mirror of https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5 synced 2024-09-28 07:08:20 +00:00
jeremy@jermolene.com 9ac21f167f Simplify the plain JS store implementation
Removing indexers and title cache
2023-06-25 17:03:28 +01:00

357 lines
10 KiB

title: $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/demo-alternate-store/rawmarkup.js
type: text/plain
tags: $:/tags/AlternateStoreArea
Startup code injected as raw markup
(function() {
// Need to initialise these because we run before bootprefix.js and boot.js
$tw = window.$tw || Object.create(null);
$tw.hooks = $tw.hooks || { names: {}};
$tw.boot = $tw.boot || {};
$tw.boot.preloadDirty = $tw.boot.preloadDirty || [];
$tw.Wiki = function(options) {
options = options || {};
var self = this,
tiddlers = Object.create(null), // Hashmap of tiddlers
getTiddlerTitles = function() {
return Object.keys(tiddlers).sort(function(a,b) {return a.localeCompare(b);});
pluginTiddlers = [], // Array of tiddlers containing registered plugins, ordered by priority
pluginInfo = Object.create(null), // Hashmap of parsed plugin content
shadowTiddlers = Object.create(null), // Hashmap by title of {source:, tiddler:}
getShadowTiddlerTitles = function() {
return Object.keys(shadowTiddlers);
//$tw.utils replacements
var eachObj = function(object,callback) {
var next,f,length;
if(object) {
if(Object.prototype.toString.call(object) == "[object Array]") {
for (f=0, length=object.length; f<length; f++) {
next = callback(object[f],f,object);
if(next === false) {
} else {
var keys = Object.keys(object);
for (f=0, length=keys.length; f<length; f++) {
var key = keys[f];
next = callback(object[key],key,object);
if(next === false) {
hop = function(object,property) {
return object ? Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object,property) : false;
insertSortedArray = function(array,value) {
var low = 0, high = array.length - 1, mid, cmp;
while(low <= high) {
mid = (low + high) >> 1;
cmp = value.localeCompare(array[mid]);
if(cmp > 0) {
low = mid + 1;
} else if(cmp < 0) {
high = mid - 1;
} else {
return array;
return array;
parseJSONSafe = function(text,defaultJSON) {
try {
return JSON.parse(text);
} catch(e) {
if(typeof defaultJSON === "function") {
return defaultJSON(e);
} else {
return defaultJSON || {};
this.addIndexer = function(indexer,name) {
this.getIndexer = function(name) {
return null;
// Add a tiddler to the store
this.addTiddler = function(tiddler) {
if(!(tiddler instanceof $tw.Tiddler)) {
tiddler = new $tw.Tiddler(tiddler);
// Save the tiddler
if(tiddler) {
var title = tiddler.fields.title;
if(title) {
// Save the new tiddler
tiddlers[title] = tiddler;
// Update caches
// Queue a change event
// Delete a tiddler
this.deleteTiddler = function(title) {
// Uncomment the following line for detailed logs of all tiddler deletions
// console.log("Deleting",title)
if(hop(tiddlers,title)) {
// Delete the tiddler
delete tiddlers[title];
// Update caches
// Queue a change event
// Get a tiddler from the store
this.getTiddler = function(title) {
if(title) {
var t = tiddlers[title];
if(t !== undefined) {
return t;
} else {
var s = shadowTiddlers[title];
if(s !== undefined) {
return s.tiddler;
return undefined;
// Get an array of all tiddler titles
this.allTitles = function() {
return getTiddlerTitles();
// Iterate through all tiddler titles
this.each = function(callback) {
var titles = getTiddlerTitles(),
for(index = 0, titlesLength = titles.length; index < titlesLength; index++) {
title = titles[index];
// Get an array of all shadow tiddler titles
this.allShadowTitles = function() {
return getShadowTiddlerTitles();
// Iterate through all shadow tiddler titles
this.eachShadow = function(callback) {
var titles = getShadowTiddlerTitles(),
for(index = 0, titlesLength = titles.length; index < titlesLength; index++) {
title = titles[index];
if(self.tiddlerExists(title)) {
} else {
var shadowInfo = shadowTiddlers[title];
// Iterate through all tiddlers and then the shadows
this.eachTiddlerPlusShadows = function(callback) {
var index,titlesLength,title,
titles = getTiddlerTitles();
for(index = 0, titlesLength = titles.length; index < titlesLength; index++) {
title = titles[index];
titles = getShadowTiddlerTitles();
for(index = 0, titlesLength = titles.length; index < titlesLength; index++) {
title = titles[index];
if(!self.tiddlerExists(title)) {
var shadowInfo = shadowTiddlers[title];
// Iterate through all the shadows and then the tiddlers
