/*\ title: $:/core/modules/utils/dom/popup.js type: application/javascript module-type: utils Module that creates a $tw.utils.Popup object prototype that manages popups in the browser \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: false */ "use strict"; /* Creates a Popup object with these options: wiki: the wiki to use for resolving tiddler titles rootElement: the DOM element to which the popup zapper should be attached */ var Popup = function(options) { options = options || {}; this.wiki = options.wiki; this.rootElement = options.rootElement || document.body; this.popupTextRef = null; }; Popup.prototype.popup = function(stateTextRef) { this.cancel(); this.popupTextRef = stateTextRef; this.rootElement.addEventListener("click",this,true); }; Popup.prototype.handleEvent = function(event) { if(event.type === "click") { this.rootElement.removeEventListener("click",this,true); this.cancel(); } }; Popup.prototype.cancel = function() { if(this.popupTextRef) { this.wiki.deleteTextReference(this.popupTextRef); this.popupTextRef = null; } }; /* Trigger a popup open or closed. Parameters are in a hashmap: textRef: text reference where the popup details are stored domNode: dom node to which the popup will be positioned qualifyTiddlerTitles: "yes" if state tiddler titles are to be qualified contextTiddlerTitle: title of tiddler providing context for text references contextParents: parent stack wiki: wiki */ Popup.prototype.triggerPopup = function(options) { // Get the textref of the popup state tiddler var textRef = options.textRef; if(options.qualifyTiddlerTitles === "yes") { textRef = "(" + options.contextParents.join(",") + "," + options.contextTiddlerTitle + ")" + textRef; } // Get the current popup state tiddler var value = options.wiki.getTextReference(textRef,"",options.contextTiddlerTitle); // Check if the popup is open by checking whether it matches "(,)" var popupLocationRegExp = /^\((-?[0-9\.E]+),(-?[0-9\.E]+),(-?[0-9\.E]+),(-?[0-9\.E]+)\)$/; if(popupLocationRegExp.test(value)) { this.cancel(); } else { // Set the position if we're opening it options.wiki.setTextReference(textRef, "(" + options.domNode.offsetLeft + "," + options.domNode.offsetTop + "," + options.domNode.offsetWidth + "," + options.domNode.offsetHeight + ")", options.contextTiddlerTitle,true); this.popup(textRef); } }; exports.Popup = Popup; })();