title: Editing modifier: jermolene created: 20110211110631 modified: 20111103182424 tags: gettingstarted creator: psd ~TiddlyWiki is made up of chunks of information called tiddlers. You're reading a tiddler called 'Editing' right now. When you open an empty ~TiddlyWiki file for the first time, you'll be presented with a tiddler called "~GettingStarted". This contains links to tiddlers to help you define the main attributes of your ~TiddlyWiki; the Title, SubTitle and MainMenu navigation (see [[Configuration]]). You will notice that each tiddler has a command menu in it's top right corner (''close'', ''edit'', and so on). You can use this to switch the tiddler into edit mode, or if you prefer you can simply double click the tiddler when it is in view mode. When you are finished, click on ''done'', or ''cancel'' to discard your changes. You can sign your edits with your username, which is currently set to <