/*\ title: $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/innerwiki/innerwiki.js type: application/javascript module-type: widget Widget to display an innerwiki in an iframe \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: false */ "use strict"; var DEFAULT_INNERWIKI_TEMPLATE = "$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/innerwiki/template"; var Widget = require("$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js").widget, DataWidget = require("$:/core/modules/widgets/data.js").data, dm = $tw.utils.domMaker; var InnerWikiWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) { this.initialise(parseTreeNode,options); }; /* Inherit from the base widget class */ InnerWikiWidget.prototype = new Widget(); /* Render this widget into the DOM */ InnerWikiWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) { var self = this; this.parentDomNode = parent; this.computeAttributes(); this.execute(); // Create wrapper this.domWrapper = dm("div",{ document: this.document, "class": (this.innerWikiClass || "").split(" ").concat(["tc-innerwiki-wrapper"]).join(" "), style: { overflow: "hidden", position: "relative", boxSizing: "content-box" } }); // Set up the SVG container this.domSVG = dm("svg",{ namespace: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", document: this.document, style: { width: "100%", position: "absolute", zIndex: "1", pointerEvents: "none" }, attributes: { "viewBox": "0 0 " + this.innerWikiClipWidth + " " + this.innerWikiClipHeight } }); this.domWrapper.appendChild(this.domSVG); this.setVariable("namespace","http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"); // Create the iframe for the browser or image for Node.js if(!this.document.isTiddlyWikiFakeDom) { // Create iframe this.domIFrame = dm("iframe",{ document: this.document, "class": "tc-innerwiki-iframe", style: { position: "absolute", maxWidth: "none", border: "none" }, attributes: { width: this.innerWikiWidth, height: this.innerWikiHeight } }); this.domWrapper.appendChild(this.domIFrame); } else { // Create image placeholder this.domImage = dm("img",{ document: this.document, style: { width: "100%" }, attributes: { src: this.innerWikiFilename } }); this.domWrapper.appendChild(this.domImage); } // Insert wrapper into the DOM parent.insertBefore(this.domWrapper,nextSibling); this.renderChildren(this.domSVG,null); this.domNodes.push(this.domWrapper); // If we're on the real DOM, finish the initialisation that needs us to be in the DOM if(!this.document.isTiddlyWikiFakeDom) { // Write the HTML this.domIFrame.contentDocument.open(); this.domIFrame.contentDocument.write(this.createInnerHTML()); this.domIFrame.contentDocument.close(); } // Scale the iframe and adjust the height of the wrapper this.clipLeft = this.innerWikiClipLeft; this.clipTop = this.innerWikiClipTop; this.clipWidth = this.innerWikiClipWidth; this.clipHeight = this.innerWikiClipHeight; this.scale = this.domWrapper.clientWidth / this.clipWidth; // Display the anchors if(!this.document.isTiddlyWikiFakeDom) { this.domAnchorContainer = dm("div",{ document: this.document, style: { position: "relative", zIndex: "2", transformOrigin: "0 0", transform: "scale(" + this.scale + ")" } }); this.domAnchorBackdrop = dm("div",{ document: this.document, style: { position: "absolute", display: "none" } }); this.domAnchorContainer.appendChild(this.domAnchorBackdrop); this.domWrapper.insertBefore(this.domAnchorContainer,this.domWrapper.firstChild); self.createAnchors(); } // Scale the iframe and adjust the height of the wrapper if(!this.document.isTiddlyWikiFakeDom) { this.domIFrame.style.transformOrigin = this.clipLeft + "px " + this.clipTop + "px"; this.domIFrame.style.transform = "translate(" + (-this.clipLeft) + "px," + (-this.clipTop) + "px) scale(" + this.scale + ")"; this.domWrapper.style.height = (this.clipHeight * this.scale) + "px"; } }; /* Create the anchors */ InnerWikiWidget.prototype.createAnchors = function() { var self = this; this.findDataWidgets(this.children,"anchor",function(widget) { var anchorWidth = 40, anchorHeight = 40, getAnchorCoordinate = function(name) { return parseInt(self.wiki.getTiddlerText(widget.getAttribute(name)),10) || 0; }, setAnchorCoordinate = function(name,value) { self.wiki.addTiddler({ title: widget.getAttribute(name), text: value + "" }); }, domAnchor = dm("img",{ document: self.document, style: { position: "absolute", width: anchorWidth + "px", height: anchorHeight + "px", transformOrigin: "50% 50%", transform: "scale(" + (1 / self.scale) + ")", left: (getAnchorCoordinate("x") - anchorWidth / 2) + "px", top: (getAnchorCoordinate("y") - anchorHeight / 2) + "px" }, attributes: { draggable: false, src: "data:image/svg+xml," + encodeURIComponent(self.wiki.getTiddlerText("$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/innerwiki/crosshairs.svg")) } }); self.domAnchorContainer.appendChild(domAnchor); var posX,posY,dragStartX,dragStartY,deltaX,deltaY, fnMouseDown = function(event) { self.domAnchorBackdrop.style.width = self.clipWidth + "px"; self.domAnchorBackdrop.style.height = self.clipHeight + "px"; self.domAnchorBackdrop.style.display = "block"; posX = domAnchor.offsetLeft; posY = domAnchor.offsetTop; dragStartX = event.clientX; dragStartY = event.clientY; deltaX = 0; deltaY = 0; self.document.addEventListener("mousemove",fnMouseMove,false); self.document.addEventListener("mouseup",fnMouseUp,false); }, fnMouseMove = function(event) { deltaX = (event.clientX - dragStartX) / self.scale; deltaY = (event.clientY - dragStartY) / self.scale; domAnchor.style.left = (posX + deltaX) + "px"; domAnchor.style.top = (posY + deltaY) + "px"; }, fnMouseUp = function(event) { var x = getAnchorCoordinate("x") + deltaX, y = getAnchorCoordinate("y") + deltaY; if(x >= 0 && x < self.clipWidth && y >= 0 && y < self.clipHeight) { setAnchorCoordinate("x",x); setAnchorCoordinate("y",y); } else { domAnchor.style.left = posX + "px"; domAnchor.style.top = posY + "px"; } self.domAnchorBackdrop.style.display = "none"; self.document.removeEventListener("mousemove",fnMouseMove,false); self.document.removeEventListener("mouseup",fnMouseUp,false); }; domAnchor.addEventListener("mousedown",fnMouseDown,false); }); }; /* Delete the anchors */ InnerWikiWidget.prototype.deleteAnchors = function() { for(var index=this.domAnchorContainer.childNodes.length-1; index>=0; index--) { var node = this.domAnchorContainer.childNodes[index]; if(node.tagName === "IMG") { node.parentNode.removeChild(node); } } }; /* Create the HTML of the innerwiki */ InnerWikiWidget.prototype.createInnerHTML = function() { // Get the HTML of the iframe var html = this.wiki.renderTiddler("text/plain",this.innerWikiTemplate); // Insert the overlay tiddlers var SPLIT_MARKER = "\n", IMPLANT_PREFIX = "<" + "script>\n$tw.preloadTiddlerArray(", IMPLANT_SUFFIX = ");\n\n", parts = html.split(SPLIT_MARKER), tiddlers = this.readTiddlerDataWidgets(this.children); if(parts.length === 2) { html = parts[0] + IMPLANT_PREFIX + JSON.stringify(tiddlers) + IMPLANT_SUFFIX + SPLIT_MARKER + parts[1]; } return html; }; /* Find child data widgets */ InnerWikiWidget.prototype.findDataWidgets = function(children,tag,callback) { var self = this; $tw.utils.each(children,function(child) { if(child.dataWidgetTag === tag) { callback(child); } if(child.children) { self.findDataWidgets(child.children,tag,callback); } }); }; /* Find the child data widgets */ InnerWikiWidget.prototype.readTiddlerDataWidgets = function(children) { var self = this, results = []; this.findDataWidgets(children,"data",function(widget) { Array.prototype.push.apply(results,self.readTiddlerDataWidget(widget)); }); return results; }; /* Read the value(s) from a data widget */ InnerWikiWidget.prototype.readTiddlerDataWidget = function(dataWidget) { // Start with a blank object var item = Object.create(null); // Read any attributes not prefixed with $ $tw.utils.each(dataWidget.attributes,function(value,name) { if(name.charAt(0) !