrap(
"sqlite3_create_function_v2", "int", [
"sqlite3*", "string", "int",
"int", "*",
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({name: 'xFunc', ...__cfProxy.xFunc}),
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({name: 'xStep', ...__cfProxy.xInverseAndStep}),
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({name: 'xFinal', ...__cfProxy.xFinalAndValue}),
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({name: 'xDestroy', ...__cfProxy.xDestroy})
const __sqlite3CreateWindowFunction = wasm.xWrap(
"sqlite3_create_window_function", "int", [
"sqlite3*", "string", "int",
"int", "*",
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({name: 'xStep', ...__cfProxy.xInverseAndStep}),
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({name: 'xFinal', ...__cfProxy.xFinalAndValue}),
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({name: 'xValue', ...__cfProxy.xFinalAndValue}),
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({name: 'xInverse', ...__cfProxy.xInverseAndStep}),
new wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter({name: 'xDestroy', ...__cfProxy.xDestroy})
capi.sqlite3_create_function_v2 = function f(
pDb, funcName, nArg, eTextRep, pApp,
if( f.length!==arguments.length ){
return __dbArgcMismatch(pDb,"sqlite3_create_function_v2",f.length);
}else if( 0 === (eTextRep & 0xf) ){
eTextRep |= capi.SQLITE_UTF8;
}else if( capi.SQLITE_UTF8 !== (eTextRep & 0xf) ){
return __errEncoding(pDb);
const rc = __sqlite3CreateFunction(pDb, funcName, nArg, eTextRep,
pApp, xFunc, xStep, xFinal, xDestroy);
if(0===rc && (xFunc instanceof Function
|| xStep instanceof Function
|| xFinal instanceof Function
|| xDestroy instanceof Function)){
__dbCleanupMap.addFunction(pDb, funcName, nArg);
return rc;
console.error("sqlite3_create_function_v2() setup threw:",e);
return util.sqlite3_wasm_db_error(pDb, e, "Creation of UDF threw: "+e);
capi.sqlite3_create_function = function f(
pDb, funcName, nArg, eTextRep, pApp,
xFunc, xStep, xFinal
return (f.length===arguments.length)
? capi.sqlite3_create_function_v2(pDb, funcName, nArg, eTextRep,
pApp, xFunc, xStep, xFinal, 0)
: __dbArgcMismatch(pDb,"sqlite3_create_function",f.length);
capi.sqlite3_create_window_function = function f(
pDb, funcName, nArg, eTextRep, pApp,
if( f.length!==arguments.length ){
return __dbArgcMismatch(pDb,"sqlite3_create_window_function",f.length);
}else if( 0 === (eTextRep & 0xf) ){
eTextRep |= capi.SQLITE_UTF8;
}else if( capi.SQLITE_UTF8 !== (eTextRep & 0xf) ){
return __errEncoding(pDb);
const rc = __sqlite3CreateWindowFunction(pDb, funcName, nArg, eTextRep,
pApp, xStep, xFinal, xValue,
xInverse, xDestroy);
if(0===rc && (xStep instanceof Function
|| xFinal instanceof Function
|| xValue instanceof Function
|| xInverse instanceof Function
|| xDestroy instanceof Function)){
__dbCleanupMap.addWindowFunc(pDb, funcName, nArg);
return rc;
console.error("sqlite3_create_window_function() setup threw:",e);
return util.sqlite3_wasm_db_error(pDb, e, "Creation of UDF threw: "+e);
capi.sqlite3_create_function_v2.udfSetResult =
capi.sqlite3_create_function.udfSetResult =
capi.sqlite3_create_window_function.udfSetResult = capi.sqlite3_result_js;
capi.sqlite3_create_function_v2.udfConvertArgs =
capi.sqlite3_create_function.udfConvertArgs =
capi.sqlite3_create_window_function.udfConvertArgs = capi.sqlite3_values_to_js;
capi.sqlite3_create_function_v2.udfSetError =
capi.sqlite3_create_function.udfSetError =
capi.sqlite3_create_window_function.udfSetError = capi.sqlite3_result_error_js;
const __flexiString = (v,n)=>{
if('string'===typeof v){
n = -1;
}else if(util.isSQLableTypedArray(v)){
n = v.byteLength;
v = util.typedArrayToString(
(v instanceof ArrayBuffer) ? new Uint8Array(v) : v
}else if(Array.isArray(v)){
v = v.join("");
n = -1;
return [v, n];
const __prepare = {
basic: wasm.xWrap('sqlite3_prepare_v3',
"int", ["sqlite3*", "string",
"int", "**",
full: wasm.xWrap('sqlite3_prepare_v3',
"int", ["sqlite3*", "*", "int", "int",
"**", "**"])
capi.sqlite3_prepare_v3 = function f(pDb, sql, sqlLen, prepFlags, ppStmt, pzTail){
return __dbArgcMismatch(pDb,"sqlite3_prepare_v3",f.length);
const [xSql, xSqlLen] = __flexiString(sql, sqlLen);
switch(typeof xSql){
case 'string': return __prepare.basic(pDb, xSql, xSqlLen, prepFlags, ppStmt, null);
case 'number': return __prepare.full(pDb, xSql, xSqlLen, prepFlags, ppStmt, pzTail);
return util.sqlite3_wasm_db_error(
"Invalid SQL argument type for sqlite3_prepare_v2/v3()."
capi.sqlite3_prepare_v2 = function f(pDb, sql, sqlLen, ppStmt, pzTail){
return (f.length===arguments.length)
? capi.sqlite3_prepare_v3(pDb, sql, sqlLen, 0, ppStmt, pzTail)
: __dbArgcMismatch(pDb,"sqlite3_prepare_v2",f.length);
const __bindText = wasm.xWrap("sqlite3_bind_text", "int", [
"sqlite3_stmt*", "int", "string", "int", "*"
const __bindBlob = wasm.xWrap("sqlite3_bind_blob", "int", [
"sqlite3_stmt*", "int", "*", "int", "*"
capi.sqlite3_bind_text = function f(pStmt, iCol, text, nText, xDestroy){
return __dbArgcMismatch(capi.sqlite3_db_handle(pStmt),
"sqlite3_bind_text", f.length);
}else if(wasm.isPtr(text) || null===text){
return __bindText(pStmt, iCol, text, nText, xDestroy);
}else if(text instanceof ArrayBuffer){
text = new Uint8Array(text);
}else if(Array.isArray(pMem)){
text = pMem.join('');
let p, n;
p = wasm.allocFromTypedArray(text);
n = text.byteLength;
}else if('string'===typeof text){
[p, n] = wasm.allocCString(text);
return util.sqlite3_wasm_db_error(
capi.sqlite3_db_handle(pStmt), capi.SQLITE_MISUSE,
"Invalid 3rd argument type for sqlite3_bind_text()."
return __bindText(pStmt, iCol, p, n, capi.SQLITE_WASM_DEALLOC);
return util.sqlite3_wasm_db_error(
capi.sqlite3_db_handle(pStmt), e
capi.sqlite3_bind_blob = function f(pStmt, iCol, pMem, nMem, xDestroy){
return __dbArgcMismatch(capi.sqlite3_db_handle(pStmt),
"sqlite3_bind_blob", f.length);
}else if(wasm.isPtr(pMem) || null===pMem){
return __bindBlob(pStmt, iCol, pMem, nMem, xDestroy);
}else if(pMem instanceof ArrayBuffer){
pMem = new Uint8Array(pMem);
}else if(Array.isArray(pMem)){
pMem = pMem.join('');
let p, n;
p = wasm.allocFromTypedArray(pMem);
n = nMem>=0 ? nMem : pMem.byteLength;
}else if('string'===typeof pMem){
[p, n] = wasm.allocCString(pMem);
return util.sqlite3_wasm_db_error(
capi.sqlite3_db_handle(pStmt), capi.SQLITE_MISUSE,
"Invalid 3rd argument type for sqlite3_bind_blob()."
