caption: 5.1.15 created: 20170426172144552 modified: 20171113161124237 released: 20171113161124237 tags: ReleaseNotes title: Release 5.1.15 type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki description: Explorer tab, whitespace pragma, save and render commands //[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|]]// !! New and Improved Plugins * New [[Amazon Web Services Plugin]] with primitives for running TiddlyWiki in the cloud * New [[External Attachments Plugin]] that allows automatic creation of [[ExternalImages]] for TiddlyDesktop !! Translation Improvements New and improved translations: * New Persian translation * Updated Chinese and Greek translations Another improvement that benefits users of translations is the addition of about 800 new //transliteration pairs//. These are substitutions that are performed when converting a tiddler title into a filename, such as the two characters "oe" for the single character "œ". See [[the commit|]] for more details. The result is that automatically generated filenames are much more readable. !! Usability Improvements * [[Added|]] new "Explorer" tab to "More" sidebar and underlying [[tree Macro]] * [[Added|]] configuration option in [[theme tweaks|$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/themetweaks]] for the editor font !! Hackability Improvements * [[Added|]] new [[lookup Operator]] to simplify use of lookup tables * [[Extended|]] the SetWidget with ''tiddler'', ''field'' and ''index'' attributes * [[Added|]] new ''whitespace'' [[Pragma]] allowing whitespace to be selectively ignored within wikitext * [[Updated|]] support for saving in [[Beaker Browser]] * [[Extended|]] [[date formatting|DateFormat]] to support milliseconds and UTC dates * [[Extended|]] LinkCatcherWidget to make the target tiddler available within the action string * [[Extended|]] (and [[here|]]) the DropzoneWidget and BrowseWidget to allow the deserializer to be manually specified * [[Added|]] new `tc-btn-*` classes to toolbar buttons allowing easier custom styling * [[Added|]] new ''mode'' attribute to the ViewWidget, allowing control over the parsing mode for wikified output formats * [[Added|]] new [[jsonstringify Operator]] !! Node.js Improvements * [[Added|]] SaveCommand and RenderCommand, intended as more flexible replacements for RenderTiddlerCommand, RenderTiddlersCommand, SaveTiddlerCommand and SaveTiddlersCommand * [[Added|]] (and [[here|]]) more colour to command line output * [[Added|]] new "raw" options to the FetchCommand * [[Added|]] new ImportCommand !! Bug Fixes * [[Fixed|]] problem with "new journal" button clearing the text field * [[Removed|]] extraneous URI encoding of filename with PUT saver * [[Restored|]] ability to use sub-filter with image-picker macro * [[Fixed|]] problem with the download saver and filenames containing spaces, accents or other characters that need URL encoding * [[Fixed|]] problem with importing JSON tiddlers with leading or trailing spaces in the title * [[Fixed|]] plugin display so that "contents" tab is shown even if no other tabs are provided * [[Fixed|]] problem with `allbefore:include` filter operator * [[Updated|]] Update Stanford JavaScript Library to version 1.0.7 !! Developer Bug Fixes and Improvements * [[Extended|]] `$tw.boot.boot()` to add a callback parameter * [[Extended|]] navigation handling to pass original event data * [[Added|]] new `th-importing-files` hook ! Contributors [[@Jermolene|]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki: * [[@0mp|]] * [[@Arlen22|]] * [[@BramChen|]] * [[@cjhunt|]] * [[@danielo515|]] * [[@hoelzro|]] * [[@Marxsal|]] * [[@maxthomax|]] * [[@morosanuae|]] * [[@pmario|]] * [[@rubaboo|]] * [[@saqimtiaz|]] * [[@telmiger|]] * [[@twMat|]] * [[@xcazin|]]