caption: 5.2.5 created: 20221127133944178 modified: 20221127133944178 tags: ReleaseNotes title: Release 5.2.5 type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki //[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|]]// <<.banner-credits credit:"""Congratulations to [[dmikh|]] for their winning design for the banner for this release (here is the [[competition thread|]] and the [[voting thread|]]). """ url:"" >> This is a bug fix release intended to resolve backwards compatibility issues discovered in v5.2.4. See [[this GitHub ticket|]] for the background. The issues are entirely cosmetic stylesheet changes, and do not affect the functionality of TiddlyWiki. However, we encourage all users to upgrade to this new version for consistency. Since v5.2.5 replaces v5.2.4 that was only released for a week, here is the [[release note for v5.2.4|Release 5.2.4]]. ! Release Note for v5.2.4 {{Release 5.2.4}}