return __bindBlob(pStmt, iCol, p, n, capi.SQLITE_WASM_DEALLOC);
return util.sqlite3_wasm_db_error(
capi.sqlite3_db_handle(pStmt), e
capi.sqlite3_config = function(op, ...args){
if(arguments.length<2) return capi.SQLITE_MISUSE;
return wasm.exports.sqlite3_wasm_config_i(op, args[0]);
return wasm.exports.sqlite3_wasm_config_ii(op, args[0], args[1]);
return wasm.exports.sqlite3_wasm_config_j(op, args[0]);
return capi.SQLITE_NOTFOUND;
const __autoExtFptr = new Set;
capi.sqlite3_auto_extension = function(fPtr){
if( fPtr instanceof Function ){
fPtr = wasm.installFunction('i(ppp)', fPtr);
}else if( 1!==arguments.length || !wasm.isPtr(fPtr) ){
return capi.SQLITE_MISUSE;
const rc = wasm.exports.sqlite3_auto_extension(fPtr);
if( fPtr!==arguments[0] ){
if(0===rc) __autoExtFptr.add(fPtr);
else wasm.uninstallFunction(fPtr);
return rc;
capi.sqlite3_cancel_auto_extension = function(fPtr){
if(!fPtr || 1!==arguments.length || !wasm.isPtr(fPtr)) return 0;
return wasm.exports.sqlite3_cancel_auto_extension(fPtr);
capi.sqlite3_reset_auto_extension = function(){
for(const fp of __autoExtFptr) wasm.uninstallFunction(fp);
const pKvvfs = capi.sqlite3_vfs_find("kvvfs");
if( pKvvfs ){
const kvvfsMethods = new capi.sqlite3_kvvfs_methods(
delete capi.sqlite3_kvvfs_methods;
const kvvfsMakeKey = wasm.exports.sqlite3_wasm_kvvfsMakeKeyOnPstack,
pstack = wasm.pstack;
const kvvfsStorage = (zClass)=>
? sessionStorage : localStorage);
const kvvfsImpls = {
xRead: (zClass, zKey, zBuf, nBuf)=>{
const stack = pstack.pointer,
astack = wasm.scopedAllocPush();
try {
const zXKey = kvvfsMakeKey(zClass,zKey);
if(!zXKey) return -3;
const jKey = wasm.cstrToJs(zXKey);
const jV = kvvfsStorage(zClass).getItem(jKey);
if(!jV) return -1;
const nV = jV.length ;
if(nBuf<=0) return nV;
else if(1===nBuf){
wasm.poke(zBuf, 0);
return nV;
const zV = wasm.scopedAllocCString(jV);
if(nBuf > nV + 1) nBuf = nV + 1;
wasm.heap8u().copyWithin(zBuf, zV, zV + nBuf - 1);
wasm.poke(zBuf + nBuf - 1, 0);
return nBuf - 1;
return -2;
xWrite: (zClass, zKey, zData)=>{
const stack = pstack.pointer;
try {
const zXKey = kvvfsMakeKey(zClass,zKey);
if(!zXKey) return 1;
const jKey = wasm.cstrToJs(zXKey);
kvvfsStorage(zClass).setItem(jKey, wasm.cstrToJs(zData));
return 0;
return capi.SQLITE_IOERR;
xDelete: (zClass, zKey)=>{
const stack = pstack.pointer;
try {
const zXKey = kvvfsMakeKey(zClass,zKey);
if(!zXKey) return 1;
return 0;
return capi.SQLITE_IOERR;
for(const k of Object.keys(kvvfsImpls)){
kvvfsMethods[kvvfsMethods.memberKey(k)] =
wasm.xWrap.FuncPtrAdapter.warnOnUse = true;
sqlite3.version = {"libVersion": "3.42.0", "libVersionNumber": 3042000, "sourceId": "2023-05-16 12:36:15 831d0fb2836b71c9bc51067c49fee4b8f18047814f2ff22d817d25195cf350b0","downloadVersion": 3420000};
const toss = (...args)=>{throw new Error(args.join(' '))};
const toss3 = (...args)=>{throw new sqlite3.SQLite3Error(...args)};
const capi = sqlite3.capi, wasm = sqlite3.wasm, util = sqlite3.util;
const __ptrMap = new WeakMap();
const __stmtMap = new WeakMap();
const getOwnOption = (opts, p, dflt)=>{
const d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(opts,p);
return d ? d.value : dflt;
const checkSqlite3Rc = function(dbPtr, sqliteResultCode){
if(dbPtr instanceof DB) dbPtr = dbPtr.pointer;
"sqlite3 result code",sqliteResultCode+":",
? capi.sqlite3_errmsg(dbPtr)
: capi.sqlite3_errstr(sqliteResultCode))
return arguments[0];
const __dbTraceToConsole =
wasm.installFunction('i(ippp)', function(t,c,p,x){
console.log("SQL TRACE #"+(++this.counter)+' via sqlite3@'+c+':',
}.bind({counter: 0}));
const __vfsPostOpenSql = Object.create(null);
const dbCtorHelper = function ctor(...args){
ctor._name2vfs = Object.create(null);
const isWorkerThread = ('function'===typeof importScripts)
? (n)=>toss3("The VFS for",n,"is only available in the main window thread.")
: false;
ctor._name2vfs[':localStorage:'] = {
vfs: 'kvvfs', filename: isWorkerThread || (()=>'local')
ctor._name2vfs[':sessionStorage:'] = {
vfs: 'kvvfs', filename: isWorkerThread || (()=>'session')
const opt = ctor.normalizeArgs(...args);
let fn = opt.filename, vfsName = opt.vfs, flagsStr = opt.flags;
if(('string'!==typeof fn && 'number'!==typeof fn)
|| 'string'!==typeof flagsStr
|| (vfsName && ('string'!==typeof vfsName && 'number'!==typeof vfsName))){
sqlite3.config.error("Invalid DB ctor args",opt,arguments);
toss3("Invalid arguments for DB constructor.");
let fnJs = ('number'===typeof fn) ? wasm.cstrToJs(fn) : fn;
const vfsCheck = ctor._name2vfs[fnJs];
vfsName = vfsCheck.vfs;
fn = fnJs = vfsCheck.filename(fnJs);
let pDb, oflags = 0;
if( flagsStr.indexOf('c')>=0 ){
if( flagsStr.indexOf('w')>=0 ) oflags |= capi.SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE;
if( 0===oflags ) oflags |= capi.SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY;
const stack = wasm.pstack.pointer;
try {
const pPtr = wasm.pstack.allocPtr() ;
let rc = capi.sqlite3_open_v2(fn, pPtr, oflags, vfsName || 0);
pDb = wasm.peekPtr(pPtr);
checkSqlite3Rc(pDb, rc);
capi.sqlite3_extended_result_codes(pDb, 1);
capi.sqlite3_trace_v2(pDb, capi.SQLITE_TRACE_STMT,
__dbTraceToConsole, pDb);
}catch( e ){
if( pDb ) capi.sqlite3_close_v2(pDb);
throw e;
this.filename = fnJs;
__ptrMap.set(this, pDb);
__stmtMap.set(this, Object.create(null));
const pVfs = capi.sqlite3_js_db_vfs(pDb);
if(!pVfs) toss3("Internal error: cannot get VFS for new db handle.");
const postInitSql = __vfsPostOpenSql[pVfs];
if(postInitSql instanceof Function){
postInitSql(this, sqlite3);
}else if(postInitSql){
pDb, capi.sqlite3_exec(pDb, postInitSql, 0, 0, 0)
throw e;
dbCtorHelper.setVfsPostOpenSql = function(pVfs, sql){
__vfsPostOpenSql[pVfs] = sql;
dbCtorHelper.normalizeArgs = function(filename=':memory:',flags = 'c',vfs = null){
const arg = {};
if(1===arguments.length && arguments[0] && 'object'===typeof arguments[0]){
Object.assign(arg, arguments[0]);
if(undefined===arg.flags) arg.flags = 'c';
if(undefined===arg.vfs) arg.vfs = null;
if(undefined===arg.filename) arg.filename = ':memory:';
arg.filename = filename;
arg.flags = flags;
arg.vfs = vfs;
return arg;
const DB = function(...args){
dbCtorHelper.apply(this, args);
DB.dbCtorHelper = dbCtorHelper;
const BindTypes = {
null: 1,
number: 2,
string: 3,
boolean: 4,
blob: 5
BindTypes['undefined'] == BindTypes.null;
BindTypes.bigint = BindTypes.number;
const Stmt = function(){
toss3(capi.SQLITE_MISUSE, "Do not call the Stmt constructor directly. Use DB.prepare().");
this.db = arguments[0];
__ptrMap.set(this, arguments[1]);
this.columnCount = capi.sqlite3_column_count(this.pointer);
this.parameterCount = capi.sqlite3_bind_parameter_count(this.pointer);
const affirmDbOpen = function(db){
if(!db.pointer) toss3("DB has been closed.");
return db;
const affirmColIndex = function(stmt,ndx){
if((ndx !== (ndx|0)) || ndx<0 || ndx>=stmt.columnCount){
toss3("Column index",ndx,"is out of range.");
return stmt;
const parseExecArgs = function(db, args){
const out = Object.create(null);
out.opt = Object.create(null);
case 1:
if('string'===typeof args[0] || util.isSQLableTypedArray(args[0])){
out.sql = args[0];
}else if(Array.isArray(args[0])){
out.sql = args[0];
}else if(args[0] && 'object'===typeof args[0]){
out.opt = args[0];
out.sql = out.opt.sql;
case 2:
out.sql = args[0];
out.opt = args[1];
default: toss3("Invalid argument count for exec().");
out.sql = util.flexibleString(out.sql);
if('string'!==typeof out.sql){
toss3("Missing SQL argument or unsupported SQL value type.");
const opt = out.opt;
case 'resultRows':
if(!opt.resultRows) opt.resultRows = [];
out.returnVal = ()=>opt.resultRows;
case 'saveSql':
if(!opt.saveSql) opt.saveSql = [];
out.returnVal = ()=>opt.saveSql;
case undefined:
case 'this':
out.returnVal = ()=>db;
toss3("Invalid returnValue value:",opt.returnValue);
if(!opt.callback && !opt.returnValue && undefined!==opt.rowMode){
if(!opt.resultRows) opt.resultRows = [];
out.returnVal = ()=>opt.resultRows;
if(opt.callback || opt.resultRows){
