title: FieldsWidget created: 201310241419 creator: JeremyRuston modified: 201310300837 modifier: JeremyRuston tags: widget ! Introduction The fields widget renders each field of a specified tiddler through a simple text template. A list of fields to exclude can be provided. It is used internally by TiddlyWiki5, notably by the FileSavingMechanism. !! Template Handling The provided template is rendered with the following special substitutions: |!Symbol |!Substitution | |$name$ |Field name | |$value$ |Field value | |$encoded_value$ |HTML encoded form of field value | ! Content and Attributes The content of the `<$fields>` widget is ignored. |!Attribute |!Description | |tiddler |Title of the tiddler from which the fields are to be displayed (defaults to the [[WidgetVariable: currentTiddler]]) | |template |Text of the template (see above) | |exclude |Lists of fields to be excluded (defaults to "text") | |stripTitlePrefix |If set to "yes" then curly bracketed prefixes are removed from titles (for example `{prefix}HelloThere` converts to `HelloThere`) | The `stripTitlePrefix` attribute is used when building TiddlyWiki Classic; see `editions/tw2` in the TiddlyWiki5 repo.