created: 20130822172800000 modified: 20140920143945484 tags: TableOfContents title: Features type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki \define alert-demo() <$fieldmangler tiddler="SampleAlert"><$set name="currentTiddler" value="SampleAlert"><$button message="tm-add-tag" param="$:/tags/Alert">alerts \end Further information about specific TiddlyWiki features: <> ---- * Familiar user interface elements like <>, <$button message="tm-modal" param="SampleWizard">wizards and <$button message="tm-notify" param="SampleNotification">notifications * Try out the <$button message="tm-full-screen">full screen support * Explore the [[D3.js visualisation plugin|]] * [[CodeMirror support via a plugin|]] * [[Markdown support via a plugin|]] * [[Classic TiddlyWiki markup support via a plugin|]] * Last but not least, TiddlyWiki is a rare example of a practical [[quine|Quine]]