/*\ title: $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/text-slicer/modules/slicer.js type: application/javascript module-type: global Main text-slicing logic \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: false */ "use strict"; var DOMParser = require("$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/xmldom/dom-parser").DOMParser; var SLICER_OUTPUT_TITLE = "$:/TextSlicer"; function Slicer(wiki,sourceTitle) { this.wiki = wiki; this.sourceTitle = sourceTitle; this.iframe = null; // Reference to iframe used for HTML parsing this.stopWordList = "the and a of on i".split(" "); this.tiddlers = {}; this.parentStack = []; // Stack of parent heading or list this.containerStack = []; // Stack of elements containing other elements this.sliceTitle = null; this.slicers = $tw.modules.applyMethods("slicer"); this.anchors = Object.create(null); // Hashmap of HTML anchor ID to tiddler title } Slicer.prototype.destroy = function() { // Remove the iframe from the DOM if(this.iframe && this.iframe.parentNode) { this.iframe.parentNode.removeChild(this.iframe); } }; Slicer.prototype.addTiddler = function(fields) { if(fields.title) { this.tiddlers[fields.title] = $tw.utils.extend({},this.tiddlers[fields.title],fields); return fields.title; } else { return null; } }; Slicer.prototype.addToList = function(parent,child) { var parentTiddler = this.tiddlers[parent] || {}, parentList = parentTiddler.list || []; parentList.push(child); this.addTiddler($tw.utils.extend({title: parent},parentTiddler,{list: parentList})); }; Slicer.prototype.insertBeforeListItem = function(parent,child,beforeSibling) { var parentTiddler = this.tiddlers[parent] || {}, parentList = parentTiddler.list || [], parentListSiblingPosition = parentList.indexOf(beforeSibling); if(parentListSiblingPosition !== -1) { parentList.splice(parentListSiblingPosition,0,child) this.addTiddler($tw.utils.extend({title: parent},parentTiddler,{list: parentList})); } else {debugger;} }; Slicer.prototype.popParentStackUntil = function(type) { // Pop the stack to remove any entries at the same or lower level var newLevel = this.convertTypeToLevel(type), topIndex = this.parentStack.length - 1; do { var topLevel = this.convertTypeToLevel(this.parentStack[this.parentStack.length - 1].type); if(topLevel !== null && topLevel < newLevel ) { break; } this.parentStack.length--; } while(true); return this.parentStack[this.parentStack.length - 1].title; }; Slicer.prototype.getTopContainer = function() { return this.containerStack[this.containerStack.length-1]; }; Slicer.prototype.appendToCurrentContainer = function(newText) { var title = this.containerStack[this.containerStack.length-1]; if(title) { var tiddler = this.tiddlers[title] || {}, text = tiddler.text || ""; this.addTiddler($tw.utils.extend({title: title},tiddler,{text: text + newText})); } else {debugger;} }; Slicer.prototype.convertTypeToLevel = function(type) { if(type.charAt(0) === "h") { return parseInt(type.charAt(1),10); } else { return null; } }; Slicer.prototype.isBlank = function(s) { return (/^[\s\xA0]*$/g).test(s); }; Slicer.prototype.getSourceHtmlDocument = function(tiddler) { if($tw.browser) { this.iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); document.body.appendChild(this.iframe); this.iframe.contentWindow.document.open(); this.iframe.contentWindow.document.write(tiddler.fields.text); this.iframe.contentWindow.document.close(); return this.iframe.contentWindow.document; } else { return new DOMParser().parseFromString(tiddler.fields.text); } }; Slicer.prototype.getSourceWikiDocument = function(tiddler) { var widgetNode = this.wiki.makeTranscludeWidget(this.sourceTitle,{document: $tw.fakeDocument, parseAsInline: false}), container = $tw.fakeDocument.createElement("div"); widgetNode.render(container,null); return container; }; Slicer.prototype.getSourceDocument = function() { var tiddler = $tw.wiki.getTiddler(this.sourceTitle); if(tiddler.fields.type === "text/html") { return this.getSourceHtmlDocument(tiddler); } else { return this.getSourceWikiDocument(tiddler); } }; Slicer.prototype.makeUniqueTitle = function(prefix,rawText) { // Remove characters other than lowercase alphanumeric and spaces var self = this, cleanText; if(rawText) { // Replace non alpha characters with spaces cleanText = rawText.toLowerCase().replace(/[^\s\xA0]/mg,function($0,$1,$2) { if(($0 >= "a" && $0 <= "z") || ($0 >= "0" && $0 <= "9")) { return $0; } else { return " "; } }); // Split on word boundaries var words = cleanText.split(/[\s\xA0]+/mg); // Remove common words words = words.filter(function(word) { return word && (self.stopWordList.indexOf(word) === -1); }); // Accumulate the number of words that will fit var c = 0, s = ""; while(c < words.length && (s.length + words[c].length + 1) < 50) { s += "-" + words[c++]; } prefix = prefix + s; } // Check for duplicates var baseTitle = prefix; c = 0; var title = baseTitle; while(this.tiddlers[title] || this.wiki.tiddlerExists(title) || this.wiki.isShadowTiddler(title) || this.wiki.findDraft(title)) { title = baseTitle + "-" + (++c); } return title; }; Slicer.prototype.registerAnchor = function(id) { this.anchors[id] = this.currentTiddler; } Slicer.prototype.processNodeList = function(domNodeList) { $tw.utils.each(domNodeList,this.processNode.bind(this)); } Slicer.prototype.processNode = function(domNode) { var nodeType = domNode.nodeType, tagName = (domNode.tagName || "").toLowerCase(), hasProcessed = false; for(var slicerTitle in this.slicers) { var slicer = this.slicers[slicerTitle]; if(slicer.bind(this)(domNode,tagName)) { hasProcessed = true; break; } } if(!hasProcessed) { if(nodeType === 1 && domNode.hasChildNodes()) { this.processNodeList(domNode.childNodes); } } }; // Slice a tiddler into individual tiddlers Slicer.prototype.sliceTiddler = function(title) { var sourceTiddler = $tw.wiki.getTiddler(this.sourceTitle), sliceTitle,sliceTiddler = {}; if(sourceTiddler) { sliceTiddler = $tw.utils.extend({},sourceTiddler.fields); } if(sliceTiddler["doc-santovia-id"]) { sliceTiddler.title = sliceTiddler["doc-santovia-id"]; delete sliceTiddler["doc-santovia-id"]; } else { sliceTiddler.title = "Sliced up " + title; } sliceTiddler.text = "Document sliced at " + (new Date()); sliceTiddler.type = "text/vnd.tiddlywiki"; sliceTiddler.tags = []; sliceTiddler.list = []; sliceTiddler["toc-type"] = "document"; var domNode = this.getSourceDocument(); this.parentStack.push({type: "h0", title: this.addTiddler(sliceTiddler)}); this.currentTiddler = title; this.containerStack.push(sliceTiddler.title); this.processNodeList(domNode.childNodes); this.containerStack.pop(); }; // Output directly to the output tiddlers Slicer.prototype.outputTiddlers = function() { var self = this; $tw.utils.each(this.tiddlers,function(tiddlerFields) { var title = tiddlerFields.title; if(title) { $tw.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler(self.wiki.getCreationFields(),tiddlerFields,self.wiki.getModificationFields())); } }); }; exports.Slicer = Slicer; })();