? 'array' : opt.rowMode) {
case 'object': out.cbArg = (stmt)=>stmt.get(Object.create(null)); break;
case 'array': out.cbArg = (stmt)=>stmt.get([]); break;
case 'stmt':
toss3("exec(): invalid rowMode for a resultRows array: must",
"be one of 'array', 'object',",
"a result column number, or column name reference.");
out.cbArg = (stmt)=>stmt;
out.cbArg = (stmt)=>stmt.get(opt.rowMode);
}else if('string'===typeof opt.rowMode
&& opt.rowMode.length>1
&& '$'===opt.rowMode[0]){
const $colName = opt.rowMode.substr(1);
out.cbArg = (stmt)=>{
const rc = stmt.get(Object.create(null))[$colName];
return (undefined===rc)
? toss3(capi.SQLITE_NOTFOUND,
"exec(): unknown result column:",$colName)
: rc;
toss3("Invalid rowMode:",opt.rowMode);
return out;
const __selectFirstRow = (db, sql, bind, ...getArgs)=>{
const stmt = db.prepare(sql);
try {
return stmt.bind(bind).step() ? stmt.get(...getArgs) : undefined;
const __selectAll =
(db, sql, bind, rowMode)=>db.exec({
sql, bind, rowMode, returnValue: 'resultRows'
DB.checkRc = (db,resultCode)=>checkSqlite3Rc(db,resultCode);
DB.prototype = {
isOpen: function(){
return !!this.pointer;
affirmOpen: function(){
return affirmDbOpen(this);
close: function(){
if(this.onclose && (this.onclose.before instanceof Function)){
const pDb = this.pointer;
if(s && s.pointer) s.finalize();
if(this.onclose && (this.onclose.after instanceof Function)){
delete this.filename;
changes: function(total=false,sixtyFour=false){
const p = affirmDbOpen(this).pointer;
return sixtyFour
? capi.sqlite3_total_changes64(p)
: capi.sqlite3_total_changes(p);
return sixtyFour
? capi.sqlite3_changes64(p)
: capi.sqlite3_changes(p);
dbFilename: function(dbName='main'){
return capi.sqlite3_db_filename(affirmDbOpen(this).pointer, dbName);
dbName: function(dbNumber=0){
return capi.sqlite3_db_name(affirmDbOpen(this).pointer, dbNumber);
dbVfsName: function(dbName=0){
let rc;
const pVfs = capi.sqlite3_js_db_vfs(
affirmDbOpen(this).pointer, dbName
const v = new capi.sqlite3_vfs(pVfs);
try{ rc = wasm.cstrToJs(v.$zName) }
finally { v.dispose() }
return rc;
prepare: function(sql){
const stack = wasm.pstack.pointer;
let ppStmt, pStmt;
ppStmt = wasm.pstack.alloc(8);
DB.checkRc(this, capi.sqlite3_prepare_v2(this.pointer, sql, -1, ppStmt, null));
pStmt = wasm.peekPtr(ppStmt);
finally {
if(!pStmt) toss3("Cannot prepare empty SQL.");
const stmt = new Stmt(this, pStmt, BindTypes);
__stmtMap.get(this)[pStmt] = stmt;
return stmt;
exec: function(){
const arg = parseExecArgs(this, arguments);
return toss3("exec() requires an SQL string.");
const opt = arg.opt;
const callback = opt.callback;
const resultRows =
Array.isArray(opt.resultRows) ? opt.resultRows : undefined;
let stmt;
let bind = opt.bind;
let evalFirstResult = !!(
arg.cbArg || opt.columnNames || resultRows
) ;
const stack = wasm.scopedAllocPush();
const saveSql = Array.isArray(opt.saveSql) ? opt.saveSql : undefined;
const isTA = util.isSQLableTypedArray(arg.sql)
let sqlByteLen = isTA ? arg.sql.byteLength : wasm.jstrlen(arg.sql);
const ppStmt = wasm.scopedAlloc(
(2 * wasm.ptrSizeof) + (sqlByteLen + 1)
const pzTail = ppStmt + wasm.ptrSizeof ;
let pSql = pzTail + wasm.ptrSizeof;
const pSqlEnd = pSql + sqlByteLen;
if(isTA) wasm.heap8().set(arg.sql, pSql);
else wasm.jstrcpy(arg.sql, wasm.heap8(), pSql, sqlByteLen, false);
wasm.poke(pSql + sqlByteLen, 0);
while(pSql && wasm.peek(pSql, 'i8')
wasm.pokePtr([ppStmt, pzTail], 0);
DB.checkRc(this, capi.sqlite3_prepare_v3(
this.pointer, pSql, sqlByteLen, 0, ppStmt, pzTail
const pStmt = wasm.peekPtr(ppStmt);
pSql = wasm.peekPtr(pzTail);
sqlByteLen = pSqlEnd - pSql;
if(!pStmt) continue;
if(saveSql) saveSql.push(capi.sqlite3_sql(pStmt).trim());
stmt = new Stmt(this, pStmt, BindTypes);
if(bind && stmt.parameterCount){
bind = null;
if(evalFirstResult && stmt.columnCount){
evalFirstResult = false;
if(arg.cbArg || resultRows){
for(; stmt.step(); stmt._isLocked = false){
stmt._isLocked = true;
const row = arg.cbArg(stmt);
if(resultRows) resultRows.push(row);
if(callback && false === callback.call(opt, row, stmt)){
stmt._isLocked = false;
stmt = null;
delete stmt._isLocked;
return arg.returnVal();
createFunction: function f(name, xFunc, opt){
const isFunc = (f)=>(f instanceof Function);
case 1:
opt = name;
name = opt.name;
xFunc = opt.xFunc || 0;
case 2:
opt = xFunc;
xFunc = opt.xFunc || 0;
case 3:
default: break;
if(!opt) opt = {};
if('string' !== typeof name){
toss3("Invalid arguments: missing function name.");
let xStep = opt.xStep || 0;
let xFinal = opt.xFinal || 0;
const xValue = opt.xValue || 0;
const xInverse = opt.xInverse || 0;
let isWindow = undefined;
isWindow = false;
if(isFunc(xStep) || isFunc(xFinal)){
toss3("Ambiguous arguments: scalar or aggregate?");
xStep = xFinal = null;
}else if(isFunc(xStep)){
toss3("Missing xFinal() callback for aggregate or window UDF.");
xFunc = null;
}else if(isFunc(xFinal)){
toss3("Missing xStep() callback for aggregate or window UDF.");
toss3("Missing function-type properties.");
if(false === isWindow){
if(isFunc(xValue) || isFunc(xInverse)){
toss3("xValue and xInverse are not permitted for non-window UDFs.");
}else if(isFunc(xValue)){
toss3("xInverse must be provided if xValue is.");
isWindow = true;
}else if(isFunc(xInverse)){
toss3("xValue must be provided if xInverse is.");
const pApp = opt.pApp;
if(undefined!==pApp &&
null!==pApp &&
(('number'!==typeof pApp) || !util.isInt32(pApp))){
toss3("Invalid value for pApp property. Must be a legal WASM pointer value.");
const xDestroy = opt.xDestroy || 0;
if(xDestroy && !isFunc(xDestroy)){
toss3("xDestroy property must be a function.");
let fFlags = 0 ;
if(getOwnOption(opt, 'deterministic')) fFlags |= capi.SQLITE_DETERMINISTIC;
if(getOwnOption(opt, 'directOnly')) fFlags |= capi.SQLITE_DIRECTONLY;
if(getOwnOption(opt, 'innocuous')) fFlags |= capi.SQLITE_INNOCUOUS;
name = name.toLowerCase();
const xArity = xFunc || xStep;
const arity = getOwnOption(opt, 'arity');
const arityArg = ('number'===typeof arity
? arity
: (xArity.length ? xArity.length-1 : 0));
let rc;
if( isWindow ){
rc = capi.sqlite3_create_window_function(
this.pointer, name, arityArg,
capi.SQLITE_UTF8 | fFlags, pApp || 0,
xStep, xFinal, xValue, xInverse, xDestroy);
rc = capi.sqlite3_create_function_v2(
this.pointer, name, arityArg,
capi.SQLITE_UTF8 | fFlags, pApp || 0,
xFunc, xStep, xFinal, xDestroy);
DB.checkRc(this, rc);
return this;
selectValue: function(sql,bind,asType){
return __selectFirstRow(this, sql, bind, 0, asType);
selectValues: function(sql,bind,asType){
const stmt = this.prepare(sql), rc = [];
try {
while(stmt.step()) rc.push(stmt.get(0,asType));
return rc;
selectArray: function(sql,bind){
return __selectFirstRow(this, sql, bind, []);
selectObject: function(sql,bind){
return __selectFirstRow(this, sql, bind, {});
selectArrays: function(sql,bind){
return __selectAll(this, sql, bind, 'array');
selectObjects: function(sql,bind){
return __selectAll(this, sql, bind, 'object');
openStatementCount: function(){
return this.pointer ? Object.keys(__stmtMap.get(this)).length : 0;
transaction: function(callback){
let opener = 'BEGIN';
toss3(capi.SQLITE_MISUSE, "Invalid argument for BEGIN qualifier.");
opener += ' '+arguments[0];
callback = arguments[1];
try {
const rc = callback(this);
return rc;
throw e;
savepoint: function(callback){
affirmDbOpen(this).exec("SAVEPOINT oo1");
try {
const rc = callback(this);
this.exec("RELEASE oo1");
return rc;
throw e;
checkRc: function(resultCode){
return DB.checkRc(this, resultCode);
const affirmStmtOpen = function(stmt){
if(!stmt.pointer) toss3("Stmt has been closed.");
return stmt;
const isSupportedBindType = function(v){
let t = BindTypes[(null===v||undefined===v) ? 'null' : typeof v];
case BindTypes.boolean:
case BindTypes.null:
case BindTypes.number:
case BindTypes.string:
return t;
case BindTypes.bigint:
if(wasm.bigIntEnabled) return t;
return util.isBindableTypedArray(v) ? BindTypes.blob : undefined;