this.eachShadowPlusTiddlers = function(callback) {
var index,titlesLength,title,
titles = getShadowTiddlerTitles();
for(index = 0, titlesLength = titles.length; index < titlesLength; index++) {
title = titles[index];
if(self.tiddlerExists(title)) {
} else {
var shadowInfo = shadowTiddlers[title];
titles = getTiddlerTitles();
for(index = 0, titlesLength = titles.length; index < titlesLength; index++) {
title = titles[index];
if(!shadowTiddlers[title]) {
this.tiddlerExists = function(title) {
return !!hop(tiddlers,title);
this.isShadowTiddler = function(title) {
return hop(shadowTiddlers,title);
this.getShadowSource = function(title) {
if(hop(shadowTiddlers,title)) {
return shadowTiddlers[title].source;
return null;
// Get an array of all the currently recognised plugin types
this.getPluginTypes = function() {
var types = [];
eachObj(pluginTiddlers,function(pluginTiddler) {
var pluginType = pluginTiddler.fields["plugin-type"];
if(pluginType && types.indexOf(pluginType) === -1) {
return types;
// Read plugin info for all plugins, or just an array of titles. Returns the number of plugins updated or deleted
this.readPluginInfo = function(titles) {
var results = {
modifiedPlugins: [],
deletedPlugins: []
eachObj(titles || getTiddlerTitles(),function(title) {
var tiddler = self.getTiddler(title);
if(tiddler) {
if(tiddler.fields.type === "application/json" && tiddler.hasField("plugin-type") && tiddler.fields.text) {
pluginInfo[tiddler.fields.title] = parseJSONSafe(tiddler.fields.text);
} else {
if(pluginInfo[title]) {
delete pluginInfo[title];
return results;
// Get plugin info for a plugin
this.getPluginInfo = function(title) {
return pluginInfo[title];
// Register the plugin tiddlers of a particular type, or null/undefined for any type, optionally restricting registration to an array of tiddler titles. Return the array of titles affected
this.registerPluginTiddlers = function(pluginType,titles) {
var self = this,
registeredTitles = [],
checkTiddler = function(tiddler,title) {
if(tiddler && tiddler.fields.type === "application/json" && tiddler.fields["plugin-type"] && (!pluginType || tiddler.fields["plugin-type"] === pluginType)) {
var disablingTiddler = self.getTiddler("$:/config/Plugins/Disabled/" + title);
if(title === "$:/core" || !disablingTiddler || (disablingTiddler.fields.text || "").trim() !== "yes") {
self.unregisterPluginTiddlers(null,[title]); // Unregister the plugin if it's already registered
if(titles) {
eachObj(titles,function(title) {
} else {
this.each(function(tiddler,title) {
return registeredTitles;
// Unregister the plugin tiddlers of a particular type, or null/undefined for any type, optionally restricting unregistering to an array of tiddler titles. Returns an array of the titles affected
this.unregisterPluginTiddlers = function(pluginType,titles) {
var self = this,
unregisteredTitles = [];
// Remove any previous registered plugins of this type
for(var t=pluginTiddlers.length-1; t>=0; t--) {
var tiddler = pluginTiddlers[t];
if(tiddler.fields["plugin-type"] && (!pluginType || tiddler.fields["plugin-type"] === pluginType) && (!titles || titles.indexOf(tiddler.fields.title) !== -1)) {
return unregisteredTitles;
// Unpack the currently registered plugins, creating shadow tiddlers for their constituent tiddlers
this.unpackPluginTiddlers = function() {
var self = this;
// Sort the plugin titles by the `plugin-priority` field
pluginTiddlers.sort(function(a,b) {
if("plugin-priority" in a.fields && "plugin-priority" in b.fields) {
return a.fields["plugin-priority"] - b.fields["plugin-priority"];
} else if("plugin-priority" in a.fields) {
return -1;
} else if("plugin-priority" in b.fields) {
return +1;
} else if(a.fields.title < b.fields.title) {
return -1;
} else if(a.fields.title === b.fields.title) {
return 0;
} else {
return +1;
// Now go through the plugins in ascending order and assign the shadows
shadowTiddlers = Object.create(null);
eachObj(pluginTiddlers,function(tiddler) {
// Extract the constituent tiddlers
if(hop(pluginInfo,tiddler.fields.title)) {
eachObj(pluginInfo[tiddler.fields.title].tiddlers,function(constituentTiddler,constituentTitle) {
// Save the tiddler object
if(constituentTitle) {
shadowTiddlers[constituentTitle] = {
source: tiddler.fields.title,
tiddler: new $tw.Tiddler(constituentTiddler,{title: constituentTitle})
shadowTiddlerTitles = null;
//# sourceURL=$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/demo-alternate-store/rawmarkup.js