/*\ title: $:/core/modules/macros/reveal.js type: application/javascript module-type: macro The reveal macro shows or hides content according to the value of the text in a specified tiddler. The parameters are: * ''state'' - text reference where the hide/reveal state is stored * ''type'' - type of the hide/reveal state: ** //popup// - a popup - the state tiddler should contain the page coordinates of the button that triggered the popup ** //match// - reveals if the state tiddler matches the match text ** //nomatch// - reveals if the state tiddler does not match the match text * ''position'' - popup position: //left//, //above//, //aboveright//, //right//, //below// or //belowleft// * ''text'' - match text * ''qualifyTiddlerTitles'' - if present, causes the title of the state tiddler to be qualified with the current tiddler stack * ''default'' - default hide/reveal state: `open` if visible, otherwise hidden * ''class'' - CSS class(es) to be assigned to the revealed element \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: false */ "use strict"; exports.info = { name: "reveal", params: { state: {byPos: 0, type: "tiddler"}, type: {byName: true, type: "text"}, text: {byName: true, type: "text"}, position: {byName: true, type: "text"}, qualifyTiddlerTitles: {byName: true, type: "text"}, "default": {byName: true, type: "text"}, "class": {byName: true, type: "text"} } }; exports.readState = function() { // Start with the default value for being open or closed if(this.hasParameter("default")) { this.isOpen = this.params["default"] === "open"; } // Read the information from the state tiddler if(this.stateTextRef) { var state = this.wiki.getTextReference(this.stateTextRef,"",this.tiddlerTitle); switch(this.params.type) { case "popup": this.readPopupState(state); break; case "match": this.readMatchState(state); break; case "nomatch": this.readMatchState(state); this.isOpen = !this.isOpen; break; } } }; exports.readMatchState = function(state) { this.isOpen = state === this.params.text; }; exports.readPopupState = function(state) { var popupLocationRegExp = /^\((-?[0-9\.E]+),(-?[0-9\.E]+),(-?[0-9\.E]+),(-?[0-9\.E]+)\)$/, match = popupLocationRegExp.exec(state); // Check if the state matches the location regexp if(match) { // If so, we're open this.isOpen = true; // Get the location this.popup = { left: parseFloat(match[1]), top: parseFloat(match[2]), width: parseFloat(match[3]), height: parseFloat(match[4]) }; } else { // If not, we're closed this.isOpen = false; } }; exports.handleEvent = function(event) { if(event.type === "click" && this.params.type === "popup") { // Cancel the popup if we get a click on it if(this.stateTextRef) { this.wiki.deleteTextReference(this.stateTextRef); } event.preventDefault(); return false; } return true; }; exports.executeMacro = function() { this.stateTextRef = this.params.state; if(this.hasParameter("qualifyTiddlerTitles")) { this.stateTextRef = this.stateTextRef + "(" + this.parents.join(",") + "," + this.tiddlerTitle + ")"; } this.readState(); var attributes = { "class": ["tw-reveal"], style: {} }; if(this.hasParameter("class")) { attributes["class"].push(this.params["class"]); } if(this.classes) { $tw.utils.pushTop(attributes["class"],this.classes); } switch(this.params.type) { case "popup": attributes.style.position = "absolute"; attributes["class"].push("tw-popup"); break; } attributes.style = {display: this.isOpen ? (this.isBlock ? "block" : "inline") : "none"}; var child = $tw.Tree.Element(this.isBlock ? "div" : "span",attributes,this.isOpen ? this.content : [],{ events: ["click"], eventHandler: this }); child.execute(this.parents,this.tiddlerTitle); return child; }; exports.postRenderInDom = function() { switch(this.params.type) { case "popup": if(this.isOpen) { this.child.domNode.style.position = "absolute"; this.child.domNode.style.zIndex = "1000"; switch(this.params.position) { case "left": this.child.domNode.style.left = (this.popup.left - this.child.domNode.offsetWidth) + "px"; this.child.domNode.style.top = this.popup.top + "px"; break; case "above": this.child.domNode.style.left = this.popup.left + "px"; this.child.domNode.style.top = (this.popup.top - this.child.domNode.offsetHeight) + "px"; break; case "aboveright": this.child.domNode.style.left = (this.popup.left + this.popup.width) + "px"; this.child.domNode.style.top = (this.popup.top + this.popup.height - this.child.domNode.offsetHeight) + "px"; break; case "right": this.child.domNode.style.left = (this.popup.left + this.popup.width) + "px"; this.child.domNode.style.top = this.popup.top + "px"; break; case "belowleft": this.child.domNode.style.left = (this.popup.left + this.popup.width - this.child.domNode.offsetWidth) + "px"; this.child.domNode.style.top = (this.popup.top + this.popup.height) + "px"; break; default: // Below this.child.domNode.style.left = this.popup.left + "px"; this.child.domNode.style.top = (this.popup.top + this.popup.height) + "px"; break; } } break; } }; exports.refreshInDom = function(changes) { var needChildrenRefresh = true, // Avoid refreshing the children nodes if we don't need to t; // Re-read the open state this.readState(); // Render the children if we're open and we don't have any children yet if(this.isOpen && this.child.children.length === 0) { // Install the children and execute them this.child.children = this.content; for(t=0; t