caption: range created: 20171102134825376 modified: 20180425132848231 tags: Widgets title: RangeWidget type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki ! Introduction The range widget displays an HTML `` that reflects a given tiddler field numeric value. Adjusting the radio button sets to the tiddler field to the value. ! Content and Attributes The content of the `<$range>` widget is ignored. |!Attribute |!Description | |tiddler |Title of the tiddler to manipulate (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) | |field |The field of the //tiddler// bound to the radio button| |min |The minimum value to be able to be set by the `<$range>` widget.| |max |The maximum value to be able to be set by the `<$range>` widget.| |increment |The minimum amount by which a value may be changed. Defaults to 1.| |default |The default value displayed if the field is missing or empty.| |class |CSS classes to be assigned to the label around the radio button | ! Examples !! Range -1 to 10 <$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html' src="""<$range tiddler="$:/_RangeDemo/1" min="-1" max="10" default="1" increment="1"/> {{$:/_RangeDemo/1}}"""/> !! Range 0 to 1 <$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html' src="""<$range tiddler="$:/_RangeDemo/2" min="0" max="1" default=".01" increment=".01"/> {{$:/_RangeDemo/2}}"""/>