caption: linkcatcher created: 20131024141900000 modified: 20170707111536556 tags: Widgets title: LinkCatcherWidget type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki ! Introduction The link catcher widget traps [[WidgetMessage: tm-navigate]] dispatched within its child content by performing any or all of these actions: * sending a different widget message * setting a tiddler to the title of the navigated tiddler * setting a tiddler to a specified value * performing a series of ActionWidgets ! Content and Attributes The content of the `<$linkcatcher>` widget is displayed normally. |!Attribute |!Description | |to |Optional title of the tiddler to be set to the title of the navigated tiddler | |message |Optional identifier for a [[widget message|Messages]] to be sent when a navigation is caught | |set |Optional title of the tiddler to be set to a specified value when navigation occurs | |setTo |Value to be assigned by the `set` attribute | |actions |Actions to be performed when a link is caught. Within the action string, the variable "navigateTo" contains the title of the tiddler being navigated |