caption: 5.2.6 created: 20230304213950684 modified: 20230304213950684 tags: ReleaseNotes title: Release 5.2.6 type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki //[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|]]// ! Major Improvements * <<.link-badge-added "">> three new operators exposing previously hidden features of the [[Diff-Match-Patch|]] library that is integrated with TiddlyWiki: ** new [[levenshtein Operator]] to calculate the similarity of two strings as the number of characters that need to be inserted, deleted or modified in order to turn one into the other ** new [[makepatches Operator]] and [[applypatches Operator]] that can be used to make and apply patches that represent the difference between two different texts. See the [[examples|makepatches and applypatches Operator (Examples)]] ! Translation Improvements Improvements to the following translations: * Chinese * Italian * Polish ! Plugin Improvements * <<.link-badge-added "">> integration between the [[BrowserStorage Plugin]] and the client-server configuration to allow changes to be made while offline and then later resynchronised with the server * <<.link-badge-updated "">> the [[Markdown Plugin]] to use the newer and better maintained [[markdown-it|]] library. The previous Markdown plugin remains available as "markdown-legacy" * <<.link-badge-fixed "">> [[Innerwiki Plugin]] to allow the `<$data>` widget to override existing tiddler fields * <<.link-badge-fixed "">>, <<.link-badge-here "">> and <<.link-badge-here "">> problem preventing [[Share Plugin]] from working properly * <<.link-badge-updated "">> [[XLSX Plugin|XLSX Utilities Edition]] to handle importing numeric fields * <<.link-badge-fixed "">> Dynannotate plugin crash when using the fake DOM used for static rendering * <<.link-badge-fixed "">> bug where pasting text into the CodeMirror editor also opened an `$:/Import` tiddler ! Accessibility Improvements * <<.link-badge-improved "">> appearance of save wiki button so that it is accessible to users without colour vision ! Usability Improvements * <<.link-badge-improved "">> consistency of tiddler deletion by allowing missing tiddlers to be 'deleted', which just results in them being closed * <<.link-badge-improved "">> layout switcher to include an optional icon for each layout * <<.link-badge-removed "">> [[improvements to table layout|]] from v5.2.5 that have proved to not be backwards compatible * <<.link-badge-added "">> support for `$` HTML entity ! Widget Improvements * <<.link-badge-extended "">> EditTextWidget to support `focusSelectFromStart` and `focusSelectFromEnd` attributes to give better control over text selection ! Filter improvements * <<.link-badge-extended "">> [[encodeuricomponent Operator]] to encode characters such as `*` that are illegal in Windows filenames * <<.link-badge-added "">> [[encodebase64 Operator]] and [[decodebase64 Operator]] ! Hackability Improvements * <<.link-badge-extended "">> the [[pragma|Pragma]] syntax to allow them to be indented with whitespace * <<.link-badge-improved "">> readability of [[tag-picker Macro]] and [[keyboard-driven-input Macro]] * <<.link-badge-improved "">> reliability of [[list-links-draggable Macro]] and [[list-tagged-draggable Macro]] by using the new GenesisWidget instead of textual substitution * <<.link-badge-improved "">> [[external JavaScript core support|Using the external JavaScript template]] to make it possible to save an external JS wiki as a standard single file wiki * <<.link-badge-added "">> a warning message in the browser console when the Zoomin storyview fails due to the tiddler view template lacking a single containing element ! Bug Fixes * <<.link-badge-fixed "">> bug with the DropzoneWidget that prevented all the available formats being pasted * <<.link-badge-updated "">> PDF rendering to use an `