created: 20140410103123179 modified: 20150210161620000 tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Group Operators]] [[Date Operators]] title: eachday Operator type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki caption: eachday op-purpose: select one of each group of input titles by date op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]] op-parameter: the name of a [[date field|Date Fields]], defaulting to <<.field modified>> op-parameter-name: F op-output: a selection containing the first input title encountered for each distinct value (ignoring times of day) of field <<.place F>> Each input title is processed in turn. The value of field <<.place F>> in the corresponding tiddler is examined, and as long as this indicates a date that has not been encountered before, the title is appended to the output. If a tiddler doesn't contain field <<.place F>>, it contributes nothing to the output. <<.operator-examples "eachday">>