caption: all created: 20140410103123179 modified: 20230321131457669 op-input: ignored, unless the parameter is empty op-output: the titles that belong to all the specified categories op-parameter: zero or more categories op-purpose: find all titles of a fundamental category tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Common Operators]] [[Selection Constructors]] [[Selection Constructors: Conditional]] title: all Operator type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki The parameter specifies zero or more fundamental categories using the following [[filter step|Filter Step]] syntax: <$railroad text=""" \start none \end none <-"all"-> ( "[" | "<" | "{" ) [{: ("current" | "missing" |: "orphans" | "shadows" | "tags" | "tiddlers" ) +"+" }] ( "]" | ">" | "}" ) """/> |!Category |!Members |!Sorted | |^`current` |just the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] |^-- | |^`missing` |all non-existent tiddlers to which there is at least one [[hard link|Hard and Soft Links]] |^no | |^`orphans` |all tiddlers to which there are <<.em no>> hard links |^by title | |^`shadows` |all the [[shadow tiddlers|ShadowTiddlers]] that exist, including any that have been overridden with non-shadow tiddlers |^no | |^`tags` |all the tags in use on non-shadow tiddlers |no | |^`tiddlers` |all the non-shadow tiddlers that exist |no | If the parameter specifies more than one category, they are processed from left to right. The overall output is initially empty, and each category's output is [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to it in turn. Unrecognised categories contribute nothing to the output. As a special case, if the parameter is empty, the output is simply a copy of the input. This can be useful when the parameter is a [[soft parameter|Filter Parameter]]. The <<.olink is>> operator is similar, but its scope is restricted to its input. <<.operator-examples "all">>