/*\ title: $:/core/modules/savers/upload.js type: application/javascript module-type: saver Handles saving changes via upload to a server. Designed to be compatible with BidiX's UploadPlugin at http://tiddlywiki.bidix.info/#UploadPlugin \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: false */ "use strict"; /* Select the appropriate saver module and set it up */ var UploadSaver = function(wiki) { this.wiki = wiki; }; UploadSaver.prototype.save = function(text) { // Get the various parameters we need var backupDir = ".", userName = this.wiki.getTextReference("$:/UploadName"), password = $tw.utils.getPassword("upload"), uploadDir = ".", url = this.wiki.getTextReference("$:/UploadURL"); // Bail out if we don't have the bits we need if(!userName || userName.toString().trim() === "" || !password || password.toString().trim() === "") { return false; } // Construct the url if not provided if(!url) { url = "http://" + userName + ".tiddlyspot.com/store.cgi"; } // Assemble the header var boundary = "---------------------------" + "AaB03x"; var uploadFormName = "UploadPlugin"; var head = []; head.push("--" + boundary + "\r\nContent-disposition: form-data; name=\"UploadPlugin\"\r\n"); head.push("backupDir=" + backupDir + ";user=" + userName + ";password=" + password + ";uploaddir=" + uploadDir + ";;"); head.push("\r\n" + "--" + boundary); head.push("Content-disposition: form-data; name=\"userfile\"; filename=\"index.html\""); head.push("Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8"); head.push("Content-Length: " + text.length + "\r\n"); head.push(""); // Assemble the tail and the data itself var tail = "\r\n--" + boundary + "--\r\n", data = head.join("\r\n") + text + tail; // Do the HTTP post var http = new XMLHttpRequest(); http.open("POST",url,true,userName,password); http.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","multipart/form-data; ;charset=UTF-8; boundary=" + boundary); http.onreadystatechange = function() { if(http.readyState == 4 && http.status == 200) { window.alert(http.responseText); } }; http.send(data); return true; }; /* Information about this saver */ UploadSaver.prototype.info = { name: "upload", priority: 500 }; /* Static method that returns true if this saver is capable of working */ exports.canSave = function(wiki) { return true; }; /* Create an instance of this saver */ exports.create = function(wiki) { return new UploadSaver(wiki); }; })();