tags: docs howto title: How to use TiddlyWiki5 as a standalone HTML file with TiddlyFox modified: 201308081154 TiddlyFox is an extension for Mozilla Firefox that allows TiddlyWiki5 to save changes directly to the file system. It can be downloaded from: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tiddlyfox/ # Right-click on this link to an empty TiddlyWiki5 file and select "Save Link" to save it to your hard drive: #* http://five.tiddlywiki.com/empty # Open the file in Firefox. If this is the first time you've used a file with this name and location you will see a confirmation dialogue from TiddlyFox # Make some changes to it. For example: #* Create new tiddlers by clicking the plus button in the sidebar #* Edit existing tiddlers by clicking the edit button at their upper right # Save your changes by clicking the `Save` button in the sidebar in the 'tools' tab #* You should see a confirmation message appear at the upper right of the browser window With TiddlyFox, your changes are directly applied to the original file that you opened in your browser.