/*\ title: $:/core/modules/server/server.js type: application/javascript module-type: library Serve tiddlers over http \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: false */ "use strict"; if($tw.node) { var util = require("util"), fs = require("fs"), url = require("url"), path = require("path"); } /* A simple HTTP server with regexp-based routes options: variables - optional hashmap of variables to set (a misnomer - they are really constant parameters) routes - optional array of routes to use wiki - reference to wiki object */ function Server(options) { var self = this; this.routes = options.routes || []; this.authenticators = options.authenticators || []; this.wiki = options.wiki; this.servername = $tw.utils.transliterateToSafeASCII(this.wiki.getTiddlerText("$:/SiteTitle") || "TiddlyWiki5"); // Initialise the variables this.variables = $tw.utils.extend({},this.defaultVariables); if(options.variables) { for(var variable in options.variables) { if(options.variables[variable]) { this.variables[variable] = options.variables[variable]; } } } $tw.utils.extend({},this.defaultVariables,options.variables); // Initialise CSRF this.csrfDisable = this.get("csrf-disable") === "yes"; // Initialise authorization var authorizedUserName = (this.get("username") && this.get("password")) ? this.get("username") : "(anon)"; this.authorizationPrincipals = { readers: (this.get("readers") || authorizedUserName).split(",").map($tw.utils.trim), writers: (this.get("writers") || authorizedUserName).split(",").map($tw.utils.trim) } // Load and initialise authenticators $tw.modules.forEachModuleOfType("authenticator", function(title,authenticatorDefinition) { // console.log("Loading server route " + title); self.addAuthenticator(authenticatorDefinition.AuthenticatorClass); }); // Load route handlers $tw.modules.forEachModuleOfType("route", function(title,routeDefinition) { // console.log("Loading server route " + title); self.addRoute(routeDefinition); }); // Initialise the http vs https this.listenOptions = null; this.protocol = "http"; var tlsKeyFilepath = this.get("tls-key"), tlsCertFilepath = this.get("tls-cert"); if(tlsCertFilepath && tlsKeyFilepath) { this.listenOptions = { key: fs.readFileSync(path.resolve($tw.boot.wikiPath,tlsKeyFilepath),"utf8"), cert: fs.readFileSync(path.resolve($tw.boot.wikiPath,tlsCertFilepath),"utf8") }; this.protocol = "https"; } this.transport = require(this.protocol); } Server.prototype.defaultVariables = { port: "8080", host: "", "root-tiddler": "$:/core/save/all", "root-render-type": "text/plain", "root-serve-type": "text/html", "tiddler-render-type": "text/html", "tiddler-render-template": "$:/core/templates/server/static.tiddler.html", "system-tiddler-render-type": "text/plain", "system-tiddler-render-template": "$:/core/templates/wikified-tiddler", "debug-level": "none" }; Server.prototype.get = function(name) { return this.variables[name]; }; Server.prototype.addRoute = function(route) { this.routes.push(route); }; Server.prototype.addAuthenticator = function(AuthenticatorClass) { // Instantiate and initialise the authenticator var authenticator = new AuthenticatorClass(this), result = authenticator.init(); if(typeof result === "string") { $tw.utils.error("Error: " + result); } else if(result) { // Only use the authenticator if it initialised successfully this.authenticators.push(authenticator); } }; Server.prototype.findMatchingRoute = function(request,state) { var pathprefix = this.get("path-prefix") || ""; for(var t=0; t 0) { if(!this.authenticators[0].authenticateRequest(request,response,state)) { // Bail if we failed (the authenticator will have sent the response) return; } } // Authorize with the authenticated username if(!this.isAuthorized(authorizationType,state.authenticatedUsername)) { response.writeHead(401,"'" + state.authenticatedUsername + "' is not authorized to access '" + this.servername + "'"); response.end(); return; } // Find the route that matches this path var route = self.findMatchingRoute(request,state); // Optionally output debug info if(self.get("debug-level") !== "none") { console.log("Request path:",JSON.stringify(state.urlInfo)); console.log("Request headers:",JSON.stringify(request.headers)); console.log("authenticatedUsername:",state.authenticatedUsername); } // Return a 404 if we didn't find a route if(!route) { response.writeHead(404); response.end(); return; } // Receive the request body if necessary and hand off to the route handler if(route.bodyFormat === "stream" || request.method === "GET" || request.method === "HEAD") { // Let the route handle the request stream itself route.handler(request,response,state); } else if(route.bodyFormat === "string" || !route.bodyFormat) { // Set the encoding for the incoming request request.setEncoding("utf8"); var data = ""; request.on("data",function(chunk) { data += chunk.toString(); }); request.on("end",function() { state.data = data; route.handler(request,response,state); }); } else if(route.bodyFormat === "buffer") { var data = []; request.on("data",function(chunk) { data.push(chunk); }); request.on("end",function() { state.data = Buffer.concat(data); route.handler(request,response,state); }) } else { response.writeHead(400,"Invalid bodyFormat " + route.bodyFormat + " in route " + route.method + " " + route.path.source); response.end(); } }; /* Listen for requests port: optional port number (falls back to value of "port" variable) host: optional host address (falls back to value of "hist" variable) */ Server.prototype.listen = function(port,host) { // Handle defaults for port and host port = port || this.get("port"); host = host || this.get("host"); // Check for the port being a string and look it up as an environment variable if(parseInt(port,10).toString() !== port) { port = process.env[port] || 8080; } $tw.utils.log("Serving on " + this.protocol + "://" + host + ":" + port,"brown/orange"); $tw.utils.log("(press ctrl-C to exit)","red"); // Warn if required plugins are missing if(!$tw.wiki.getTiddler("$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/tiddlyweb") || !$tw.wiki.getTiddler("$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/filesystem")) { $tw.utils.warning("Warning: Plugins required for client-server operation (\"tiddlywiki/filesystem\" and \"tiddlywiki/tiddlyweb\") are missing from tiddlywiki.info file"); } // Listen var server; if(this.listenOptions) { server = this.transport.createServer(this.listenOptions,this.requestHandler.bind(this)); } else { server = this.transport.createServer(this.requestHandler.bind(this)); } return server.listen(port,host); }; exports.Server = Server; })();