const affirmSupportedBindType = function(v){
return isSupportedBindType(v) || toss3("Unsupported bind() argument type:",typeof v);
const affirmParamIndex = function(stmt,key){
const n = ('number'===typeof key)
? key : capi.sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(stmt.pointer, key);
if(0===n || !util.isInt32(n)){
toss3("Invalid bind() parameter name: "+key);
else if(n<1 || n>stmt.parameterCount) toss3("Bind index",key,"is out of range.");
return n;
const affirmUnlocked = function(stmt,currentOpName){
toss3("Operation is illegal when statement is locked:",currentOpName);
return stmt;
const bindOne = function f(stmt,ndx,bindType,val){
affirmUnlocked(affirmStmtOpen(stmt), 'bind()');
f._tooBigInt = (v)=>toss3(
"BigInt value is too big to store without precision loss:", v
f._ = {
string: function(stmt, ndx, val, asBlob){
const [pStr, n] = wasm.allocCString(val, true);
const f = asBlob ? capi.sqlite3_bind_blob : capi.sqlite3_bind_text;
return f(stmt.pointer, ndx, pStr, n, capi.SQLITE_WASM_DEALLOC);
ndx = affirmParamIndex(stmt,ndx);
let rc = 0;
switch((null===val || undefined===val) ? BindTypes.null : bindType){
case BindTypes.null:
rc = capi.sqlite3_bind_null(stmt.pointer, ndx);
case BindTypes.string:
rc = f._.string(stmt, ndx, val, false);
case BindTypes.number: {
let m;
if(util.isInt32(val)) m = capi.sqlite3_bind_int;
else if('bigint'===typeof val){
}else if(wasm.bigIntEnabled){
m = capi.sqlite3_bind_int64;
}else if(util.bigIntFitsDouble(val)){
val = Number(val);
m = capi.sqlite3_bind_double;
val = Number(val);
if(wasm.bigIntEnabled && Number.isInteger(val)){
m = capi.sqlite3_bind_int64;
m = capi.sqlite3_bind_double;
rc = m(stmt.pointer, ndx, val);
case BindTypes.boolean:
rc = capi.sqlite3_bind_int(stmt.pointer, ndx, val ? 1 : 0);
case BindTypes.blob: {
if('string'===typeof val){
rc = f._.string(stmt, ndx, val, true);
}else if(val instanceof ArrayBuffer){
val = new Uint8Array(val);
}else if(!util.isBindableTypedArray(val)){
toss3("Binding a value as a blob requires",
"that it be a string, Uint8Array, Int8Array, or ArrayBuffer.");
const pBlob = wasm.alloc(val.byteLength || 1);
wasm.heap8().set(val.byteLength ? val : [0], pBlob)
rc = capi.sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt.pointer, ndx, pBlob, val.byteLength,
sqlite3.config.warn("Unsupported bind() argument type:",val);
toss3("Unsupported bind() argument type: "+(typeof val));
if(rc) DB.checkRc(stmt.db.pointer, rc);
stmt._mayGet = false;
return stmt;
Stmt.prototype = {
finalize: function(){
delete __stmtMap.get(this.db)[this.pointer];
delete this._mayGet;
delete this.columnCount;
delete this.parameterCount;
delete this.db;
delete this._isLocked;
clearBindings: function(){
affirmUnlocked(affirmStmtOpen(this), 'clearBindings()')
this._mayGet = false;
return this;
reset: function(alsoClearBinds){
if(alsoClearBinds) this.clearBindings();
this._mayGet = false;
return this;
bind: function(){
let ndx, arg;
case 1: ndx = 1; arg = arguments[0]; break;
case 2: ndx = arguments[0]; arg = arguments[1]; break;
default: toss3("Invalid bind() arguments.");
return this;
}else if(!this.parameterCount){
toss3("This statement has no bindable parameters.");
this._mayGet = false;
return bindOne(this, ndx, BindTypes.null, arg);
else if(Array.isArray(arg)){
toss3("When binding an array, an index argument is not permitted.");
arg.forEach((v,i)=>bindOne(this, i+1, affirmSupportedBindType(v), v));
return this;
}else if(arg instanceof ArrayBuffer){
arg = new Uint8Array(arg);
if('object'===typeof arg
&& !util.isBindableTypedArray(arg)){
toss3("When binding an object, an index argument is not permitted.");
.forEach(k=>bindOne(this, k,
return this;
return bindOne(this, ndx, affirmSupportedBindType(arg), arg);
toss3("Should not reach this point.");
bindAsBlob: function(ndx,arg){
arg = ndx;
ndx = 1;
const t = affirmSupportedBindType(arg);
if(BindTypes.string !== t && BindTypes.blob !== t
&& BindTypes.null !== t){
toss3("Invalid value type for bindAsBlob()");
return bindOne(this, ndx, BindTypes.blob, arg);
step: function(){
affirmUnlocked(this, 'step()');
const rc = capi.sqlite3_step(affirmStmtOpen(this).pointer);
case capi.SQLITE_DONE: return this._mayGet = false;
case capi.SQLITE_ROW: return this._mayGet = true;
this._mayGet = false;
sqlite3.config.warn("sqlite3_step() rc=",rc,
"SQL =", capi.sqlite3_sql(this.pointer));
DB.checkRc(this.db.pointer, rc);
stepReset: function(){
return this.reset();
stepFinalize: function(){
const rc = this.step();
return rc;
get: function(ndx,asType){
toss3("Stmt.step() has not (recently) returned true.");
let i = 0;
ndx[i] = this.get(i++);
return ndx;
}else if(ndx && 'object'===typeof ndx){
let i = 0;
ndx[capi.sqlite3_column_name(this.pointer,i)] = this.get(i++);
return ndx;
affirmColIndex(this, ndx);
? capi.sqlite3_column_type(this.pointer, ndx)
: asType){
case capi.SQLITE_NULL: return null;
case capi.SQLITE_INTEGER:{
const rc = capi.sqlite3_column_int64(this.pointer, ndx);
if(rc>=Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER && rc<=Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER){
return Number(rc).valueOf();
return rc;
const rc = capi.sqlite3_column_double(this.pointer, ndx);
if(rc>Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || rc<Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER){
toss3("Integer is out of range for JS integer range: "+rc);
return util.isInt32(rc) ? (rc | 0) : rc;
case capi.SQLITE_FLOAT:
return capi.sqlite3_column_double(this.pointer, ndx);
case capi.SQLITE_TEXT:
return capi.sqlite3_column_text(this.pointer, ndx);
case capi.SQLITE_BLOB: {
const n = capi.sqlite3_column_bytes(this.pointer, ndx),
ptr = capi.sqlite3_column_blob(this.pointer, ndx),
rc = new Uint8Array(n);
if(n) rc.set(wasm.heap8u().slice(ptr, ptr+n), 0);
if(n && this.db._blobXfer instanceof Array){
return rc;
default: toss3("Don't know how to translate",
"type of result column #"+ndx+".");
toss3("Not reached.");
getInt: function(ndx){return this.get(ndx,capi.SQLITE_INTEGER)},
getFloat: function(ndx){return this.get(ndx,capi.SQLITE_FLOAT)},
getString: function(ndx){return this.get(ndx,capi.SQLITE_TEXT)},
getBlob: function(ndx){return this.get(ndx,capi.SQLITE_BLOB)},
getJSON: function(ndx){
const s = this.get(ndx, capi.SQLITE_STRING);
return null===s ? s : JSON.parse(s);
getColumnName: function(ndx){
return capi.sqlite3_column_name(
affirmColIndex(affirmStmtOpen(this),ndx).pointer, ndx
getColumnNames: function(tgt=[]){
for(let i = 0; i < this.columnCount; ++i){
tgt.push(capi.sqlite3_column_name(this.pointer, i));
return tgt;
getParamIndex: function(name){
return (affirmStmtOpen(this).parameterCount
? capi.sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(this.pointer, name)
: undefined);
const prop = {
enumerable: true,
get: function(){return __ptrMap.get(this)},
set: ()=>toss3("The pointer property is read-only.")
Object.defineProperty(Stmt.prototype, 'pointer', prop);
Object.defineProperty(DB.prototype, 'pointer', prop);
sqlite3.oo1 = {
sqlite3.oo1.JsStorageDb = function(storageName='session'){
if('session'!==storageName && 'local'!==storageName){
toss3("JsStorageDb db name must be one of 'session' or 'local'.");
dbCtorHelper.call(this, {
filename: storageName,
flags: 'c',
vfs: "kvvfs"
const jdb = sqlite3.oo1.JsStorageDb;
jdb.prototype = Object.create(DB.prototype);
jdb.clearStorage = capi.sqlite3_js_kvvfs_clear;
jdb.prototype.clearStorage = function(){
return jdb.clearStorage(affirmDbOpen(this).filename);
jdb.storageSize = capi.sqlite3_js_kvvfs_size;
jdb.prototype.storageSize = function(){
return jdb.storageSize(affirmDbOpen(this).filename);
sqlite3.initWorker1API = function(){
'use strict';
const toss = (...args)=>{throw new Error(args.join(' '))};
if(!(globalThis.WorkerGlobalScope instanceof Function)){
toss("initWorker1API() must be run from a Worker thread.");
const self = this.self;
const sqlite3 = this.sqlite3 || toss("Missing this.sqlite3 object.");
