created: 20130822170200000 creator: JeremyRuston modified: 20131127214126464 modifier: JeremyRuston tags: introduction title: HelloThere type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki Welcome to TiddlyWiki5, a reboot of TiddlyWiki, the non-linear personal web notebook first released in 2004. It is a complete interactive wiki in JavaScript that can be run from a [[single HTML file in the browser|How to use TiddlyWiki5 as a standalone HTML file]] or as a powerful [[Node.js application|Node.js]].
{{TiddlyWiki Classic.png}} The deep internal improvements mean that TiddlyWiki5 is not fully compatible with older versions. Existing content will need massaging, while plugins and themes will have to be completely rewritten. The upgrade path will get smoother as TiddlyWiki5 matures. The original TiddlyWiki Classic is still available at
This is TiddlyWiki5 version ''<>'' (see the detailed ReleaseHistory and the RoadMap for getting to the full release). It is a great time to get involved and support the future development of TiddlyWiki5. //TiddlyWiki is a free, open source project that depends on [[your love and support|HelpingTiddlyWiki]] for its survival//.