created: 20140910102845245 modified: 20220311184412211 tags: [[Community Plugins]] title: TiddlyClip by buggyjay type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki url: ~BuggyJay's ~TiddlyClip browser extension for Firefox permits clipping of text and graphics from web pages: {{!!url}} <<< ~TiddlyClip allows parts of webpages to be clipped into a ~TiddlyWiki, and consists of two parts, the browser addon and the ~TiddlyWiki plugin. The addon is completely memoryless, any configuration is determined by the current ~TiddlyWiki that the user has select to work with (we say that the addon is docked to the ~TiddlyWiki). ~TiddlyClip is designed to work (in a basic mode) without configuration. Once the addon and plugin are installed, all the user has to do is select which TW to dock to. <<<