const DB = sqlite3.oo1.DB;
const getDbId = function(db){
let id = wState.idMap.get(db);
if(id) return id;
id = 'db#'+(++wState.idSeq)+'@'+db.pointer;
wState.idMap.set(db, id);
return id;
const wState = {
dbList: [],
idSeq: 0,
idMap: new WeakMap,
xfer: [],
open: function(opt){
const db = new DB(opt);
this.dbs[getDbId(db)] = db;
if(this.dbList.indexOf(db)<0) this.dbList.push(db);
return db;
close: function(db,alsoUnlink){
delete this.dbs[getDbId(db)];
const filename = db.filename;
const pVfs = sqlite3.wasm.sqlite3_wasm_db_vfs(db.pointer, 0);
const ddNdx = this.dbList.indexOf(db);
if(ddNdx>=0) this.dbList.splice(ddNdx, 1);
if(alsoUnlink && filename && pVfs){
sqlite3.wasm.sqlite3_wasm_vfs_unlink(pVfs, filename);
post: function(msg,xferList){
if(xferList && xferList.length){
globalThis.postMessage( msg, Array.from(xferList) );
xferList.length = 0;
dbs: Object.create(null),
getDb: function(id,require=true){
return this.dbs[id]
|| (require ? toss("Unknown (or closed) DB ID:",id) : undefined);
const affirmDbOpen = function(db = wState.dbList[0]){
return (db && db.pointer) ? db : toss("DB is not opened.");
const getMsgDb = function(msgData,affirmExists=true){
const db = wState.getDb(msgData.dbId,false) || wState.dbList[0];
return affirmExists ? affirmDbOpen(db) : db;
const getDefaultDbId = function(){
return wState.dbList[0] && getDbId(wState.dbList[0]);
const guessVfs = function(filename){
const m = /^file:.+(vfs=(\w+))/.exec(filename);
return sqlite3.capi.sqlite3_vfs_find(m ? m[2] : 0);
const isSpecialDbFilename = (n)=>{
return ""===n || ':'===n[0];
const wMsgHandler = {
open: function(ev){
const oargs = Object.create(null), args = (ev.args || Object.create(null));
toss("Throwing because of simulateError flag.");
const rc = Object.create(null);
let byteArray, pVfs;
oargs.vfs = args.vfs;
oargs.filename = args.filename || "";
oargs.filename = args.filename;
byteArray = args.byteArray;
if(byteArray) pVfs = guessVfs(args.filename);
let pMem;
pMem = sqlite3.wasm.allocFromTypedArray(byteArray);
const rc = sqlite3.wasm.sqlite3_wasm_vfs_create_file(
pVfs, oargs.filename, pMem, byteArray.byteLength
if(rc) sqlite3.SQLite3Error.toss(rc);
throw new sqlite3.SQLite3Error(
e.name+' creating '+args.filename+": "+e.message, {
cause: e
if(pMem) sqlite3.wasm.dealloc(pMem);
const db = wState.open(oargs);
rc.filename = db.filename;
rc.persistent = !!sqlite3.capi.sqlite3_js_db_uses_vfs(db.pointer, "opfs");
rc.dbId = getDbId(db);
rc.vfs = db.dbVfsName();
return rc;
close: function(ev){
const db = getMsgDb(ev,false);
const response = {
filename: db && db.filename
const doUnlink = ((ev.args && 'object'===typeof ev.args)
? !!ev.args.unlink : false);
wState.close(db, doUnlink);
return response;
exec: function(ev){
const rc = (
'string'===typeof ev.args
) ? {sql: ev.args} : (ev.args || Object.create(null));
toss("Invalid rowMode for 'exec': stmt mode",
"does not work in the Worker API.");
}else if(!rc.sql){
toss("'exec' requires input SQL.");
const db = getMsgDb(ev);
if(rc.callback || Array.isArray(rc.resultRows)){
db._blobXfer = wState.xfer;
const theCallback = rc.callback;
let rowNumber = 0;
const hadColNames = !!rc.columnNames;
if('string' === typeof theCallback){
if(!hadColNames) rc.columnNames = [];
rc.callback = function(row,stmt){
type: theCallback,
columnNames: rc.columnNames,
rowNumber: ++rowNumber,
row: row
}, wState.xfer);
try {
if(rc.callback instanceof Function){
rc.callback = theCallback;
type: theCallback,
columnNames: rc.columnNames,
rowNumber: null ,
row: undefined
delete db._blobXfer;
if(rc.callback) rc.callback = theCallback;
return rc;
'config-get': function(){
const rc = Object.create(null), src = sqlite3.config;
if(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(src, k)) rc[k] = src[k];
rc.version = sqlite3.version;
rc.vfsList = sqlite3.capi.sqlite3_js_vfs_list();
rc.opfsEnabled = !!sqlite3.opfs;
return rc;
export: function(ev){
const db = getMsgDb(ev);
const response = {
byteArray: sqlite3.capi.sqlite3_js_db_export(db.pointer),
filename: db.filename,
mimetype: 'application/x-sqlite3'
return response;
toss: function(ev){
toss("Testing worker exception");
'opfs-tree': async function(ev){
if(!sqlite3.opfs) toss("OPFS support is unavailable.");
const response = await sqlite3.opfs.treeList();
return response;
globalThis.onmessage = async function(ev){
ev = ev.data;
let result, dbId = ev.dbId, evType = ev.type;
const arrivalTime = performance.now();
try {
if(wMsgHandler.hasOwnProperty(evType) &&
wMsgHandler[evType] instanceof Function){
result = await wMsgHandler[evType](ev);
toss("Unknown db worker message type:",ev.type);
evType = 'error';
result = {
operation: ev.type,
message: err.message,
errorClass: err.name,
input: ev
result.stack = ('string'===typeof err.stack)
? err.stack.split(/\n\s*/) : err.stack;
if(0) sqlite3.config.warn("Worker is propagating an exception to main thread.",
"Reporting it _here_ for the stack trace:",err,result);
dbId = result.dbId
|| getDefaultDbId();
type: evType,
dbId: dbId,
messageId: ev.messageId,
workerReceivedTime: arrivalTime,
workerRespondTime: performance.now(),
departureTime: ev.departureTime,
result: result
}, wState.xfer);
}.bind({self, sqlite3});
'use strict';
const wasm = sqlite3.wasm, capi = sqlite3.capi, toss = sqlite3.util.toss3;
const vfs = Object.create(null), vtab = Object.create(null);
const StructBinder = sqlite3.StructBinder
sqlite3.vfs = vfs;
sqlite3.vtab = vtab;
const sii = capi.sqlite3_index_info;
sii.prototype.nthConstraint = function(n, asPtr=false){
if(n<0 || n>=this.$nConstraint) return false;
const ptr = this.$aConstraint + (
sii.sqlite3_index_constraint.structInfo.sizeof * n
return asPtr ? ptr : new sii.sqlite3_index_constraint(ptr);
sii.prototype.nthConstraintUsage = function(n, asPtr=false){
if(n<0 || n>=this.$nConstraint) return false;
const ptr = this.$aConstraintUsage + (
sii.sqlite3_index_constraint_usage.structInfo.sizeof * n
return asPtr ? ptr : new sii.sqlite3_index_constraint_usage(ptr);
sii.prototype.nthOrderBy = function(n, asPtr=false){
if(n<0 || n>=this.$nOrderBy) return false;
const ptr = this.$aOrderBy + (
sii.sqlite3_index_orderby.structInfo.sizeof * n
return asPtr ? ptr : new sii.sqlite3_index_orderby(ptr);
const installMethod = function callee(
tgt, name, func, applyArgcCheck = callee.installMethodArgcCheck
if(!(tgt instanceof StructBinder.StructType)){
toss("Usage error: target object is-not-a StructType.");
}else if(!(func instanceof Function) && !wasm.isPtr(func)){
toss("Usage errror: expecting a Function or WASM pointer to one.");
return (n,f)=>callee(tgt, n, f, applyArgcCheck);
callee.argcProxy = function(tgt, funcName, func,sig){
return function(...args){
toss("Argument mismatch for",
+": Native signature is:",sig);
return func.apply(this, args);
callee.removeFuncList = function(){
if('number'===typeof v){
delete this.ondispose.__removeFuncList;
const sigN = tgt.memberSignature(name);
toss("Member",name,"does not have a function pointer signature:",sigN);
const memKey = tgt.memberKey(name);
const fProxy = (applyArgcCheck && !wasm.isPtr(func))
? callee.argcProxy(tgt, memKey, func, sigN)
: func;
if(fProxy && !wasm.functionEntry(fProxy)){
toss("Pointer",fProxy,"is not a WASM function table entry.");
tgt[memKey] = fProxy;
const pFunc = wasm.installFunction(fProxy, tgt.memberSignature(name, true));
tgt[memKey] = pFunc;
if(!tgt.ondispose || !tgt.ondispose.__removeFuncList){
tgt.addOnDispose('ondispose.__removeFuncList handler',
tgt.ondispose.__removeFuncList = [];
tgt.ondispose.__removeFuncList.push(memKey, pFunc);
return (n,f)=>callee(tgt, n, f, applyArgcCheck);
installMethod.installMethodArgcCheck = false;
const installMethods = function(
structInstance, methods, applyArgcCheck = installMethod.installMethodArgcCheck
const seen = new Map ;
for(const k of Object.keys(methods)){
const m = methods[k];
const prior = seen.get(m);
const mkey = structInstance.memberKey(k);
