title: $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/innerwiki/docs ! `<$innerwiki>` widget The `<$innerwiki>` widget encapsulates an embedded wiki. It starts as a blank copy of the current wiki and can have additional payload tiddlers added via embedded `<$data>` widgets (see below). It supports the following attributes: |!Attribute |!Description | |template |Specifies the template to be used to generate the base wiki (defaults to $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/innerwiki/template) | |width |Width in pixels of the virtual screen for rendering the embedded wiki | |height |Height in pixels of the virtual screen for rendering the embedded wiki | |style |CSS style definitions to be added to the DIV wrapper around the IFRAME containing the embedded wiki | |class |CSS classes to be added to the DIV wrapper around the IFRAME containing the embedded wiki | |filename |Base filename for saving a screenshot of the embedded wiki under Node.js (excludes file extension) | |clipLeft |Position in pixels of the left edge of the clip rectangle (optional) | |clipTop |Position in pixels of the top edge of the clip rectangle (optional) | |clipWidth |Width in pixels of the clip rectangle (optional) | |clipHeight |Height in pixels of the clip rectangle (optional) | ! `<$data>` widget The `<$data>` widget is used within the `<$innerwiki>` widget to specify payload tiddlers to be added to the innerwiki. It supports the following attributes: |!Attribute |!Description | |$tiddler |The title of a tiddler to be used as a payload tiddler (optional) | |$filter |A filter string identifying tiddlers to be used as payload tiddlers (optional) | |//any attribute
not starting
with $// |Field values to be assigned to the payload tiddler(s) | It can be used in three different ways: * Without the `$tiddler` or `$filter` attributes, the remaining attributes provide the fields for a single payload tiddler * With the `$tiddler` attribute present, the payload tiddler takes its fields from that tiddler with the remaining attributes overriding those fields * With the `$filter` attribute present, the payload is a copy of all of the tiddlers identified by the filter, with the remaining attributes overriding those fields of each one This example injects a copy of the "HelloThere" tiddler with the addition of the field "custom" set to "Alpha": ``` <$data $tiddler="HelloThere" custom="Alpha"/> ``` This example injects all image tiddlers with the addition of the field "custom" set to "Beta": ``` <$data $filter="[is[image]]" custom="Beta"/> ``` ! `<$anchor>` widget The `<$anchor>` widget is used within the `<$innerwiki>` widget to specify draggable anchors to be overlaid on the innerwiki. It supports the following attributes: |!Attribute |!Description | |x |The title of the tiddler containing the X coordinate of the anchor | |y |The title of the tiddler containing the Y coordinate of the anchor | This example declares an anchor whose coordinates are contained in the tiddlers [[my-anchor-x]] and [[my-anchor-y]]: ``` <$anchor x="my-anchor-x" y="my-anchor-y"/> ``` ! `screenshot` command Saves PNG screenshots of the `<$innerwiki>` widgets rendered by a set of tiddlers identified by a filter. ``` --screenshot ``` * ''filter'': a filter identifying the tiddlers to be rendered, from which the individual `<$innerwiki>` widgets are screenshotted * ''deviceScaleFactor'': a scale factor for the screenshot (optional; defaults to 1) A deviceScaleFactor of 4 or 5 gives high quality screenshots suitable for print use.