/*\ title: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/prettyextlink.js type: application/javascript module-type: wikirule Wiki text inline rule for external links. For example: ``` [ext[http://tiddlywiki.com/fractalveg.jpg]] [ext[Tooltip|http://tiddlywiki.com/fractalveg.jpg]] ``` \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: false */ "use strict"; exports.name = "prettyextlink"; exports.types = {inline: true}; exports.init = function(parser) { this.parser = parser; }; exports.findNextMatch = function(startPos) { // Find the next tag this.nextLink = this.findNextLink(this.parser.source,startPos); return this.nextLink ? this.nextLink.start : undefined; }; exports.parse = function() { // Move past the match this.parser.pos = this.nextLink.end; return [this.nextLink]; }; /* Find the next link from the current position */ exports.findNextLink = function(source,pos) { // A regexp for finding candidate links var reLookahead = /(\[ext\[)/g; // Find the next candidate reLookahead.lastIndex = pos; var match = reLookahead.exec(source); while(match) { // Try to parse the candidate as a link var link = this.parseLink(source,match.index); // Return success if(link) { return link; } // Look for the next match reLookahead.lastIndex = match.index + 1; match = reLookahead.exec(source); } // Failed return null; }; /* Look for an link at the specified position. Returns null if not found, otherwise returns {type: "element", tag: "a", attributes: [], isSelfClosing:, start:, end:,} */ exports.parseLink = function(source,pos) { var token, textNode = { type: "text" }, node = { type: "element", tag: "a", start: pos, attributes: { "class": {type: "string", value: "tc-tiddlylink-external"}, }, children: [textNode] }; // Skip whitespace pos = $tw.utils.skipWhiteSpace(source,pos); // Look for the `[ext[` token = $tw.utils.parseTokenString(source,pos,"[ext["); if(!token) { return null; } pos = token.end; // Look ahead for the terminating `]]` var closePos = source.indexOf("]]",pos); if(closePos === -1) { return null; } // Look for a `|` separating the tooltip var splitPos = source.indexOf("|",pos); if(splitPos === -1 || splitPos > closePos) { splitPos = null; } // Pull out the tooltip and URL var tooltip, URL; if(splitPos) { URL = source.substring(splitPos + 1,closePos).trim(); textNode.text = source.substring(pos,splitPos).trim(); } else { URL = source.substring(pos,closePos).trim(); textNode.text = URL; } node.attributes.href = {type: "string", value: URL}; node.attributes.target = {type: "string", value: "_blank"}; node.attributes.rel = {type: "string", value: "noopener noreferrer"}; // Update the end position node.end = closePos + 2; return node; }; })();