created: 20181215154811835 modified: 20190122000000000 tags: [[Hidden Settings]] title: Hidden Setting: Filename for Save Wiki Button type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki <<.from-version "5.1.19">> When saving a ~TiddlyWiki using the <<.button save-wiki>> button, the default file name used for saving is constructed using the Title of the ~TiddlyWiki as entered in the [[Control Panel|$:/ControlPanel]], which is stored in the tiddler [[$:/SiteTitle]]. The value used is in the form `{{$:/SiteTitle}}.html`. This causes the filename to be constructed from the site Title with a `.html` extension. If a tiddler named [[$:/config/SaveWikiButton/Filename]] is created, the text in that tiddler will be used as the default file name used for saving the ~TiddlyWiki.