title: HelloThere This edition of ~TiddlyWiki contains tools to help slice up long texts into individual tiddlers. //It is currently only intended for advanced users. The tools are in the early stages of development, and likely to need some customisation to do what you need.// The source document must first be marked up as an ordinary wikitext tiddler. Currently only the following formatting is recognised: * Headings * Ordered and unordered lists * Paragraphs To try it out: # Click the "text slicer" icon on the [[Sample Text]] tiddler below # Click the ''import'' button in the resulting import listing # Open the tiddler [[Sliced up Sample Text]] #* It should match the content of [[Sample Text]] The table of contents at the top of the output tiddler shows how the document has been split up into individual tiddlers: * A tiddler for each heading, with the children of the heading tagged with the title of the heading * A tiddler for each paragraph * A tiddler for each list, and a tiddler for each list item * The list field of tag tiddlers is used to control ordering of children