created: 20150220200255000 modified: 20150221222349000 tags: [[Macro Syntax]] title: Macro Definition Syntax type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki <<.preamble """What follows is a formal presentation of the syntax of the `\define` pragma, using [[railroad diagrams|Railroad Diagrams]]. A [[simpler overview|Macro Definitions in WikiText]] is also available.""">> <$railroad text=""" "\define" space name params [:space] rest """/> <<.place space>> denotes a sequence of [[whitespace characters|Filter Whitespace]]. The [[macro|Macros]]'s <<.place name>> is a sequence of non-whitespace characters other than `(` or `>`. The parameter declaration list (<<.place params>>) has the following syntax: <$railroad text=""" "(" [:sep] [:{ param sep }] ")" """/> The parameter separator (<<.place sep>>) is any sequence of characters that does not match a <<.place param-name>>. Among other things, this includes commas, spaces and linefeeds. A <<.place param-name>> is a sequence of letters (`A`--`Z`, `a`--`z`), digits (`0`--`9`), hyphens (`-`) and underscores (`_`). Each individual <<.place param>> has the following syntax: <$railroad text=""" param-name [: [:space] ":" [:space] default ] ")" """/> The optional <<.place default>> value of a parameter is specified as follows: <$railroad text={{$:/editions/}}/> The <<.place rest>> of the definition has the following syntax: <$railroad text=""" ( snippet | lf snippet lf "\end" [:space] ) lf """/> <<.place lf>> denotes a linefeed. The <<.place snippet>> is any sequence of characters that doesn't terminate the macro definition. That is to say, a single-line snippet cannot contain a linefeed, and a multi-line snippet cannot contain `\end` on a line of its own. The snippet can contain placeholders with the following syntax: <$railroad text=""" ( "$" name "$" | "$" "(" name ")" "$" ) """/>