structInstance[mkey] = structInstance[structInstance.memberKey(prior)];
installMethod(structInstance, k, m, applyArgcCheck);
seen.set(m, k);
return structInstance;
StructBinder.StructType.prototype.installMethod = function callee(
name, func, applyArgcCheck = installMethod.installMethodArgcCheck
return (arguments.length < 3 && name && 'object'===typeof name)
? installMethods(this, ...arguments)
: installMethod(this, ...arguments);
StructBinder.StructType.prototype.installMethods = function(
methods, applyArgcCheck = installMethod.installMethodArgcCheck
return installMethods(this, methods, applyArgcCheck);
capi.sqlite3_vfs.prototype.registerVfs = function(asDefault=false){
if(!(this instanceof sqlite3.capi.sqlite3_vfs)){
toss("Expecting a sqlite3_vfs-type argument.");
const rc = capi.sqlite3_vfs_register(this, asDefault ? 1 : 0);
toss("sqlite3_vfs_register(",this,") failed with rc",rc);
if(this.pointer !== capi.sqlite3_vfs_find(this.$zName)){
toss("BUG: sqlite3_vfs_find(vfs.$zName) failed for just-installed VFS",
return this;
vfs.installVfs = function(opt){
let count = 0;
const propList = ['io','vfs'];
for(const key of propList){
const o = opt[key];
installMethods(o.struct, o.methods, !!o.applyArgcCheck);
if(!o.struct.$zName && 'string'===typeof o.name){
o.struct.$zName = wasm.allocCString(o.name)
if(!count) toss("Misuse: installVfs() options object requires at least",
"one of:", propList);
return this;
const __xWrapFactory = function(methodName,StructType){
return function(ptr,removeMapping=false){
if(0===arguments.length) ptr = new StructType;
if(ptr instanceof StructType){
this.set(ptr.pointer, ptr);
return ptr;
}else if(!wasm.isPtr(ptr)){
sqlite3.SQLite3Error.toss("Invalid argument to",methodName+"()");
let rc = this.get(ptr);
if(removeMapping) this.delete(ptr);
return rc;
}.bind(new Map);
const StructPtrMapper = function(name, StructType){
const __xWrap = __xWrapFactory(name,StructType);
return Object.assign(Object.create(null),{
create: (ppOut)=>{
const rc = __xWrap();
wasm.pokePtr(ppOut, rc.pointer);
return rc;
get: (pCObj)=>__xWrap(pCObj),
unget: (pCObj)=>__xWrap(pCObj,true),
dispose: (pCObj)=>{
const o = __xWrap(pCObj,true);
if(o) o.dispose();
vtab.xVtab = StructPtrMapper('xVtab', capi.sqlite3_vtab);
vtab.xCursor = StructPtrMapper('xCursor', capi.sqlite3_vtab_cursor);
vtab.xIndexInfo = (pIdxInfo)=>new capi.sqlite3_index_info(pIdxInfo);
vtab.xError = function f(methodName, err, defaultRc){
if(f.errorReporter instanceof Function){
try{f.errorReporter("sqlite3_module::"+methodName+"(): "+err.message);}
let rc;
if(err instanceof sqlite3.WasmAllocError) rc = capi.SQLITE_NOMEM;
else if(arguments.length>2) rc = defaultRc;
else if(err instanceof sqlite3.SQLite3Error) rc = err.resultCode;
return rc || capi.SQLITE_ERROR;
vtab.xError.errorReporter = 1 ? console.error.bind(console) : false;
vtab.xRowid = (ppRowid64, value)=>wasm.poke(ppRowid64, value, 'i64');
vtab.setupModule = function(opt){
let createdMod = false;
const mod = (this instanceof capi.sqlite3_module)
? this : (opt.struct || (createdMod = new capi.sqlite3_module()));
const methods = opt.methods || toss("Missing 'methods' object.");
for(const e of Object.entries({
xConnect: 'xCreate', xDisconnect: 'xDestroy'
const k = e[0], v = e[1];
if(true === methods[k]) methods[k] = methods[v];
else if(true === methods[v]) methods[v] = methods[k];
const fwrap = function(methodName, func){
if(['xConnect','xCreate'].indexOf(methodName) >= 0){
return function(pDb, pAux, argc, argv, ppVtab, pzErr){
try{return func(...arguments) || 0}
if(!(e instanceof sqlite3.WasmAllocError)){
wasm.pokePtr(pzErr, wasm.allocCString(e.message));
return vtab.xError(methodName, e);
return function(...args){
try{return func(...args) || 0}
return vtab.xError(methodName, e);
const mnames = [
'xCreate', 'xConnect', 'xBestIndex', 'xDisconnect',
'xDestroy', 'xOpen', 'xClose', 'xFilter', 'xNext',
'xEof', 'xColumn', 'xRowid', 'xUpdate',
'xBegin', 'xSync', 'xCommit', 'xRollback',
'xFindFunction', 'xRename', 'xSavepoint', 'xRelease',
'xRollbackTo', 'xShadowName'
const remethods = Object.create(null);
for(const k of mnames){
const m = methods[k];
if(!(m instanceof Function)) continue;
else if('xConnect'===k && methods.xCreate===m){
remethods[k] = methods.xCreate;
}else if('xCreate'===k && methods.xConnect===m){
remethods[k] = methods.xConnect;
remethods[k] = fwrap(k, m);
installMethods(mod, remethods, false);
mod, methods, !!opt.applyArgcCheck
let v;
if('number'===typeof opt.iVersion) v = opt.iVersion;
else if(mod.$xShadowName) v = 3;
else if(mod.$xSavePoint || mod.$xRelease || mod.$xRollbackTo) v = 2;
else v = 1;
mod.$iVersion = v;
if(createdMod) createdMod.dispose();
throw e;
return mod;
capi.sqlite3_module.prototype.setupModule = function(opt){
return vtab.setupModule.call(this, opt);
'use strict';
const installOpfsVfs = function callee(options){
|| !globalThis.Atomics){
return Promise.reject(
new Error("Cannot install OPFS: Missing SharedArrayBuffer and/or Atomics. "+
"The server must emit the COOP/COEP response headers to enable those. "+
"See https://sqlite.org/wasm/doc/trunk/persistence.md#coop-coep")
}else if('undefined'===typeof WorkerGlobalScope){
return Promise.reject(
new Error("The OPFS sqlite3_vfs cannot run in the main thread "+
"because it requires Atomics.wait().")
}else if(!globalThis.FileSystemHandle ||
!globalThis.FileSystemDirectoryHandle ||
!globalThis.FileSystemFileHandle ||
!globalThis.FileSystemFileHandle.prototype.createSyncAccessHandle ||
return Promise.reject(
new Error("Missing required OPFS APIs.")
if(!options || 'object'!==typeof options){
options = Object.create(null);
const urlParams = new URL(globalThis.location.href).searchParams;
options.verbose = urlParams.has('opfs-verbose')
? (+urlParams.get('opfs-verbose') || 2) : 1;
options.sanityChecks = urlParams.has('opfs-sanity-check');
options.proxyUri = callee.defaultProxyUri;
if('function' === typeof options.proxyUri){
options.proxyUri = options.proxyUri();
const thePromise = new Promise(function(promiseResolve_, promiseReject_){
const loggers = {
const logImpl = (level,...args)=>{
if(options.verbose>level) loggers[level]("OPFS syncer:",...args);
const log = (...args)=>logImpl(2, ...args);
const warn = (...args)=>logImpl(1, ...args);
const error = (...args)=>logImpl(0, ...args);
const toss = sqlite3.util.toss;
const capi = sqlite3.capi;
const wasm = sqlite3.wasm;
const sqlite3_vfs = capi.sqlite3_vfs;
const sqlite3_file = capi.sqlite3_file;
const sqlite3_io_methods = capi.sqlite3_io_methods;
const opfsUtil = Object.create(null);
const thisThreadHasOPFS = ()=>{
return globalThis.FileSystemHandle &&
globalThis.FileSystemDirectoryHandle &&
globalThis.FileSystemFileHandle &&
globalThis.FileSystemFileHandle.prototype.createSyncAccessHandle &&
opfsUtil.metrics = {
dump: function(){
let k, n = 0, t = 0, w = 0;
for(k in state.opIds){
const m = metrics[k];
n += m.count;
t += m.time;
w += m.wait;
m.avgTime = (m.count && m.time) ? (m.time / m.count) : 0;
m.avgWait = (m.count && m.wait) ? (m.wait / m.count) : 0;
"metrics for",globalThis.location.href,":",metrics,
"\nTotal of",n,"op(s) for",t,
"ms (incl. "+w+" ms of waiting on the async side)");
sqlite3.config.log("Serialization metrics:",metrics.s11n);
reset: function(){
let k;
const r = (m)=>(m.count = m.time = m.wait = 0);
for(k in state.opIds){
r(metrics[k] = Object.create(null));
let s = metrics.s11n = Object.create(null);
s = s.serialize = Object.create(null);
s.count = s.time = 0;
s = metrics.s11n.deserialize = Object.create(null);
s.count = s.time = 0;
const opfsVfs = new sqlite3_vfs();
const opfsIoMethods = new sqlite3_io_methods();
let promiseWasRejected = undefined;
const promiseReject = (err)=>{
promiseWasRejected = true;
return promiseReject_(err);
const promiseResolve = (value)=>{
promiseWasRejected = false;
return promiseResolve_(value);
const W =
new Worker(options.proxyUri);
new Error("Timeout while waiting for OPFS async proxy worker.")
