created: 201804111739
modified: 201804111739
tags: [[How to apply custom styles]]
title: Custom styles by data-tiddler-title
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki

! Attribute: data-tiddler-title

<<.from-version "5.1.16">>

The ~TiddlyWiki core adds several `attributes` to the rendered content. With those attributes it's possible to apply custom styles to the tiddler content. 

For example this tiddler is named: "{{!!title}}" so the attribute looks like this: 

data-tiddler-title="Custom styles by title"

!! Examples

The following CSS is defined in [[Custom data-styles]] and creates a blue border for exactly this tiddler.

[data-tiddler-title="Custom styles by title"] {
  border: 1px solid blue;

To create a green border for every tiddler that starts with `$:/` aka system tiddlers, you'd need to use CSS like so: (not applied here but you can experiment with it! )

[data-tiddler-title^="$:/"] {
  border: 1px solid green;

!! More Possibilities

{{Attribute Selectors}}