/* Tiddlers are an immutable dictionary of name:value pairs called fields. Values can be a string, an array of strings, or a date. The only field that is required is the `title` field, but useful tiddlers also have a `text` field, and some of the standard fields `modified`, `modifier`, `created`, `creator`, `tags` and `type`. Hardcoded in the system is the knowledge that the 'tags' field is a string array, and that the 'modified' and 'created' fields are dates. All other fields are strings. Tiddler text is parsed into a tree representation. The parsing performed depends on the type of the tiddler: wiki text tiddlers are parsed by the wikifier, JSON tiddlers are parsed by JSON.parse(), and so on. The parse tree representation of the tiddler is then used for general computations involving the tiddler. For example, outbound links can be quickly extracted from a parsed tiddler. Parsing doesn't depend on external context such as the content of other tiddlers, and so the resulting parse tree can be safely cached. Rendering a tiddler is the process of producing a representation of the parse tree in the required format (typically HTML) - this is done within the context of a TiddlyWiki store object, not at the level of individual tiddlers. The Tiddler object exposes the following API new Tiddler(src) - create a Tiddler given a hashmap of field values or a tiddler to clone new Tiddler(src1,src2) - create a Tiddler with the union of the fields from the sources, with the rightmost taking priority Tiddler.fields - hashmap of tiddler fields, OK for read-only access tiddler.getParseTree() - returns the parse tree for the tiddler The hashmap(s) can specify the "modified" and "created" fields as strings in YYYYMMDDHHMMSSMMM format or as JavaScript date objects. The "tags" field can be given as a JavaScript array of strings or as a TiddlyWiki quoted string (eg, "one [[two three]]"). */ /*global require: false, exports: false */ "use strict"; var utils = require("./Utils.js"), ArgParser = require("./ArgParser.js").ArgParser, WikiTextParser = require("./WikiTextParser.js").WikiTextParser; var Tiddler = function(/* tiddler,fields */) { this.fields = {}; for(var c=0; c