title: $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/markdown/syntax To review standard Markdown syntax, see: [ext[CommonMark quick reference|https://commonmark.org/help/]]. For formal specification, consult the [ext[CommonMark Spec|https://spec.commonmark.org/current/]]. ! Linking to Tiddlers Prepend `#` to tiddler titles to form link addresses. If a tiddler title contains spaces or other special characters, you must either (1) URI-encode the title, or (2) surround the #title with `<` `>` and backslash-escape any `<` or `>` in the title. !! Links
[link text](#<$text text="TiddlerTitle"/> "optional tooltip")

[link text](#New%20Tiddler)

[link text](<#New Tiddler>)

[](<#How to use \<$list\> widget?>)
You can also use the `<$link>` widget to generate links to tiddlers: ``` <$link to="Tiddler Title">Displayed Link Title ``` !! Reference Style Links ``` [link text][1] [link text][2] [1]: #New%20Tiddler "optional tooltip" [2]: <#Another Tiddler> ``` !! Images ``` ![alt text](#Motovun%20Jack.jpg "optional tooltip") ![alt text](<#Motovun Jack.jpg>) ``` ! Escaping Special Characters Markdown allows you to escape ASCII punctuation characters with `\`. ! HTML Blocks An [[HTML block|https://spec.commonmark.org/0.30/#html-blocks]] is a group of lines that starts with an HTML tag and is treated as raw HTML. Block-level tags such as `
` and `

` can interrupt a paragraph. Inline elements such as `` and `` can start an HTML block if the //complete// tag begins on a new paragraph by itself. In most cases, an HTML block continues until a blank line is reached. A widget tag that begins on a new paragraph will also be treated as an HTML block. Markdown elements are not recognized inside the HTML block. For example: ``` see <$link to="New Tiddler"> _New_ Tiddler ``` rendered as: ```


<$link to="New Tiddler"> _New_ Tiddler ``` A widget tag not preceded by a blank line is an inline element. ``` see <$link to="New Tiddler"> _New_ Tiddler ``` rendered as: ```

see <$link to="New Tiddler">New Tiddler

``` ! Syntax Extensions !! <$text text=KaTeX/> You need to install the <$text text=KaTeX/> plugin to activate this syntax extension. Surround your math expression with `$` for inline rendering. Whitespace characters cannot immediately follow the opening `$` or precede the closing `$`, and the closing delimiter must not immediately precede a digit. Furthermore, `$` followed by `:/` will not be recognized as a valid opening or closing delimiter either. Here's an example of an inline math expression: ``` $c = \pm\sqrt{a^2 + b^2}$ ``` Use `$$` to center the math in display mode: ``` $$c = \pm\sqrt{a^2 + b^2}$$ ``` !! Superscript and Subscript ``` X^2^ ``` x2 ``` H~2~O ``` H2O !! Marked Text ``` ==marked text== ``` marked text !! Strikethrough ``` ~~striked through text~~ ``` striked through text !! Inserted Text ``` ++inserted text++ ``` inserted text !! Tables markdown-it supports <$text text="GitHub Flavored Markdown"/> (GFM) [ext[table syntax|https://github.github.com/gfm/#tables-extension-]]. ``` |Left Aligned |Centered |Right Aligned | |:--- | :---: | ---:| |apple |bat |candle | ```
Left AlignedCenteredRight Aligned
!! Definition Lists ``` Term One : Definition with lazy continuation. Term Two : Here is the first defintion. : Here is the second definition. As you can see. A definition can have more than one paragrpah. It can also have And indended code block... ```
Term One

Definition with lazy continuation.

Term Two

Here is the first defintion.

Here is the second definition.

As you can see. A definition can have more than one paragrpah. It can also have

And indended code block...

!! Footnotes For detailed explanation, see [[Creating Footnotes|https://www.markdownguide.org/extended-syntax/#footnotes]]. ``` Here's a simple footnote,[^1] and here's a longer one.[^bignote] [^1]: This is the first footnote. [^bignote]: Here's one with multiple paragraphs and code. Indent paragraphs to include them in the footnote. `{ my code }` Add as many paragraphs as you like. ```

Here’s a simple footnote,[1] and here’s a longer one.[2]

  1. This is the first footnote. ↥︎

  2. Here’s one with multiple paragraphs and code.

    Indent paragraphs to include them in the footnote.

    { my code }

    Add as many paragraphs as you like. ↥︎