}, 4000);
W._originalOnError = W.onerror ;
W.onerror = function(err){
error("Error initializing OPFS asyncer:",err);
promiseReject(new Error("Loading OPFS async Worker failed for unknown reasons."));
const pDVfs = capi.sqlite3_vfs_find(null);
const dVfs = pDVfs
? new sqlite3_vfs(pDVfs)
: null ;
opfsVfs.$iVersion = 2;
opfsVfs.$szOsFile = capi.sqlite3_file.structInfo.sizeof;
opfsVfs.$mxPathname = 1024;
opfsVfs.$zName = wasm.allocCString("opfs");
opfsVfs.$xDlOpen = opfsVfs.$xDlError = opfsVfs.$xDlSym = opfsVfs.$xDlClose = null;
opfsVfs.ondispose = [
'$zName', opfsVfs.$zName,
'cleanup default VFS wrapper', ()=>(dVfs ? dVfs.dispose() : null),
'cleanup opfsIoMethods', ()=>opfsIoMethods.dispose()
const state = Object.create(null);
state.verbose = options.verbose;
state.littleEndian = (()=>{
const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(2);
new DataView(buffer).setInt16(0, 256, true );
return new Int16Array(buffer)[0] === 256;
state.asyncIdleWaitTime = 150;
state.asyncS11nExceptions = 1;
state.fileBufferSize = 1024 * 64;
state.sabS11nOffset = state.fileBufferSize;
state.sabS11nSize = opfsVfs.$mxPathname * 2;
state.sabIO = new SharedArrayBuffer(
+ state.sabS11nSize
state.opIds = Object.create(null);
const metrics = Object.create(null);
let i = 0;
state.opIds.whichOp = i++;
state.opIds.rc = i++;
state.opIds.xAccess = i++;
state.opIds.xClose = i++;
state.opIds.xDelete = i++;
state.opIds.xDeleteNoWait = i++;
state.opIds.xFileSize = i++;
state.opIds.xLock = i++;
state.opIds.xOpen = i++;
state.opIds.xRead = i++;
state.opIds.xSleep = i++;
state.opIds.xSync = i++;
state.opIds.xTruncate = i++;
state.opIds.xUnlock = i++;
state.opIds.xWrite = i++;
state.opIds.mkdir = i++;
state.opIds['opfs-async-metrics'] = i++;
state.opIds['opfs-async-shutdown'] = i++;
state.opIds.retry = i++;
state.sabOP = new SharedArrayBuffer(
i * 4);
state.sq3Codes = Object.create(null);
if(undefined === (state.sq3Codes[k] = capi[k])){
toss("Maintenance required: not found:",k);
state.opfsFlags = Object.assign(Object.create(null),{
defaultUnlockAsap: false
const opRun = (op,...args)=>{
const opNdx = state.opIds[op] || toss("Invalid op ID:",op);
Atomics.store(state.sabOPView, state.opIds.rc, -1);
Atomics.store(state.sabOPView, state.opIds.whichOp, opNdx);
Atomics.notify(state.sabOPView, state.opIds.whichOp)
const t = performance.now();
Atomics.wait(state.sabOPView, state.opIds.rc, -1)
const rc = Atomics.load(state.sabOPView, state.opIds.rc);
metrics[op].wait += performance.now() - t;
if(rc && state.asyncS11nExceptions){
const err = state.s11n.deserialize();
if(err) error(op+"() async error:",...err);
return rc;
opfsUtil.debug = {
asyncShutdown: ()=>{
warn("Shutting down OPFS async listener. The OPFS VFS will no longer work.");
asyncRestart: ()=>{
warn("Attempting to restart OPFS VFS async listener. Might work, might not.");
W.postMessage({type: 'opfs-async-restart'});
const initS11n = ()=>{
if(state.s11n) return state.s11n;
const textDecoder = new TextDecoder(),
textEncoder = new TextEncoder('utf-8'),
viewU8 = new Uint8Array(state.sabIO, state.sabS11nOffset, state.sabS11nSize),
viewDV = new DataView(state.sabIO, state.sabS11nOffset, state.sabS11nSize);
state.s11n = Object.create(null);
const TypeIds = Object.create(null);
TypeIds.number = { id: 1, size: 8, getter: 'getFloat64', setter: 'setFloat64' };
TypeIds.bigint = { id: 2, size: 8, getter: 'getBigInt64', setter: 'setBigInt64' };
TypeIds.boolean = { id: 3, size: 4, getter: 'getInt32', setter: 'setInt32' };
TypeIds.string = { id: 4 };
const getTypeId = (v)=>(
TypeIds[typeof v]
|| toss("Maintenance required: this value type cannot be serialized.",v)
const getTypeIdById = (tid)=>{
case TypeIds.number.id: return TypeIds.number;
case TypeIds.bigint.id: return TypeIds.bigint;
case TypeIds.boolean.id: return TypeIds.boolean;
case TypeIds.string.id: return TypeIds.string;
default: toss("Invalid type ID:",tid);
state.s11n.deserialize = function(clear=false){
const t = performance.now();
const argc = viewU8[0];
const rc = argc ? [] : null;
const typeIds = [];
let offset = 1, i, n, v;
for(i = 0; i < argc; ++i, ++offset){
for(i = 0; i < argc; ++i){
const t = typeIds[i];
v = viewDV[t.getter](offset, state.littleEndian);
offset += t.size;
n = viewDV.getInt32(offset, state.littleEndian);
offset += 4;
v = textDecoder.decode(viewU8.slice(offset, offset+n));
offset += n;
if(clear) viewU8[0] = 0;
metrics.s11n.deserialize.time += performance.now() - t;
return rc;
state.s11n.serialize = function(...args){
const t = performance.now();
const typeIds = [];
let i = 0, offset = 1;
viewU8[0] = args.length & 0xff ;
for(; i < args.length; ++i, ++offset){
viewU8[offset] = typeIds[i].id;
for(i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) {
const t = typeIds[i];
viewDV[t.setter](offset, args[i], state.littleEndian);
offset += t.size;
const s = textEncoder.encode(args[i]);
viewDV.setInt32(offset, s.byteLength, state.littleEndian);
offset += 4;
viewU8.set(s, offset);
offset += s.byteLength;
viewU8[0] = 0;
metrics.s11n.serialize.time += performance.now() - t;
return state.s11n;
const randomFilename = function f(len=16){
f._chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"+
f._n = f._chars.length;
const a = [];
let i = 0;
for( ; i < len; ++i){
const ndx = Math.random() * (f._n * 64) % f._n | 0;
a[i] = f._chars[ndx];
return a.join("");
const __openFiles = Object.create(null);
const opTimer = Object.create(null);
opTimer.op = undefined;
opTimer.start = undefined;
const mTimeStart = (op)=>{
opTimer.start = performance.now();
opTimer.op = op;
const mTimeEnd = ()=>(
metrics[opTimer.op].time += performance.now() - opTimer.start
const ioSyncWrappers = {
xCheckReservedLock: function(pFile,pOut){
const f = __openFiles[pFile];
wasm.poke(pOut, f.lockType ? 1 : 0, 'i32');
return 0;
xClose: function(pFile){
let rc = 0;
const f = __openFiles[pFile];
delete __openFiles[pFile];
rc = opRun('xClose', pFile);
if(f.sq3File) f.sq3File.dispose();
return rc;
xDeviceCharacteristics: function(pFile){
xFileControl: function(pFile, opId, pArg){
return capi.SQLITE_NOTFOUND;
xFileSize: function(pFile,pSz64){
let rc = opRun('xFileSize', pFile);
try {
const sz = state.s11n.deserialize()[0];
wasm.poke(pSz64, sz, 'i64');
error("Unexpected error reading xFileSize() result:",e);
rc = state.sq3Codes.SQLITE_IOERR;
return rc;
xLock: function(pFile,lockType){
const f = __openFiles[pFile];
let rc = 0;
if( !f.lockType ) {
rc = opRun('xLock', pFile, lockType);
if( 0===rc ) f.lockType = lockType;
f.lockType = lockType;
return rc;
xRead: function(pFile,pDest,n,offset64){
const f = __openFiles[pFile];
let rc;
try {
rc = opRun('xRead',pFile, n, Number(offset64));
if(0===rc || capi.SQLITE_IOERR_SHORT_READ===rc){
wasm.heap8u().set(f.sabView.subarray(0, n), pDest);
error("xRead(",arguments,") failed:",e,f);
return rc;
xSync: function(pFile,flags){
const rc = opRun('xSync', pFile, flags);
return rc;
xTruncate: function(pFile,sz64){
const rc = opRun('xTruncate', pFile, Number(sz64));
return rc;
xUnlock: function(pFile,lockType){
const f = __openFiles[pFile];
let rc = 0;
if( capi.SQLITE_LOCK_NONE === lockType
&& f.lockType ){
rc = opRun('xUnlock', pFile, lockType);
if( 0===rc ) f.lockType = lockType;
return rc;
xWrite: function(pFile,pSrc,n,offset64){
const f = __openFiles[pFile];
let rc;
try {
f.sabView.set(wasm.heap8u().subarray(pSrc, pSrc+n));
rc = opRun('xWrite', pFile, n, Number(offset64));
error("xWrite(",arguments,") failed:",e,f);
return rc;
const vfsSyncWrappers = {
xAccess: function(pVfs,zName,flags,pOut){
const rc = opRun('xAccess', wasm.cstrToJs(zName));
wasm.poke( pOut, (rc ? 0 : 1), 'i32' );
return 0;
xCurrentTime: function(pVfs,pOut){
wasm.poke(pOut, 2440587.5 + (new Date().getTime()/86400000),
return 0;
xCurrentTimeInt64: function(pVfs,pOut){
wasm.poke(pOut, (2440587.5 * 86400000) + new Date().getTime(),
return 0;
xDelete: function(pVfs, zName, doSyncDir){
opRun('xDelete', wasm.cstrToJs(zName), doSyncDir, false);
return 0;
xFullPathname: function(pVfs,zName,nOut,pOut){
const i = wasm.cstrncpy(pOut, zName, nOut);
return i<nOut ? 0 : capi.SQLITE_CANTOPEN
xGetLastError: function(pVfs,nOut,pOut){
warn("OPFS xGetLastError() has nothing sensible to return.");
return 0;
xOpen: function f(pVfs, zName, pFile, flags, pOutFlags){
let opfsFlags = 0;
zName = randomFilename();
}else if('number'===typeof zName){
if(capi.sqlite3_uri_boolean(zName, "opfs-unlock-asap", 0)){
opfsFlags |= state.opfsFlags.OPFS_UNLOCK_ASAP;
zName = wasm.cstrToJs(zName);
const fh = Object.create(null);
fh.fid = pFile;
fh.filename = zName;
fh.sab = new SharedArrayBuffer(state.fileBufferSize);
fh.flags = flags;
const rc = opRun('xOpen', pFile, zName, flags, opfsFlags);
wasm.poke(pOutFlags, capi.SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, 'i32');
__openFiles[pFile] = fh;
fh.sabView = state.sabFileBufView;
fh.sq3File = new sqlite3_file(pFile);
fh.sq3File.$pMethods = opfsIoMethods.pointer;
fh.lockType = capi.SQLITE_LOCK_NONE;
return rc;
opfsVfs.$xRandomness = dVfs.$xRandomness;
opfsVfs.$xSleep = dVfs.$xSleep;
vfsSyncWrappers.xRandomness = function(pVfs, nOut, pOut){
const heap = wasm.heap8u();
let i = 0;
for(; i < nOut; ++i) heap[pOut + i] = (Math.random()*255000) & 0xFF;
return i;
vfsSyncWrappers.xSleep = function(pVfs,ms){
