/*\ title: $:/core/modules/macros/list/listviews/classic.js type: application/javascript module-type: listview Views the list as a linear sequence \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: false */ "use strict"; function ClassicListView(listMacro) { this.listMacro = listMacro; } ClassicListView.prototype.navigateTo = function(historyInfo) { var listElementIndex = this.listMacro.findListElementByTitle(0,historyInfo.title), listElementNode = this.listMacro.listFrame.children[listElementIndex], targetElement = listElementNode.domNode; // Remove any transform on the target element $tw.utils.setStyle(targetElement,[ {transition: "none"}, {transformOrigin: "0% 0%"}, {height: "auto"} ]); // Get the current height of the elmeent var currHeight = targetElement.offsetHeight; // Compute the start and end positions of the target element var srcRect = historyInfo.fromPageRect; if(!srcRect) { var scrollPos = $tw.utils.getScrollPosition(); srcRect.width = window.innerWidth; srcRect.height = window.innerHeight; srcRect = { left: scrollPos.x, top: scrollPos.y, right: scrollPos.x + srcRect.width, bottom: scrollPos.y + srcRect.height }; }; $tw.utils.forceLayout(targetElement); var dstRect = $tw.utils.getBoundingPageRect(targetElement); // Compute the transformations var scale = srcRect.width / dstRect.width; // Reset the height once the transition is over targetElement.addEventListener($tw.utils.convertEventName("transitionEnd"),function(event) { $tw.utils.setStyle(targetElement,[ {transition: "none"}, {height: "auto"} ]); },false); // Position the target element over the source rectangle $tw.utils.setStyle(targetElement,[ {transform: "translateX(" + (srcRect.left-dstRect.left) + "px) translateY(" + (srcRect.top-dstRect.top) + "px) scale(" + scale + ")"}, {height: "0px"} ]); $tw.utils.forceLayout(targetElement); // Transition the target element to its final resting place $tw.utils.setStyle(targetElement,[ {transition: $tw.utils.roundTripPropertyName("transform") + " " + $tw.config.preferences.animationDurationMs + " ease-in-out, " + "opacity " + $tw.config.preferences.animationDurationMs + " ease-out, " + "height " + $tw.config.preferences.animationDurationMs + " ease-in-out"}, {transform: "none"}, {height: currHeight + "px"} ]); // Scroll the target element into view $tw.scroller.scrollIntoView(dstRect); }; ClassicListView.prototype.insert = function(index) { var listElementNode = this.listMacro.listFrame.children[index], targetElement = listElementNode.domNode; // Get the current height of the tiddler var currHeight = targetElement.offsetHeight; // Reset the height once the transition is over targetElement.addEventListener($tw.utils.convertEventName("transitionEnd"),function(event) { $tw.utils.setStyle(targetElement,[ {transition: "none"}, {height: "auto"} ]); },false); // Set up the initial position of the element $tw.utils.setStyle(targetElement,[ {transition: "none"}, {transformOrigin: "0% 0%"}, {transform: "translateX(" + window.innerWidth + "px)"}, {opacity: "0.0"}, {height: "0px"} ]); $tw.utils.forceLayout(targetElement); // Transition to the final position $tw.utils.setStyle(targetElement,[ {transition: $tw.utils.roundTripPropertyName("transform") + " " + $tw.config.preferences.animationDurationMs + " ease-in-out, " + "opacity " + $tw.config.preferences.animationDurationMs + " ease-out, " + "height " + $tw.config.preferences.animationDurationMs + " ease-in-out"}, {transform: "translateX(0px)"}, {opacity: "1.0"}, {height: currHeight + "px"} ]); }; ClassicListView.prototype.remove = function(index) { var listElementNode = this.listMacro.listFrame.children[index], targetElement = listElementNode.domNode; // Get the current height of the tiddler var currHeight = targetElement.offsetHeight; // Put a wrapper around the dom node we're closing var wrapperElement = document.createElement("div"); targetElement.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapperElement,targetElement); wrapperElement.appendChild(targetElement); // Attach an event handler for the end of the transition wrapperElement.addEventListener($tw.utils.convertEventName("transitionEnd"),function(event) { if(wrapperElement.parentNode) { wrapperElement.parentNode.removeChild(wrapperElement); } },false); // Animate the closure $tw.utils.setStyle(wrapperElement,[ {transition: $tw.utils.roundTripPropertyName("transform") + " " + $tw.config.preferences.animationDurationMs + " ease-in-out, " + "opacity " + $tw.config.preferences.animationDurationMs + " ease-out, " + "height " + $tw.config.preferences.animationDurationMs + " ease-in-out"}, {transformOrigin: "0% 0%"}, {transform: "translateX(0px)"}, {opacity: "1.0"}, {height: currHeight + "px"} ]); $tw.utils.forceLayout(wrapperElement); $tw.utils.setStyle(wrapperElement,[ {transform: "translateX(-" + window.innerWidth + "px)"}, {opacity: "0.0"}, {height: "0px"} ]); // Returning true causes the DOM node not to be deleted return true; }; exports["classic"] = ClassicListView; })();