created: 20131024141900000 modified: 20140125140636123 tags: Widgets title: FieldManglerWidget type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki caption: fieldmangler ! Introduction The field mangler widget manipulates the fields and tags of a tiddler. It does so in response to the following WidgetMessages: |!Message |!Description | |''tm-remove-field'' |Remove the field specified in `event.param` | |''tm-add-field'' |Add the field specified in `event.param` | |''tm-remove-tag'' |Remove the tag specified in `event.param` | |''tm-add-tag'' |Add the tag specified in `event.param` | ! Content and Attributes The field mangler widget displays any contained content, and responds to WidgetMessages dispatched within it. |!Attribute |!Description | |tiddler |Title of the tiddler to manipulate (defaults to the [[WidgetVariable: currentTiddler]]) |