caption: block parser mode created: 20220110234234616 modified: 20240512001555383 tags: [[WikiText Parser Modes]] title: Block Mode WikiText type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki Some WikiText is recognised only while the parser is in block mode. Common characteristics of such block mode WikiText: * At least one entire line is required to delimit the WikiText. * The closing punctuation must come at the end of the line (in some cases the end of the line //is// the closing punctuation. |!~WikiText|!Punctuation| |[[Block Quotes in WikiText]] |Multi-line block quotes are enclosed by lines containing only the text `<<<`; single line block quotes are also possible.| |[[Code Blocks in WikiText]]|Enclosed by lines containing only the text ```| |[[Definitions in WikiText]]|Each term is on its own line and each definition is on its own line.| |[[Hard Linebreaks in WikiText]]|Enclosed by lines containing only the text `"""`.| |[[Headings in WikiText]]|Entire line starting with `!`.| |[[Horizontal Rules in WikiText]]|A line containing only the text `---`.| |[[Lists in WikiText]]|Each list item is on its own line.| |[[Paragraphs in WikiText]]|Any text other than the start punctuation of one of the other block mode WikiText will start a paragraph. Even the start punctuation of inline mode WikiText will start a paragraph. The parser includes all following lines into the paragraph until it encounters a blank line.| |[[Styles and Classes in WikiText]]|Enclosed by lines starting with `@@`.| |[[Tables in WikiText]]|Each table row is a line starting and ending with `|`.| |[[Typed Blocks in WikiText]]|Enclosed by lines starting with `$$`.| The above WikiText types are only recognised in ''block mode''. However, the text <<.em enclosed>> by most of them will be parsed in ''inline mode'' ([[Block Quotes in WikiText]] and [[Styles and Classes in WikiText]] are the two exceptions in which the parser will continue in ''block mode''). While in ''inline mode'' the parser may encounter something which moves it to ''block mode'' (see [[WikiText parser mode transitions]]). At the end of the terminating line, the parser will return to ''block mode''. <<.tip 'Note: [[Hard Linebreaks in WikiText]] require an extra blank line after the trailing `"""` before the parser will return to block mode.'>> If the punctuation for the above types of WikiText is encountered while the parser is in ''inline mode'', it will be //ignored// and output as-is. [[Examples|Block Mode WikiText (Examples)]]