created: 20130827075900000 modified: 20230321130421587 tags: Concepts title: TextReference type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki A TextReference is a general purpose way to describe a fragment of text as either a field of a tiddler, or an index within a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]]. In different situations, text references can be used to retrieve values, or to specify a value that should be modified. A TextReference consists of several parts: * The title of the target tiddler. If omitted, it defaults to the [[Current Tiddler]] * Either one of: ** The name of a field (marked with `!!`) ** The name of an index within a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]] (marked with `##`) * If both the field and index are omitted, the text field is used as the default Most of the parts of a text reference can be optional: * `tiddlerTitle` - the title [[field|TiddlerFields]] of the specified tiddler * `tiddlerTitle!!field` - a [[tiddler field|TiddlerFields]] (eg, `modified`, `modifier`, `type` etc) * `!!field` - a [[field|TiddlerFields]] of the current tiddler * `tiddlerTitle##propertyIndex` - extracts a named property from DataTiddlers Text references can be used in several places: * As [[indirect parameters|Filter Parameter]] within [[Filters]] (eg, `<$list filter="[tag{MyTag!!name}]"/>`) * As [[indirect attributes|HTML in WikiText]] of an element or widget (eg, `<$widget attrib={{Title!!description}}/>`) * As the parameter of a shortcut transclusion (eg, `{{MyTiddler!!title}}`) * As the `state` attribute of the RevealWidget and the LinkCatcherWidget <$macrocall $name=".tip" _="""Note the distinction between a text reference such as `foo!!bar` and a transclusion of a text reference such as `{{foo!!bar}}`"""/>