created: 20140112190154121 modified: 20140912142655205 tags: SystemTiddlers title: Naming of System Tiddlers type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki The system tiddlers provided as part of the core are named according to the following rules: |!Namespace |!Format |!Description | |`$:/*` |~CamelCase |Root user interface tiddlers (eg control panel, advanced search) | |`$:/config/*` |~CamelCase |User-oriented configuration setting | |`$:/core/images/*` |hyphen-case |Core images | |`$:/core/modules/*` |lowercase |JavaScript module tiddlers | |`$:/core/save/*` |lowercase |Saving templates for creating TiddlyWiki documents | |`$:/core/templates/*` |//inconsistent// |Templates needed for TiddlyWiki to operate. Currently uses a mix of dashes and periods to separate words | |`$:/core/ui/*` |//inconsistent// |Tiddlers comprising the default user interface of TiddlyWiki. Currently uses a mix of ~CamelCase and lowercase naming conventions | |`$:/core/wiki/*` |lowercase |Metadata about the entire wiki | |`$:/docs/*` |lowercase |Documentation tiddlers | |`$:/messages/*` |~CamelCase |System messages | |`$:/plugins/*` |lowercase |Plugin tiddlers, and plugin content | |`$:/snippets/*` |//inconsistent// |Reusable snippets (will be replaced by macros) | |`$:/state/*` |lowercase |User interface state tiddlers | |`$:/tags/*` |~CamelCase |User interface configuration tags | |`$:/temp/*` |lowercase |Temporary tiddlers that shouldn't be saved | |`$:/themes/*` |lowercase |Theme plugins | In the format column: * ''hyphen-case'' refers to joining multiple lowercase words with hyphens * ''~CamelCase'' refers to directly joining multiple lowercase words with initial uppercase letters * ''lowercase'' refers to directly joining multiple lowercase words * ''inconsistent'' marks namespaces that are currently titled inconsistently