/*\ title: $:/core/modules/server/routes/get-login-basic.js type: application/javascript module-type: route GET /login-basic -- force a Basic Authentication challenge \*/ (function() { /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: false */ "use strict"; exports.method = "GET"; exports.path = /^\/login-basic$/; exports.handler = function(request,response,state) { if(!state.authenticatedUsername) { // Challenge if there's no username response.writeHead(401,{ "WWW-Authenticate": 'Basic realm="Please provide your username and password to login to ' + state.server.servername + '"' }); response.end(); } else { // Redirect to the root wiki if login worked var location = ($tw.syncadaptor && $tw.syncadaptor.host)? $tw.syncadaptor.host: "/"; response.writeHead(302,{ Location: location }); response.end(); } }; }());