jQuery(document).ready(function(){ module("Wikifier.js"); test("getParser()", function() { expect(7); formatter = new Formatter(config.formatters); var actual = getParser(null,null); var expected = formatter; deepEqual(actual, expected, 'it should return the default formatter if no tiddler argument is provided'); var t = new Tiddler("t"); actual = getParser(t,null); expected = formatter; deepEqual(actual, expected, 'it should return the default formatter if no format argument is provided and the tiddler has no "wikiformat" field and is not tagged with the value of formatTag of a member of config.parsers'); actual = getParser(t,"nomatch"); expected = formatter; deepEqual(actual, expected, 'it should return the default formatter if a format argument is provided, but does not appear as a value of formatTag of a member of config.parsers; the tiddler has no "wikiformat" field and is not tagged with the value of formatTag from a member of config.parsers'); t.fields.wikiformat = "nomatch"; actual = getParser(t,null); expected = formatter; deepEqual(actual, expected, 'it should return the default formatter if the tiddler has a "wikiformat" field that does not appear as a value of formatTag of a member of config.parsers; no format argument is provided and the tiddler is not tagged with the value of formatTag from a member of config.parsers'); t.fields.wikiformat = "format_field"; t.tags.push("format_tag"); config.parsers.field = { format: "format_field" }; config.parsers.tag = { formatTag: "format_tag" }; actual = getParser(t,null); expected = config.parsers.field; equals(actual, expected, 'it should return the formatter specified by the "wikiformat" field even if a format tag is provided; no format parameter is provided'); config.parsers.field = {}; config.parsers.tag = {}; t = new Tiddler("t"); t.tags.push("format_tag"); config.parsers.tag = { formatTag: "format_tag" }; actual = getParser(t,null); expected = config.parsers.tag; equals(actual, expected, 'it should return the formatter specified by the format tag; the tiddler has no "wikiformat" field and no format parameter is provided'); t = new Tiddler("t"); t.fields.wikiformat = "format_field"; t.tags.push("format_tag"); config.parsers.field = { format: "format_field" }; config.parsers.tag = { formatTag: "format_tag" }; config.parsers.parameter = { format: "format_parameter" }; actual = getParser(t,"format_parameter"); expected = config.parsers.parameter; equals(actual, expected, 'it should return the formatter specified by the format parameter even if a format tag and a "wikiformat" field are provided'); config.parsers.field = {}; config.parsers.tag = {}; config.parsers.parameter = {}; }); test('wikify(): it should not call subWikify() if the "source" parameter is not provided', function() { expect(1); var place = document.createElement("div"); var d = document.body.appendChild(place); d.style.display = "none"; var subWikifyMock = new jqMock.Mock(Wikifier.prototype, "subWikify"); subWikifyMock.modify().args().multiplicity(0); wikify(); subWikifyMock.verifyAll(); subWikifyMock.restore(); }); test('Wikifier: wikifyStatic()', function() { wikifier_input_strings = { bold:"''bold''", italic:"//italic//", underline:"__underline__", superscript:"^^superscript^^", subscript:"~~subscript~~", strikeout:"--strikeout--", code:"{{{code}}}" }; wikifier_output_strings = { bold:"<strong>bold</strong>", italic:"<em>italic</em>", underline:"<u>underline</u>", superscript:"<sup>superscript</sup>", subscript:"<sub>subscript</sub>", strikeout:"<strike>strikeout</strike>", code:"<code>code</code>" }; formatter = new Formatter(config.formatters); var actual = ""; var expected = ""; for (var i in wikifier_input_strings) { actual = wikifyStatic(wikifier_input_strings[i]).toLowerCase(); expected = wikifier_output_strings[i]; equals(actual,expected,'testing input strings for Formatter.characterFormat'+wikifier_input_strings[i]); } formatter = new Formatter(config.formatters); expected = '<table class="twtable"><tbody><tr class="evenrow"><td>a</td><td>b</td></tr><tr class="oddrow"><td>c</td><td>d</td></tr></tbody></table>'; actual = wikifyStatic("|a|b|\n|c|d|").toLowerCase(); equals(actual,expected,'testing table formatting'); }); test('Wikifier: wikifyStatic() 2', function() { var expected = ""; var actual = wikifyStatic(null); equals(actual,expected,'it should return an empty string if source does not exist'); actual = wikifyStatic(""); equals(actual,expected,'it should return an empty string if source is an empty string'); source = "some text"; actual = wikifyStatic(source); ok(actual,'it should not require a tiddler to work'); /*'it should call subWikify() with the pre block as the only parameter': function() { var funcToMock = 'Wikifier.prototype.subWikify'; tests_mock.before(funcToMock,function() { tests_mock.frame[funcToMock].funcArgs = arguments; }); wikifyStatic(source); var tests_mock_return = tests_mock.after(funcToMock); var expected = "PRE"; equals(tests_mock_return.called,true); equals(tests_mock_return.funcArgs.length,1); equals(tests_mock_return.funcArgs[0].nodeName,expected); },*/ expected = "string"; actual = typeof wikifyStatic(source); equals(actual,expected,'it should return a text string'); place = document.createElement("div"); d = document.body.appendChild(place); d.style.display = "none"; expected = document.body.childNodes.length; var html = wikifyStatic(source); actual = document.body.childNodes.length; equals(actual,expected,'it should not leave any elements attached to the document body after returning'); removeNode(d); }); test('Wikifier: wikifyStatic() 3 htmlEntitiesEncoding', function() { wikifier_input_strings = { illegal01:"&a#x0301;", e160:" ", e161:"¡", e162:"¢", e163:"£", e255:"ÿ", e8800:"≠", e0x300:"̀", e0x0300:"̀" }; wikifier_output_strings = { illegal01:"&a#x0301;", e160:"<span> </span>", e161:"<span>¡</span>", e162:"<span>¢</span>", e163:"<span>£</span>", e255:"<span>ÿ</span>", e8800:"<span>≠</span>", e0x300:"<span>̀</span>", e0x0300:"<span>̀</span>" }; formatter = new Formatter(config.formatters); var actual = ""; var expected = ""; for (var i in wikifier_input_strings) { actual = wikifyStatic(wikifier_input_strings[i]).toLowerCase(); expected = wikifier_output_strings[i]; equals(actual,expected,'testing input strings for Formatter.htmlEntitiesEncoding'+wikifier_input_strings[i]); } }); });