Atomics.wait(state.sabOPView, state.opIds.xSleep, 0, ms);
return 0;
opfsUtil.getResolvedPath = function(filename,splitIt){
const p = new URL(filename, "file://irrelevant").pathname;
return splitIt ? p.split('/').filter((v)=>!!v) : p;
opfsUtil.getDirForFilename = async function f(absFilename, createDirs = false){
const path = opfsUtil.getResolvedPath(absFilename, true);
const filename = path.pop();
let dh = opfsUtil.rootDirectory;
for(const dirName of path){
dh = await dh.getDirectoryHandle(dirName, {create: !!createDirs});
return [dh, filename];
opfsUtil.mkdir = async function(absDirName){
try {
await opfsUtil.getDirForFilename(absDirName+"/filepart", true);
return true;
return false;
opfsUtil.entryExists = async function(fsEntryName){
try {
const [dh, fn] = await opfsUtil.getDirForFilename(fsEntryName);
await dh.getFileHandle(fn);
return true;
return false;
opfsUtil.randomFilename = randomFilename;
opfsUtil.registerVfs = (asDefault=false)=>{
return wasm.exports.sqlite3_vfs_register(
opfsVfs.pointer, asDefault ? 1 : 0
opfsUtil.treeList = async function(){
const doDir = async function callee(dirHandle,tgt){
tgt.name = dirHandle.name;
tgt.dirs = [];
tgt.files = [];
for await (const handle of dirHandle.values()){
if('directory' === handle.kind){
const subDir = Object.create(null);
await callee(handle, subDir);
const root = Object.create(null);
await doDir(opfsUtil.rootDirectory, root);
return root;
opfsUtil.rmfr = async function(){
const dir = opfsUtil.rootDirectory, opt = {recurse: true};
for await (const handle of dir.values()){
dir.removeEntry(handle.name, opt);
opfsUtil.unlink = async function(fsEntryName, recursive = false,
throwOnError = false){
try {
const [hDir, filenamePart] =
await opfsUtil.getDirForFilename(fsEntryName, false);
await hDir.removeEntry(filenamePart, {recursive});
return true;
throw new Error("unlink(",arguments[0],") failed: "+e.message,{
cause: e
return false;
opfsUtil.traverse = async function(opt){
const defaultOpt = {
recursive: true,
directory: opfsUtil.rootDirectory
if('function'===typeof opt){
opt = {callback:opt};
opt = Object.assign(defaultOpt, opt||{});
const doDir = async function callee(dirHandle, depth){
for await (const handle of dirHandle.values()){
if(false === opt.callback(handle, dirHandle, depth)) return false;
else if(opt.recursive && 'directory' === handle.kind){
if(false === await callee(handle, depth + 1)) break;
doDir(opt.directory, 0);
const OpfsDb = function(...args){
const opt = sqlite3.oo1.DB.dbCtorHelper.normalizeArgs(...args);
opt.vfs = opfsVfs.$zName;
sqlite3.oo1.DB.dbCtorHelper.call(this, opt);
OpfsDb.prototype = Object.create(sqlite3.oo1.DB.prototype);
sqlite3.oo1.OpfsDb = OpfsDb;
function(oo1Db, sqlite3){
sqlite3.capi.sqlite3_busy_timeout(oo1Db, 10000);
sqlite3.capi.sqlite3_exec(oo1Db, [
"pragma journal_mode=persist;",
"pragma cache_size=-16384;"
], 0, 0, 0);
const sanityCheck = function(){
const scope = wasm.scopedAllocPush();
const sq3File = new sqlite3_file();
const fid = sq3File.pointer;
const openFlags = capi.SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE
const pOut = wasm.scopedAlloc(8);
const dbFile = "/sanity/check/file"+randomFilename(8);
const zDbFile = wasm.scopedAllocCString(dbFile);
let rc;
state.s11n.serialize("This is ä string.");
rc = state.s11n.deserialize();
log("deserialize() says:",rc);
if("This is ä string."!==rc[0]) toss("String d13n error.");
vfsSyncWrappers.xAccess(opfsVfs.pointer, zDbFile, 0, pOut);
rc = wasm.peek(pOut,'i32');
log("xAccess(",dbFile,") exists ?=",rc);
rc = vfsSyncWrappers.xOpen(opfsVfs.pointer, zDbFile,
fid, openFlags, pOut);
log("open rc =",rc,"state.sabOPView[xOpen] =",
error("open failed with code",rc);
vfsSyncWrappers.xAccess(opfsVfs.pointer, zDbFile, 0, pOut);
rc = wasm.peek(pOut,'i32');
if(!rc) toss("xAccess() failed to detect file.");
rc = ioSyncWrappers.xSync(sq3File.pointer, 0);
if(rc) toss('sync failed w/ rc',rc);
rc = ioSyncWrappers.xTruncate(sq3File.pointer, 1024);
if(rc) toss('truncate failed w/ rc',rc);
rc = ioSyncWrappers.xFileSize(sq3File.pointer, pOut);
if(rc) toss('xFileSize failed w/ rc',rc);
log("xFileSize says:",wasm.peek(pOut, 'i64'));
rc = ioSyncWrappers.xWrite(sq3File.pointer, zDbFile, 10, 1);
if(rc) toss("xWrite() failed!");
const readBuf = wasm.scopedAlloc(16);
rc = ioSyncWrappers.xRead(sq3File.pointer, readBuf, 6, 2);
let jRead = wasm.cstrToJs(readBuf);
log("xRead() got:",jRead);
if("sanity"!==jRead) toss("Unexpected xRead() value.");
log("xSleep()ing before close()ing...");
log("waking up from xSleep()");
rc = ioSyncWrappers.xClose(fid);
log("xClose rc =",rc,"sabOPView =",state.sabOPView);
log("Deleting file:",dbFile);
vfsSyncWrappers.xDelete(opfsVfs.pointer, zDbFile, 0x1234);
vfsSyncWrappers.xAccess(opfsVfs.pointer, zDbFile, 0, pOut);
rc = wasm.peek(pOut,'i32');
if(rc) toss("Expecting 0 from xAccess(",dbFile,") after xDelete().");
warn("End of OPFS sanity checks.");
W.onmessage = function({data}){
case 'opfs-unavailable':
promiseReject(new Error(data.payload.join(' ')));
case 'opfs-async-loaded':
W.postMessage({type: 'opfs-async-init',args: state});
case 'opfs-async-inited': {
break ;
try {
io: {struct: opfsIoMethods, methods: ioSyncWrappers},
vfs: {struct: opfsVfs, methods: vfsSyncWrappers}
state.sabOPView = new Int32Array(state.sabOP);
state.sabFileBufView = new Uint8Array(state.sabIO, 0, state.fileBufferSize);
state.sabS11nView = new Uint8Array(state.sabIO, state.sabS11nOffset, state.sabS11nSize);
warn("Running sanity checks because of opfs-sanity-check URL arg...");
W.onerror = W._originalOnError;
delete W._originalOnError;
sqlite3.opfs = opfsUtil;
opfsUtil.rootDirectory = d;
log("End of OPFS sqlite3_vfs setup.", opfsVfs);
default: {
const errMsg = (
"Unexpected message from the OPFS async worker: " +
promiseReject(new Error(errMsg));
return thePromise;
installOpfsVfs.defaultProxyUri =
globalThis.sqlite3ApiBootstrap.initializersAsync.push(async (sqlite3)=>{
let proxyJs = installOpfsVfs.defaultProxyUri;
installOpfsVfs.defaultProxyUri =
sqlite3.scriptInfo.sqlite3Dir + proxyJs;
return installOpfsVfs().catch((e)=>{
sqlite3.config.warn("Ignoring inability to install OPFS sqlite3_vfs:",e.message);
sqlite3.config.error("installOpfsVfs() exception:",e);
throw e;
'use strict';
if('undefined' !== typeof Module){
const SABC = Object.assign(
Object.create(null), {
exports: Module['asm'],
memory: Module.wasmMemory
globalThis.sqlite3ApiConfig || {}
globalThis.sqlite3ApiConfig = SABC;
let sqlite3;
sqlite3 = globalThis.sqlite3ApiBootstrap();
console.error("sqlite3ApiBootstrap() error:",e);
throw e;
delete globalThis.sqlite3ApiBootstrap;
delete globalThis.sqlite3ApiConfig;
Module.sqlite3 = sqlite3 ;
console.warn("This is not running in an Emscripten module context, so",
"globalThis.sqlite3ApiBootstrap() is _not_ being called due to lack",
"of config info for the WASM environment.",
"It must be called manually.");
return sqlite3InitModule.ready
if (typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object')
module.exports = sqlite3InitModule;
else if (typeof define === 'function' && define['amd'])
define([], function() { return sqlite3InitModule; });
else if (typeof exports === 'object')
exports["sqlite3InitModule"] = sqlite3InitModule;
const originalInit =
throw new Error("Expecting globalThis.sqlite3InitModule to be defined by the Emscripten build.");
const initModuleState = globalThis.sqlite3InitModuleState = Object.assign(Object.create(null),{
moduleScript: globalThis?.document?.currentScript,
isWorker: ('undefined' !== typeof WorkerGlobalScope),
location: globalThis.location,
urlParams: globalThis?.location?.href
? new URL(globalThis.location.href).searchParams
: new URLSearchParams()
initModuleState.debugModule =
? (...args)=>console.warn('sqlite3.debugModule:',...args)
: ()=>{};
initModuleState.sqlite3Dir = initModuleState.urlParams.get('sqlite3.dir') +'/';
}else if(initModuleState.moduleScript){
const li = initModuleState.moduleScript.src.split('/');
initModuleState.sqlite3Dir = li.join('/') + '/';
globalThis.sqlite3InitModule = function ff(...args){
return originalInit(...args).then((EmscriptenModule)=>{
if('undefined'!==typeof WorkerGlobalScope &&
|| EmscriptenModule['_pthread_self']
|| 'function'===typeof threadAlert
|| globalThis?.location?.pathname?.endsWith?.('.worker.js')
return EmscriptenModule;
const s = EmscriptenModule.sqlite3;
s.scriptInfo = initModuleState;
if(ff.__isUnderTest) s.__isUnderTest = true;
const f = s.asyncPostInit;
delete s.asyncPostInit;
return f();
console.error("Exception loading sqlite3 module:",e);
throw e;
globalThis.sqlite3InitModule.ready = originalInit.ready;
const sim = globalThis.sqlite3InitModuleState;
let src = sim.moduleScript.src.split('/');
sim.scriptDir = src.join('/') + '/';
initModuleState.debugModule('sqlite3InitModuleState =',initModuleState);
console.warn("Replaced sqlite3InitModule()");
console.warn("globalThis.location.href =",globalThis.location.href);
if('undefined' !== typeof document){
console.warn("document.currentScript.src =",
if (typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object'){
module.exports = sqlite3InitModule;
}else if (typeof exports === 'object'){
exports["sqlite3InitModule"] = sqlite3InitModule;
return globalThis.sqlite3InitModule ;