//-- //-- Saving //-- var saveUsingSafari = false; var startSaveArea = '<div id="' + 'storeArea">'; // Split up into two so that indexOf() of this source doesn't find it var startSaveAreaRE = /<((div)|(DIV)) ((id)|(ID))=["']?storeArea['"]?>/; // Used for IE6 var endSaveArea = '</d' + 'iv>'; var endSaveAreaCaps = '</D' + 'IV>'; // If there are unsaved changes, force the user to confirm before exitting function confirmExit() { hadConfirmExit = true; if((store && store.isDirty && store.isDirty()) || (story && story.areAnyDirty && story.areAnyDirty())) return config.messages.confirmExit; } // Give the user a chance to save changes before exitting function checkUnsavedChanges() { if(store && store.isDirty && store.isDirty() && window.hadConfirmExit === false) { if(confirm(config.messages.unsavedChangesWarning)) saveChanges(); } } function updateLanguageAttribute(s) { if(config.locale) { var mRE = /(<html(?:.*?)?)(?: xml:lang\="([a-z]+)")?(?: lang\="([a-z]+)")?>/; var m = mRE.exec(s); if(m) { var t = m[1]; if(m[2]) t += ' xml:lang="' + config.locale + '"'; if(m[3]) t += ' lang="' + config.locale + '"'; t += ">"; s = s.substr(0,m.index) + t + s.substr(m.index+m[0].length); } } return s; } function updateMarkupBlock(s,blockName,tiddlerName) { return s.replaceChunk( "<!--%0-START-->".format([blockName]), "<!--%0-END-->".format([blockName]), "\n" + convertUnicodeToFileFormat(store.getRecursiveTiddlerText(tiddlerName,"")) + "\n"); } function updateOriginal(original,posDiv,localPath) { if(!posDiv) posDiv = locateStoreArea(original); if(!posDiv) { alert(config.messages.invalidFileError.format([localPath])); return null; } var revised = original.substr(0,posDiv[0] + startSaveArea.length) + "\n" + convertUnicodeToFileFormat(store.allTiddlersAsHtml()) + "\n" + original.substr(posDiv[1]); var newSiteTitle = convertUnicodeToFileFormat(getPageTitle()).htmlEncode(); revised = revised.replaceChunk("<title"+">","</title"+">"," " + newSiteTitle + " "); revised = updateLanguageAttribute(revised); revised = updateMarkupBlock(revised,"PRE-HEAD","MarkupPreHead"); revised = updateMarkupBlock(revised,"POST-HEAD","MarkupPostHead"); revised = updateMarkupBlock(revised,"PRE-BODY","MarkupPreBody"); revised = updateMarkupBlock(revised,"POST-SCRIPT","MarkupPostBody"); return revised; } function locateStoreArea(original) { // Locate the storeArea divs if(!original) return null; var posOpeningDiv = original.search(startSaveAreaRE); var limitClosingDiv = original.indexOf("<"+"!--POST-STOREAREA--"+">"); if(limitClosingDiv == -1) limitClosingDiv = original.indexOf("<"+"!--POST-BODY-START--"+">"); var start = limitClosingDiv == -1 ? original.length : limitClosingDiv; var posClosingDiv = original.lastIndexOf(endSaveArea,start); if(posClosingDiv == -1) posClosingDiv = original.lastIndexOf(endSaveAreaCaps,start); return (posOpeningDiv != -1 && posClosingDiv != -1) ? [posOpeningDiv,posClosingDiv] : null; } function autoSaveChanges(onlyIfDirty,tiddlers) { if(config.options.chkAutoSave) saveChanges(onlyIfDirty,tiddlers); } function loadOriginal(localPath) { return loadFile(localPath); } // Save this tiddlywiki with the pending changes function saveChanges(onlyIfDirty,tiddlers) { if(onlyIfDirty && !store.isDirty()) return; clearMessage(); var t0 = new Date(); var msg = config.messages; //# Get the URL of the document var originalPath = document.location.toString(); //# Check we were loaded from a file URL if(originalPath.substr(0,5) != "file:") { alert(msg.notFileUrlError); if(store.tiddlerExists(msg.saveInstructions)) story.displayTiddler(null,msg.saveInstructions); return; } var localPath = getLocalPath(originalPath); //# Load the original file var original = loadOriginal(localPath); if(original == null) { alert(msg.cantSaveError); if(store.tiddlerExists(msg.saveInstructions)) story.displayTiddler(null,msg.saveInstructions); return; } //# Locate the storeArea div's var posDiv = locateStoreArea(original); if(!posDiv) { alert(msg.invalidFileError.format([localPath])); return; } saveMain(localPath,original,posDiv); if(config.options.chkSaveBackups) saveBackup(localPath,original); if(config.options.chkSaveEmptyTemplate) saveEmpty(localPath,original,posDiv); if(config.options.chkGenerateAnRssFeed && saveRss instanceof Function) saveRss(localPath); if(config.options.chkDisplayInstrumentation) displayMessage("saveChanges " + (new Date()-t0) + " ms"); } function saveMain(localPath,original,posDiv) { var save; try { //# Save new file var revised = updateOriginal(original,posDiv,localPath); save = saveFile(localPath,revised); } catch (ex) { showException(ex); } if(save) { displayMessage(config.messages.mainSaved,"file://" + localPath); store.setDirty(false); } else { alert(config.messages.mainFailed); } } function saveBackup(localPath,original) { //# Save the backup var backupPath = getBackupPath(localPath); var backup = copyFile(backupPath,localPath); //# Browser does not support copy, so use save instead if(!backup) backup = saveFile(backupPath,original); if(backup) displayMessage(config.messages.backupSaved,"file://" + backupPath); else alert(config.messages.backupFailed); } function saveEmpty(localPath,original,posDiv) { //# Save empty template var emptyPath,p; if((p = localPath.lastIndexOf("/")) != -1) emptyPath = localPath.substr(0,p) + "/"; else if((p = localPath.lastIndexOf("\\")) != -1) emptyPath = localPath.substr(0,p) + "\\"; else emptyPath = localPath + "."; emptyPath += "empty.html"; var empty = original.substr(0,posDiv[0] + startSaveArea.length) + original.substr(posDiv[1]); var emptySave = saveFile(emptyPath,empty); if(emptySave) displayMessage(config.messages.emptySaved,"file://" + emptyPath); else alert(config.messages.emptyFailed); } function getLocalPath(origPath) { var originalPath = convertUriToUTF8(origPath,config.options.txtFileSystemCharSet); // Remove any location or query part of the URL var argPos = originalPath.indexOf("?"); if(argPos != -1) originalPath = originalPath.substr(0,argPos); var hashPos = originalPath.indexOf("#"); if(hashPos != -1) originalPath = originalPath.substr(0,hashPos); // Convert file://localhost/ to file:/// if(originalPath.indexOf("file://localhost/") == 0) originalPath = "file://" + originalPath.substr(16); // Convert to a native file format //# "file:///x:/path/path/path..." - pc local file --> "x:\path\path\path..." //# "file://///server/share/path/path/path..." - FireFox pc network file --> "\\server\share\path\path\path..." //# "file:///path/path/path..." - mac/unix local file --> "/path/path/path..." //# "file://server/share/path/path/path..." - pc network file --> "\\server\share\path\path\path..." var localPath; if(originalPath.charAt(9) == ":") // pc local file localPath = unescape(originalPath.substr(8)).replace(new RegExp("/","g"),"\\"); else if(originalPath.indexOf("file://///") == 0) // FireFox pc network file localPath = "\\\\" + unescape(originalPath.substr(10)).replace(new RegExp("/","g"),"\\"); else if(originalPath.indexOf("file:///") == 0) // mac/unix local file localPath = unescape(originalPath.substr(7)); else if(originalPath.indexOf("file:/") == 0) // mac/unix local file localPath = unescape(originalPath.substr(5)); else // pc network file localPath = "\\\\" + unescape(originalPath.substr(7)).replace(new RegExp("/","g"),"\\"); return localPath; } function getBackupPath(localPath,title,extension) { var slash = "\\"; var dirPathPos = localPath.lastIndexOf("\\"); if(dirPathPos == -1) { dirPathPos = localPath.lastIndexOf("/"); slash = "/"; } var backupFolder = config.options.txtBackupFolder; if(!backupFolder || backupFolder == "") backupFolder = "."; var backupPath = localPath.substr(0,dirPathPos) + slash + backupFolder + localPath.substr(dirPathPos); backupPath = backupPath.substr(0,backupPath.lastIndexOf(".")) + "."; //# replace illegal filename characters(// \/:*?"<>|) and space with underscore if(title) backupPath += title.replace(/[\\\/\*\?\":<> ]/g,"_") + "."; backupPath += (new Date()).convertToYYYYMMDDHHMMSSMMM() + "." + (extension || "html"); return backupPath; }