created: 20130211145116000 creator: tobibeer modified: 20140415164516606 modifier: andrewstern tags: Formatting title: CSS Formatting type: text/x-tiddlywiki !Summary You can directly apply CSS rules inline or use custom classes. !Markup !!!Inline Styles Enclose text using two double @ signs and let the first two follow by your CSS rules. {{{ @@color:#4bbbbb;Some random text@@ }}} ''Displays as:'' @@color:red;Some random text@@ !!!CSS Classes CSS classes can be applied to text blocks. To wrap your text inline in a HTML {{{<span>}}} element use... {{{ before » {{customClassName{inline content}}} « after }}} ''Displays as:'' before » {{customClassName{inline content}}} « after To wrap your text as a block level element -- a HTML {{{<div>}}} -- use line-breaks... <html><pre> before » {{customClassName{ box content }}} « after </pre></html>''Displays as:'' before » {{customClassName{ box content }}} « after