title: $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/markdown/readme This plugin provides Markdown support via the [[markdown-it|https://github.com/markdown-it/markdown-it]] parser and its associated plugins: * markdown-it-deflist * markdown-it-footnote * markdown-it-ins * markdown-it-mark * markdown-it-sub * markdown-it-sup !! Compatibility Notes *

A tab character in Markdown has a size of four spaces. Configure the tab size of your code editor accordingly. For example, if you use <$text text="CodeMirror"/>, it is recommended that you set $:/config/codemirror/indentUnit and $:/config/codemirror/tabSize to `4` to avoid inconsistent indentations.


HTML blocks are ultimately parsed by the <$text text=WikiText/> parser: //an opening tag followed by a blank line will activate block-level parsing for its content//. When working with tags designed to contain literal content, such as `

` and `