created: 20140410103123179 modified: 20140410103123179 tags: Filters CommonFilters title: FilterOperator: all caption: all type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki The ''all'' filter operator is used to select combinations of lists of tiddlers for subsequent operations. The operand of the ''all'' operator is a list of names of tiddler sources joined with `+`. For example: |!Filter String |!Description | |`[all[tiddlers]]` |Selects all 'real' tiddlers (both system and non-system), excluding shadow tiddlers | |`[all[shadows]]` |Selects all ShadowTiddlers, including those that have been overridden with real tiddlers | |`[all[shadows+tiddlers]]` |Selects all ShadowTiddlers and all 'real' tiddlers together | |`[all[current]]` |Selects the current tiddler | |`[all[missing]]` |Selects all MissingTiddlers | |`[all[orphans]]` |Selects all OrphanTiddlers | |`[all[]]` |Selects all the source tiddlers available to the filter |