/*\ title: $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/railroad/parser.js type: application/javascript module-type: library Parser for the source of a railroad diagram. x y z sequence <-x y z-> explicit sequence [:x] optional, normally included [x] optional, normally omitted {x} one or more {x +","} one or more, comma-separated [{:x}] zero or more, normally included [{:x +","}] zero or more, comma-separated, normally included [{x}] zero or more, normally omitted [{x +","}] zero or more, comma-separated, normally omitted (x|y|z) alternatives (x|:y|z) alternatives, normally y "x" terminal <"x"> nonterminal /"blah"/ comment - dummy [[x|"tiddler"]] link {{"tiddler"}} transclusion "x" can also be written 'x' or """x""" pragmas: \arrow yes|no \debug yes|no \start single|double|none \end single|double|none \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: false */ "use strict"; var components = require("$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/railroad/components.js").components; var Parser = function(widget,source,options) { this.widget = widget; this.source = source; this.options = options; this.tokens = this.tokenise(source); this.tokenPos = 0; this.advance(); this.content = this.parseContent(); this.root = new components.Root(this.content); this.checkFinished(); }; /////////////////////////// Parser dispatch Parser.prototype.parseContent = function() { var content = []; // Parse zero or more components while(true) { var component = this.parseComponent(); if(!component) { break; } if(!component.isPragma) { content.push(component); } } return content; }; Parser.prototype.parseComponent = function() { var component = null; if(this.token) { if(this.at("string")) { component = this.parseTerminal(); } else if(this.at("name")) { component = this.parseName(); } else if(this.at("pragma")) { component = this.parsePragma(); } else { switch(this.token.value) { case "[": component = this.parseOptional(); break; case "{": component = this.parseRepeated(); break; case "<": component = this.parseNonterminal(); break; case "(": component = this.parseChoice(); break; case "/": component = this.parseComment(); break; case "[[": component = this.parseLink(); break; case "{{": component = this.parseTransclusion(); break; case "<-": component = this.parseSequence(); break; case "-": component = this.parseDummy(); break; } } } return component; }; /////////////////////////// Specific components Parser.prototype.parseChoice = function() { // Consume the ( this.advance(); var content = [], colon = -1; do { // Allow at most one branch to be prefixed with a colon if(colon === -1 && this.eat(":")) { colon = content.length; } // Parse the next branch content.push(this.parseContent()); } while(this.eat("|")); // Consume the closing bracket this.close(")"); // Create a component return new components.Choice(content,colon === -1 ? 0 : colon); }; Parser.prototype.parseComment = function() { // Consume the / this.advance(); // The comment's content should be in a string literal var content = this.expectString("after /"); // Consume the closing / this.close("/"); // Create a component return new components.Comment(content); }; Parser.prototype.parseDummy = function() { // Consume the - this.advance(); // Create a component return new components.Dummy(); }; Parser.prototype.parseLink = function() { // Consume the [[ this.advance(); // Parse the content var content = this.parseContent(); // Consume the | this.expect("|"); // Consume the target var target = this.expectNameOrString("as link target"); // Prepare some attributes for the SVG "a" element to carry var options = {"data-tw-target": target}; if($tw.utils.isLinkExternal(target)) { options["data-tw-external"] = true; } // Consume the closing ]] this.close("]]"); // Create a component return new components.Link(content,options); }; Parser.prototype.parseName = function() { // Create a component var component = new components.Nonterminal(this.token.value); // Consume the name this.advance(); return component; }; Parser.prototype.parseNonterminal = function() { // Consume the < this.advance(); // The nonterminal's name should be in a string literal var content = this.expectString("after <"); // Consume the closing bracket this.close(">"); // Create a component return new components.Nonterminal(content); }; Parser.prototype.parseOptional = function() { var wantArrow = this.options.arrow; // Consume the [ this.advance(); // Consume the { if there is one var repeated = this.eat("{"); // Note whether omission is the normal route var normal = this.eat(":"); // Parse the content var content = this.parseContent(), separator = null; // Parse the separator if there is one if(repeated && this.eat("+")) { separator = this.parseContent(); } // Consume the closing brackets if(repeated) { this.close("}"); } this.close("]"); // Create a component return repeated ? new components.OptionalRepeated(content,separator,normal,wantArrow) : new components.Optional(content,normal); }; Parser.prototype.parseRepeated = function() { var wantArrow = this.options.arrow; // Consume the { this.advance(); // Parse the content var content = this.parseContent(), separator = null; // Parse the separator if there is one if(this.eat("+")) { separator = this.parseContent(); } // Consume the closing