title: TestingNewWikiText type: text/x-tiddlywiki ! This is a heading HelloThere One two three four. With a link to HelloThere. And a link to TiddlyWiki and TiddlyWiki5. And a suppressed link to ~HelloThere. And now a [[pretty link|HelloThere]] and another pretty link: [[Introduction]]. Here's an http link: http://www.google.com/, and a suppressed link: ~http://www.apple.com/. This is a series -- of dashes --- that are of different ---- sizes! Here's a paragraph with an embedded macro <> and that was it. {{{ This will be mono }}} And this will be {{{inline and monospaced}}} and `so will this` little bit. Here is some ''bold face'', and __some underlining__ and of course some --strikethrough--. Here's an unterminated ''bit of bold face. And also some entities like Ç Ç "HTML Entity". Here is a macro <>. This is a macro with content <> ! This is a new heading This is a paragraph immediately after that heading ---- * This is a list ***** With a deep subitem * Of lots of items ********* And another deep item ** And subitems *# And nested numbered lists inside ordinary lists *# Yes *## Definitely *##* And then *##** back *##*** to items *## And back to numbers once more *# More numbering * And back to items ---- ; definitionile : definitionate ; definitionilisation : definitionatisative ---- This is a list with a class wrapped around it: {{myclass andanotherone{ * One and one ** Two and three * Four and five ** Six and Seven }}} And here's another one: {{class1 class2{ * Un et deux **{{class}} Two and three * Four and five ** Trois et cinq }}} And here's a class wrapped around a heading: {{class1{ ! My heading }}} And here's a class assigned directly to a heading: !!!!{{class1}} My very beautiful heading --- Here are some HTML paragraph blocks:
This is my nice and simple block of text. HelloThere
And another:
This time the text is all squashed up, without line breaks
--- Macro calls can be inline like this: <> Or, at paragraph block level: <>