== "$") { item[name] = value; } }); // Deal with $tiddler or $filter attributes var titles; if(dataWidget.hasAttribute("$tiddler")) { titles = [dataWidget.getAttribute("$tiddler")]; } else if(dataWidget.hasAttribute("$filter")) { titles = this.wiki.filterTiddlers(dataWidget.getAttribute("$filter")); } if(titles) { var self = this; var results = []; $tw.utils.each(titles,function(title,index) { var tiddler = self.wiki.getTiddler(title), fields; if(tiddler) { fields = tiddler.getFieldStrings(); } results.push($tw.utils.extend({},fields,item)); }) return results; } else { return [item]; } }; /* Compute the internal state of the widget */ InnerWikiWidget.prototype.execute = function() { var parseStringAsNumber = function(num,defaultValue) { num = parseInt(num + "",10); if(!isNaN(num)) { return num; } else { return parseInt(defaultValue + "",10); } }; // Get our parameters this.innerWikiTemplate = this.getAttribute("template",DEFAULT_INNERWIKI_TEMPLATE); this.innerWikiWidth = parseStringAsNumber(this.getAttribute("width"),800); this.innerWikiHeight = parseStringAsNumber(this.getAttribute("height"),600); this.innerWikiStyle = this.getAttribute("style"); this.innerWikiClass = this.getAttribute("class"); this.innerWikiFilename = this.getAttribute("filename"); this.innerWikiClipLeft = parseStringAsNumber(this.getAttribute("clipLeft"),0); this.innerWikiClipTop = parseStringAsNumber(this.getAttribute("clipTop"),0); this.innerWikiClipWidth = parseStringAsNumber(this.getAttribute("clipWidth"),this.innerWikiWidth); this.innerWikiClipHeight = parseStringAsNumber(this.getAttribute("clipHeight"),this.innerWikiHeight); // Construct the child widgets this.makeChildWidgets(); }; /* Selectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering */ InnerWikiWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) { var changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes(); if(changedAttributes.template || changedAttributes.width || changedAttributes.height || changedAttributes.style || changedAttributes.class) { this.refreshSelf(); return true; } else { var childrenRefreshed = this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers); if(childrenRefreshed) { this.deleteAnchors(); this.createAnchors(); } return childrenRefreshed } }; /* Use Puppeteer to save a screenshot to a file */ InnerWikiWidget.prototype.saveScreenshot = function(options,callback) { var self = this, basepath = options.basepath || ".", deviceScaleFactor = options.deviceScaleFactor || 1; // Don't do anything if we don't have a filename if(!this.innerWikiFilename) { return callback(null); } var path = require("path"), filepath = path.resolve(basepath,this.innerWikiFilename); $tw.utils.createFileDirectories(filepath); console.log("Taking screenshot",filepath); // Fire up Puppeteer var puppeteer; try { puppeteer = require("puppeteer"); } catch(e) { throw "Google Puppeteer not found"; } // Take screenshots puppeteer.launch().then(async browser => { // NOTE: Copying Google's sample code by using new fangled promises "await" const page = await browser.newPage(); await page.setContent(self.createInnerHTML(),{ waitUntil: "domcontentloaded" }); await page.setViewport({ width: Math.trunc(self.innerWikiWidth), height: Math.trunc(self.innerWikiHeight), deviceScaleFactor: deviceScaleFactor }); // PDF generation isn't great: there's no clipping, and pagination is hard to control // await page.emulateMedia("screen"); // await page.pdf({ // scale: 0.5, // width: self.innerWikiWidth + "px", // height: self.innerWikiHeight + "px", // path: filepath + ".pdf", // printBackground: true // }); await page.screenshot({ path: filepath, clip: { x: self.innerWikiClipLeft, y: self.innerWikiClipTop, width: self.innerWikiClipWidth, height: self.innerWikiClipHeight }, type: "png" }); await browser.close(); callback(null); }); }; exports.innerwiki = InnerWikiWidget; })();