bracket this.close("}"); // Create a component return new components.Repeated(content,separator,wantArrow); }; Parser.prototype.parseSequence = function() { // Consume the <- this.advance(); // Parse the content var content = this.parseContent(); // Consume the closing -> this.close("->"); // Create a component return new components.Sequence(content); }; Parser.prototype.parseTerminal = function() { var component = new components.Terminal(this.token.value); // Consume the string literal this.advance(); return component; }; Parser.prototype.parseTransclusion = function() { // Consume the {{ this.advance(); // Consume the text reference var textRef = this.expectNameOrString("as transclusion source"); // Consume the closing }} this.close("}}"); // Retrieve the content of the text reference var source = this.widget.wiki.getTextReference(textRef,"",this.widget.getVariable("currentTiddler")); // Parse the content var content = new Parser(this.widget,source).content; // Create a component return new components.Transclusion(content); }; /////////////////////////// Pragmas Parser.prototype.parsePragma = function() { // Create a dummy component var component = { isPragma: true }; // Consume the pragma var pragma = this.token.value; this.advance(); // Apply the setting if(pragma === "arrow") { this.options.arrow = this.parseYesNo(pragma); } else if(pragma === "debug") { this.options.debug = true; } else if(pragma === "start") { this.options.start = this.parseTerminusStyle(pragma); } else if(pragma === "end") { this.options.end = this.parseTerminusStyle(pragma); } else { throw "Invalid pragma"; } return component; }; Parser.prototype.parseYesNo = function(pragma) { return this.parseSetting(["yes","no"],pragma) === "yes"; } Parser.prototype.parseTerminusStyle = function(pragma) { return this.parseSetting(["single","double","none"],pragma); } Parser.prototype.parseSetting = function(options,pragma) { if(this.at("name") && options.indexOf(this.token.value) !== -1) { return this.tokenValueEaten(); } throw options.join(" or ") + " expected after \\" + pragma; } /////////////////////////// Token manipulation Parser.prototype.advance = function() { if(this.tokenPos >= this.tokens.length) { this.token = null; } this.token = this.tokens[this.tokenPos++]; }; Parser.prototype.at = function(token) { return this.token && (this.token.type === token || this.token.type === "token" && this.token.value === token); }; Parser.prototype.eat = function(token) { var at = this.at(token); if(at) { this.advance(); } return at; }; Parser.prototype.tokenValueEaten = function() { var output = this.token.value; this.advance(); return output; }; Parser.prototype.close = function(token) { if(!this.eat(token)) { throw "Closing " + token + " expected"; } }; Parser.prototype.checkFinished = function() { if(this.token) { throw "Syntax error at " + this.token.value; } }; Parser.prototype.expect = function(token) { if(!this.eat(token)) { throw token + " expected"; } }; Parser.prototype.expectString = function(context,token) { if(!this.at("string")) { token = token || "String"; throw token + " expected " + context; } return this.tokenValueEaten(); }; Parser.prototype.expectNameOrString = function(context) { if(this.at("name")) { return this.tokenValueEaten(); } return this.expectString(context,"Name or string"); }; /////////////////////////// Tokenisation Parser.prototype.tokenise = function(source) { var tokens = [], pos = 0, c, s, token; while(pos < source.length) { // Initialise this iteration s = token = null; // Skip whitespace pos = $tw.utils.skipWhiteSpace(source,pos); // Avoid falling off the end of the string if(pos >= source.length) { break; } // Examine the next character c = source.charAt(pos); if("\"'".indexOf(c) !== -1) { // String literal token = $tw.utils.parseStringLiteral(source,pos); if(!token) { throw "Unterminated string literal"; } } else if("[]{}".indexOf(c) !== -1) { // Single or double character s = source.charAt(pos+1) === c ? c + c : c; } else if(c === "<") { // < or <- s = source.charAt(pos+1) === "-" ? "<-" : "<"; } else if(c === "-") { // - or -> s = source.charAt(pos+1) === ">" ? "->" : "-"; } else if("()>+/:|".indexOf(c) !== -1) { // Single character s = c; } else if(c.match(/[a-zA-Z]/)) { // Name token = this.readName(source,pos); } else if(c.match(/\\/)) { // Pragma token = this.readPragma(source,pos); } else { throw "Syntax error at " + c; } // Add our findings to the return array if(token) { tokens.push(token); } else { token = $tw.utils.parseTokenString(source,pos,s); tokens.push(token); } // Prepare for the next character pos = token.end; } return tokens; }; Parser.prototype.readName = function(source,pos) { var re = /([a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+)/g; re.lastIndex = pos; var match = re.exec(source); if(match && match.index === pos) { return {type: "name", value: match[1], start: pos, end: pos+match[1].length}; } else { throw "Invalid name"; } }; Parser.prototype.readPragma = function(source,pos) { var re = /([a-z]+)/g; pos++; re.lastIndex = pos; var match = re.exec(source); if(match && match.index === pos) { return {type: "pragma", value: match[1], start: pos, end: pos+match[1].length}; } else { throw "Invalid pragma"; } }; /////////////////////////// Exports exports.parser = Parser; })();