caption: slot created: 20220909111836951 modified: 20230511123922283 tags: Widgets title: SlotWidget type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki ! Introduction <<.from-version "5.3.0">> The <<.wlink SlotWidget>> widget is used within transcluded content to mark "slots" that the transcluding widget can fill with the <<.wlink FillWidget>> widget. See the <<.wlink TranscludeWidget>> widget for details. ! Attributes The content of the <<.wlink SlotWidget>> widget is used as a fallback for the slot content if the corresponding <<.wlink FillWidget>> widget is not found. |!Attribute |!Description | |$name |The name of the slot being defined | |$depth |Optional number indicating how deep the <<.wlink SlotWidget>> widget is compared to the matching <<.wlink FillWidget>> widget as measured by the number of nested transclude widgets (defaults to 1) | ! Examples !! Quoted content When content contains quotes, passing it through attributes and parameters can be challenging. However, passing the content using the <<.wlink FillWidget>> widget content eliminates the need to wrap it in quotes, making the process easier. <$let bold_slot=' <$slot $name="body"/> '> If a variable named <<.var bold_slot>> contains the following <<.wlink SlotWidget>> definition: <$codeblock code={{{[[bold_slot]getvariable[]]}}}/> then the slot can be filled using this variable transclusion: < <$fill $name=body> """ some text using [[Hard Linebreaks in WikiText]] syntax """ '>> !! Depth <$let table_slot="|!depth|!slot1|!slot2| |1|<$slot $name=slot1/>|<$slot $name=slot2/>| |2|<$slot $name=slot1 $depth=2>missing|<$slot $name=slot2 $depth=2>missing| " table_fill="""<$transclude $variable=table_slot $mode=block> <$fill $name=slot1>outer1 <$fill $name=slot2>outer2 <$transclude $variable=table_slot $mode=block> <$fill $name=slot1>inner1 <$fill $name=slot2>inner2 """> If a variable named <<.var table_slot>> contains the following <<.wlink SlotWidget>> definition: <$codeblock code={{{[[table_slot]getvariable[]]}}}/> then the slot values can be filled at different transclusion depths: <$transclude $variable="wikitext-example-without-html" src=<>/> The <<.var slot1>> slot is filled at both depths with a simple string (outer1 and outer2). For <<.var slot2>>, the outer instance is a simple string but the inner instance recursively transcludes the same <<.var table_slot>> variable again. The recursion ends at the third transclusion call since both "inner" slots are filled with simple strings.